Do YOU support Trump’s last ditch effort to convince Republican state legislatures to APPOINT pro-Trump Electors?

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
I wonder what most ordinary Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real court-certified evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”

Sad to say, this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be trying to do right now, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our Republican USMBers — especially those claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

I wonder what most ordinary Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real court-certified evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”

Sad to say, this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be trying to do right now, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our Republican USMBers — especially those claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

I'm not a republican... So while I know this isn't aimed at me... I think it should be noted that the Constitution was drawn up and specific about this. Popular vote was NEVER supposed to be the deciding factor. I absolutely agree with that.

With that said... We go through the legal process. If cheating was done, we correct it. We ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO change how our voting system works to where we can verify votes, so this doesn't happen AGAIN. It's not like this is the first time.

And... Civil war... Well... As a kid, I wasn't a bully... Kind of. I liked to bully the bullies. As I got older, I'm an asshole, to other assholes. I've never killed anyone. I don't want to... But I will kill people who are a threat to my loved ones.
there4eyeM ’s comment is meant ironically — or so I assume. Like Shelzin (and like myself) there4eyeM is evidently no ordinary Republican voter.

Please remember I’m not asking for a historical review of how we got here, how the Electoral College has evolved, or how states might have to react if there was proven large scale fraud invalidating their elections.

My question is simple, given the lack of proven fraud to this point, and assuming state votes have all been counted and indicate Biden won, would YOU — as a Republican voter — support Trump’s attempt to mobilize Republican state legislatures to reject the popular vote and appoint a pro-Trump electoral slate?

Please feel free to give your reasons ...
I wonder what most ordinary Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real court-certified evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”

Sad to say, this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be trying to do right now, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our Republican USMBers — especially those claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

I support it.........but at this point with the dems illegal and immoral attempts to enslave america with Covid, to rob us, and to take away our vote by fraud while selling us out to our enemies...I support a full blown insurrection.
I wonder what most ordinary Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real court-certified evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”

Sad to say, this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be trying to do right now, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our Republican USMBers — especially those claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

I'm not a republican... So while I know this isn't aimed at me... I think it should be noted that the Constitution was drawn up and specific about this. Popular vote was NEVER supposed to be the deciding factor. I absolutely agree with that.

The constitution doesn't say that. It says instead that the State Legislatures can appoint electors in the manner they choose.

And 50 of 50 times, they've chosen to use the popular vote of the States.
I wonder what most ordinary Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real court-certified evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”

Sad to say, this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be trying to do right now, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our Republican USMBers — especially those claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

The Election was a Fraud so people are going to have to vote their conscience. Some to Evil, and others to Good.
I wonder what most ordinary Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real court-certified evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”

Sad to say, this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be trying to do right now, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our Republican USMBers — especially those claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

The Election was a Fraud so people are going to have to vote their conscience. Some to Evil, and others to Good.

What 'fraud'?
I wonder what most ordinary Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real court-certified evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”

Sad to say, this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be trying to do right now, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our Republican USMBers — especially those claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

I like the never say die attitude though
There is zero chance of this happening
There was zero chance that Trump could win 2016. To be honest with you, I didn't vote for Trump back then. I didn't think it was possible then either. Another time in my life I couldn't be happier I was wrong.

My question is simple, given the lack of proven fraud to this point, and assuming state votes have all been counted and indicate Biden won, would YOU — as a Republican voter — support Trump’s attempt to mobilize Republican state legislatures to reject the popular vote and appoint a pro-Trump electoral slate?

Please feel free to give your reasons ...
Without proof... I will not support Trump's legitimacy. Nor will attempt to remove him should he get in office if he gets into office.
There is zero chance of this happening
I hope. The fact is the dems outnumber the gopers. I'm confident that conservatism can be popular with immigrants. But not as it's practiced now, and certainly not if we resemble the countries people emigrated from.

The problem with the conservative message isn't the message. Its the conservatives. The xenophobia, the over-sensitivity to low probability threats and the white supremacy tend to turn off immigrants. As most conservatives don't actually believe the values they claim to support.

I values? Government transparency? Democracy? Fiscal responsibility? Personal responsibility? Foreign policy?

The modern GOP has wiped their asses with all of these ideals. And conservatives have supported them in it.

So why would immigrants to drawn to a message that its own adherents don't believe in, while ignoring the xenophobia, paranoia and white supremacy that these same adherents DO believe in?

Generally, they don't.
The constitution doesn't say that. It says instead that the State Legislatures can appoint electors in the manner they choose.

And 50 of 50 times, they've chosen to use the popular vote of the States.
Exactly. I'm not sure what you think your point is.

Unless you are suggesting that another state uses another states votes to determine what their electors are going to do?????????????????????
The problem with the conservative message isn't the message. Its the conservatives. The xenophobia, the over-sensitivity to low probability threats and the white supremacy tend to turn off immigrants. As most conservatives don't actually believe the values they claim to support.
Oh... You're an idiot. Don't bother replying to my question.
The constitution doesn't say that. It says instead that the State Legislatures can appoint electors in the manner they choose.

And 50 of 50 times, they've chosen to use the popular vote of the States.
Exactly. I'm not sure what you think your point is.

Unless you are suggesting that another state uses another states votes to determine what their electors are going to do?????????????????????

My point is: you're wrong. You said "I think it should be noted that the Constitution was drawn up and specific about this. Popular vote was NEVER supposed to be the deciding factor. ."

That's not accurate. The constitution doesn't say that the popular vote was NEVER supposed to be the deciding factor. Instead, it says that the State legislatures can appoing electors in any manner they choose.

So the popular vote was 'supposed' to be the method used according to the constitution as much as any other method the State legislatures might have chosen.
Do YOU support Trump’s last ditch effort to convince Republican state legislatures to APPOINT pro-Trump Electors?

Fuck no and fuck him. He out there tryna coerce state legs into breaking their own state laws. Those Michiganders he "invited', if they go along with his bullshit, they'll be charged with felonies and banned from public office forever. To make matters worse they'll have Orange Crash himself for a cellmate.
Do YOU support Trump’s last ditch effort to convince Republican state legislatures to APPOINT pro-Trump Electors?

Fuck no and fuck him. He out there tryna coerce state legs into breaking their own state laws. Those Michiganders he "invited', if they go along with his bullshit, they'll be charged with felonies and banned from public office forever. To make matters worse they'll have Orange Crash himself for a cellmate.

No. I think that its a subversion of our democratic processes. And an example of conservatives increasing hostility to democracy and the will of the people as they continue their slide toward authoritarianism as their unifying ideology.

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