Do you despise humans as much as I do?

I don't like humans. I try to avoid them whenever possible. I prefer the company of animals. My dislike of people was central to the decision to close my law office. I simply could not go on helping people any more. I do not donate to any cause that benefits people, not even the ones for children.

People have become less likeable recently than they were before. For the most part, they are insufferable.

Why do you keep exalting yourself above other people? Even dogs know when they're alone.
I used to think that people were basically good, however with age and experience that view has changed. People seem full of greed and self purpose to me...everyone has some sort of agenda.

Learn to see people as God does and you will want to do nothing more than bless everyone you can.

Let's not forget that God destroyed the world one time already because of man's vile nature.
I used to think that people were basically good, however with age and experience that view has changed. People seem full of greed and self purpose to me...everyone has some sort of agenda.

Learn to see people as God does and you will want to do nothing more than bless everyone you can.

Let's not forget that God destroyed the world one time already because of man's vile nature.

We're still here, aren't we?:tongue:
I don't like humans. I try to avoid them whenever possible. I prefer the company of animals. My dislike of people was central to the decision to close my law office. I simply could not go on helping people any more. I do not donate to any cause that benefits people, not even the ones for children.

People have become less likeable recently than they were before. For the most part, they are insufferable.

Why do you keep exalting yourself above other people? Even dogs know when they're alone.

Not everyone loves their fellow man. Some have good reasons not to that have nothing to do with pride.
I don't like humans. I try to avoid them whenever possible. I prefer the company of animals. My dislike of people was central to the decision to close my law office. I simply could not go on helping people any more. I do not donate to any cause that benefits people, not even the ones for children.

People have become less likeable recently than they were before. For the most part, they are insufferable.

Why do you keep exalting yourself above other people? Even dogs know when they're alone.

Not everyone loves their fellow man. Some have good reasons not to that have nothing to do with pride.

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor"

What does this commandment by God mean to you?
Why do you keep exalting yourself above other people? Even dogs know when they're alone.

Not everyone loves their fellow man. Some have good reasons not to that have nothing to do with pride.

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor"

What does this commandment by God mean to you?

Don't lie about people. Glad I could help you figure it out. Though it's completely irrelevant to our conversation.
Not everyone loves their fellow man. Some have good reasons not to that have nothing to do with pride.

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor"

What does this commandment by God mean to you?

Don't lie about people. Glad I could help you figure it out. Though it's completely irrelevant to our conversation.

It's totally relevant to not loving your neighbor.

What it means is that God created everything so if you judge someone, you're actually judging God's work. It also means you don't have the love of God to understand his commandments in the first place.
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"Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor"

What does this commandment by God mean to you?

Don't lie about people. Glad I could help you figure it out. Though it's completely irrelevant to our conversation.

It's totally relevant to not loving your neighbor.

What it means is that God created everything so if you judge someone, you're actually judging God's work. It also means you don't have the love of God to understand his commandments in the first place.

you're actually judging God's work.

Do you despise humans as much as I do?

unfortunately the OP is agreeing with Gods own conclusion ... however being in concert isn't the means for solving the problem.

losing hope is a "dead" end.
most people are mostly good.

Unfortunately, that is patently false. There are those impressionable people who would like to believe this, because it makes them feel more secure. It's a feeling of hope, and you know what they say about ignorance.

the way you veiw the world is a snapshot of your own heart

Again, this is yet another hopeful platitude, devoid of any substance. The way one vies the world is not a snapshot "of your own heart." The very way this comment is set up doesn't jive well with the merits of science or objectivity. The heart, as some know it, in simplest terms is an organ used to pump blood throughout the body. There is no "heart" or "soul," as some would have you believe. No, these people may actually be referring to character, whether "moral" or not.

You are not the way you view the world. If you understand the world to be a cruel, rough, and wicked place, that does not mean you, too, are the same. The very notion is absurd and an abortion of reason if there ever was one. Likewise, if you think "the world" is a perfect, heavenly place where nothing but good and kindness happens, that does not make you the same, either. No, not at all.

So what is it? You'd have us believe that we are how we view the world? That notion is so erroneous as to be dangerous. Insane notions like these ought to be ignored, because people deserve to be able to understand our world as it truly is.
Most humans are useless, egoism driven, grandma selling parasites.
They are good for nothing, go back on their words and without rules set by an elite they just abuse and kill each other. They talk stupid balderdash all day and are very stupid. They have sex with ugly people and watch pervertedly abhorrent sex movies. Also, they have fun watching other people suffer. I hardly can suffer their company longer than an hour a day and prefer to be with selected people or none.

I feel the same some time.

I HOPE it is because the bad sticks out. Imagine watching a bunch of kids playing nicely and sharing. As soon as one fight breaks out it seems to be a bad day.

On a semi related note, I have been trying to work on my 1945 Germany hatred thing from this same line of thought. I might have softened on the Germans a bit as their country was "newer" than others. Maybe I guess.

I'm so glad usmb has become an internet home for the mentally ill.
Blei definitely has some specific issue that he has generalized to the entire human race. That being the case, he is probably doing himself and the rest of us a favor to stay secluded.

Having worked a good part of my career with the very seriously and persistently mentally ill, I have to say that I came to see them as 'naked souls.' They are what we would be if we lost all control of our thinking and behavior, so I can honestly say, you ain't seen nothin' yet. You don't know the half of it. But most of us do have some control and use it to keep ourselves in check. Others use it to exploit others. What can I say. The human race as it stands has many different potentials for both good and evil. The ones we choose to use are the ones that define who we are.

Did you read Faust in college? I really liked that story because Faust, unwittingly the object of a bet between God and Satan, without compunction went after the pretty vulnerable young girl, but found himself unexpectedly loving her. In the end, both Faust and his paramour were 'redeemed' by God. Snatched from Satan's grasp, even though Satan won the bet on a technicality. I suppose the message being that man was made for God and not for the devil.

So, perhaps you might want to adjust your glasses and take a second look, there Blei.
Most humans are useless, egoism driven, grandma selling parasites.
They are good for nothing, go back on their words and without rules set by an elite they just abuse and kill each other. They talk stupid balderdash all day and are very stupid. They have sex with ugly people and watch pervertedly abhorrent sex movies. Also, they have fun watching other people suffer. I hardly can suffer their company longer than an hour a day and prefer to be with selected people or none.

Cammmpell, meet Bleipriester. Bleipriester, meet Cammmpbell.

I'm playing matchmaker today.
Don't lie about people. Glad I could help you figure it out. Though it's completely irrelevant to our conversation.

It's totally relevant to not loving your neighbor.

What it means is that God created everything so if you judge someone, you're actually judging God's work. It also means you don't have the love of God to understand his commandments in the first place.

you're actually judging God's work.

Do you despise humans as much as I do?

unfortunately the OP is agreeing with Gods own conclusion ... however being in concert isn't the means for solving the problem.

losing hope is a "dead" end.

God already solved the problem that He created.

Be patient!!!
Most humans are useless, egoism driven, grandma selling parasites.
They are good for nothing, go back on their words and without rules set by an elite they just abuse and kill each other. They talk stupid balderdash all day and are very stupid. They have sex with ugly people and watch pervertedly abhorrent sex movies. Also, they have fun watching other people suffer. I hardly can suffer their company longer than an hour a day and prefer to be with selected people or none.

Humans are discreet, selfish, and rather secretive mammals. They're complex, and one could think there is as much "bad" to them as there is "good." But, after considering that, one should also consider that all of the people you know and socialize with carry their own dark secrets, perversions, and histories. Remember, you only see what they want you to see. The person you hold in the highest esteem may very well be a sexual pervert within the shadowy sanctuary of his mind.

And is that wrong? It's human. People like to project an image of themselves to the world. Some achieve that image, while others never muster up the gumption to be so. Even then, what image doesn't have "darkness" hidden from your perception?

Useless?, I wouldn't say that. Driven by ego? In most cases, sure. One must wonder why people think something as innate to humans as the "ego" is a bad thing. Good for nothing? At times for most of the population? Absolutely. Some people are lazy, unmotivated brutes who don't care about anything... neither themselves nor anyone else. It is common for humans to lie. Lying... flattery... they are social lubricants that move the cogs and the wheels of our society. Imagine, for a moment, what would happen in any singles bar if everyone started telling the stark truth? Why, the human population would likely tumble, wouldn't it?

As with all man-made, subjective terms, stupidity and ugliness are relative... as well as perversion.

Well, with all these selfish, morally suspect walking among us, it's no wonder it can drive one insane.
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor"

What does this commandment by God mean to you?

Don't lie about people. Glad I could help you figure it out. Though it's completely irrelevant to our conversation.

It's totally relevant to not loving your neighbor.

What it means is that God created everything so if you judge someone, you're actually judging God's work. It also means you don't have the love of God to understand his commandments in the first place.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor is nothing to do with judging. It's talking about not lying about your neighbor.

Christ has taught us now to judge righteous judgments. In fact, He commanded us to do so.

BTW please dont think we haven't noticed you judging everyone who hasn't agreed with your false interpretations.
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