Do You Know Who Wrote 'America the Beautiful' and Her Orientation?

It's kind of weird how historical figures are being dragged out of the closet by people with an agenda to expose everyone's sex secrets. Isn't that a little bit rude?
Simply because of you and others like you if you really want to know! You all love to marginalize Gays and Lesbians and talk about them as if they didn't matter and as if they have never accomplished anything great and that is quite the wrong attitude to take. Therefore, people need to bring out the many GREAT things Lesbian and Gay Americans have done and accomplished for this country so that Conservatards can know and be reminded that they are people just like anyone else who are very capable of doing great things for this country. Had this not been pointed out about this great lady you and others like you more than likely would be under the impression that she was Heterosexual. After all, in your brain-damaged way of thinking how could a lesbian have written one of America's greatest patriotic songs of all time?!

She was a lesbian, not an invalid.
Did I say she was an invalid? You see, if Gays and Lesbians were more acceptable to folks then there would be little need to be discussing them at all. But no, many bigots love to denigrate Gays and Lesbians to the point that they have been marginalized so much that things like their accomplishments need to now be fully brought forth every chance there is. Comprede?

They won't be fully accepted until they succeed in fighting the demons that make them have sex with their own gender.

Got it.
Every time. Every fucking time with you "people".

Conservatards complain incessantly about sex education in schools, about PDA in society, about anything at all that isn't "conservative enough" and clashes with their backwards, repressed culture. And yet your response to my valid point is: "If...probably...hurr durr sex."

You make up a bunch of bullshit as an excuse to be outraged, and then turn it into something to sexually objectify womyn. Why can't you conservatards live by your own rules for once and stop turning EVERY SINGLE ISSUE EVER into a degradation of womyn?
Because it's the Conservatards incessant need to be misogynistic.

Somebody got a thesaurus for their birthday.


Get used to it. Misogynist is going to be Hillary's battle cry.
Nero was a homosexual, he even married a man. I'd post a link, but apparently I'm not allowed to do that until I've posted enough times. So, for now, you'll have to take my word for it.
Because it's the Conservatards incessant need to be misogynistic.
That's funny -- you never see liberal women protesters dressed as brains.


The takeaway here is the left sees women as nothing more than genitals.

Wow, they not only want abortion on demand, but they want it for free.
It's in the Constitution somewhere. It has to be.
Simply because of you and others like you if you really want to know! You all love to marginalize Gays and Lesbians and talk about them as if they didn't matter and as if they have never accomplished anything great and that is quite the wrong attitude to take. Therefore, people need to bring out the many GREAT things Lesbian and Gay Americans have done and accomplished for this country so that Conservatards can know and be reminded that they are people just like anyone else who are very capable of doing great things for this country. Had this not been pointed out about this great lady you and others like you more than likely would be under the impression that she was Heterosexual. After all, in your brain-damaged way of thinking how could a lesbian have written one of America's greatest patriotic songs of all time?!

She was a lesbian, not an invalid.
Did I say she was an invalid? You see, if Gays and Lesbians were more acceptable to folks then there would be little need to be discussing them at all. But no, many bigots love to denigrate Gays and Lesbians to the point that they have been marginalized so much that things like their accomplishments need to now be fully brought forth every chance there is. Comprede?
Do you condemn your fellow lefties when they use homosexuality as an insult?
She was a lesbian, not an invalid.
Did I say she was an invalid? You see, if Gays and Lesbians were more acceptable to folks then there would be little need to be discussing them at all. But no, many bigots love to denigrate Gays and Lesbians to the point that they have been marginalized so much that things like their accomplishments need to now be fully brought forth every chance there is. Comprede?

They won't be fully accepted until they succeed in fighting the demons that make them have sex with their own gender.

Got it.
Listen, the ones who need to fight the demons are you and your kind. Starting with the demon of abortion, the demon of divorce, the demon of sexual proclivities and promiscuity that lead to Herpes and other nasty diseases, the demon of hate, the demon of discrimination, the demon of intolerance, the demon of prejudice, the demon of anti-Love, the demon of denigration and a whole range of like demons that run rampant in the world today causing you and others to spew forth hate and intolerance every time they open their mouth. So, once you fight your own demons, and there's plenty of them as you can see, maybe you'll be in a better place to be more tolerating of people who are different from you and not continue to see yourselves as being without sin of any kind. Got it?!
Did I say she was an invalid? You see, if Gays and Lesbians were more acceptable to folks then there would be little need to be discussing them at all. But no, many bigots love to denigrate Gays and Lesbians to the point that they have been marginalized so much that things like their accomplishments need to now be fully brought forth every chance there is. Comprede?

They won't be fully accepted until they succeed in fighting the demons that make them have sex with their own gender.

Got it.
Listen, the ones who need to fight the demons are you and your kind. Starting with the demon of abortion, the demon of divorce, the demon of sexual proclivities and promiscuity that lead to Herpes and other nasty diseases, the demon of hate, the demon of discrimination, the demon of intolerance, the demon of prejudice, the demon of anti-Love, the demon of denigration and a whole range of like demons that run rampant in the world today causing you and others to spew forth hate and intolerance every time they open their mouth. So, once you fight your own demons, and there's plenty of them as you can see, maybe you'll be in a better place to be more tolerating of people who are different from you and not continue to see yourselves as being without sin of any kind. Got it?!

You know people are snickering at you, don't you?
Many do not know who wrote 'America the Beautiful', the American patriotic song that we so love and admire and keep close to our heart in this country. But do you know the sexual orientation of the writer of that song? It should not matter at all to Americans especially to religious people who have sung it for so long a time.

Rush Limbaugh's Favorite Lesbian Socialist -- Author of 'America the Beautiful' -- Inspired the Super Bowl Coke Ad*|*Peter Dreier

Why are you obsessed with who people sleep with? do you understand the concept of privacy? Keep the fuck out of other people's bedrooms, asshole, no one appreciates it.
Simply because of you and others like you if you really want to know! You all love to marginalize Gays and Lesbians and talk about them as if they didn't matter and as if they have never accomplished anything great and that is quite the wrong attitude to take. Therefore, people need to bring out the many GREAT things Lesbian and Gay Americans have done and accomplished for this country so that Conservatards can know and be reminded that they are people just like anyone else who are very capable of doing great things for this country. Had this not been pointed out about this great lady you and others like you more than likely would be under the impression that she was Heterosexual. After all, in your brain-damaged way of thinking how could a lesbian have written one of America's greatest patriotic songs of all time?!

I marginalize gays? Do you have examples? Do I do it by insisting that they have the same right to have the government leave them alone as everyone else? I don't give a fuck who people sleep with, all I care about is who they are.
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Shut the fuck up all you assholes. This song is beautiful. Stop using it for your own bullshit.

You're absolutely right,TheOldSchool!! That was not the intention of this posting to elicit strange discussions on something as beautiful and patriotic and so close to many an American heart.

I just had to add a Big Hearty THANK YOU for presenting this most wonderful rendition of 'America the Beautiful' sung by Ray Charles that brought a tear to my eye. Not only could we feel the love coming from the bleachers for this most patriotic song but for Ray as well! Thanks so much!!
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The Star Spangled Banner was written by a heterosexual Christian white male named Frances Scott Key.

He was also a lawyer, which is a bitch-slap to all who mock lawyers and make lawyer jokes.

Like this one:

Q: "What do you call 500 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?"

A: "A good start."

It is wrong to make lawyer jokes because a lawyer wrote the National Anthem.

If it weren't for a lawyer, there would be nothing but silence for five minutes before every baseball game.
The Star Spangled Banner was written by a heterosexual Christian white male named Frances Scott Key.

He was also a lawyer, which is a bitch-slap to all who mock lawyers and make lawyer jokes.

Like this one:

Q: "What do you call 500 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?"

A: "A good start."

It is wrong to make lawyer jokes because a lawyer wrote the National Anthem.

If it weren't for a lawyer, there would be nothing but silence for five minutes before every baseball game.

The greatest National Anthem ever performed:


Before the drugs and disaster... :(
Many do not know who wrote 'America the Beautiful', the American patriotic song that we so love and admire and keep close to our heart in this country. But do you know the sexual orientation of the writer of that song? It should not matter at all to Americans especially to religious people who have sung it for so long a time.

Rush Limbaugh's Favorite Lesbian Socialist -- Author of 'America the Beautiful' -- Inspired the Super Bowl Coke Ad*|*Peter Dreier

Why are you obsessed with who people sleep with? do you understand the concept of privacy? Keep the fuck out of other people's bedrooms, asshole, no one appreciates it.
Simply because of you and others like you if you really want to know! You all love to marginalize Gays and Lesbians and talk about them as if they didn't matter and as if they have never accomplished anything great and that is quite the wrong attitude to take. Therefore, people need to bring out the many GREAT things Lesbian and Gay Americans have done and accomplished for this country so that Conservatards can know and be reminded that they are people just like anyone else who are very capable of doing great things for this country. Had this not been pointed out about this great lady you and others like you more than likely would be under the impression that she was Heterosexual. After all, in your brain-damaged way of thinking how could a lesbian have written one of America's greatest patriotic songs of all time?!

I wouldn't have assumed anything about her, nor would I have cared.

Now I will say though, that if this song were written today by a socialist-feminist-lesbian, instead of it being called "America the Beautiful" it would probably be more like:

"America the Woman Hating Teatard Homophobic Racist Sexist Bitch-Slapping Imperialistic Native Exterminating White Male Bastards"

It would be quite a hit with todays liberals.

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