Do you miss W like I do?

Do you miss W like I do?

I was sent this email.

And the kind of leadership Republicans will deliver when we win a Senate majority.We have less than two weeks to get it done. And you can help us today by ordering your limited-edition, American-made I Miss W. T-Shirt from the GOP.
President George W. Bush once said, "I will live and lead by these principles: to advance my convictions with civility, to pursue the public interest with courage, to speak for greater justice and compassion, to call for responsibility and try to live it as well."​
That’s what America needs right now: a big dose of leadership. The kind of principled conservative leadership President Bush provided our great nation.​

Whoda thunk we'd be wishing for W just 6 short years later?

But I proudly admit I'm a Bushy fan.

Do you miss W like I do?


Not NO, but HELL NO I don't miss that RINO jerk and neither should you if you were completely honest about who that OPEN BORDERS, DEFICIT CREATING dummy is.. He is the reason leftists swept the electorate.. Screw W and any Bush that tries to take on a Dynasty run.. I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR A BUSH.

Read my posts in this thread. that's all I ask anyone here to do.

If you still hate him, so be it.

Bush had achieved what no other president could ... a job approval rating of just 19%. What else is there to read?

And I hear you shit your drawers last year. But you still walk around with your head up.

Good for you!

Not every day is as bad as that one.

And not every W poll was as full of unthinking people's opinions as that one.

EXACTLY what do you miss?

Losing almost a million jobs every month?

More than 40 THOUSAND factories closed?

5000 dead Americans in his illegal wars?

Hundreds of thousands of maimed innocents?

Billions in debt?

The Patriot Act?

Illegal spying on Americans?

The constant lies and glabal embarrassment every time that idiot opened his mouth?

The list is endless but you already know that.

Please - what do you miss?

No, don't try to make it about Obama.Don't change the subject to Obama.

YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great.

Let's take a look at just ONE of your statements with FACTS...
You wrote: Losing almost a million jobs every month?
Year End Number people working end of the year
2000...... 131,785,000 -- and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 -- 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 -- effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 -- But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 -- Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.
So in what YEAR during 2001 to 2008 was there ever 1 million jobs lost EVERY MONTH?
When you look at the above table... when was there ever ONE month that 1 million jobs were lost??
January, 2009 ... 1,217,000 jobs lost

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Who became President that month, causing a total meltdown of confidence worldwide?
EXACTLY what do you miss?

Losing almost a million jobs every month?

More than 40 THOUSAND factories closed?

5000 dead Americans in his illegal wars?

Hundreds of thousands of maimed innocents?

Billions in debt?

The Patriot Act?

Illegal spying on Americans?

The constant lies and glabal embarrassment every time that idiot opened his mouth?

The list is endless but you already know that.

Please - what do you miss?

No, don't try to make it about Obama.Don't change the subject to Obama.

YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great.

Let's take a look at just ONE of your statements with FACTS...
You wrote: Losing almost a million jobs every month?
Year End Number people working end of the year
2000...... 131,785,000 -- and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 -- 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 -- effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 -- But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 -- Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.
So in what YEAR during 2001 to 2008 was there ever 1 million jobs lost EVERY MONTH?
When you look at the above table... when was there ever ONE month that 1 million jobs were lost??

Please show where I wrote that 1 million jobs were lost in a month?

How about the other points?

C'mon, surely he wasn't a total failure. Surely you can find one good thing he did.


Me neither..
EXACTLY what do you miss?

Losing almost a million jobs every month?

More than 40 THOUSAND factories closed?

5000 dead Americans in his illegal wars?

Hundreds of thousands of maimed innocents?

Billions in debt?

The Patriot Act?

Illegal spying on Americans?

The constant lies and glabal embarrassment every time that idiot opened his mouth?

The list is endless but you already know that.

Please - what do you miss?

No, don't try to make it about Obama.Don't change the subject to Obama.

YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great.

Let's take a look at just ONE of your statements with FACTS...
You wrote: Losing almost a million jobs every month?
Year End Number people working end of the year
2000...... 131,785,000 -- and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 -- 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 -- effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 -- But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 -- Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.
So in what YEAR during 2001 to 2008 was there ever 1 million jobs lost EVERY MONTH?
When you look at the above table... when was there ever ONE month that 1 million jobs were lost??
January, 2009 ... 1,217,000 jobs lost

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
NO THAT IS NOT EVERY MONTH!!! Plus that was 2009... Bush no longer president.
Try again... WHEN was there a YEAR during 2001 to 2008 that EVERY MONTH 1 million jobs were lost EVERY MONTH as you said!
Putz, you asked what month lost a million jobs (I even highlighted your question), so I showed you. Deal with it. Nor am I limited to your bizarre time frame. Bush was still president through most of January, 2009, and only the most enduring sycophants would blame Obama for job loses in January, 2009, because he was president for the last week and a half of the month, following 8 years of Bush's policies. :cuckoo:
Yeah, Bush left behind such a cheery utopia it's so hard not to miss him.

through a series of international and domestic incidents the first POTUS of the new century was forced to play the cards he was dealt.

The fact that we are all here (This assumption is debatable in and of itself.) to discuss the matter is proof of Georgie's success.

As Kenny Rogers said, " the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep."

We weren't guaranteed things would even be THIS kind of 'normal' (in the realm of normalcy...a normative coma brought on or brought about -- intentionally or not is of no matter -- by Barack Hussein Eboma).

A global Holy War triggered by Saddam & Israel & the Arabs & Jihadi warriors from around the world & Russia & China could have fried your circuits, mac.

Oh, yeah, Saddam and Israel started it all, hmmm......

Dispute it with facts and/or reason, not your equivalent of rolled eyes.

So please explain why i'm supposed to be different to everyone else on this board.

Because you will LOOK better if you do.

And we all know how much importance liberals and Progressives place on appearances.

EXACTLY what do you miss?

Losing almost a million jobs every month?

More than 40 THOUSAND factories closed?

5000 dead Americans in his illegal wars?

Hundreds of thousands of maimed innocents?

Billions in debt?

The Patriot Act?

Illegal spying on Americans?

The constant lies and glabal embarrassment every time that idiot opened his mouth?

The list is endless but you already know that.

Please - what do you miss?

No, don't try to make it about Obama.Don't change the subject to Obama.

YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great.

Let's take a look at just ONE of your statements with FACTS...
You wrote: Losing almost a million jobs every month?
Year End Number people working end of the year
2000...... 131,785,000 -- and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 -- 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 -- effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 -- But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 -- Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.
So in what YEAR during 2001 to 2008 was there ever 1 million jobs lost EVERY MONTH?
When you look at the above table... when was there ever ONE month that 1 million jobs were lost??
January, 2009 ... 1,217,000 jobs lost

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
NO THAT IS NOT EVERY MONTH!!! Plus that was 2009... Bush no longer president.
Try again... WHEN was there a YEAR during 2001 to 2008 that EVERY MONTH 1 million jobs were lost EVERY MONTH as you said!
Putz, you asked what month lost a million jobs (I even highlighted your question), so I showed you. Deal with it. Nor am I limited to your bizarre time frame. Bush was still president through most of January, 2009, and only the most enduring sycophants would blame Obama for job loses in January, 2009, because he was president for the last week and a half of the month, following 8 years of Bush's policies. :cuckoo:
The election of Obama totally destroyed the confidence of anybody with any sense.

Damn glad W tipped me off, and I cashed out and went into land before the big Obama collapse.
EXACTLY what do you miss?

Losing almost a million jobs every month?

More than 40 THOUSAND factories closed?

5000 dead Americans in his illegal wars?

Hundreds of thousands of maimed innocents?

Billions in debt?

The Patriot Act?

Illegal spying on Americans?

The constant lies and glabal embarrassment every time that idiot opened his mouth?

The list is endless but you already know that.

Please - what do you miss?

No, don't try to make it about Obama.Don't change the subject to Obama.

YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great.

Let's take a look at just ONE of your statements with FACTS...
You wrote: Losing almost a million jobs every month?
Year End Number people working end of the year
2000...... 131,785,000 -- and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 -- 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 -- effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 -- But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 -- Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.
So in what YEAR during 2001 to 2008 was there ever 1 million jobs lost EVERY MONTH?
When you look at the above table... when was there ever ONE month that 1 million jobs were lost??
January, 2009 ... 1,217,000 jobs lost

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Who became President that month, causing a total meltdown of confidence worldwide?
Actually, the job market turned around after Obama became president...

EXACTLY what do you miss?

Losing almost a million jobs every month?

More than 40 THOUSAND factories closed?

5000 dead Americans in his illegal wars?

Hundreds of thousands of maimed innocents?

Billions in debt?

The Patriot Act?

Illegal spying on Americans?

The constant lies and glabal embarrassment every time that idiot opened his mouth?

The list is endless but you already know that.

Please - what do you miss?

No, don't try to make it about Obama.Don't change the subject to Obama.

YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great.

Let's take a look at just ONE of your statements with FACTS...
You wrote: Losing almost a million jobs every month?
Year End Number people working end of the year
2000...... 131,785,000 -- and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 -- 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 -- effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 -- But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 -- Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.
So in what YEAR during 2001 to 2008 was there ever 1 million jobs lost EVERY MONTH?
When you look at the above table... when was there ever ONE month that 1 million jobs were lost??

Please show where I wrote that 1 million jobs were lost in a month?

How about the other points?

C'mon, surely he wasn't a total failure. Surely you can find one good thing he did.


Me neither..

Perfect metaphor for why Liberals are such silly, incompetents and misinformed losers.

I have answered the questions and stated the reasons and he won't even read them and stop asking questions which are irrelevant or lies or both.

You were born with the dreadful birth condition called, Liberalitis.

But your persistent ignorance is a choice.
EXACTLY what do you miss?

Losing almost a million jobs every month?

More than 40 THOUSAND factories closed?

5000 dead Americans in his illegal wars?

Hundreds of thousands of maimed innocents?

Billions in debt?

The Patriot Act?

Illegal spying on Americans?

The constant lies and glabal embarrassment every time that idiot opened his mouth?

The list is endless but you already know that.

Please - what do you miss?

No, don't try to make it about Obama.Don't change the subject to Obama.

YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great.

Now to answer your "YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great."
Bush will with historical inspection over time be considered one of the GREAT presidents because the FACTS are NO other President in history every faced cataclysmic events during one administration as Bush did.
1) Do YOU agree a recession started under Clinton and became official 3/01 ended 11/01?
Source: - It s official 2001 recession only lasted eight months

2) Do YOU agree that the bust occurred and cost $5 trillion in losses?
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $5 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies. More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 - and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
Source: The dot-com bubble How to lose 5 trillion 8211 Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs

3) Hard to believe but people forget that 9/11 cost $2 trillion in lost businesses,market values assets.
Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100 JUST in New York.
Year 2001: September 11 Terrorist Attacks
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the events that helped shape other financial events of the decade. After that terrible day in September 2001, our economic climate was never to be the same again. It was only the third time in history that the New York Stock Exchange was shut down for a period of time. In this case, it was closed from September 10 - 17. Besides the tragic human loss of that day, the economic loss cannot even be estimated. Some estimate that there was over $60 billion in insurance losses alone.
Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell. There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S.
Source: The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

4) $1 trillion in written off losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. Andrew slammed into South Florida in 1992 as a Category 5. It caused 40 deaths and $30 billion in property damage. More than 250,000 people were left homeless and 82,000 businesses were destroyed or damaged.
Hurricane Katrina ALONE! Year 2005: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
On August 25, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the U.S. as a strong Category 3 or low Category 4 storm. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.
The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

a) 400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita ,
b) 2,800,000 jobs in alone due to 9/11,
c) 300,000 jobs lost due to busts...
In spite of nearly $8 trillion in lost businesses, market values, destroyed property.. IN SPITE of that:

AFTER the tax cuts Federal Tax REVENUES Increased an average of 9.78% per year!!!
Government Revenue Details Federal State Local for 2008 - Charts

Year Federal revenue(billions) increase/ decrease Change Reason
  • 2000 $1,211
  • 2001 $1,145 -$ 66 -5.47% -- remember Wall street closed, no flights 3 days destructions!
  • 2002 $1,006 -$139 -12.14% In spite of losses tax writes offs..
  • 2003 $ 926 -$ 81 -8.04% losses tax write offs
  • 2004 $ 998 $ 73 up! 7.87% ^ Tax cuts STARTED.. in spite of tax revenues UP!
  • 2005 $1,206 $207 up! 20.76%^ Again tax cuts in play.. REVENUES UP!!!
  • 2006 $1,398 $192 UP! 15.95%^ AGAIN tax cuts but REVENUES UP!!!
  • 2007 $1,534 $136 UP! 9.72%^ Again tax cuts BUT revenues UP!!!
  • 2008 $1,450 -$ 84 - 5.45% $500 billion pulled out of MMF on 9/18/08 in 2 hours!
And then we had more jobs created in spite of the above events that cost jobs...
Year End total jobs end of year
  • 2000...... 131,785,000 and recession starting!!!
  • 2001...... 131,826,000 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Bust..
  • 2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
  • 2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
  • 2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
  • 2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
  • 2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
  • 2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
  • 2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
  • 5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.

AND guess what??? During this time NOT ONCE did Bush EVER denigrate the US military such as Obama did when running for President Obama called our military as "methodically air raiding villages killing civilians"!
NEVER ONCE did you hear Bush say he wanted higher gas prices, or businesses to go bankrupt!
Instead Bush was a UNITER with the highest approval rating of any President since keeping the records of 90%
Presidential Approval Ratings Gallup Historical Statistics and Trends
Screen Shot 2014-10-22 at 8.27.01 AM.png
EXACTLY what do you miss?

Losing almost a million jobs every month?

More than 40 THOUSAND factories closed?

5000 dead Americans in his illegal wars?

Hundreds of thousands of maimed innocents?

Billions in debt?

The Patriot Act?

Illegal spying on Americans?

The constant lies and glabal embarrassment every time that idiot opened his mouth?

The list is endless but you already know that.

Please - what do you miss?

No, don't try to make it about Obama.Don't change the subject to Obama.

YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great.

Let's take a look at just ONE of your statements with FACTS...
You wrote: Losing almost a million jobs every month?
Year End Number people working end of the year
2000...... 131,785,000 -- and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 -- 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 -- effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 -- But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 -- Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.
So in what YEAR during 2001 to 2008 was there ever 1 million jobs lost EVERY MONTH?
When you look at the above table... when was there ever ONE month that 1 million jobs were lost??
January, 2009 ... 1,217,000 jobs lost

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Who became President that month, causing a total meltdown of confidence worldwide?
Actually, the job market turned around after Obama became president...


Obamanomics= 1 million workers cut to half time=2 million jobs created
EXACTLY what do you miss?

Losing almost a million jobs every month?

More than 40 THOUSAND factories closed?

5000 dead Americans in his illegal wars?

Hundreds of thousands of maimed innocents?

Billions in debt?

The Patriot Act?

Illegal spying on Americans?

The constant lies and glabal embarrassment every time that idiot opened his mouth?

The list is endless but you already know that.

Please - what do you miss?

No, don't try to make it about Obama.Don't change the subject to Obama.

YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great.

Let's take a look at just ONE of your statements with FACTS...
You wrote: Losing almost a million jobs every month?
Year End Number people working end of the year
2000...... 131,785,000 -- and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 -- 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 -- effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 -- But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 -- Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.
So in what YEAR during 2001 to 2008 was there ever 1 million jobs lost EVERY MONTH?
When you look at the above table... when was there ever ONE month that 1 million jobs were lost??
January, 2009 ... 1,217,000 jobs lost

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Who became President that month, causing a total meltdown of confidence worldwide?
Actually, the job market turned around after Obama became president...


BUT WHAT year was there EVER 1 million jobs lost every month? NOT ONE YEAR was there ever ONE month with 1 million jobs lost!
AGAIN blown up exaggeration disregard the FACTS.
Do you miss W like I do?

I was sent this email.

And the kind of leadership Republicans will deliver when we win a Senate majority.We have less than two weeks to get it done. And you can help us today by ordering your limited-edition, American-made I Miss W. T-Shirt from the GOP.
President George W. Bush once said, "I will live and lead by these principles: to advance my convictions with civility, to pursue the public interest with courage, to speak for greater justice and compassion, to call for responsibility and try to live it as well."​
That’s what America needs right now: a big dose of leadership. The kind of principled conservative leadership President Bush provided our great nation.​

Whoda thunk we'd be wishing for W just 6 short years later?

But I proudly admit I'm a Bushy fan.

Do you miss W like I do?


Not NO, but HELL NO I don't miss that RINO jerk and neither should you if you were completely honest about who that OPEN BORDERS, DEFICIT CREATING dummy is.. He is the reason leftists swept the electorate.. Screw W and any Bush that tries to take on a Dynasty run.. I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR A BUSH.

Read my posts in this thread. that's all I ask anyone here to do.

If you still hate him, so be it.

Bush had achieved what no other president could ... a job approval rating of just 19%. What else is there to read?

And I hear you shit your drawers last year. But you still walk around with your head up.

Good for you!

Not every day is as bad as that one.

And not every W poll was as full of unthinking people's opinions as that one.

Sadly for you, insults don't wash away Bush's abysmal record. And it wasn't just one poll. He achieved that unprecedented job rating 3 times. It wasn't an anomaly.
EXACTLY what do you miss?

Losing almost a million jobs every month?

More than 40 THOUSAND factories closed?

5000 dead Americans in his illegal wars?

Hundreds of thousands of maimed innocents?

Billions in debt?

The Patriot Act?

Illegal spying on Americans?

The constant lies and glabal embarrassment every time that idiot opened his mouth?

The list is endless but you already know that.

Please - what do you miss?

No, don't try to make it about Obama.Don't change the subject to Obama.

YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great.

Let's take a look at just ONE of your statements with FACTS...
You wrote: Losing almost a million jobs every month?
Year End Number people working end of the year
2000...... 131,785,000 -- and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 -- 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 -- effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 -- But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 -- Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.
So in what YEAR during 2001 to 2008 was there ever 1 million jobs lost EVERY MONTH?
When you look at the above table... when was there ever ONE month that 1 million jobs were lost??
January, 2009 ... 1,217,000 jobs lost

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Who became President that month, causing a total meltdown of confidence worldwide?
Actually, the job market turned around after Obama became president...


Laura Ingraham: Obama Presidency Is 'Finished'
Tuesday, 21 Oct 2014 11:20 AM

By Wanda Carruthers

Laura Ingraham Obama Presidency Is Finished
Yeah, Bush left behind such a cheery utopia it's so hard not to miss him.

through a series of international and domestic incidents the first POTUS of the new century was forced to play the cards he was dealt.

The fact that we are all here (This assumption is debatable in and of itself.) to discuss the matter is proof of Georgie's success.

As Kenny Rogers said, " the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep."

We weren't guaranteed things would even be THIS kind of 'normal' (in the realm of normalcy...a normative coma brought on or brought about -- intentionally or not is of no matter -- by Barack Hussein Eboma).

A global Holy War triggered by Saddam & Israel & the Arabs & Jihadi warriors from around the world & Russia & China could have fried your circuits, mac.

Oh, yeah, Saddam and Israel started it all, hmmm......

Dispute it with facts and/or reason, not your equivalent of rolled eyes.

So please explain why i'm supposed to be different to everyone else on this board.

Because you will LOOK better if you do.

And we all know how much importance liberals and Progressives place on appearances.


You know how often I back stuff up, make a decent argument with sources only to see the moron on the other end make a one or two line sentence with a couple of insults and the inability to respond?

To many.
EXACTLY what do you miss?

Losing almost a million jobs every month?

More than 40 THOUSAND factories closed?

5000 dead Americans in his illegal wars?

Hundreds of thousands of maimed innocents?

Billions in debt?

The Patriot Act?

Illegal spying on Americans?

The constant lies and glabal embarrassment every time that idiot opened his mouth?

The list is endless but you already know that.

Please - what do you miss?

No, don't try to make it about Obama.Don't change the subject to Obama.

YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great.

Let's take a look at just ONE of your statements with FACTS...
You wrote: Losing almost a million jobs every month?
Year End Number people working end of the year
2000...... 131,785,000 -- and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 -- 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 -- effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 -- But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 -- Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.
So in what YEAR during 2001 to 2008 was there ever 1 million jobs lost EVERY MONTH?
When you look at the above table... when was there ever ONE month that 1 million jobs were lost??
January, 2009 ... 1,217,000 jobs lost

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Who became President that month, causing a total meltdown of confidence worldwide?
Actually, the job market turned around after Obama became president...


BUT WHAT year was there EVER 1 million jobs lost every month? NOT ONE YEAR was there ever ONE month with 1 million jobs lost!
AGAIN blown up exaggeration disregard the FACTS.
Are you insane? I never said that was the case. YOU asked what month lost a million jobs, so I showed you.
EXACTLY what do you miss?

Losing almost a million jobs every month?

More than 40 THOUSAND factories closed?

5000 dead Americans in his illegal wars?

Hundreds of thousands of maimed innocents?

Billions in debt?

The Patriot Act?

Illegal spying on Americans?

The constant lies and glabal embarrassment every time that idiot opened his mouth?

The list is endless but you already know that.

Please - what do you miss?

No, don't try to make it about Obama.Don't change the subject to Obama.

YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great.

Let's take a look at just ONE of your statements with FACTS...
You wrote: Losing almost a million jobs every month?
Year End Number people working end of the year
2000...... 131,785,000 -- and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 -- 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 -- effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 -- But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 -- Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.
So in what YEAR during 2001 to 2008 was there ever 1 million jobs lost EVERY MONTH?
When you look at the above table... when was there ever ONE month that 1 million jobs were lost??
January, 2009 ... 1,217,000 jobs lost

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Who became President that month, causing a total meltdown of confidence worldwide?
Actually, the job market turned around after Obama became president...


Laura Ingraham: Obama Presidency Is 'Finished'
Tuesday, 21 Oct 2014 11:20 AM

By Wanda Carruthers

Laura Ingraham Obama Presidency Is Finished

Oh, well, if Laura Ingram says so ..... :dunno:
EXACTLY what do you miss?

Losing almost a million jobs every month?

More than 40 THOUSAND factories closed?

5000 dead Americans in his illegal wars?

Hundreds of thousands of maimed innocents?

Billions in debt?

The Patriot Act?

Illegal spying on Americans?

The constant lies and glabal embarrassment every time that idiot opened his mouth?

The list is endless but you already know that.

Please - what do you miss?

No, don't try to make it about Obama.Don't change the subject to Obama.

YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great.

Let's take a look at just ONE of your statements with FACTS...
You wrote: Losing almost a million jobs every month?
Year End Number people working end of the year
2000...... 131,785,000 -- and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 -- 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Bust..
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 -- effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 -- But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 -- Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.
So in what YEAR during 2001 to 2008 was there ever 1 million jobs lost EVERY MONTH?
When you look at the above table... when was there ever ONE month that 1 million jobs were lost??

Please show where I wrote that 1 million jobs were lost in a month?

How about the other points?

C'mon, surely he wasn't a total failure. Surely you can find one good thing he did.


Me neither..

YOU wrote :Losing almost a million jobs every month?
The MOST lost was nearly 900,000 one month... NOT nearly 1 million jobs EVERY MONTH!!!
Do you miss W like I do?

I was sent this email.

And the kind of leadership Republicans will deliver when we win a Senate majority.We have less than two weeks to get it done. And you can help us today by ordering your limited-edition, American-made I Miss W. T-Shirt from the GOP.
President George W. Bush once said, "I will live and lead by these principles: to advance my convictions with civility, to pursue the public interest with courage, to speak for greater justice and compassion, to call for responsibility and try to live it as well."​
That’s what America needs right now: a big dose of leadership. The kind of principled conservative leadership President Bush provided our great nation.​

Whoda thunk we'd be wishing for W just 6 short years later?

But I proudly admit I'm a Bushy fan.

Do you miss W like I do?


Not NO, but HELL NO I don't miss that RINO jerk and neither should you if you were completely honest about who that OPEN BORDERS, DEFICIT CREATING dummy is.. He is the reason leftists swept the electorate.. Screw W and any Bush that tries to take on a Dynasty run.. I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR A BUSH.

Read my posts in this thread. that's all I ask anyone here to do.

If you still hate him, so be it.

Bush had achieved what no other president could ... a job approval rating of just 19%. What else is there to read?

And I hear you shit your drawers last year. But you still walk around with your head up.

Good for you!

Not every day is as bad as that one.

And not every W poll was as full of unthinking people's opinions as that one.

Sadly for you, insults don't wash away Bush's abysmal record. And it wasn't just one poll. He achieved that unprecedented job rating 3 times. It wasn't an anomaly.

We know that most of the Americans who expressed a negative reaction to him were only going by their lack of information while he was busily saving us all from death and calamity. The Liberal media which has it in for any Conservative or GOP POTUS fed a constant stream of misinformation and negative spin on most of what he did.

but now that the facts are slowly coming out we see that W did far more for you and i than you want to give him credit for.

Very niggardly with your willingness to pay a man his due credit, don't you think?

  1. 1.
    not generous; stingy.
    "serving out the rations with a niggardly hand"
EXACTLY what do you miss?

Losing almost a million jobs every month?

More than 40 THOUSAND factories closed?

5000 dead Americans in his illegal wars?

Hundreds of thousands of maimed innocents?

Billions in debt?

The Patriot Act?

Illegal spying on Americans?

The constant lies and glabal embarrassment every time that idiot opened his mouth?

The list is endless but you already know that.

Please - what do you miss?

No, don't try to make it about Obama.Don't change the subject to Obama.

YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great.

Now to answer your "YOU said you miss Bush. Now have the balls tell us EXACTLY what you miss about BUSH. Tell us EXACTLY what Bush did that was so great."
Bush will with historical inspection over time be considered one of the GREAT presidents because the FACTS are NO other President in history every faced cataclysmic events during one administration as Bush did.
1) Do YOU agree a recession started under Clinton and became official 3/01 ended 11/01?
Source: - It s official 2001 recession only lasted eight months

2) Do YOU agree that the bust occurred and cost $5 trillion in losses?
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $5 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies. More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 - and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
Source: The dot-com bubble How to lose 5 trillion 8211 Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs

3) Hard to believe but people forget that 9/11 cost $2 trillion in lost businesses,market values assets.
Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100 JUST in New York.
Year 2001: September 11 Terrorist Attacks
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the events that helped shape other financial events of the decade. After that terrible day in September 2001, our economic climate was never to be the same again. It was only the third time in history that the New York Stock Exchange was shut down for a period of time. In this case, it was closed from September 10 - 17. Besides the tragic human loss of that day, the economic loss cannot even be estimated. Some estimate that there was over $60 billion in insurance losses alone.
Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell. There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S.
Source: The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

4) $1 trillion in written off losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. Andrew slammed into South Florida in 1992 as a Category 5. It caused 40 deaths and $30 billion in property damage. More than 250,000 people were left homeless and 82,000 businesses were destroyed or damaged.
Hurricane Katrina ALONE! Year 2005: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
On August 25, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the U.S. as a strong Category 3 or low Category 4 storm. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.
The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

a) 400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita ,
b) 2,800,000 jobs in alone due to 9/11,
c) 300,000 jobs lost due to busts...
In spite of nearly $8 trillion in lost businesses, market values, destroyed property.. IN SPITE of that:

AFTER the tax cuts Federal Tax REVENUES Increased an average of 9.78% per year!!!
Government Revenue Details Federal State Local for 2008 - Charts

Year Federal revenue(billions) increase/ decrease Change Reason
  • 2000 $1,211
  • 2001 $1,145 -$ 66 -5.47% -- remember Wall street closed, no flights 3 days destructions!
  • 2002 $1,006 -$139 -12.14% In spite of losses tax writes offs..
  • 2003 $ 926 -$ 81 -8.04% losses tax write offs
  • 2004 $ 998 $ 73 up! 7.87% ^ Tax cuts STARTED.. in spite of tax revenues UP!
  • 2005 $1,206 $207 up! 20.76%^ Again tax cuts in play.. REVENUES UP!!!
  • 2006 $1,398 $192 UP! 15.95%^ AGAIN tax cuts but REVENUES UP!!!
  • 2007 $1,534 $136 UP! 9.72%^ Again tax cuts BUT revenues UP!!!
  • 2008 $1,450 -$ 84 - 5.45% $500 billion pulled out of MMF on 9/18/08 in 2 hours!
And then we had more jobs created in spite of the above events that cost jobs...
Year End total jobs end of year
  • 2000...... 131,785,000 and recession starting!!!
  • 2001...... 131,826,000 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11 Event ONE Bust..
  • 2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 effect off 9/11-- remember that.. 400,000 jobs lost...affect felt in 2003...
  • 2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
  • 2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000 But of course YOU idiots then forget from 2004 to 2007 nearly 7,599,000 NEW jobs!!
  • 2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
  • 2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
  • 2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
  • 2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
  • 5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.

AND guess what??? During this time NOT ONCE did Bush EVER denigrate the US military such as Obama did when running for President Obama called our military as "methodically air raiding villages killing civilians"!
NEVER ONCE did you hear Bush say he wanted higher gas prices, or businesses to go bankrupt!
Instead Bush was a UNITER with the highest approval rating of any President since keeping the records of 90%
Presidential Approval Ratings Gallup Historical Statistics and Trends
View attachment 33162

So, you're basically saying Bush is great because he suffered 9/11 and everyone thought he was doing a great job. Doing what?

Denigrate the military? Pointing out Bush's policies is denigrating the military?

Hmm, so Obama sends out drones instead of soldiers and the Republicans criticise, this is denigrating the military then?

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