Do you notice that in terms of policy, immigration is all Trump talks about?

That doesn’t mean Trump is smart enough to solve these problems. He’s a goddamn moron.
Is that why he flies around in a private 757 jet, and you have a 1993 Plymouth ? :biggrin:

Lol we’d all have our own jet if everyone’s daddy gave them 10’s of millions of dollars. For some reason you worship an idiot born with a silver spoon up his ass.
COMMON SENSE and PRACTICAL is more important in a President in my opinion .
Common sense is believing a murdering swine like Putin ahead of your own services or a nuke making Un ? Breaking treaties with Iran because Obama made them??
-------------------------------------- and all the while the TRUMP is smiling at YOU guys Edward !!
All trump is doing is what he does best ,,,bullying anyone who won't kiss his butt Trump is an idiot and most people know the best way to approach China is with your allies france italy England all europe but he can't because they think he's a fraud and failure too
------------------------------------- BEST to be independant Edward .
Maybe you have something there
I think this is for a couple of reasons:

1) He wants to feel validated by his base because this is issue is for some bizarre reason their top concern. He wants to feel liked and worshiped because he’s a whiny little bitch.

2) He knows he is too stupid to talk about anything else. It’s easy to fall back on a the wall. It’s a simple concept. Immigration is a complex subject, but a wall just sounds good as the only solution.
There are no capital plans, only social plans.
I think this is for a couple of reasons:

1) He wants to feel validated by his base because this is issue is for some bizarre reason their top concern. He wants to feel liked and worshiped because he’s a whiny little bitch.

2) He knows he is too stupid to talk about anything else. It’s easy to fall back on a the wall. It’s a simple concept. Immigration is a complex subject, but a wall just sounds good as the only solution.
------------------------------------------- as a Deplorable importation / immigration is my most important issue Billy .
That doesn’t mean Trump is smart enough to solve these problems. He’s a goddamn moron.
Yep...He's so stupid that he is beating up your morons and winning....:04::fu:
Closing in on a recession is winning ?? Are you fn stupid??
Are democrats in charge of congress?? What are they doing?
Sending bills over to the Senate graveyard ?
Trust me, everyone in the world who aren’t Trump supporters have noticed he is a stupid, childish, sack of garbage like the rest of his family is.
More importantly those who do or don't support Trump will notice a new border wall that will make it impossible for Mexicans to get into America. MAGA!
Illegal immigration will always be a thing because it has always been a thing. Of course, the fact of the matter is that net migration from Mexico has been declining since 2008 but it’s impossible to explain that simple fact to you idiots.
More aliens are streaming in NOW, at the Mexican border, than EVER have, at any time in US history. Does the word "caravan" ring a bell ?


View attachment 274134
Lol there have always been caravans you moron. It’s not a new phenomenon. Of course, your pictures are useless because these were taken while these people were still in Central America. They couldn’t walk that distance. Which also means they arent even from Mexico lol. I suppose I could also point out that most of those people are simply seeking asylum way from their dangerous homelands. I could even inform you that seeking asylum is perfectly legal. All of that is a waste of time because you believe anything Trump says and can’t think for yourself.
Trust me, everyone in the world who aren’t Trump supporters have noticed he is a stupid, childish, sack of garbage like the rest of his family is.
More importantly those who do or don't support Trump will notice a new border wall that will make it impossible for Mexicans to get into America. MAGA!
Who tells you this non sense? Impossible? Do you people even think these things through? Besides the people who would simply climb over any wall, many would just use the network of tunnels that already exist ool
Lol we’d all have our own jet if everyone’s daddy gave them 10’s of millions of dollars. For some reason you worship an idiot born with a silver spoon up his ass.
I notice you have a habit of repeating FALSE "information". His father gave him a LOAN of ONE million dollars to start out in the 1970s, which he could have got from a bank, and turned it into a profit. He promptly paid the whole thing back.

When his father died in 1999, he got left some money from his father, but it was insignificant relative to the multibillion fortune, that Donald had already amassed by that time. No charge for the tutoring.
Who tells you this non sense? Impossible? Do you people even think these things through? Besides the people who would simply climb over any wall, many would just use the network of tunnels that already exist ool
Border walls have been highly effective in 77 countries around the world. Stop being in the dark.
----------------------------------------------------- maybe , after all he is only human but still much better than 'hilary' , jebito bush and 'mrobama Billy .
You don't mind a shyster, a con man ,a grifter in the most powerful position in the world?? Trump is scum a low life crook and republicans are blind
then run somebody better than what you guys put up....the ones running now are just as bad....
Are any of them crooks who will be making millions while president?
as soon as the DC taint hits betcha....more important is will any of them help the elderly in this country who are having a tough time? about all the younger people living pay check to pay check? know what Ed?.....i dont really care if they make a few bucks while they are there as long as they help the rest of you think that is going to happen any time soon?.......
In my honest opinion I truly believe Dems are far more equipped to help the poor ,the down trodden those bleeding because of college debt I also believe repubs have no empathy Trump is a prime example
even when they are in charge we still have lots of poor down trodden people and those bleeding because of collage debt.....they do as much talking as the other guys....
Lol we’d all have our own jet if everyone’s daddy gave them 10’s of millions of dollars. For some reason you worship an idiot born with a silver spoon up his ass.
I notice you have a habit of repeating FALSE "information". His father gave him a LOAN of ONE million dollars to start out in the 1970s, which he could have got from a bank, and turned it into a profit. He promptly paid the whole thing back.

When his father died in 1999, he got left some money from his father, but it was insignificant relative to the multibillion fortune, that Donald had already amassed by that time. No charge for the tutoring.
Lol some money from his father. Yeah right. He got millions and the idea of him repaying his dad 1 million is just you believing anything he says. Hell, even if the million was a loan and it wasn’t, it still isn’t very impressive he became a businessman is it? Especially the amount of bankruptcies and failed business ventures.
Who tells you this non sense? Impossible? Do you people even think these things through? Besides the people who would simply climb over any wall, many would just use the network of tunnels that already exist ool
Border walls have been highly effective in 77 countries around the world. Stop being in the dark.
77 counties don’t have walls all along their border idiot. More importantly, those 77 counties still get illegal immigrants lol
I think this is for a couple of reasons:

1) He wants to feel validated by his base because this is issue is for some bizarre reason their top concern. He wants to feel liked and worshiped because he’s a whiny little bitch.

2) He knows he is too stupid to talk about anything else. It’s easy to fall back on a the wall. It’s a simple concept. Immigration is a complex subject, but a wall just sounds good as the only solution.
because its been an issue that been ignored by both parties for 4 decades
Lol we’d all have our own jet if everyone’s daddy gave them 10’s of millions of dollars. For some reason you worship an idiot born with a silver spoon up his ass.
I notice you have a habit of repeating FALSE "information". His father gave him a LOAN of ONE million dollars to start out in the 1970s, which he could have got from a bank, and turned it into a profit. He promptly paid the whole thing back.

When his father died in 1999, he got left some money from his father, but it was insignificant relative to the multibillion fortune, that Donald had already amassed by that time. No charge for the tutoring.
Lol some money from his father. Yeah right. He got millions and the idea of him repaying his dad 1 million is just you believing anything he says. Hell, even if the million was a loan and it wasn’t, it still isn’t very impressive he became a businessman is it? Especially the amount of bankruptcies and failed business ventures.

And the last time you turned millions into billions was....when?
I think this is for a couple of reasons:

1) He wants to feel validated by his base because this is issue is for some bizarre reason their top concern. He wants to feel liked and worshiped because he’s a whiny little bitch.

2) He knows he is too stupid to talk about anything else. It’s easy to fall back on a the wall. It’s a simple concept. Immigration is a complex subject, but a wall just sounds good as the only solution.

Because it's the most important issue.

And because he was elected on the basis of it.

In short, because he is the God Emperor who relentlessly puts the interest of Americans and America first.
the god emperor?......lets not get carried away....
------------------------------------------- as a Deplorable importation / immigration is my most important issue Billy .
That doesn’t mean Trump is smart enough to solve these problems. He’s a goddamn moron.
Yep...He's so stupid that he is beating up your morons and winning....:04::fu:
Closing in on a recession is winning ?? Are you fn stupid??
------------------------------------------- might have to tighten yer belt if'n a recession is on the way . Remember that a fully GROWED Man gets along just fine on about 2000 Calories a day Edward .
Pis I'm going to get along no matter how badly trump fks up and so will my family I feel badly for the rest of the folks who will fall by the wayside because of that moron trump
lots of people have fell by the wayside with every president ed...
Lol we’d all have our own jet if everyone’s daddy gave them 10’s of millions of dollars. For some reason you worship an idiot born with a silver spoon up his ass.
I notice you have a habit of repeating FALSE "information". His father gave him a LOAN of ONE million dollars to start out in the 1970s, which he could have got from a bank, and turned it into a profit. He promptly paid the whole thing back.

When his father died in 1999, he got left some money from his father, but it was insignificant relative to the multibillion fortune, that Donald had already amassed by that time. No charge for the tutoring.
Lol some money from his father. Yeah right. He got millions and the idea of him repaying his dad 1 million is just you believing anything he says. Hell, even if the million was a loan and it wasn’t, it still isn’t very impressive he became a businessman is it? Especially the amount of bankruptcies and failed business ventures.

And the last time you turned millions into billions was....when?
Same time you did?

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