Do You Guys Develop Anxiety and Embarrassment When You Make Mistakes?

Making a mistake provides a learning opportunity. As long as one doesn't make the same mistakes again, it can provide positive outcomes.

True, I'm just afraid of embarrassing myself in front of other people. Maybe that's a good thing though since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris don't have that.
And as much as I thought that he was a great president, Trump too.
True, I'm just afraid of embarrassing myself in front of other people. Maybe that's a good thing though since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris don't have that.
I just make fun of myself first if I create an embarrassing situation in public (e.g. spilling a drink at dinner, pulling a Biden and tripping on the stairs, etc.). Everyone makes mistakes, and you get to control the outcome if others are around.
As a recovering Chef I still have to make food things several times to get them the way I like them. IE each time is a mistake until I get it right.

Mistakes are just Mistakes. Only Jesus was perfect and they killed him for it.
I got upset with myself if I make a mistake at work.
I once scraped a $55k piece of material when I miss read a blueprint.
I'm probably harder on myself when I make a mistake.
In my defense the blueprint was a piece of shit but I still felt bad about it.
I have huge issues with that myself.
Making a mistake is not something that you nor any of us need to feel embarrassed about. All humans make mistakes, it's what you do about them that is important.

What I think is more embarrassing is not being able to admit to having made a mistake especially when it's obvious to everyone else what occurred.

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