Do You Know Who Wrote 'America the Beautiful' and Her Orientation?

This should make the tea crackers pin heads explode!

The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 by Francis Bellamy (1855–1931), who was a Christian socialist, and the cousin of socialist utopian novelist Edward Bellamy (1850–1898).
Someone wrote a poem. There is nothing sexual about the poem. If it was written today it would probably be "America's my girlfriends name she spreads her legs for me."

Take it in context and for the times.

Every time. Every fucking time with you "people".

Conservatards complain incessantly about sex education in schools, about PDA in society, about anything at all that isn't "conservative enough" and clashes with their backwards, repressed culture. And yet your response to my valid point is: "If...probably...hurr durr sex."

You make up a bunch of bullshit as an excuse to be outraged, and then turn it into something to sexually objectify womyn. Why can't you conservatards live by your own rules for once and stop turning EVERY SINGLE ISSUE EVER into a degradation of womyn?

You dont need to be posting here. You need psychiatric help.
Many do not know who wrote 'America the Beautiful', the American patriotic song that we so love and admire and keep close to our heart in this country. But do you know the sexual orientation of the writer of that song? It should not matter at all to Americans especially to religious people who have sung it for so long a time.

Rush Limbaugh's Favorite Lesbian Socialist -- Author of 'America the Beautiful' -- Inspired the Super Bowl Coke Ad*|*Peter Dreier

Who gives a fuck about her sexual orientation?
It's funny, homos tell us it's none of our business...yet they can't keep themselves from advertising the deviant sexual practices of every character that comes along. Luds with his queer bears, and now this.

Why are you so obsessed with the sexual practices of people (and animals) you don't even know? Why do you feel their bedroom antics should be the topic of every discussion? Has it ever occurred to you deviant weirdos that our main objection isn't what people do in the privacy of their's having the details continually broadcast that we find objectionable.
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A lot of gay people are very artistic.

And rush knows who wrote America the beautiful. Rush doesn't remark on homosexuality very much. It's not a big thing to him. He doesn't use the bible as an excuse to put gays down. He had Elton John sing at his wedding.

Rush focuses on the constitution and the way politician try to get around it.

I do not think that rush has an anti gay agenda at all.
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You're considered anti-gay if you aren't for the gay-i-fication of our schools and the world.
What useless garbage to whine over

do you have your panties permanently stuck up your butt?
I could care less about the sexual orientation of the person who wrote that beautiful song. The real question is why do you care so much? Does it really matter? The song is beautiful, and regardless of your stance on various social issues (or mine), it will always be a beautiful song that touches the deepest parts of my soul.
And was she a fascist about her lesbianism as the homonazi agenda is? No.
So there's no problem. Except to homonazis who want to force their irrelevant behavior onto everyone.
Bigots. Heterophobes.
Oh how these type of postings bring out the trolls from out of the woodwork! They start name calling when the truth is exposed to their face because they have no other come-back. And they might even border on sedition while they're at it with their comments on the president. And that's nothing for Homophobes to be proud about!

Trolls? Name calling? Speak for yourself. I made accurate descriptions. People who want to force their will onto others are fascists or nazis. Homonazis insist on forcing their homosexuality onto others. This song author may have been a homo. Big deal. Irrelevant and she kept it that way. Fine for us liberals. But to neocon homonazis like yourself it's not enough. You want to force acquiescence.
It's like the only thing they have to talk about is..not just sex..but the specific acts themselves. They attack us for concerning ourselves with what goes on in the bedroom..when they're the ones that keep dragging us there and pointing!
This should make the tea crackers pin heads explode!

The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 by Francis Bellamy (1855–1931), who was a Christian socialist, and the cousin of socialist utopian novelist Edward Bellamy (1850–1898).

You really SUCK at predicting behavior, kid.

Now, I have a prediction: You will go through life bitter, hateful, and enraged because you don't get your way.
And was she a fascist about her lesbianism as the homonazi agenda is? No.
So there's no problem. Except to homonazis who want to force their irrelevant behavior onto everyone.
Bigots. Heterophobes.
Oh how these type of postings bring out the trolls from out of the woodwork! They start name calling when the truth is exposed to their face because they have no other come-back. And they might even border on sedition while they're at it with their comments on the president. And that's nothing for Homophobes to be proud about!

Trolls? Name calling? Speak for yourself. I made accurate descriptions. People who want to force their will onto others are fascists or nazis. Homonazis insist on forcing their homosexuality onto others. This song author may have been a homo. Big deal. Irrelevant and she kept it that way. Fine for us liberals. But to neocon homonazis like yourself it's not enough. You want to force acquiescence.
Just who do you think you're kidding portraying yourself as a "Liberal" while you're constantly foaming at the mouth over their remarks! You're no Liberal, go tell that lie elsewhere.

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