Zone1 Do You Ever Feel Like God Has Stopped Listening to Your Prayers?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I have. I'm at the point though I'm currently struggling in real life right now (financially mostly as I cannot find a job but other stuff that's hard to explain and I don't really want to go into it anyways) and continuing to pray about it I'm like why bother? It doesn't seem like God cares about changing my situation (or rather multiple situations) anyways.
Do you know the proper template for prayer?

I'm not looking up the Bible verse right now.
Do you mean The Lord's Prayer?
#1 Thank God for all he has given you.
#2 Ask him to forgive your sins in his son's name
#3 Ask him for what you want
#4 Ask for it in his son's name. Amen

It's late and I'm battling with an idiot. There's a template for proper prayer a couple places in The Bible.

Jesus said it one time, I know.
I have. I'm at the point though I'm currently struggling in real life right now (financially mostly as I cannot find a job but other stuff that's hard to explain and I don't really want to go into it anyways) and continuing to pray about it I'm like why bother? It doesn't seem like God cares about changing my situation (or rather multiple situations) anyways.
Don't give up. If you are a good person G-d will eventually send good people to help you or even angels. Be happy that you live in America instead of Canada, you are free. Pursue your happiness in whatever form that takes.
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- the only prayer the heavens listen to is who does not sin ... they could be testing you - as unfair as financial issues are in that regards.
I have. I'm at the point though I'm currently struggling in real life right now (financially mostly as I cannot find a job but other stuff that's hard to explain and I don't really want to go into it anyways) and continuing to pray about it I'm like why bother? It doesn't seem like God cares about changing my situation (or rather multiple situations) anyways.
"Feel"....what have "feels" got to do with it? Don't get suckered in by "feels". Facts is facts. God don't stop listening and he carries all of us "in the palm of his hand" regardless of "feels". Admitting we're weak as piss without Him is a great starting point.

"Feel"....what have "feels" got to do with it? Don't get suckered in by "feels". Facts is facts. God don't stop listening and he carries all of us "in the palm of his hand" regardless of "feels". Admitting we're weak as piss without Him is a great starting point.


Well didn't even Jesus feel forsaken at one point?
I have. I'm at the point though I'm currently struggling in real life right now (financially mostly as I cannot find a job but other stuff that's hard to explain and I don't really want to go into it anyways) and continuing to pray about it I'm like why bother? It doesn't seem like God cares about changing my situation (or rather multiple situations) anyways.
If God dances over you, I don't think he would ignore a prayer. However, according to the Bible there are "let" prayers. "Let" in tennis means the ball hits the net and doesn't get to where it was intended. That is where the Lord's prayer comes in. Not to be meant as a rote prayer, it is an example of how to pray:
P raise (to God)
R epent (God turns His back on sin. Get rid of it right off the bat, so he can hear you)
A sk anything for any body (intersession)
Y ourself (talk to him about your needs.)

God answers prayer 3 ways:
When the time is right.

But when it comes to your finances, He has a sure fire method that does not fail. It is the only time in the Bible that God says, "Test me on this!"
Even if you only earned $10.00 this week, take 10% of that ($1.00) and you give it to a CHURCH that you feel will be good stewards of your money. That is not a charity of your choice. Do that too, but tithe goes to a house of God. Because He requires that amount of what He has blessed you with back. Now for the good part. If you add an additional 25% of your dollar/tithe (a quarter) to your tithe, God will not only give your tithe back but will increase it 7 fold. To be honest, your cup will start to run over, and you'll be amazed.
One caveat: When you get that $10.00 get change and take God's portion right off the top. Before you spend the rest. If you pay bills or buy food, or a gal. of gas and then give God what is left over, it won't count.
Test him on it...
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I have. I'm at the point though I'm currently struggling in real life right now (financially mostly as I cannot find a job but other stuff that's hard to explain and I don't really want to go into it anyways) and continuing to pray about it I'm like why bother? It doesn't seem like God cares about changing my situation (or rather multiple situations) anyways.

As hard as it is to hear, it's never God. It's always us.

Pray for God to reveal to you what is hindering your prayers.
I have. I'm at the point though I'm currently struggling in real life right now (financially mostly as I cannot find a job but other stuff that's hard to explain and I don't really want to go into it anyways) and continuing to pray about it I'm like why bother? It doesn't seem like God cares about changing my situation (or rather multiple situations) anyways.
Are you praying for only what will benefit you, but will also benefit others? I once prayed for four years over my part in what would not only benefit me but others as well. I could not understand why God was not answering this prayer.

I was amazed the day the answer came/was fully revealed. On that day I could also identify the steps God had taken in building/creating the answer/solution of my prayers. Like Moses, I discovered one can best see God in hindsight.

If you are certain as to the righteousness of your prayer request, continue in prayer, continue to persist and to trust God is working quietly with you to give you an answer which is now over a horizon you cannot yet see, but the day will dawn and it will be beautiful.
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Prayer should be the last resort after you have followed God's word on the subject.

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