Do YOU support Trump’s last ditch effort to convince Republican state legislatures to APPOINT pro-Trump Electors?

I wonder what most ordinary Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real court-certified evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”

Sad to say, this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be trying to do right now, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our Republican USMBers — especially those claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

I support it.........but at this point with the dems illegal and immoral attempts to enslave america with Covid, to rob us, and to take away our vote by fraud while selling us out to our enemies...I support a full blown insurrection.

That's nice, dear.
The problem with the conservative message isn't the message. Its the conservatives. The xenophobia, the over-sensitivity to low probability threats and the white supremacy tend to turn off immigrants. As most conservatives don't actually believe the values they claim to support.
Oh... You're an idiot. Don't bother replying to my question.

I'll respond as I please. Feel free to "Parler" up and retreat to your safe space if my perspectives trigger you.
My point is: you're wrong. You said "I think it should be noted that the Constitution was drawn up and specific about this. Popular vote was NEVER supposed to be the deciding factor. ."

That's not accurate. The constitution doesn't say that the popular vote was NEVER supposed to be the deciding factor. Instead, it says that the State legislatures can appoing electors in any manner they choose.

So the popular vote was 'supposed' to be the method used according to the constitution as much as any other method the State legislatures might have chosen.
And if those State legislators believe that there was cheating... They can appoint those electors in any manner they choose.

Remember... I called you an idiot BEFORE YOU SAID THAT.

: If you think I'm wrong on something... I strongly suggest you ask me questions to clarify my point over telling me I'm wrong, and certainly don't use identity politics to try to show it. There's just a high chances you're going to come out of it looking like an idiot.

Sometimes I am actually wrong... It happens. I'll happily admit it and give credit if it's due... But to use identity politics while talking about the constitution... I admit... You pushed a button.

But you did that to yourself.
Last edited:
I'll respond as I please. Feel free to "Parler" up and retreat to your safe space if my perspectives trigger you.
Negative... I'm just letting you know how much time you are worth to me.
I wonder what most ordinary Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real court-certified evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”

Sad to say, this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be trying to do right now, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our Republican USMBers — especially those claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

Nope. Right now i am leaning toward all out civil war.
My point is: you're wrong. You said "I think it should be noted that the Constitution was drawn up and specific about this. Popular vote was NEVER supposed to be the deciding factor. ."

That's not accurate. The constitution doesn't say that the popular vote was NEVER supposed to be the deciding factor. Instead, it says that the State legislatures can appoing electors in any manner they choose.

So the popular vote was 'supposed' to be the method used according to the constitution as much as any other method the State legislatures might have chosen.
And if those State legislators believe that there was cheating... They can appoint those electors in any manner they choose.

Remember... I called you an idiot BEFORE YOU SAID THAT.

Nobody outside Rump's self-delusional paranoid narcissism bubble thinks there was "cheating". For fuck's sake get a GRIP.
I wonder what most ordinary Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real court-certified evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”

Sad to say, this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be trying to do right now, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our Republican USMBers — especially those claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

If he ain't using a gun and holding family members as hostages he's doing it wrong...I mean if you are going to pervert the system might as well go all the way.
I wonder what most ordinary Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real court-certified evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”

Sad to say, this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be trying to do right now, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our Republican USMBers — especially those claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

Nope. Right now i am leaning toward all out civil war.

Of course you are. Conservative authoritarians only believe that outcomes that grant them power are legitimate.

Thus, if democratic institutions don't provide you power, you advocate violence to use murder and bloodshed to force your will upon the electorate without their consent.

It also demonstrates your own recognition that your ideology lacks persuasive power and is slowly dying. As a vital, growing party is eager to compete in the marketplace of ideas to convince people of the merits of their ideology.

While a rotting corpse of a party will advocate violence to both eliminate political opposition through widespread slaughter......and to force their narrow and failed ideology on an unwilling populous.

As you just demonstrated for us.
Nobody outside Rump's self-delusional paranoid narcissism bubble thinks there was "cheating". For fuck's sake get a GRIP.
What did you think about Russia gate? *chuckles* OH... I hate hypocrites.
I wonder what most ordinary Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real court-certified evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”

Sad to say, this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be trying to do right now, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our Republican USMBers — especially those claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

I'm not a republican... So while I know this isn't aimed at me... I think it should be noted that the Constitution was drawn up and specific about this. Popular vote was NEVER supposed to be the deciding factor. I absolutely agree with that.

With that said... We go through the legal process. If cheating was done, we correct it. We ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO change how our voting system works to where we can verify votes, so this doesn't happen AGAIN. It's not like this is the first time.

And... Civil war... Well... As a kid, I wasn't a bully... Kind of. I liked to bully the bullies. As I got older, I'm an asshole, to other assholes. I've never killed anyone. I don't want to... But I will kill people who are a threat to my loved ones.

Then there is absolutely no sense in having future elections. Trump is bordering on treason, throw the son of a bitch out.
I wonder what most ordinary Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real court-certified evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”

Sad to say, this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be trying to do right now, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our Republican USMBers — especially those claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

I'm not a republican... So while I know this isn't aimed at me... I think it should be noted that the Constitution was drawn up and specific about this. Popular vote was NEVER supposed to be the deciding factor. I absolutely agree with that.

With that said... We go through the legal process. If cheating was done, we correct it. We ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO change how our voting system works to where we can verify votes, so this doesn't happen AGAIN. It's not like this is the first time.

And... Civil war... Well... As a kid, I wasn't a bully... Kind of. I liked to bully the bullies. As I got older, I'm an asshole, to other assholes. I've never killed anyone. I don't want to... But I will kill people who are a threat to my loved ones.

Then there is absolutely no sense in having future elections. Trump is bordering on treason, throw the son of a bitch out.

Our greatest bulwark against tyranny in this Trump's own incompetence.

We're gonna be fine.
I'm not a Republican but I support Mitt Romney's statement on this matter of subverting the voters of the various states.
But you don't support Free Voter ID in the midst of all this election fraud, correct?
My point is: you're wrong. You said "I think it should be noted that the Constitution was drawn up and specific about this. Popular vote was NEVER supposed to be the deciding factor. ."

That's not accurate. The constitution doesn't say that the popular vote was NEVER supposed to be the deciding factor. Instead, it says that the State legislatures can appoing electors in any manner they choose.

So the popular vote was 'supposed' to be the method used according to the constitution as much as any other method the State legislatures might have chosen.
And if those State legislators believe that there was cheating... They can appoint those electors in any manner they choose.

Remember... I called you an idiot BEFORE YOU SAID THAT.

No I don't think so. The process is bound by law.
My point is: you're wrong. You said "I think it should be noted that the Constitution was drawn up and specific about this. Popular vote was NEVER supposed to be the deciding factor. ."

That's not accurate. The constitution doesn't say that the popular vote was NEVER supposed to be the deciding factor. Instead, it says that the State legislatures can appoing electors in any manner they choose.

So the popular vote was 'supposed' to be the method used according to the constitution as much as any other method the State legislatures might have chosen.
And if those State legislators believe that there was cheating... They can appoint those electors in any manner they choose.

Remember... I called you an idiot BEFORE YOU SAID THAT.

The State legislatures have already chosen: the popular vote. 50 of 50 times.
No I don't think so. The process is bound by law.
You notice it's a lawsuit that is being filed. You know... LAWsuit. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. That's the whole point of the thread. Did you not read the OP? Something you didn't understand about it?
The State legislatures have already chosen: the popular vote. 50 of 50 times.
And if those State legislators believe that there was cheating... They can appoint those electors in any manner they choose.

Your argument. I agree with it. Please read my edit on post #23
I wonder what most ordinary Republicans would say and do if Trump were to convince Republican-controlled legislatures (as in Georgia & Michigan) to ignore the statewide popular vote for Biden, dismiss it as fraudulent on the basis of no real court-certified evidence, and appoint Republican Electors to re-elect Trump?

That now seems to be his “Plan C.” In the unlikely and god-awful case that he became President in this way, Trump and his Republican supporters would truly be leading us to Civil War. It would be an historical point marking the degeneration of our democratic traditions, and the transformation of our country into a rightwing “Banana Republic.”

Sad to say, this undemocratic attempt at a “coup” is exactly what Trump seems to be trying to do right now, as outlined clearly in this FOX report. Do YOU support such conduct? Where do our Republican USMBers — especially those claiming to be critical of Trump in some ways — stand on such efforts?

He is trying hard to start a civil war. He really is! He has abandoned the very foundation of a Democracy as free and fair votes. He is instead seeking to install Authoritarianism...where he will gain an illegitimate second term. HE IS A TRAITOR!
The State legislatures have already chosen: the popular vote. 50 of 50 times.
And if those State legislators believe that there was cheating... They can appoint those electors in any manner they choose.

Your argument. I agree with it.

First, you've abandoned the original claim that I've refuted: that according to the constitution the popular vote was never 'supposed' to be how the electors were chosen. That was obviously wrong, for the reasons I pointed out: the constitution says no such thing.

I accept your concession.

Now on to the new topic: can the state legislatures CHANGE the method of how their electors are chosen after an election: Its unclear.

State laws may prevent a state legislature from doing so, as election by the people is codified into the state election law. State law would thus have to be changed, but per essentially every state, not without the executive signing off without a super majority.....which no republican held legislature has.

Additionally, its unclear if a state can change its mind only for the next election. Or if they can change their mind after the election if they don't like the result.

Bush v. Gore seems to insinuate the latter....but no ruling has addressed the issue directly.

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