Do you miss W like I do?

4.500 deaths & $1.5-3 TRILLION later...

Repub-voters STILL back vietraq even knowing that it was perpetuated on lies. :( Partisan much?
So we've got a nutter using "global holy war (. :rofl: )" to defend Bush, and we have another nutter saying that Obama's landslide election had nothing to do with Bush.

Hmm..... :cuckoo:
I'm pretty sure I understand your confusion here. Do you need this written out in crayon?

Lol as if you can afford crayons :rofl:
I can get crayons I think the hurdle here is can you understand the drawings? How large do I need to make these crayon drawings in order for you to be able to follow? Do I need multiple colors to help you along?

We all know you aren't an especially bright individual but I'm willing to help you out as much as you're willing to learn. The key to this project is your ability to learn not so much my crayon collection.

Don't worry man I'll spot you a few crayons if you really need them
So we've got a nutter using "global holy war (. :rofl: )" to defend Bush, and we have another nutter saying that Obama's landslide election had nothing to do with Bush.

Hmm..... :cuckoo:
I'm pretty sure I understand your confusion here. Do you need this written out in crayon?

Lol as if you can afford crayons :rofl:
I can get crayons I think the hurdle here is can you understand the drawings? How large do I need to make these crayon drawings in order for you to be able to follow? Do I need multiple colors to help you along?

We all know you aren't an especially bright individual but I'm willing to help you out as much as you're willing to learn. The key to this project is your ability to learn not so much my crayon collection.

Don't worry man I'll spot you a few crayons if you really need them
Apparently I will need a lot, and the big ones. I like a student that brings his own materials to the classroom. Bring a whole box we may need them.
So we've got a nutter using "global holy war (. :rofl: )" to defend Bush, and we have another nutter saying that Obama's landslide election had nothing to do with Bush.

Hmm..... :cuckoo:
I'm pretty sure I understand your confusion here. Do you need this written out in crayon?

Lol as if you can afford crayons :rofl:
I can get crayons I think the hurdle here is can you understand the drawings? How large do I need to make these crayon drawings in order for you to be able to follow? Do I need multiple colors to help you along?

We all know you aren't an especially bright individual but I'm willing to help you out as much as you're willing to learn. The key to this project is your ability to learn not so much my crayon collection.

Don't worry man I'll spot you a few crayons if you really need them
Apparently I will need a lot, and the big ones. I like a student that brings his own materials to the classroom. Bring a whole box we may need them.

Actually I'm not sure you'll need more than one crayon to list all of the GOP's ideas. You could probably donate the remainder of the crayon too :thup:
It's AMAZING that in 2014 there are still lunatics who think Dubya was a good President.

Hey has anyone heard from him lately? Or is he still banished from public life by the GOP?
He told you idiots he didn't think it was good to second guess the man in charge and has done so. You voted for what has happened over the last six years. That's not Bush's fault it's what you wanted. Our current failure of a president isn't W's fault, it's yours.
What has happened?
  • 5.9% unemployment?
  • Dow near 17,000?
  • S&P near historic highs?
  • Low inflation?
  • Low interest rates?
  • Unprecedented 55 consecutive months (and counting) of private sector job growth?
  • A national healthcare plan?
Yes, Obama is guilty as charged. :dunno:
Democrats were fooled twice in the elections, need I say more?

In his 2008 convention speech, Barack Obama declared that as president he would clean up the mess created by “the failed presidency of George W. Bush.” Now many Americans say he has done a worse job in office than the man he replaced. A new Quinnipiac poll finds that a plurality rated Barack Obama the worst president in the past 70 years — worse even than Richard Nixon, who resigned in scandal. That is quite an achievement.

President Obama s Legacy of Failure RealClearPolitics
Do you miss W like I do?

I was sent this email.

And the kind of leadership Republicans will deliver when we win a Senate majority.We have less than two weeks to get it done. And you can help us today by ordering your limited-edition, American-made I Miss W. T-Shirt from the GOP.
President George W. Bush once said, "I will live and lead by these principles: to advance my convictions with civility, to pursue the public interest with courage, to speak for greater justice and compassion, to call for responsibility and try to live it as well."​
That’s what America needs right now: a big dose of leadership. The kind of principled conservative leadership President Bush provided our great nation.​


Whoda thunk we'd be wishing for W just 6 short years later?

But I proudly admit I'm a Bushy fan.

Do you miss W like I do?


Not NO, but HELL NO I don't miss that RINO jerk and neither should you if you were completely honest about who that OPEN BORDERS, DEFICIT CREATING dummy is.. He is the reason leftists swept the electorate.. Screw W and any Bush that tries to take on a Dynasty run.. I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR A BUSH.
I miss Reagan more. :(

Yep, he was really terrific - that is, IF you love corruption AND stupidity.


I don't know why they deify the Gipper. :dunno: Maybe because its just long enough ago so prospective voters aren't old enough to remember his reign of terror in central America & on the America blue collar worker & selling arms to terrorists
He lied to them the way they liked to be lied to...

I don't remember which President it was that got the Lie of the Year. Was that Bush or Obama?
truth be known ....I would miss anybody, I would miss...say... Mickey mouse.... Mickey would have made a BETTER PRESIDENT than Obama!

This is what you people are about. Misspelling Obama's name and stupid pictures you can download. This is why today's republican party can't field decent candidates. Their base is full of ignoramuses.

You wish!

Eboma is a failure.

"The lofty expectations and grand pronouncements of Obama–unmatched by any presidential candidate in my lifetime–have crashed against reality time and time again.

It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation. FAILURE.*

Economic growth. FAILURE.

Improving our health-care system. FAILURE.

Reducing the debt. FAILURE.

Reducing poverty. FAILURE.

Reducing income inequality. FAILURE.

Slowing the rise of the oceans. FAILURE.

Healing the planet. FAILURE.

Repairing the world. FAILURE.

The Russian “reset.” FAILURE.

Peace in the Middle East. FAILURE.

Red lines in Syria. FAILURE.

Renewed focus on Afghanistan. FAILURE.

A new beginning with the Arab world. FAILURE.

Better relations with our allies. FAILURE.

Depolarizing our politics. FAILURE.

Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.” FAILURE.

Working with the other party. FAILURE.

Transparency. FAILURE.

No lobbyists working in his administration. FAILURE.

His commitment to seek public financing in the general election. FAILURE.

The list goes on and on.

By now, nearly five and a half years into the Obama presidency, objective people can draw reasonable conclusions, among which are these: Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as presidency. It shows. He has been overmatched by events right from the start. He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing.

By temperament and experience, based on skill set and ability, Mr. Obama is much better equipped to be a community organizer than to be president of the United States.

For the sake of our nation and much of the world, I wish he had stayed on Chicago’s South Side."​

Obama s Staggering Record of Failure Commentary Magazine

And to think we could have hired Mitt (Mr. Fixit) Romney for the same salary!

* I added the word, "FAILURE" after each item on the list.

Let me see...

Conservatives list FAIL after every Obama accomplishment

Worked in second grade but nobody is buying it now
truth be known ....I would miss anybody, I would miss...say... Mickey mouse.... Mickey would have made a BETTER PRESIDENT than Obama!

This is what you people are about. Misspelling Obama's name and stupid pictures you can download. This is why today's republican party can't field decent candidates. Their base is full of ignoramuses.

You wish!

Eboma is a failure.

"The lofty expectations and grand pronouncements of Obama–unmatched by any presidential candidate in my lifetime–have crashed against reality time and time again.

It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation. FAILURE.*

Economic growth. FAILURE.

Improving our health-care system. FAILURE.

Reducing the debt. FAILURE.

Reducing poverty. FAILURE.

Reducing income inequality. FAILURE.

Slowing the rise of the oceans. FAILURE.

Healing the planet. FAILURE.

Repairing the world. FAILURE.

The Russian “reset.” FAILURE.

Peace in the Middle East. FAILURE.

Red lines in Syria. FAILURE.

Renewed focus on Afghanistan. FAILURE.

A new beginning with the Arab world. FAILURE.

Better relations with our allies. FAILURE.

Depolarizing our politics. FAILURE.

Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.” FAILURE.

Working with the other party. FAILURE.

Transparency. FAILURE.

No lobbyists working in his administration. FAILURE.

His commitment to seek public financing in the general election. FAILURE.

The list goes on and on.

By now, nearly five and a half years into the Obama presidency, objective people can draw reasonable conclusions, among which are these: Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as presidency. It shows. He has been overmatched by events right from the start. He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing.

By temperament and experience, based on skill set and ability, Mr. Obama is much better equipped to be a community organizer than to be president of the United States.

For the sake of our nation and much of the world, I wish he had stayed on Chicago’s South Side."​

Obama s Staggering Record of Failure Commentary Magazine

And to think we could have hired Mitt (Mr. Fixit) Romney for the same salary!

* I added the word, "FAILURE" after each item on the list.

Let me see...

Conservatives list FAIL after every Obama accomplishment

Worked in second grade but nobody is buying it now

This post of yours barely rates an air jerk.

Yeah, Bush left behind such a cheery utopia it's so hard not to miss him.

Through a series of international and domestic incidents the first POTUS of the new century was forced to play the crappy cards he was dealt.

The fact that we are all here (This assumption is debatable in and of itself.) to discuss the matter is proof of Georgie's success.

As Kenny Rogers said, "the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep."

We weren't guaranteed things would even be THIS kind of 'normal' (in the realm of normalcy...a normative coma brought on or brought about -- intentionally or not is of no matter -- by Barack Hussein Eboma).

A global Holy War triggered by Saddam & Israel & the Arabs & Jihadi warriors from around the world & Russia & China could have fried your circuits, mac.

President George W. Bush saved us from all of that as well as preventing worldwide chaos with a shutdown of the passageway out of the Gulf, the Straits of Hormuz.

Worldwide oil consumers, not us but our trading partners and allies, would have been pressured to get other sources of oil and they would have used whatever influence or muscle necessary to get it rather than have their national economies suffer total collapse.

Our global economies are all interrelated these days, for better or worse.

What would have happened to your bank and your money if there had been an international oil crisis from Saddam sinking a few tankers at the mouth of the straits, which isn't all that wide when you're navigating huge ships a thousand feet or more long and which take a lot of room to maneuver safely, through it?

However a global oil crisis never happened because W decided it would not happen on his watch.

That is yet another reason you should be singing his praises on these pages, at LEAST!!!

And finally for this post, barring some other unfortunate manner of dispatch, because of W you have a good chance of breaking even in this life by dying, NOT from a thermonuclear conflagration...

But peacefully in your sleep from old age.
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