Do you say, "The system is working," to the dad of a dead border patrol agent?


Jan 23, 2010
What fucking planet does Janet Incompetano live on?

She says crap like, "more agents and more technology are on the border than ever before," but then pooh poohs any refutation of the effectiveness of that as inapropriate for the time and place of the service.

As long as she can get her propaganda on the record, that's all that matters.

Napolitano Scolds Reporter for Airing Complaints of Dead Border Agent's Family -

The family of agent Brian Terry had complained that Napolitano had offered them "empty words" when she called to express her condolences. Terry's father, Kent Terry, in an interview with ABC affiliate KGUN, said he told Napolitano to "wake your man up in the White House," to which she replied that he's done more in two years than any president.

After being told the concerns came from his father, mother and stepmother, she continued: "Listen, we are here today, the commissioner is here today, the chief of the Border Patrol is here today and we are here and his comrades are here with the family, who said other things to me by the way, so I really don't think it appropriate for the media to try to pick this as a fight," she said. "This is a moment to remember a fallen agent."
we won't have to worry about it with the new congress, because Border Patrol isn't specifically enumerated in the constitution :lol:
What fucking planet does Janet Incompetano live on?

She says crap like, "more agents and more technology are on the border than ever before," but then pooh poohs any refutation of the effectiveness of that as inapropriate for the time and place of the service.

As long as she can get her propaganda on the record, that's all that matters.

Napolitano Scolds Reporter for Airing Complaints of Dead Border Agent's Family -

The family of agent Brian Terry had complained that Napolitano had offered them "empty words" when she called to express her condolences. Terry's father, Kent Terry, in an interview with ABC affiliate KGUN, said he told Napolitano to "wake your man up in the White House," to which she replied that he's done more in two years than any president.

After being told the concerns came from his father, mother and stepmother, she continued: "Listen, we are here today, the commissioner is here today, the chief of the Border Patrol is here today and we are here and his comrades are here with the family, who said other things to me by the way, so I really don't think it appropriate for the media to try to pick this as a fight," she said. "This is a moment to remember a fallen agent."

She is well paid in cash and prizes for her endorsements of open boarders
If memory serves, the Bush admin was lacking in southern border security too. I hope the next few elections puts troops on the borders instead of in AFG, we need to tighten security. Where are those militias when we need them.
Bush's immigration enforcement sucked, but there was nowhere near the violence on the border there is now.
Actually, the common defense is directed by the Constitution.
Bush's immigration enforcement sucked, but there was nowhere near the violence on the border there is now.

And yet, Obama has increased security and deported many more people than Bush did, or for that matter, any President of the last 25 years.
Actually, the common defense is directed by the Constitution.

And yet, strict constructionists were against efforts "to expound certain general phrases copied from the 'Articles of Confederation,' so as to destroy the effect of the particular enumeration explaining and limiting their meaning"

' In the "Articles of Confederation" the phrases are used as follows, in article VIII

"All charges of war, and all other expenses that shall be incurred for the common defence and general welfare, and allowed by the United States in Congress assembled, shall be defrayed out of a common treasury, which shall be supplied by the several States, in proportion to the value of all land within each State, granted to or surveyed for any person, as such land and the buildings and improvements thereon shall be estimated, according to such mode as the United States in Congress assembled, shall from time to time direct and appoint."

In the existing Constitution, they make the following part of section 8. "The Congress shall have power, to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises to pay the debts, and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States"

This similarity in the use of these phrases in the two great federal charters, might well be considered, as rendering their meaning less liable to be misconstrued in the latter; because it will scarcely be said that in the former they were ever understood to be either a general grant of power, or to authorize the requisition or application of money by the old Congress to the common defence and general welfare, except in the cases afterwards enumerated which explained and limited their meaning; and if such was the limited meaning attached to these phrases in the very instrument revised and remodeled by the present Constitution, it can never be supposed that when copied into this Constitution, a different meaning ought to be attached to them. '
-- James Madison; Report on the Kentucky-Virginia Resolutions (1799)

There was no border fence along the Indian Territory. There were no federal troops set up there to restrict movement, for there was no ENUMERATED power for such. And no such enumerated power was added to the constitutional document since :cool:
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What fucking planet does Janet Incompetano live on?

She says crap like, "more agents and more technology are on the border than ever before," but then pooh poohs any refutation of the effectiveness of that as inapropriate for the time and place of the service.

As long as she can get her propaganda on the record, that's all that matters.

Napolitano Scolds Reporter for Airing Complaints of Dead Border Agent's Family -

The family of agent Brian Terry had complained that Napolitano had offered them "empty words" when she called to express her condolences. Terry's father, Kent Terry, in an interview with ABC affiliate KGUN, said he told Napolitano to "wake your man up in the White House," to which she replied that he's done more in two years than any president.

After being told the concerns came from his father, mother and stepmother, she continued: "Listen, we are here today, the commissioner is here today, the chief of the Border Patrol is here today and we are here and his comrades are here with the family, who said other things to me by the way, so I really don't think it appropriate for the media to try to pick this as a fight," she said. "This is a moment to remember a fallen agent."

What do you think the Pentagon says to parents of dead soldiers. Well we haven't decided why we are there yet and have no exit strategy, but Haliburton is making a bundle so time are good.
System is alright, it's the corrupt people that are messed up
A system that relies on enforcing the unenforceable is not working. Our immigration policy is a disaster for many reasons. The largest is that it flies in the face of economics and human nature.
Allow work visas to the U.S. to be purchased for a nominal amount by anyone who wants to work here.
Include biometric ID in the visa.
Make the visa available within a week or less.
Include a laissez-passer with each visa allowing unrestricted movement back to the country they passed from to the U.S.
That will allow BP to go after actual criminals instead of people legitimately trying to work here for a better life.

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