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The wrath of God works in many ways
I'm not sure what Jesus you know, but my Jesus never killed people over harmless jokes.

No but YHWH- who Christians believe is somehow the same as Jesus- is described in the Bible as having consumed Moses' nephews in fire for burning the wrong incense, inflicted leprosy on Moses' brother's wife for gossiping, struck people down with lightning, opened the earth to swallow people whole, used wind and ice to slaughter people, burned more people alive, flooded the earth causing mass genocide, caused drought and famine to starve people to death, inflicted plague and disease to spread suffering and death, empowered certain people to slay other humans (sometimes by the tens of thousands), summoned and compelled animals to kill people, sent death angels and wicked spirits to murder people, and gave Satan permission to personally ruin the life and murder the loved ones of God's most loyal worshipper. That's all in the Old Testament... and in the New Testament, God sends his own son on a suicide mission.

I do not perceive YHWH and Jesus as one and the same. YHWH is about Creation and Destruction, and Order over Chaos. Jesus is about unconditional love, humility, forgiveness, redemption, salvation, etc...

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