Do You Really Want This Alternative to Trump as President?

Speaking strictly from a business policy standpoint. I know Ron DeSantis was hailed as being the Trump alternative in 2024.
So far, Ron has let his inner policy maker out to play and turned off a lot of people with his crusade against what he calls "woke".
Now, it's costing his state money. While I've never seen Trump formulate a policy on his own, I've also never seen him be directly anti-business.

Do Republicans really want to see a governor who is openly hostile to businesses in his own state become President?

Um, his states business is BOOMING. What in the fuck are you talking about? If every state was doing what DeSantis is doing, we would be killing it right now!!!!

I don't want to see either man run. But that's what we're stuck with.
The topic is Governor DeSantis and his going to war with one of his state's biggest employers to make his play to his competitor's base.
And it's backfiring spectacularly. Spilling over into the lucrative convention business.
Now it's actually costing the state of Florida real money. And Florida's economy is built on the tourism and convention trade.

Do want to see a reactionary like this as your President?
Who attacked first, DeSantis or Disney? Be honest. And what did DeSantis do, other than take away special priviledges that Disney never should have had in the first place?
Speaking strictly from a business policy standpoint. I know Ron DeSantis was hailed as being the Trump alternative in 2024.
So far, Ron has let his inner policy maker out to play and turned off a lot of people with his crusade against what he calls "woke".
Now, it's costing his state money. While I've never seen Trump formulate a policy on his own, I've also never seen him be directly anti-business.

Do Republicans really want to see a governor who is openly hostile to businesses in his own state become President?

Thank you. I see people using the term "begging the question" wrong all the time and it bugs the shit out of me. You have come up with a perfect example of the correct use of the term. Well done
And the sane folks in FL seem to like him well enough so who am I to discount them.

Yes, as a Florida resident, DeSantis rocks! He's a great governor and I have a lot of hope for him as President. He's like Trump with being willing to go toe to toe with the hate filled left, but he has a lot better policies than Trump, particularly economically. He's a fiscal conservative. Trump? Not so much
I'm sorry, you tend to post the same BS links from the same unreliable sources to back your arguments up. I don't. People have been writing about the migrant exodus for a while now.
The reality is that states like Florida (and Texas) are suffering from rising costs of living as more people migrate there.
So they will shortly enjoy the same issues as states like NY, NJ, and some of the other coastal states enjoy.
If the "moral" vote is what DeSantis is angling for, he won't get the nomination. And, if I were a Republican living in other parts of the country,
I'd be worried that putting my support behind someone who will go to war with a business at the drop of a hat would be futile.
1. Your link does NOT confirm the "migrant exodus" here is what your link actually says:
"Londoño says employers in South Florida are also voicing fears about a possible migrant exodus — and the significant economic impact."

2. The free market will determine how many people can afford to flee to FL and TX, FL and TX do NOT have the same TAX BURDON as NJ & NY.

3. All Republicans enjoy the "moral vote". If there is a Republican litmus test its probably abortion. Extreme limits on abortion won't get the nomination. A 15 week or so limit on abortions seems like a workable compromise.

4. Companies that push deviant behaviors and the "woke" agenda can expect to be opposed by all Republicans, not just Desantis.
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DeSantis’s slot as the No 2 in a Republican field of implausible bit players settles his fate as the chief non-challenger. He is inevitable, so long as his utility lasts, as the guarantor of Trump’s nomination. He is the non-viable alternative, a void who occupies unmovable political space. His function is to stymie every other non-contender, none of whom can dislodge Trump themselves. DeSantis blots out the rest. If Trump is the sun, he’s the lunar eclipse.

Weak, small and reckless: how Ron DeSantis, Republican Napoleon, met his Waterloo

That last line's a killer.

this does not bode well for the Republican Party...

Clearly Inchoate Rage plays far better with its constituency than Focused Hate.

I'm wondering what might happen if the Party began to refocus on policy...
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, his coffers are way up due heavy influxes of people abandoning Democratic induced high taxes and crime.

Actually, most states have recently had full coffers from Covid money extended to them, but that is running out and in the future Florida and other states may have more difficulties. Much of Florida of course is still a good place to live for retirees like me, but inflation here was worse than most other states, rent and housing costs extremely high, insurance absolutely insane, with most counties unable even to fill openings for their (very low-paid) teachers and nurses. Of course there are plenty of hardworking but undocumented workers in hospitality, senior care, service, agricultural and construction industries — and DeSantis wants to deport all of them no matter how long they have lived here or how deep their roots here.

So it is certainly possible, for reasons in addition to what the OP brings up, DeSantis could eventually become unpopular enough even in Florida to be voted out. But the DeSantis faction and Republican politicians in general are ruthless and now I fear have a pretty tight stranglehold here.

Also the Dems here are disorganized, demoralized and have no charismatic champions that I have heard of. The youth vote and woman’s organizations here are also not especially strong — too many damn old people like me! — so even DeSantis’ draconian 8-week anti-abortion law has gotten through the state legislature quietly and with relatively little protest.

As for national politics, not being a Republican it is not up to me to say who would be best to replace the dangerous demagogue and mad megalomaniac Trump as “standard bearer.”

I would hope that ANY two or more declared national opponents of Trump’s “Big Lie” start working as a team and manage to replace him, but I doubt enough present Republicans will get their act together and rally for “common sense,” nor do I expect Trump to step back gracefully, even if he ends up going to jail convicted here in Florida or elsewhere of proven crimes.

But if an attractive agreed upon double slate (for Pres. & V.P) emerge even only as a respected alternative to Trump inside that party, if not in 2024 then in 2028 the Repubs would have a chance to advance sane conservative candidates capable of winning, and the process of purging their lunatic wing could begin, maybe even without losing 100% of their new deluded Trump MAGA voters. That would be great for the country!

By the way I used to fear Pence, his being so supportive of banning abortion nationally. But if he is now really moving toward a stronger anti-Trump anti- “Big Lie” line, I wouldn’t be upset if he were on their ticket in 2024, since I don’t think such a law could pass at this stage nationally … and he might help the Republican Fundamentalist Wing of the party to at least recover from its “Trump was Sent by God to Save Us from the Demonrats” syndrome.
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Most states have had overflowing coffers from Covid money extended to them, but that is running out. Much of Florida of course is still a good place to live for retirees like me, but inflation here was way worse than most other states, rentals and housing costs very high, insurance absolutely insane, with most counties unable even to fill openings for their (very low-paid) teachers and nurses. Of course there are plenty of mostly hardworking undocumented workers in the hospitality, senior care, service and elder care industries — and DeSantis wants to deport all of them no matter how long they have lived here or how deep their roots here.

So it is certainly possible, for reasons in addition to what the zoP brings up, DeSantis could eventually become unpopular enough even in Florida to be voted out. But the DeSantis faction and Republican politicians in general are ruthless here and now I fear have a pretty stranglehold here. The Dems are also disorganized, demoralized and have few charismatic campions. The youth vote and woman’s organizations here are also not especially strong (too many damn old people like me!) so even DeSantis’ draconian 8-week anti-abortion law has gotten through the state legislature quietly and with relatively little protest. Sad.

As for national politics, not being a Republican it is not up to me to say who would be best to replace the dangerous demagogue and mad megalomaniac Trump as “standard bearer.”

I would hope that ANY two or more opponents of Trump’s “Big Lie” start working as a team and manage to replace him, but I doubt enough present Republicans will get their act together and rally for reason and “common sense,” nor do I expect Trump to step back gracefully, even if he ends up in jail.

But if an attractive agreed upon double slate (for Pres. & V.P) emerge even just as a real alternative to Trump inside that party, at least in 2028 the Repubs would have a chance of advancing real and sane winnable Presidential candidates, and begin the process of purging their lunatic wing. That would be great for the country.

By the way I used to fear Pence, his being so supportive of banning abortion nationally. But he is moving toward a stronger anti-Trump “Big Lie” line. If he was on an anti-Trump ticket I wouldn’t be upset, since I don’t think such a law could pass at this stage nationally and he might help the Republican Fundamentalist wing of the party at least recover from its “Trump was Sent by God to Save Us from the Demonrats” syndrome.
You are biased. Stats show huge population losses from blue states going to red states, taking their money along with them. Why are you a fact denier?
Nobody is Hitler. It's really an overused term by the right. Governor DeSantis is coming close to Mussolini with his overt fascism, but it doesn't seem to be getting any traction.
And he's making people question his competence as a business leader by costing his state millions of tourism dollars and going to war with one of his state's biggest employers.
Ok, Ok, Ok, so no one is Hitler?

So, you people lied to us about Trump all these years?

The hell you say.

But they can be Mussolini?

To be Mussolini, don't you have to ally with Hitler?

God help me, I've entered talking points hell!!


Why is this not in the badlands forums again?

Oh, that's right, you are a moderator.
Then why are you panicked?
I'm not. I've visited and stayed in Florida for extended periods for the last 20 years. I just had a close family member move to the inland Ft Myers area.
And I can tell you with certain fact I would never choose to live in Florida. Nice place to visit and spend your money, but live there? Nope.

At the rate its going, Florida is going to catch up to my state (NH) in cost of living...soon.
Ok, Ok, Ok, so no one is Hitler?

So, you people lied to us about Trump all these years?

The hell you say.

But they can be Mussolini?

To be Mussolini, don't you have to ally with Hitler?

God help me, I've entered talking points hell!!

Why is this not in the badlands forums again?

Oh, that's right, you are a moderator.
I've called Trump a lot of things. Never called Trump Hitler. I don't use the term as it's just used casually to brand someone whose political beliefs differ from yours (both left and right) as the enemy.

On the other hand, fascism is easy to identify. Governor DeSantis is approaching said identification because of his holy war on "woke" and migrants.
Not understanding that attacks on businesses in his state and the people who work for them constitute choking the revenue stream of said state.
Business donors and voters in other parts of the country tend to frown on this type of behavior when choosing a Presidential candidate to represent the ENTIRE country. Not just one state.
I've called Trump a lot of things. Never called Trump Hitler. I don't use the term as it's just used casually to brand someone whose political beliefs differ from yours (both left and right) as the enemy.

On the other hand, fascism is easy to identify. Governor DeSantis is approaching said identification because of his holy war on "woke" and migrants.
Not understanding that attacks on businesses in his state and the people who work for them constitute choking the revenue stream of said state.
Business donors and voters in other parts of the country tend to frown on this type of behavior when choosing a Presidential candidate to represent the ENTIRE country. Not just one state.
You just compared DeSantis to Mussolini idiot.

He was just a dumber version of Hitler.

You are no different than your cult of DNC.

Again, do your f#cking job and put your own thread in the badlands, or resign as a puppet moderator for Joe Biden

Thanks for playing.
I initially thought DeSantis would be a good alternative to Trump, but he's gone overboard with the culture wars and some of the actions of his administration are borderline authoritarian. I don't think I could support him now. He's another victim of his huge margin of victory on Election Day deluding him into thinking people wanted an extreme agenda pushed through their state.

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