Do you despise humans as much as I do?

Most humans are useless, egoism driven, grandma selling parasites.
They are good for nothing, go back on their words and without rules set by an elite they just abuse and kill each other. They talk stupid balderdash all day and are very stupid. They have sex with ugly people and watch pervertedly abhorrent sex movies. Also, they have fun watching other people suffer. I hardly can suffer their company longer than an hour a day and prefer to be with selected people or none.

I prefer the unconditional love of animals. They have a lot more humanity than even humans do. People are for pussies...LOL!
Most humans are useless, egoism driven, grandma selling parasites.
They are good for nothing, go back on their words and without rules set by an elite they just abuse and kill each other. They talk stupid balderdash all day and are very stupid. They have sex with ugly people and watch pervertedly abhorrent sex movies. Also, they have fun watching other people suffer. I hardly can suffer their company longer than an hour a day and prefer to be with selected people or none.

I prefer the unconditional love of animals. They have a lot more humanity than even humans do. People are for pussies...LOL!

well.. many people are not pussies :tongue:... but yes animal love IS unconditional.
Most humans are useless, egoism driven, grandma selling parasites.
They are good for nothing, go back on their words and without rules set by an elite they just abuse and kill each other. They talk stupid balderdash all day and are very stupid. They have sex with ugly people and watch pervertedly abhorrent sex movies. Also, they have fun watching other people suffer. I hardly can suffer their company longer than an hour a day and prefer to be with selected people or none.

You're describing liberals to the T.
Most humans are useless, egoism driven, grandma selling parasites.
They are good for nothing, go back on their words and without rules set by an elite they just abuse and kill each other. They talk stupid balderdash all day and are very stupid. They have sex with ugly people and watch pervertedly abhorrent sex movies. Also, they have fun watching other people suffer. I hardly can suffer their company longer than an hour a day and prefer to be with selected people or none.


ah!!!!! semantics.... semantics ^^^^^ it's all words, isn't it? :razz:
Sounds like there's a pretty heavy chip on your shoulder you need to get rid of.
I wish it would be this.

Ok....I'm sorry your feeling like this. I hope it isn't anything too bad and that you can talk to someone about it. And there are some very good people out there that would help you. I won't tell you it's not that bad, I don't know you.....
Most humans are useless, egoism driven, grandma selling parasites.
They are good for nothing, go back on their words and without rules set by an elite they just abuse and kill each other. They talk stupid balderdash all day and are very stupid. They have sex with ugly people and watch pervertedly abhorrent sex movies. Also, they have fun watching other people suffer. I hardly can suffer their company longer than an hour a day and prefer to be with selected people or none.

"Humans" are neither good nor bad. Individuals are valued by degrees of conformity. Growing up, values are assigned to others based on family and then cultural imperatives; as we age others become valued based on our individual imperatives. The Quakers got it right with this...
Everyone in the world is crazy, except for thee and me - and sometimes I wonder about thee.

For those who need a little belly-button staring to go with their fustion, Dylan got it about right...

Yes, my guard stood hard
when abstract threats
Too noble to neglect
Deceived me into thinking
I had something to protect

Good and bad, I defined these terms
Quite clear, no doubt, somehow.
Ah, but I was so much older then,
I'm younger than that now.

- BD, '64

You are most assuredly an idiot. Dylan grew beyond that, Perhaps you should, too.
I don't like humans. I try to avoid them whenever possible. I prefer the company of animals. My dislike of people was central to the decision to close my law office. I simply could not go on helping people any more. I do not donate to any cause that benefits people, not even the ones for children.

People have become less likeable recently than they were before. For the most part, they are insufferable.
I love humans. Some of my best friends are humans.

Let go of the bitterness and seek Faith, Hope, and Charity. Learn to see people as God does and you will want to do nothing more than bless everyone you can.

Die Erde hat eine Haut; und diese Haut hat Krankenheiten. Eine diese Krankenheiten heißt zum Beispiel : «Mensch».

The Earth has a skin, and that skin has diseases. One of those diseases is called "Man".
Most humans are useless, egoism driven, grandma selling parasites.
They are good for nothing, go back on their words and without rules set by an elite they just abuse and kill each other. They talk stupid balderdash all day and are very stupid. They have sex with ugly people and watch pervertedly abhorrent sex movies. Also, they have fun watching other people suffer. I hardly can suffer their company longer than an hour a day and prefer to be with selected people or none.

You must consider yourself to be amongst the elite.

Once God kills the rest of the flesh in this world, we'll no longer have such problems with humanism.
Most humans are useless, egoism driven, grandma selling parasites.
They are good for nothing, go back on their words and without rules set by an elite they just abuse and kill each other. They talk stupid balderdash all day and are very stupid. They have sex with ugly people and watch pervertedly abhorrent sex movies. Also, they have fun watching other people suffer. I hardly can suffer their company longer than an hour a day and prefer to be with selected people or none.

Perhaps you are right. You need to find someone to talk this out to. Reach out. Don't lash out. To friends, family even some of us on this board.
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