Do you ever feel like you missed your calling in life or that you've wasted it?

I used to think about missed opportunities. We've all missed opportunities in hindsight.

But I have no regrets. All the choices I have made brought me to the very place I am today. I have a wonderful partner and friend in my wife and we have a good life and I'm looking forward to every remaining day
I love my job and making customers happy is very gratifying but I sometimes feel like I've wasted opportunities.

I wont bore you all with my life story as I have shared enough of it to give you all a hint as to where I've been vs where I am.

As so many love to say I fix toilets and I drink too much.

Thing is I love politics, archeology, paleontology and ancient history more.

I feel like I missed a calling. The subjects I have the most interest in now are far too complex and require too much education for me to ever actually jump into now at 50 years of age.

Add to that my complete shame for how I acted in my first marriage and I wish I had a Jenie and a lamp. (Second marriage was to a psycho who wrote her own scripts)

What do you do with feelings of regret? I study the things I'm interested in now but at my age it feels like it's all a waste.
Never say never Gramps. Learning is lifelong so don’t cut yourself short. Why would it ever be a waste? My 84 year old mother is learning new things. She never stops. You don’t need to make it a career. I to wasted time, and regret not having had the discipline in the past to pursue them. But I will, because why not :dunno:
I love my job and making customers happy is very gratifying but I sometimes feel like I've wasted opportunities.

I wont bore you all with my life story as I have shared enough of it to give you all a hint as to where I've been vs where I am.

As so many love to say I fix toilets and I drink too much.

Thing is I love politics, archeology, paleontology and ancient history more.

I feel like I missed a calling. The subjects I have the most interest in now are far too complex and require too much education for me to ever actually jump into now at 50 years of age.

Add to that my complete shame for how I acted in my first marriage and I wish I had a Jenie and a lamp. (Second marriage was to a psycho who wrote her own scripts)

What do you do with feelings of regret? I study the things I'm interested in now but at my age it feels like it's all a waste.

You can always go dig in the dirt. You volunteer. You know more than you did before. It is always worth something.

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Archaeology was my first love.

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