Do You, "Democrats", Provoke a Racial Civil War ??? You Rather Get Charged Under Article 115 of the Criminal Code

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.


The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

Last edited:

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would be honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

It's doubtful in the extreme that he feels prosecuted by the puerile antics of adults stunted at age 10.

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would be honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

Go tell Putin to piss off

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would be honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

Go tell Putin to piss off



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33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.
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33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

The complex text is even for me :)))

I kept trying to understand where you "buried the body", and realized that it is in the last paragraph.

As a scientist and citizen, I am simply obliged to consider all the options for the consequences of the destructive political actions of the pro-Chinese elite of the "democratic" party, and I receive more and more confirmation that AT THIS TIME the inevitability of a civilian armed conflict is most likely. And every day brings new facts about the direct confrontation of two heavily armed groups - white and black. And it is in this direction that the situation will “slip”, entropy in society will increase, as will its unmanageability.

If the conflict does not break out today or tomorrow (and the FIRST big blood will cause its intransigence on both sides!), THIS will happen the night of the fourth to the fifth of November FOR ANY election result IF they take place at all.

If Trump “wins”, armed confrontation will be provokeв by the pro-Chinese leadership of the so-called “democratic party”, and Republic supporters will have to take up arms to defend America, which it was before the 1978 coup.

If the state conspirator (aggression against Iraq), the state criminal, the sex maniac and the insane Biden “wins” - supporters of the Republic will demand a vote recount, checks of electronic machines (if they will be used) and for persuasiveness, these people's hands will be on the butts.

And let cryptoneozionist De Blasio not think that this will be the butts of TOY M-15s and Kalashnikovs, say, in New York.

Without a doubt, the militia will arrest the main conspirators from the leaders of the "democratic" party. De Blasio, Pelosi, and the rest all over the USA now need to get on both knees and ask their gods of leniency to survive until they are officially sentenced under article 115 of the U.S. Criminal Code.

All the recent conflicts at the end of the twentieth and the first quarter of the third millennium, including those financed by the top of the "democratic" party, including my personal experience, show that citizens of one country, divided by political views, who have seen the blood and death of their comrades, are merciless.

However, if you studied the history of the American Civil War at school or college, then you know it well: it was the MOST bloody conflict of its time. Given the perfection of modern weapons, its "effectiveness", THAT civil war will be a miserable likeness of the forthcoming.

You, I hope, understand that neither white nor black WILL be capture POWs and "kill" them by means of hunger, cold, illness, and lack of medical care for the wounded, as it was in the case of POW's camps in the South and the North. Inflicting the irreparable damage to the other side will be the main goal, and African Americans who support the conspirators and traitors from the "Democratic" party will practically have no chance to win.

Extremely important here will be the role that Latin Americans, descendants of the Spaniards, and part of the Russian-speaking population, ALWAYS distinguished by racism in relation to blacks, will take. I do not mean the Jews who left the USSR, but the Slavs. It is from their midst that the commanders of paramilitary formations, the most literate in the military art, will patially stand out.

Army and police? They will split by race when you have to KILL. At that moment China will immediately unleash a conventional war with the weakening United States. Yes, the United States has more than 800 military bases, but the military there also belongs to different races.

Capitalism, as a social organism, is decrepit and begins to die. One Jewish family can print hundreds of more tons of dollars, but the problem is that we must not forget what happened to the Reichsmark in Germany ... However, here I will not touch on economic issues...

The only thing that can prevent this very pessimistic and dramatic scenario, launched by pro-Chinese conspirators from the lower house of Congress, is the DECISIVE actions of the Republicans.

If in these two months you don’t “kill the ridge” (both economically and politically) of those forces that are ready to destroy the United States, the further dramatic development of events will become irreversible (this is how objective laws work!).

And the last one. About the "buried body."

You, like a certain part of the establishment, who always lied and began to believe in their lies, clearly turned out to be a victim of the mental illness called PSEUDOLOGY, that is, belief in your own lie.

As a person who has lived in different countries, I can argue that today's American model of capitalism is NOT the BEST model of class oppression, against the background of existing in Europe - times better than ordinary Americans.

People "run" to America not because it is "good" here, but because it is DANGEROUS or IMPOSSIBLE to live in their countries.

You just do not need to deceive people abroad and attract young, well-educated people with "fairy tales" about America of the "virtuous circle" that the conspirators stole from the Americans in 1978...

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

The complex text is even for me :)))

I kept trying to understand where you "buried the body", and realized that it is in the last paragraph.

As a scientist and citizen, I am simply obliged to consider all the options for the consequences of the destructive political actions of the pro-Chinese elite of the "democratic" party, and I receive more and more confirmation that AT THIS TIME the inevitability of a civilian armed conflict is most likely. And every day brings new facts about the direct confrontation of two heavily armed groups - white and black. And it is in this direction that the situation will “slip”, entropy in society will increase, as will its unmanageability.

If the conflict does not break out today or tomorrow (and the FIRST big blood will cause its intransigence on both sides!), THIS will happen the night of the fourth to the fifth of November FOR ANY election result IF they take place at all.

If Trump “wins”, armed confrontation will be provokeв by the pro-Chinese leadership of the so-called “democratic party”, and Republic supporters will have to take up arms to defend America, which it was before the 1978 coup.

If the state conspirator (aggression against Iraq), the state criminal, the sex maniac and the insane Biden “wins” - supporters of the Republic will demand a vote recount, checks of electronic machines (if they will be used) and for persuasiveness, these people's hands will be on the butts.

And let cryptoneozionist De Blasio not think that this will be the butts of TOY M-15s and Kalashnikovs, say, in New York.

Without a doubt, the militia will arrest the main conspirators from the leaders of the "democratic" party. De Blasio, Pelosi, and the rest all over the USA now need to get on both knees and ask their gods of leniency to survive until they are officially sentenced under article 115 of the U.S. Criminal Code.

All the recent conflicts at the end of the twentieth and the first quarter of the third millennium, including those financed by the top of the "democratic" party, including my personal experience, show that citizens of one country, divided by political views, who have seen the blood and death of their comrades, are merciless.

However, if you studied the history of the American Civil War at school or college, then you know it well: it was the MOST bloody conflict of its time. Given the perfection of modern weapons, its "effectiveness", THAT civil war will be a miserable likeness of the forthcoming.

You, I hope, understand that neither white nor black WILL be capture POWs and "kill" them by means of hunger, cold, illness, and lack of medical care for the wounded, as it was in the case of POW's camps in the South and the North. Inflicting the irreparable damage to the other side will be the main goal, and African Americans who support the conspirators and traitors from the "Democratic" party will practically have no chance to win.

Extremely important here will be the role that Latin Americans, descendants of the Spaniards, and part of the Russian-speaking population, ALWAYS distinguished by racism in relation to blacks, will take. I do not mean the Jews who left the USSR, but the Slavs. It is from their midst that the commanders of paramilitary formations, the most literate in the military art, will patially stand out.

Army and police? They will split by race when you have to KILL. At that moment China will immediately unleash a conventional war with the weakening United States. Yes, the United States has more than 800 military bases, but the military there also belongs to different races.

Capitalism, as a social organism, is decrepit and begins to die. One Jewish family can print hundreds of more tons of dollars, but the problem is that we must not forget what happened to the Reichsmark in Germany ... However, here I will not touch on economic issues...

The only thing that can prevent this very pessimistic and dramatic scenario, launched by pro-Chinese conspirators from the lower house of Congress, is the DECISIVE actions of the Republicans.

If in these two months you don’t “kill the ridge” (both economically and politically) of those forces that are ready to destroy the United States, the further dramatic development of events will become irreversible (this is how objective laws work!).

And the last one. About the "buried body."

You, like a certain part of the establishment, who always lied and began to believe in their lies, clearly turned out to be a victim of the mental illness called PSEUDOLOGY, that is, belief in your own lie.

As a person who has lived in different countries, I can argue that today's American model of capitalism is NOT the BEST model of class oppression, against the background of existing in Europe - times better than ordinary Americans.

People "run" to America not because it is "good" here, but because it is DANGEROUS or IMPOSSIBLE to live in their countries.

You just do not need to deceive people abroad and attract young, well-educated people with "fairy tales" about America of the "virtuous circle" that the conspirators stole from the Americans in 1978...

Not a single comment! Is silence - a sign of consent or an order from the Deep State to IGNORE! ???

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

The complex text is even for me :)))

I kept trying to understand where you "buried the body", and realized that it is in the last paragraph.

As a scientist and citizen, I am simply obliged to consider all the options for the consequences of the destructive political actions of the pro-Chinese elite of the "democratic" party, and I receive more and more confirmation that AT THIS TIME the inevitability of a civilian armed conflict is most likely. And every day brings new facts about the direct confrontation of two heavily armed groups - white and black. And it is in this direction that the situation will “slip”, entropy in society will increase, as will its unmanageability.

If the conflict does not break out today or tomorrow (and the FIRST big blood will cause its intransigence on both sides!), THIS will happen the night of the fourth to the fifth of November FOR ANY election result IF they take place at all.

If Trump “wins”, armed confrontation will be provokeв by the pro-Chinese leadership of the so-called “democratic party”, and Republic supporters will have to take up arms to defend America, which it was before the 1978 coup.

If the state conspirator (aggression against Iraq), the state criminal, the sex maniac and the insane Biden “wins” - supporters of the Republic will demand a vote recount, checks of electronic machines (if they will be used) and for persuasiveness, these people's hands will be on the butts.

And let cryptoneozionist De Blasio not think that this will be the butts of TOY M-15s and Kalashnikovs, say, in New York.

Without a doubt, the militia will arrest the main conspirators from the leaders of the "democratic" party. De Blasio, Pelosi, and the rest all over the USA now need to get on both knees and ask their gods of leniency to survive until they are officially sentenced under article 115 of the U.S. Criminal Code.

All the recent conflicts at the end of the twentieth and the first quarter of the third millennium, including those financed by the top of the "democratic" party, including my personal experience, show that citizens of one country, divided by political views, who have seen the blood and death of their comrades, are merciless.

However, if you studied the history of the American Civil War at school or college, then you know it well: it was the MOST bloody conflict of its time. Given the perfection of modern weapons, its "effectiveness", THAT civil war will be a miserable likeness of the forthcoming.

You, I hope, understand that neither white nor black WILL be capture POWs and "kill" them by means of hunger, cold, illness, and lack of medical care for the wounded, as it was in the case of POW's camps in the South and the North. Inflicting the irreparable damage to the other side will be the main goal, and African Americans who support the conspirators and traitors from the "Democratic" party will practically have no chance to win.

Extremely important here will be the role that Latin Americans, descendants of the Spaniards, and part of the Russian-speaking population, ALWAYS distinguished by racism in relation to blacks, will take. I do not mean the Jews who left the USSR, but the Slavs. It is from their midst that the commanders of paramilitary formations, the most literate in the military art, will patially stand out.

Army and police? They will split by race when you have to KILL. At that moment China will immediately unleash a conventional war with the weakening United States. Yes, the United States has more than 800 military bases, but the military there also belongs to different races.

Capitalism, as a social organism, is decrepit and begins to die. One Jewish family can print hundreds of more tons of dollars, but the problem is that we must not forget what happened to the Reichsmark in Germany ... However, here I will not touch on economic issues...

The only thing that can prevent this very pessimistic and dramatic scenario, launched by pro-Chinese conspirators from the lower house of Congress, is the DECISIVE actions of the Republicans.

If in these two months you don’t “kill the ridge” (both economically and politically) of those forces that are ready to destroy the United States, the further dramatic development of events will become irreversible (this is how objective laws work!).

And the last one. About the "buried body."

You, like a certain part of the establishment, who always lied and began to believe in their lies, clearly turned out to be a victim of the mental illness called PSEUDOLOGY, that is, belief in your own lie.

As a person who has lived in different countries, I can argue that today's American model of capitalism is NOT the BEST model of class oppression, against the background of existing in Europe - times better than ordinary Americans.

People "run" to America not because it is "good" here, but because it is DANGEROUS or IMPOSSIBLE to live in their countries.

You just do not need to deceive people abroad and attract young, well-educated people with "fairy tales" about America of the "virtuous circle" that the conspirators stole from the Americans in 1978...

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

The complex text is even for me :)))

I kept trying to understand where you "buried the body", and realized that it is in the last paragraph.

As a scientist and citizen, I am simply obliged to consider all the options for the consequences of the destructive political actions of the pro-Chinese elite of the "democratic" party, and I receive more and more confirmation that AT THIS TIME the inevitability of a civilian armed conflict is most likely. And every day brings new facts about the direct confrontation of two heavily armed groups - white and black. And it is in this direction that the situation will “slip”, entropy in society will increase, as will its unmanageability.

If the conflict does not break out today or tomorrow (and the FIRST big blood will cause its intransigence on both sides!), THIS will happen the night of the fourth to the fifth of November FOR ANY election result IF they take place at all.

If Trump “wins”, armed confrontation will be provokeв by the pro-Chinese leadership of the so-called “democratic party”, and Republic supporters will have to take up arms to defend America, which it was before the 1978 coup.

If the state conspirator (aggression against Iraq), the state criminal, the sex maniac and the insane Biden “wins” - supporters of the Republic will demand a vote recount, checks of electronic machines (if they will be used) and for persuasiveness, these people's hands will be on the butts.

And let cryptoneozionist De Blasio not think that this will be the butts of TOY M-15s and Kalashnikovs, say, in New York.

Without a doubt, the militia will arrest the main conspirators from the leaders of the "democratic" party. De Blasio, Pelosi, and the rest all over the USA now need to get on both knees and ask their gods of leniency to survive until they are officially sentenced under article 115 of the U.S. Criminal Code.

All the recent conflicts at the end of the twentieth and the first quarter of the third millennium, including those financed by the top of the "democratic" party, including my personal experience, show that citizens of one country, divided by political views, who have seen the blood and death of their comrades, are merciless.

However, if you studied the history of the American Civil War at school or college, then you know it well: it was the MOST bloody conflict of its time. Given the perfection of modern weapons, its "effectiveness", THAT civil war will be a miserable likeness of the forthcoming.

You, I hope, understand that neither white nor black WILL be capture POWs and "kill" them by means of hunger, cold, illness, and lack of medical care for the wounded, as it was in the case of POW's camps in the South and the North. Inflicting the irreparable damage to the other side will be the main goal, and African Americans who support the conspirators and traitors from the "Democratic" party will practically have no chance to win.

Extremely important here will be the role that Latin Americans, descendants of the Spaniards, and part of the Russian-speaking population, ALWAYS distinguished by racism in relation to blacks, will take. I do not mean the Jews who left the USSR, but the Slavs. It is from their midst that the commanders of paramilitary formations, the most literate in the military art, will patially stand out.

Army and police? They will split by race when you have to KILL. At that moment China will immediately unleash a conventional war with the weakening United States. Yes, the United States has more than 800 military bases, but the military there also belongs to different races.

Capitalism, as a social organism, is decrepit and begins to die. One Jewish family can print hundreds of more tons of dollars, but the problem is that we must not forget what happened to the Reichsmark in Germany ... However, here I will not touch on economic issues...

The only thing that can prevent this very pessimistic and dramatic scenario, launched by pro-Chinese conspirators from the lower house of Congress, is the DECISIVE actions of the Republicans.

If in these two months you don’t “kill the ridge” (both economically and politically) of those forces that are ready to destroy the United States, the further dramatic development of events will become irreversible (this is how objective laws work!).

And the last one. About the "buried body."

You, like a certain part of the establishment, who always lied and began to believe in their lies, clearly turned out to be a victim of the mental illness called PSEUDOLOGY, that is, belief in your own lie.

As a person who has lived in different countries, I can argue that today's American model of capitalism is NOT the BEST model of class oppression, against the background of existing in Europe - times better than ordinary Americans.

People "run" to America not because it is "good" here, but because it is DANGEROUS or IMPOSSIBLE to live in their countries.

You just do not need to deceive people abroad and attract young, well-educated people with "fairy tales" about America of the "virtuous circle" that the conspirators stole from the Americans in 1978...

Not a single comment! Is silence - a sign of consent or an order from the Deep State to IGNORE! ???

My silence is a sign that I haven't been on the board since you posted.

It's not that I don't believe it possible or perhaps even probable that democrat leadership would react to a Trump victory in November with radical levels of backlash, I still don't see it developing into a two faction shooting war in the sense of the American Civil War back in the 1800's. Part of the reason for this is that we aren't divided by territory the same way. The political/potential factionary lines fall between urban areas and everywhere else, not between one region of the nation and the other. We're also dealing with a US populous that's, to put it bluntly, incredibly soft compared with the men who existed in those times, right down to the hormonal level. Add to that the fact that the true believer progressives make up about 8 percent of the nation, and only much smaller percentage of those people are going to want their revolution when the bullets start flying back at 'em. Lastly, the Obama administration put a lot of far left leadership and bureaucracy into the military, but it's highly doubtful that you'd see a critical mass of soldiers willing to participate in a violent coup based on the say-so of one political party against the other.

I think what you're much more likely to see are pockets of violence. Rampaging mobs, ideologically connected but uncoordinated cells of guerilla terrorists, hardcore Time of Troubles type action with more gunplay.

Given the reactions we've seen to the shit going on so far, I don't have as much faith that the right wing will go hot in the event of a Biden win. The usual anti-establishment suspects will cry foul at the top of their lungs. The old guard, McConnell types will demand investigations that they secretly know will never happen or never go anywhere, they'll preach calm, tell us that conservatives who love the nation need to trust in the process, and ultimately they'll drag it out until the MSM can drown the outrage with a dedicated barrage of opposing narrative and new, unrelated outrages. And like everything else that the conservatives have been "up in arms" about in the modern era, it'll ultimately just fizzle out into periodic reminders from those very few pundits and academics who actually remember shit from more than 6 months ago.

If any serious hostility breaks out internally, whether it's more like I would expect or closer to what you've proposed, I do agree 100 percent that China will take the opportunity to make some serious, militant power plays. I also worry about how the "international community" will react to potential serious levels of internal conflict here. If shit got bad enough, I wouldn't place it outside the realm of possibility that we end up with blue helmeted peacekeeping forces stepping in to stop the "white supremacist genocide of minority ethnic populations" in the US and make sure that whoever ultimately secured power was the more UN friendly faction.

Anyway, as far as the corpse that you've supposedly unearthed in that last paragraph, you're simultaneously extrapolating more than what is actually implied by what I admit was a bit of an overgeneralization (implying that people coming here is based on resources), while countering with your own overgeneralization. The fact of the matter is that, regardless of whether it is factually correct to assess the US as the best place in the world to achieve economic prosperity (which I haven't claimed, btw), plenty of people who relocate here illegally do so SPECIFICALLY for the promise of that economic prosperity, just the same as plenty of people who shirk our immigration laws do so to escape danger. When you take into account that a huge, perhaps majority proportion of the illegal immigration in the United States is due to people staying after their green cards have expired. Those are almost exclusively economic migrants, and, according to all available info, they constitute somewhere around half of all of them.

If I hid a corpse, so did you.

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

The complex text is even for me :)))

I kept trying to understand where you "buried the body", and realized that it is in the last paragraph.

As a scientist and citizen, I am simply obliged to consider all the options for the consequences of the destructive political actions of the pro-Chinese elite of the "democratic" party, and I receive more and more confirmation that AT THIS TIME the inevitability of a civilian armed conflict is most likely. And every day brings new facts about the direct confrontation of two heavily armed groups - white and black. And it is in this direction that the situation will “slip”, entropy in society will increase, as will its unmanageability.

If the conflict does not break out today or tomorrow (and the FIRST big blood will cause its intransigence on both sides!), THIS will happen the night of the fourth to the fifth of November FOR ANY election result IF they take place at all.

If Trump “wins”, armed confrontation will be provokeв by the pro-Chinese leadership of the so-called “democratic party”, and Republic supporters will have to take up arms to defend America, which it was before the 1978 coup.

If the state conspirator (aggression against Iraq), the state criminal, the sex maniac and the insane Biden “wins” - supporters of the Republic will demand a vote recount, checks of electronic machines (if they will be used) and for persuasiveness, these people's hands will be on the butts.

And let cryptoneozionist De Blasio not think that this will be the butts of TOY M-15s and Kalashnikovs, say, in New York.

Without a doubt, the militia will arrest the main conspirators from the leaders of the "democratic" party. De Blasio, Pelosi, and the rest all over the USA now need to get on both knees and ask their gods of leniency to survive until they are officially sentenced under article 115 of the U.S. Criminal Code.

All the recent conflicts at the end of the twentieth and the first quarter of the third millennium, including those financed by the top of the "democratic" party, including my personal experience, show that citizens of one country, divided by political views, who have seen the blood and death of their comrades, are merciless.

However, if you studied the history of the American Civil War at school or college, then you know it well: it was the MOST bloody conflict of its time. Given the perfection of modern weapons, its "effectiveness", THAT civil war will be a miserable likeness of the forthcoming.

You, I hope, understand that neither white nor black WILL be capture POWs and "kill" them by means of hunger, cold, illness, and lack of medical care for the wounded, as it was in the case of POW's camps in the South and the North. Inflicting the irreparable damage to the other side will be the main goal, and African Americans who support the conspirators and traitors from the "Democratic" party will practically have no chance to win.

Extremely important here will be the role that Latin Americans, descendants of the Spaniards, and part of the Russian-speaking population, ALWAYS distinguished by racism in relation to blacks, will take. I do not mean the Jews who left the USSR, but the Slavs. It is from their midst that the commanders of paramilitary formations, the most literate in the military art, will patially stand out.

Army and police? They will split by race when you have to KILL. At that moment China will immediately unleash a conventional war with the weakening United States. Yes, the United States has more than 800 military bases, but the military there also belongs to different races.

Capitalism, as a social organism, is decrepit and begins to die. One Jewish family can print hundreds of more tons of dollars, but the problem is that we must not forget what happened to the Reichsmark in Germany ... However, here I will not touch on economic issues...

The only thing that can prevent this very pessimistic and dramatic scenario, launched by pro-Chinese conspirators from the lower house of Congress, is the DECISIVE actions of the Republicans.

If in these two months you don’t “kill the ridge” (both economically and politically) of those forces that are ready to destroy the United States, the further dramatic development of events will become irreversible (this is how objective laws work!).

And the last one. About the "buried body."

You, like a certain part of the establishment, who always lied and began to believe in their lies, clearly turned out to be a victim of the mental illness called PSEUDOLOGY, that is, belief in your own lie.

As a person who has lived in different countries, I can argue that today's American model of capitalism is NOT the BEST model of class oppression, against the background of existing in Europe - times better than ordinary Americans.

People "run" to America not because it is "good" here, but because it is DANGEROUS or IMPOSSIBLE to live in their countries.

You just do not need to deceive people abroad and attract young, well-educated people with "fairy tales" about America of the "virtuous circle" that the conspirators stole from the Americans in 1978...

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

The complex text is even for me :)))

I kept trying to understand where you "buried the body", and realized that it is in the last paragraph.

As a scientist and citizen, I am simply obliged to consider all the options for the consequences of the destructive political actions of the pro-Chinese elite of the "democratic" party, and I receive more and more confirmation that AT THIS TIME the inevitability of a civilian armed conflict is most likely. And every day brings new facts about the direct confrontation of two heavily armed groups - white and black. And it is in this direction that the situation will “slip”, entropy in society will increase, as will its unmanageability.

If the conflict does not break out today or tomorrow (and the FIRST big blood will cause its intransigence on both sides!), THIS will happen the night of the fourth to the fifth of November FOR ANY election result IF they take place at all.

If Trump “wins”, armed confrontation will be provokeв by the pro-Chinese leadership of the so-called “democratic party”, and Republic supporters will have to take up arms to defend America, which it was before the 1978 coup.

If the state conspirator (aggression against Iraq), the state criminal, the sex maniac and the insane Biden “wins” - supporters of the Republic will demand a vote recount, checks of electronic machines (if they will be used) and for persuasiveness, these people's hands will be on the butts.

And let cryptoneozionist De Blasio not think that this will be the butts of TOY M-15s and Kalashnikovs, say, in New York.

Without a doubt, the militia will arrest the main conspirators from the leaders of the "democratic" party. De Blasio, Pelosi, and the rest all over the USA now need to get on both knees and ask their gods of leniency to survive until they are officially sentenced under article 115 of the U.S. Criminal Code.

All the recent conflicts at the end of the twentieth and the first quarter of the third millennium, including those financed by the top of the "democratic" party, including my personal experience, show that citizens of one country, divided by political views, who have seen the blood and death of their comrades, are merciless.

However, if you studied the history of the American Civil War at school or college, then you know it well: it was the MOST bloody conflict of its time. Given the perfection of modern weapons, its "effectiveness", THAT civil war will be a miserable likeness of the forthcoming.

You, I hope, understand that neither white nor black WILL be capture POWs and "kill" them by means of hunger, cold, illness, and lack of medical care for the wounded, as it was in the case of POW's camps in the South and the North. Inflicting the irreparable damage to the other side will be the main goal, and African Americans who support the conspirators and traitors from the "Democratic" party will practically have no chance to win.

Extremely important here will be the role that Latin Americans, descendants of the Spaniards, and part of the Russian-speaking population, ALWAYS distinguished by racism in relation to blacks, will take. I do not mean the Jews who left the USSR, but the Slavs. It is from their midst that the commanders of paramilitary formations, the most literate in the military art, will patially stand out.

Army and police? They will split by race when you have to KILL. At that moment China will immediately unleash a conventional war with the weakening United States. Yes, the United States has more than 800 military bases, but the military there also belongs to different races.

Capitalism, as a social organism, is decrepit and begins to die. One Jewish family can print hundreds of more tons of dollars, but the problem is that we must not forget what happened to the Reichsmark in Germany ... However, here I will not touch on economic issues...

The only thing that can prevent this very pessimistic and dramatic scenario, launched by pro-Chinese conspirators from the lower house of Congress, is the DECISIVE actions of the Republicans.

If in these two months you don’t “kill the ridge” (both economically and politically) of those forces that are ready to destroy the United States, the further dramatic development of events will become irreversible (this is how objective laws work!).

And the last one. About the "buried body."

You, like a certain part of the establishment, who always lied and began to believe in their lies, clearly turned out to be a victim of the mental illness called PSEUDOLOGY, that is, belief in your own lie.

As a person who has lived in different countries, I can argue that today's American model of capitalism is NOT the BEST model of class oppression, against the background of existing in Europe - times better than ordinary Americans.

People "run" to America not because it is "good" here, but because it is DANGEROUS or IMPOSSIBLE to live in their countries.

You just do not need to deceive people abroad and attract young, well-educated people with "fairy tales" about America of the "virtuous circle" that the conspirators stole from the Americans in 1978...

Not a single comment! Is silence - a sign of consent or an order from the Deep State to IGNORE! ???

My silence is a sign that I haven't been on the board since you posted.

It's not that I don't believe it possible or perhaps even probable that democrat leadership would react to a Trump victory in November with radical levels of backlash, I still don't see it developing into a two faction shooting war in the sense of the American Civil War back in the 1800's. Part of the reason for this is that we aren't divided by territory the same way. The political/potential factionary lines fall between urban areas and everywhere else, not between one region of the nation and the other. We're also dealing with a US populous that's, to put it bluntly, incredibly soft compared with the men who existed in those times, right down to the hormonal level. Add to that the fact that the true believer progressives make up about 8 percent of the nation, and only much smaller percentage of those people are going to want their revolution when the bullets start flying back at 'em. Lastly, the Obama administration put a lot of far left leadership and bureaucracy into the military, but it's highly doubtful that you'd see a critical mass of soldiers willing to participate in a violent coup based on the say-so of one political party against the other.

I think what you're much more likely to see are pockets of violence. Rampaging mobs, ideologically connected but uncoordinated cells of guerilla terrorists, hardcore Time of Troubles type action with more gunplay.

Given the reactions we've seen to the shit going on so far, I don't have as much faith that the right wing will go hot in the event of a Biden win. The usual anti-establishment suspects will cry foul at the top of their lungs. The old guard, McConnell types will demand investigations that they secretly know will never happen or never go anywhere, they'll preach calm, tell us that conservatives who love the nation need to trust in the process, and ultimately they'll drag it out until the MSM can drown the outrage with a dedicated barrage of opposing narrative and new, unrelated outrages. And like everything else that the conservatives have been "up in arms" about in the modern era, it'll ultimately just fizzle out into periodic reminders from those very few pundits and academics who actually remember shit from more than 6 months ago.

If any serious hostility breaks out internally, whether it's more like I would expect or closer to what you've proposed, I do agree 100 percent that China will take the opportunity to make some serious, militant power plays. I also worry about how the "international community" will react to potential serious levels of internal conflict here. If shit got bad enough, I wouldn't place it outside the realm of possibility that we end up with blue helmeted peacekeeping forces stepping in to stop the "white supremacist genocide of minority ethnic populations" in the US and make sure that whoever ultimately secured power was the more UN friendly faction.

Anyway, as far as the corpse that you've supposedly unearthed in that last paragraph, you're simultaneously extrapolating more than what is actually implied by what I admit was a bit of an overgeneralization (implying that people coming here is based on resources), while countering with your own overgeneralization. The fact of the matter is that, regardless of whether it is factually correct to assess the US as the best place in the world to achieve economic prosperity (which I haven't claimed, btw), plenty of people who relocate here illegally do so SPECIFICALLY for the promise of that economic prosperity, just the same as plenty of people who shirk our immigration laws do so to escape danger. When you take into account that a huge, perhaps majority proportion of the illegal immigration in the United States is due to people staying after their green cards have expired. Those are almost exclusively economic migrants, and, according to all available info, they constitute somewhere around half of all of them.

If I hid a corpse, so did you.

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

The complex text is even for me :)))

I kept trying to understand where you "buried the body", and realized that it is in the last paragraph.

As a scientist and citizen, I am simply obliged to consider all the options for the consequences of the destructive political actions of the pro-Chinese elite of the "democratic" party, and I receive more and more confirmation that AT THIS TIME the inevitability of a civilian armed conflict is most likely. And every day brings new facts about the direct confrontation of two heavily armed groups - white and black. And it is in this direction that the situation will “slip”, entropy in society will increase, as will its unmanageability.

If the conflict does not break out today or tomorrow (and the FIRST big blood will cause its intransigence on both sides!), THIS will happen the night of the fourth to the fifth of November FOR ANY election result IF they take place at all.

If Trump “wins”, armed confrontation will be provokeв by the pro-Chinese leadership of the so-called “democratic party”, and Republic supporters will have to take up arms to defend America, which it was before the 1978 coup.

If the state conspirator (aggression against Iraq), the state criminal, the sex maniac and the insane Biden “wins” - supporters of the Republic will demand a vote recount, checks of electronic machines (if they will be used) and for persuasiveness, these people's hands will be on the butts.

And let cryptoneozionist De Blasio not think that this will be the butts of TOY M-15s and Kalashnikovs, say, in New York.

Without a doubt, the militia will arrest the main conspirators from the leaders of the "democratic" party. De Blasio, Pelosi, and the rest all over the USA now need to get on both knees and ask their gods of leniency to survive until they are officially sentenced under article 115 of the U.S. Criminal Code.

All the recent conflicts at the end of the twentieth and the first quarter of the third millennium, including those financed by the top of the "democratic" party, including my personal experience, show that citizens of one country, divided by political views, who have seen the blood and death of their comrades, are merciless.

However, if you studied the history of the American Civil War at school or college, then you know it well: it was the MOST bloody conflict of its time. Given the perfection of modern weapons, its "effectiveness", THAT civil war will be a miserable likeness of the forthcoming.

You, I hope, understand that neither white nor black WILL be capture POWs and "kill" them by means of hunger, cold, illness, and lack of medical care for the wounded, as it was in the case of POW's camps in the South and the North. Inflicting the irreparable damage to the other side will be the main goal, and African Americans who support the conspirators and traitors from the "Democratic" party will practically have no chance to win.

Extremely important here will be the role that Latin Americans, descendants of the Spaniards, and part of the Russian-speaking population, ALWAYS distinguished by racism in relation to blacks, will take. I do not mean the Jews who left the USSR, but the Slavs. It is from their midst that the commanders of paramilitary formations, the most literate in the military art, will patially stand out.

Army and police? They will split by race when you have to KILL. At that moment China will immediately unleash a conventional war with the weakening United States. Yes, the United States has more than 800 military bases, but the military there also belongs to different races.

Capitalism, as a social organism, is decrepit and begins to die. One Jewish family can print hundreds of more tons of dollars, but the problem is that we must not forget what happened to the Reichsmark in Germany ... However, here I will not touch on economic issues...

The only thing that can prevent this very pessimistic and dramatic scenario, launched by pro-Chinese conspirators from the lower house of Congress, is the DECISIVE actions of the Republicans.

If in these two months you don’t “kill the ridge” (both economically and politically) of those forces that are ready to destroy the United States, the further dramatic development of events will become irreversible (this is how objective laws work!).

And the last one. About the "buried body."

You, like a certain part of the establishment, who always lied and began to believe in their lies, clearly turned out to be a victim of the mental illness called PSEUDOLOGY, that is, belief in your own lie.

As a person who has lived in different countries, I can argue that today's American model of capitalism is NOT the BEST model of class oppression, against the background of existing in Europe - times better than ordinary Americans.

People "run" to America not because it is "good" here, but because it is DANGEROUS or IMPOSSIBLE to live in their countries.

You just do not need to deceive people abroad and attract young, well-educated people with "fairy tales" about America of the "virtuous circle" that the conspirators stole from the Americans in 1978...

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

33 percent of New York City residents were white, 26 percent were Hispanic, 26 percent were black, and 13 percent were Asian according to the 2010 Census.

Comment #1.
Nearly a quarter of New York residents are immigrants, mostly from Northern and Central America.

Now, for a second, just imagine WHAT WILL HAPPEN if the President, in the event of a civil war, issues a decree granting illegal citizens who have joined the Republican forces, American citizenship, and even additional financial privileges by expropriating funds from pro-Chinese conspirators...

On Thursday, the mayor showed up to the mural site with his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Rev Al Sharpton, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, and Rep Carolyn Maloney to fill in the letter “L.”

Comment #2
How strange that De Blasio with his wife and daughter did not draw the Israeli and Chinese flags on the pavement. That would have been honest.

View attachment 361834

The Democrats' "Rule of Law"

You're an odd bird, and I find the idea of a full on, two faction shooting war resulting from the civil unrest and the crazy political divide, to be just a bit hyperbolic.

That said, that first comment presents a weirdly poetic concept. Offering people who snuck in ostensibly to enjoy the benefits of living under the American system, citizenship in that system in exchange for helping to defend it from radical insurgency.

Similar to stories of immigrants in the 20th century getting off boats and literally getting directly in line to volunteer for the army and go right back to Europe to fight the Germans, though, in the scenario you describe, perhaps even more obviously doing so in defense of, specifically, the US.

I guess the success of thusly calling any given individual to action would depend at least partially on whether they came here with some appreciation for the nature of the place they sought, or whether they came with the cynical purpose of extracting resources from a system or a culture they loathe. Paradoxically, the picture that the leftists paint of illegal immigration presents one of migrants who would defend the American paradigm from the same radical leftists painting the picture.

The complex text is even for me :)))

I kept trying to understand where you "buried the body", and realized that it is in the last paragraph.

As a scientist and citizen, I am simply obliged to consider all the options for the consequences of the destructive political actions of the pro-Chinese elite of the "democratic" party, and I receive more and more confirmation that AT THIS TIME the inevitability of a civilian armed conflict is most likely. And every day brings new facts about the direct confrontation of two heavily armed groups - white and black. And it is in this direction that the situation will “slip”, entropy in society will increase, as will its unmanageability.

If the conflict does not break out today or tomorrow (and the FIRST big blood will cause its intransigence on both sides!), THIS will happen the night of the fourth to the fifth of November FOR ANY election result IF they take place at all.

If Trump “wins”, armed confrontation will be provokeв by the pro-Chinese leadership of the so-called “democratic party”, and Republic supporters will have to take up arms to defend America, which it was before the 1978 coup.

If the state conspirator (aggression against Iraq), the state criminal, the sex maniac and the insane Biden “wins” - supporters of the Republic will demand a vote recount, checks of electronic machines (if they will be used) and for persuasiveness, these people's hands will be on the butts.

And let cryptoneozionist De Blasio not think that this will be the butts of TOY M-15s and Kalashnikovs, say, in New York.

Without a doubt, the militia will arrest the main conspirators from the leaders of the "democratic" party. De Blasio, Pelosi, and the rest all over the USA now need to get on both knees and ask their gods of leniency to survive until they are officially sentenced under article 115 of the U.S. Criminal Code.

All the recent conflicts at the end of the twentieth and the first quarter of the third millennium, including those financed by the top of the "democratic" party, including my personal experience, show that citizens of one country, divided by political views, who have seen the blood and death of their comrades, are merciless.

However, if you studied the history of the American Civil War at school or college, then you know it well: it was the MOST bloody conflict of its time. Given the perfection of modern weapons, its "effectiveness", THAT civil war will be a miserable likeness of the forthcoming.

You, I hope, understand that neither white nor black WILL be capture POWs and "kill" them by means of hunger, cold, illness, and lack of medical care for the wounded, as it was in the case of POW's camps in the South and the North. Inflicting the irreparable damage to the other side will be the main goal, and African Americans who support the conspirators and traitors from the "Democratic" party will practically have no chance to win.

Extremely important here will be the role that Latin Americans, descendants of the Spaniards, and part of the Russian-speaking population, ALWAYS distinguished by racism in relation to blacks, will take. I do not mean the Jews who left the USSR, but the Slavs. It is from their midst that the commanders of paramilitary formations, the most literate in the military art, will patially stand out.

Army and police? They will split by race when you have to KILL. At that moment China will immediately unleash a conventional war with the weakening United States. Yes, the United States has more than 800 military bases, but the military there also belongs to different races.

Capitalism, as a social organism, is decrepit and begins to die. One Jewish family can print hundreds of more tons of dollars, but the problem is that we must not forget what happened to the Reichsmark in Germany ... However, here I will not touch on economic issues...

The only thing that can prevent this very pessimistic and dramatic scenario, launched by pro-Chinese conspirators from the lower house of Congress, is the DECISIVE actions of the Republicans.

If in these two months you don’t “kill the ridge” (both economically and politically) of those forces that are ready to destroy the United States, the further dramatic development of events will become irreversible (this is how objective laws work!).

And the last one. About the "buried body."

You, like a certain part of the establishment, who always lied and began to believe in their lies, clearly turned out to be a victim of the mental illness called PSEUDOLOGY, that is, belief in your own lie.

As a person who has lived in different countries, I can argue that today's American model of capitalism is NOT the BEST model of class oppression, against the background of existing in Europe - times better than ordinary Americans.

People "run" to America not because it is "good" here, but because it is DANGEROUS or IMPOSSIBLE to live in their countries.

You just do not need to deceive people abroad and attract young, well-educated people with "fairy tales" about America of the "virtuous circle" that the conspirators stole from the Americans in 1978...

Not a single comment! Is silence - a sign of consent or an order from the Deep State to IGNORE! ???

My silence is a sign that I haven't been on the board since you posted.

It's not that I don't believe it possible or perhaps even probable that democrat leadership would react to a Trump victory in November with radical levels of backlash, I still don't see it developing into a two faction shooting war in the sense of the American Civil War back in the 1800's. Part of the reason for this is that we aren't divided by territory the same way. The political/potential factionary lines fall between urban areas and everywhere else, not between one region of the nation and the other. We're also dealing with a US populous that's, to put it bluntly, incredibly soft compared with the men who existed in those times, right down to the hormonal level. Add to that the fact that the true believer progressives make up about 8 percent of the nation, and only much smaller percentage of those people are going to want their revolution when the bullets start flying back at 'em. Lastly, the Obama administration put a lot of far left leadership and bureaucracy into the military, but it's highly doubtful that you'd see a critical mass of soldiers willing to participate in a violent coup based on the say-so of one political party against the other.

I think what you're much more likely to see are pockets of violence. Rampaging mobs, ideologically connected but uncoordinated cells of guerilla terrorists, hardcore Time of Troubles type action with more gunplay.

Given the reactions we've seen to the shit going on so far, I don't have as much faith that the right wing will go hot in the event of a Biden win. The usual anti-establishment suspects will cry foul at the top of their lungs. The old guard, McConnell types will demand investigations that they secretly know will never happen or never go anywhere, they'll preach calm, tell us that conservatives who love the nation need to trust in the process, and ultimately they'll drag it out until the MSM can drown the outrage with a dedicated barrage of opposing narrative and new, unrelated outrages. And like everything else that the conservatives have been "up in arms" about in the modern era, it'll ultimately just fizzle out into periodic reminders from those very few pundits and academics who actually remember shit from more than 6 months ago.

If any serious hostility breaks out internally, whether it's more like I would expect or closer to what you've proposed, I do agree 100 percent that China will take the opportunity to make some serious, militant power plays. I also worry about how the "international community" will react to potential serious levels of internal conflict here. If shit got bad enough, I wouldn't place it outside the realm of possibility that we end up with blue helmeted peacekeeping forces stepping in to stop the "white supremacist genocide of minority ethnic populations" in the US and make sure that whoever ultimately secured power was the more UN friendly faction.

Anyway, as far as the corpse that you've supposedly unearthed in that last paragraph, you're simultaneously extrapolating more than what is actually implied by what I admit was a bit of an overgeneralization (implying that people coming here is based on resources), while countering with your own overgeneralization. The fact of the matter is that, regardless of whether it is factually correct to assess the US as the best place in the world to achieve economic prosperity (which I haven't claimed, btw), plenty of people who relocate here illegally do so SPECIFICALLY for the promise of that economic prosperity, just the same as plenty of people who shirk our immigration laws do so to escape danger. When you take into account that a huge, perhaps majority proportion of the illegal immigration in the United States is due to people staying after their green cards have expired. Those are almost exclusively economic migrants, and, according to all available info, they constitute somewhere around half of all of them.

If I hid a corpse, so did you.

Well, now I see that the discussion was joined not by a "graduate of Columbia University" with bad manners, stuffed with eclectically connected quotes from different unread sources and times, but by a serious analyst.

I could use some informational advantage that our actual volatile reality gave me, and answer you right now, and by no means always from confrontational positions, but I will give you some head start.

Please watch this video, and THEN we'll go on. Are you SURE that NOT ALL "whites", including Latinos, will rise to the fight ???

One segment of the white population destroying our country is automatically excluded from the list.


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