Do you miss W like I do?

Reasons the pansy left hates W:

#1 He was a MAN
#2 He wasn't so stupid and foot-in-mouth that he had to stay married to a teleprompter 24/7 for 8 years
#3 The rest of the world didn't consider him an ignorant token
#4 He had the guts to stand up to radical Islam and he made terrorists pay dearly for 9/11
#5 He was a MAN (did I cover that one yet?)
#6 He didn't hate America
#7 His wife didn't hate America
#8 The military respected him highly
#9 His post 9/11 speech to congress was one of the greatest presidential speeches in American history
#10 He had a great sense of humor.
#11 He had a triple digit IQ
#12 He wasn't a sorry race-baiting bastard
#13 He didn't go out on the streets of America inciting racist hate and riot
#14 He wasn't a sorry POS like Buckwheat
#15 His college grades aren't guarded more closely than our nuclear weapons program
#16 He was born in the USA

I've got 1266 more, but I'll save those for the 136 other posts I'll make in this thread.
Damn....that is the best you could come up with?

No wonder he is considered the worst president in modern times
Bullshit, the worst President of ALL times is still in the White House.

Everybody knows that.

. The history books will give credit to Obama for fixing the mess republicans left, much like FDR did. Read up on the numbers of convicted felons in the Reagan administration if you're looking for a really bad president, followed by Nixon.
Obama has fixed NOTHING.

And don't talk about indictments and convictions yet.

Wait until AG Trey Gowdy has had a few years to get these bastard traitors in office now.
Reasons the pansy left hates W:

#1 He was a MAN
#2 He wasn't so stupid and foot-in-mouth that he had to stay married to a teleprompter 24/7 for 8 years
#3 The rest of the world didn't consider him an ignorant token
#4 He had the guts to stand up to radical Islam and he made terrorists pay dearly for 9/11
#5 He was a MAN (did I cover that one yet?)
#6 He didn't hate America
#7 His wife didn't hate America
#8 The military respected him highly
#9 His post 9/11 speech to congress was one of the greatest presidential speeches in American history
#10 He had a great sense of humor.
#11 He had a triple digit IQ
#12 He wasn't a sorry race-baiting bastard
#13 He didn't go out on the streets of America inciting racist hate and riot
#14 He wasn't a sorry POS like Buckwheat
#15 His college grades aren't guarded more closely than our nuclear weapons program
#16 He was born in the USA

I've got 1266 more, but I'll save those for the 136 other posts I'll make in this thread.
Damn....that is the best you could come up with?

No wonder he is considered the worst president in modern times
Bullshit, the worst President of ALL times is still in the White House.

Everybody knows that.

. The history books will give credit to Obama for fixing the mess republicans left, much like FDR did. Read up on the numbers of convicted felons in the Reagan administration if you're looking for a really bad president, followed by Nixon.

You are a dead ender. So named after those Iraqis loyal to Saddam Hussein who, after Saddam had already been deposed continued to fight for him.


Obama's presidency is sunk.

It's jumped the shark.

Laura Ingraham: Obama Presidency Is 'Finished'

Tuesday, 21 Oct 2014 11:20 AM
By Wanda Carruthers

The presidency of President Barack Obama is "finished," even though he can't admit it, which is why the president continues to talk about his policies in light of the fall midterm elections, radio talk show host Laura Ingraham told "Fox & Friends."

"The president really can't get his head wrapped around the fact that he is over. Obama is finished. I'm sorry. But, his policies have failed. The country is weaker," Ingraham said Tuesday.

"The bottom line is, these are all folks who vote with me. They have supported my agenda in Congress," Obama said. "So, this isn't about my feelings being hurt. These are folks who are strong allies and supporters of me."

Ingraham said that it was, indeed, "all about his feelings being hurt," adding that "65 percent of Americans think we're going in the wrong direction."

"In the end, Obamaism didn't work. And, all the candidates across the country know it," she said. "He can't change his policies, because that would be conceding ultimate policy defeat. So instead, he says, 'Oh, no. They're all with me, and they're going to go along with my ideas.' "

Ingraham said Obama "struggles" with his ego that combined with his insecurity, so that "they're all at war with each other inside the president."

Should Republicans win the majority of both houses of Congress in the November elections, Ingraham cautioned "there will be a day after the election day where they also have to stand for something." In order to "grow the Republican party," she said the GOP would have to show "what does work when it comes to our economic policies, our foreign policies, border policies."

"I hope the Republicans are thinking in those terms. Not just in, 'We're going to be against Obama,' because that's only going to take you so far. You've got to win in 2016 as well, but you've got to win first in the midterms," she said.​

Laura Ingraham Obama Presidency Is Finished

The same daily dribble from the right . Is this all you got? Where's the indictments for treason as if you people understood what treason was.


Somebody's wittle butt is all hurt.


You stop letting Eboma screw you all up in the bung hole and maybe you won't be so butt hurt about W.


Suck ass.
truth be known ....I would miss anybody, I would miss...say... Mickey mouse.... Mickey would have made a BETTER PRESIDENT than Obama!

The failure in Iraq is but one of many examples of the gross, unmitigated incompetence of the Bush Administration, solely responsible for the manifestation of ISIS.

He saved us from global Holy War.

Read the memos, buckwheat!
I always loved that speech Bush gave where he told bin laden that he would get his once Obama came to office


You divisive son of a bitch, the starting baseball pitcher and the relief pitcher ARE ON THE SAME TEAM!!!

You stupid ass.

Didn't take long to revert to vulgarity, did it? It happens when people punch holes in your beliefs and you're not capable of defending those beliefs.
I always loved that speech Bush gave where he told bin laden that he would get his once Obama came to office


You divisive son of a bitch, the starting baseball pitcher and the relief pitcher ARE ON THE SAME TEAM!!!

You stupid ass.

Didn't take long to revert to vulgarity, did it? It happens when people punch holes in your beliefs and you're not capable of defending those beliefs.

No, jerk face. I can do both.

Fuck you.

truth be known ....I would miss anybody, I would miss...say... Mickey mouse.... Mickey would have made a BETTER PRESIDENT than Obama!

This is what you people are about. Misspelling Obama's name and stupid pictures you can download. This is why today's republican party can't field decent candidates. Their base is full of ignoramuses.
I always loved that speech Bush gave where he told bin laden that he would get his once Obama came to office


You divisive son of a bitch, the starting baseball pitcher and the relief pitcher ARE ON THE SAME TEAM!!!

You stupid ass.

Didn't take long to revert to vulgarity, did it? It happens when people punch holes in your beliefs and you're not capable of defending those beliefs.

No, jerk face. I can do both.

Fuck you.


Thanks for making my point.

John Kerry was doing combat in vietnam while bush was protecting Alabama from the vietcong, if and when she felt like showing up for duty.

The piloting slot W occupied in the Natl. Guard had to be filled by someone.

If W had not served in uniform SOMEONE would have taken that flying slot.

Why NOT him?
Especially since he never had to leave home

You just wish he was guilty of half the things Eboma is.

Face it.

George W. Bush was a great POTUS and saved the world from great danger.

He deserves your love and affection.

Laura Ingraham: Obama Presidency Is 'Finished'

Laura Ingraham Obama Presidency Is Finished
truth be known ....I would miss anybody, I would miss...say... Mickey mouse.... Mickey would have made a BETTER PRESIDENT than Obama!

This is what you people are about. Misspelling Obama's name and stupid pictures you can download. This is why today's republican party can't field decent candidates. Their base is full of ignoramuses.

You wish!

Eboma is a failure.

"The lofty expectations and grand pronouncements of Obama–unmatched by any presidential candidate in my lifetime–have crashed against reality time and time again.

It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics. Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation. FAILURE.*

Economic growth. FAILURE.

Improving our health-care system. FAILURE.

Reducing the debt. FAILURE.

Reducing poverty. FAILURE.

Reducing income inequality. FAILURE.

Slowing the rise of the oceans. FAILURE.

Healing the planet. FAILURE.

Repairing the world. FAILURE.

The Russian “reset.” FAILURE.

Peace in the Middle East. FAILURE.

Red lines in Syria. FAILURE.

Renewed focus on Afghanistan. FAILURE.

A new beginning with the Arab world. FAILURE.

Better relations with our allies. FAILURE.

Depolarizing our politics. FAILURE.

Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.” FAILURE.

Working with the other party. FAILURE.

Transparency. FAILURE.

No lobbyists working in his administration. FAILURE.

His commitment to seek public financing in the general election. FAILURE.

The list goes on and on.

By now, nearly five and a half years into the Obama presidency, objective people can draw reasonable conclusions, among which are these: Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as presidency. It shows. He has been overmatched by events right from the start. He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing.

By temperament and experience, based on skill set and ability, Mr. Obama is much better equipped to be a community organizer than to be president of the United States.

For the sake of our nation and much of the world, I wish he had stayed on Chicago’s South Side."​

Obama s Staggering Record of Failure Commentary Magazine

And to think we could have hired Mitt (Mr. Fixit) Romney for the same salary!

* I added the word, "FAILURE" after each item on the list.
I always loved that speech Bush gave where he told bin laden that he would get his once Obama came to office


You divisive son of a bitch, the starting baseball pitcher and the relief pitcher ARE ON THE SAME TEAM!!!

You stupid ass.

Didn't take long to revert to vulgarity, did it? It happens when people punch holes in your beliefs and you're not capable of defending those beliefs.

No, jerk face. I can do both.

Fuck you.


Thanks for making my point.

Not as pointed as the point of Eboma's big black schlong up your pooter, I'd bet.
AAA s Daily Fuel Gauge Report
Today's AAA average $3.094
Gas When Bush Left Office 1.78 -- Gas Today 3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif. 4.20 CNS News
From – The average price for one gallon of unleaded gasoline has increased nearly every month since Barack Obama was inaugurated in January 2009. At that time, when George W. Bush was leaving office, the price was $1.78 per gallon. Today, three years and one month later, the average price is $3.64.

In addition, according to the average price data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, prices (in nominal dollars: not adjusted for inflation) peaked during Bush’s second term at $4.09 per gallon in July 2008 and then fell to $2.15 in November, when there was an election, and fell further in December 2008 to $1.68 per gallon.

When Bush entered office in January 2001, the price was $1.47 per gallon. (It peaked in Bush’s first term at $2.02, in October 2004.)

Under President Obama, prices have not fallen below $2.05 per gallon since April 2009, and the highest average price, so far, was $3.93 in May 2011.

This week, CBS News reported that a shell station in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., was charging $5.99 per gallon for premium, and another station in Orlando, Fla., was charging $5.79 per gallon for regular unleaded. The average price in Florida is $3.67 for unleaded.

The AAA Web site lists the average regular fuel prices for each of the 50 states, showing California with the highest average at $4.20.

The U.S. city average for the price of one gallon of unleaded gasoline, as documented by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics-- from when Barack Obama was elected in November 2008 to today -- is presented below:

Yeah, I loved 5 bucks a gallon for gas, I love that stuff...
It's AMAZING that in 2014 there are still lunatics who think Dubya was a good President.

Hey has anyone heard from him lately? Or is he still banished from public life by the GOP?

You are just a victim of the biased media who has made him out to be a villain.

In reality he is your hero.

Thank him.

He prevented a global Holy War which would have destroyed your narrative as well as your little misinformed world.
The failure in Iraq is but one of many examples of the gross, unmitigated incompetence of the Bush Administration, solely responsible for the manifestation of ISIS.
You mean the war that was won and handed over to obie who promptly pulled out and let ISIS run amuck?

So somehow Bush was responsible for obie's failures?
It's AMAZING that in 2014 there are still lunatics who think Dubya was a good President.

Hey has anyone heard from him lately? Or is he still banished from public life by the GOP?

You are just a victim of the biased media who has made him out to be a villain.

In reality he is your hero.

Thank him.

He prevented a global Holy War which would have destroyed your narrative as well as your little misinformed world.

If Monica Lewinsky hadn't sucked a dick AND if Ralph Nader hadn't run AND if the supreme court hadn't whipped their dicks out then Bush WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN PRESIDENT!!!

Instead the STUPIDEST PEOPLE IN THE GOP had the perfect storm for them to toy with America like NO ONE had before them. You're an idiot mojo.

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