Do you support unions?

Do you support unions?

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  • No and I am a Democrat

  • No and I am a Republican

  • No and I am an independent

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If you want to work for a union company you have to join the union. If you are management you don't have to join. But if you are going to benefit from union protection then yes you have to join the union and pay your dues.

Relax. You make more now so you can afford the dues.

This is giving labor more power. This is leveling the playing field. You want to weaken/destroy unions.

What is it called when a company threatens employees if they even talk about unionizing? Is that fascism?
Yes, the Big Lies continue.. Even in States that still allow "union shops," union shop employees are:
  1. generally given a free month before paying dues.
  2. not required to pay anything supporting the union's political activities.
Maybe why workers are leaving unions

Our last union company, it was the employees that kicked them out.

One of the workers retired at a small printing shop. The next in line (by union rules) was a worthless employee that couldn't do the job, but it was the highest paying job in the shop and he was the most senior in the union so they had to give it to him.

Because he couldn't do the job, the owner of the company had to do the work for him and he stood there every day and watched. That's when the other employees got pissed, had a meeting and voted the union out themselves.

After the union was gone the company laid off that worker and several dead weight workers and trouble makers along with him. I was told by the shipper the employees were never happier, got more shit done, and the person that got that highest paying job was a person that could actually do it allowing the owner to work on the business matters of the company.
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I am a retired union carpenter. My union isn't like the typical union. We had NO sick days, No vacation days, etc.

We got paid only when we WORKED. As it should be.
Dumbest thing I've ever read. Any employer worth working for offers some paid sick days. That's anti American defined.
This is the exact same war Republicans waged on unions in the 2000's as George Bush sent 700,000 of their jobs overseas.

You guys are so pathetic. Imagine that. You republicans are anti labor.

Being anti-union is not being anti-labor. Being anti-union is being pro-labor because the less unions, the more jobs we keep in the US.
I believe that over 95% of America supports unions. But I wonder if that was the case in the 1940s or maybe it has changed today. I want to be able to convince as many people as possible here that unions are pro American, they are pro Christian they are pro traditions. They are pro civil liberties, they are pro second amendment, they are pro police and pro firefighters and pro military.

Yes there are corrupt union leaders yes they are corrupt teachers, yes there are corrupt police officers, yes there are corrupt members of the NAACP, yes there are corrupt members of the United States government. There’s corruption in every country in the world. America stands out as the most liberal and free country at all of human history. Our middle class, our military , and our economy is the best in the world because of American greatness, Because of our glorious victory in World War II where we saved the free world with our brave Soviet , Chinese and British allies ….and because of the steel workers and United States military, and the will of the American men and women through history…they all made our country great and glorious.

Rather than going to a very long post as I often do I’ll make this as short as possible. I can’t think of a better image and video to show then the one below. Because after all all of the conservatives here who say they love America who say they stand by the Second Amendment, who they who say they stand by family, Christianity and American traditions I only ask you to just look briefly at the following video because the very people you aspire to be …well they are the men and the women of the following video. The steel workers of the following video who contributed to World War II who fought in World War II. Who fought in the Vietnam war who came home and who were able to get a steel job that set them for life. I can’t think of anything else to bring forward to prove my point gentlemen and ladies. I can’t think of anything else other than this. These were and are unionized workers these are steel workers.

That is patriotism^

The power of American steel we see that above. The power of American greatness in manufacturing we see this above. Our bridges are roads, our road signs and so much more come from steel. Just the term “American steel” sounds so awesome and strong.

The only unions I support are police unions because cops need all the support they can and are constantly under fire and being accused of nonsense.

Aside from that unions are a scam.

Back in the old days people were legit degraded and abused by employers. People were mistreated, vastly under paid, harassed, made to work exceedingly long hours in unsafe conditions. Especially if you were Irish or Italian. Unions helped that a great deal and did a great service.

But now? We have state and federal laws, safety guidelines, ohsa standards, minimum wage and so on.

There are also vastly more job opportunities now, education is vastly easier to aquire so it's much easier to find a job. For most people if you hate your job it's usually for a dumb reason and you can go find something else. Jesus people get a lot of money for uoading dumb videos of like them licking a urinal cake at a baseball stadium.

Unions now exist solely to make money for themselves and that is it. Most of them are for ridiculous reasons like unions trying to get Starbucks employees unionized or McDonald's kids a 20 dollar an hour wage.

I was a store detective at a large when I was in nursing school and the union came in and rilled everyone up about better hours and pay. I didn't vote because I knew better. Well I wouldn't sign up when they got in and my hours got cut more and more till I was only scheduled 4 hours a week and I quit. Thing is no one made a lot of money there and yes the union got them a raise but the raise was negated by union dues they had to pay so on the end they got like a .60 cent raise. Woopie freakin doo. And they had to come on their own time for union meetings and shit.
That's right. We worked hard to form a union.

IF you would be willing to make what you would be making if your company didn't have a union, that would be different. But you are going to be protected by the union. They are going to get you raises? No I'm sorry. If you won't join the union you can't work here.

Workers with union representation enjoy a significant pay premium compared to non-union workers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports non-union workers earn just 85 percent of what unionized workers earn ($1,029/week vs. $1,216/week).

Unless you are willing to take a 85% pay cut. Then I would allow it.
You are bad at math. Maybe the union can give you a class
You are bad at math. Maybe the union can give you a class

I'll give you some math. No employees means no sales

If you want to work for a union company you have to join the union
that depends ...the PO is union but you dont have to join, and you still get all the benefits....

In Michigan we got rid of Right To Work laws. Right to work is the title Republicans gave the law when they passed it but it was more like you have no right to your job.

Imagine you are a great employee and because of age or race they just decide to get rid of you? In right to work states they can. In Union states they have to show you did something wrong or else you were wrongfully terminated.

Even if you are not in a union, you don't want to work in a Right to Work state. Republicans pushed that on Michigan. We are a very union state. Republicans work for the rich. The corporations. Not labor. They want to BREAK unions. They'll tell you how much unions and union workers suck. They are our highest paid blue collar workers of course they hate them.
I think for the most part unions are no longer necessary. Most of the things they fought for are now mandated by law, thus removing their utility.

Back in the Mid 80s before I joined the Corps I worked as a welder at a fire apparatus manufacture. I welded aluminum fire truck cabs. The company was amazing and treated us well. One moron got PO at his manger and pushed for a union. He wrote to a union and tried to get them to come and unionize our shop. Once the process started everything was locked, no raises, no bonuses, nothing was allowed to change till it was over. Took damn near 9 months while the union tried to talk us all into joining. The end vote was 92% no. I have had a bad taste in my mouth over unions ever since.

My wife works for the VA as a nurse. They have a union which is useless a screen door on a submarine. Seems all they do is fight to keep shit people from being fired. They cannot impact hours, or pay or benefits since all of that is mandated by Congress.
You are wrong. Today unions are more necessary than ever. You are a corporate boot licker. Either you are a corporation or top management or you are an idiot who doesn't work for a union and doesn't realize how much unions do to raise even your wages.

It wasn't only 1 person that tried to unionize your shop. And I can just imaging the tactics the company used to get 92% to vote no.

Why does Starbucks pay so shitty?

So far, the labor disputes haven't appeared to dent Starbucks' sales. Starbucks said in November that its revenue rose 3% to a record $8.41 billion in the July-September period.

You can't fire someone for trying to start a union.
You are wrong. Today unions are more necessary than ever. You are a corporate boot licker. Either you are a corporation or top management or you are an idiot who doesn't work for a union and doesn't realize how much unions do to raise even your wages.

We just disagree on this. Only one of us though feels the need to make it personal and throw out insults. Do you find that brings a lot of people to your side?

It wasn't only 1 person that tried to unionize your shop. And I can just imaging the tactics the company used to get 92% to vote no.

Pretty much it was the one guy. The union won over a few more with empty promises, but not many.

The company could not do anything. Everything was frozen in place. We could not even get our normal raises and bonuses till the process was over.

But the union could throw parties with food and beer even when trying to get people to vote for them. The company could not make any sort of statement pro or con on the union.

Why does Starbucks pay so shitty?

Because it is a menial job that a trained chimp could do.
85% paycut?

That is not what he said....he said...non-union workers earn just 85 percent of what unionized workers earn ($1,029/week vs. $1,216/week).

The actual amount is 84.62%, so rounding up to 85% is correct math.
You are wrong. Today unions are more necessary than ever. You are a corporate boot licker. Either you are a corporation or top management or you are an idiot who doesn't work for a union and doesn't realize how much unions do to raise even your wages.

It wasn't only 1 person that tried to unionize your shop. And I can just imaging the tactics the company used to get 92% to vote no.

Why does Starbucks pay so shitty?

So far, the labor disputes haven't appeared to dent Starbucks' sales. Starbucks said in November that its revenue rose 3% to a record $8.41 billion in the July-September period.

You can't fire someone for trying to start a union.

A company can fire somebody for trying to get a union if they are in the building or doing so on company time.

Let's see Starbucks pay workers a minimum of $20.00 per hour. I think it will be interesting as more of the stores invest in automation to replace humans as fast food places did or are in the process of doing.
I'll give you some math. No employees means no sales

No work no eat.

We can play this game all day.

Doesn’t change the fact that your bad at math
We just disagree on this. Only one of us though feels the need to make it personal and throw out insults. Do you find that brings a lot of people to your side?

Pretty much it was the one guy. The union won over a few more with empty promises, but not many.

The company could not do anything. Everything was frozen in place. We could not even get our normal raises and bonuses till the process was over.

But the union could throw parties with food and beer even when trying to get people to vote for them. The company could not make any sort of statement pro or con on the union.

Because it is a menial job that a trained chimp could do.
Doesn't add up. A majority of your coworkers had to have signed cards indicating interest in joining the union, else nothing would have happened.

Unless you are willing to take a 85% pay cut. Then I would allow it.

That is not what he said....he said...non-union workers earn just 85 percent of what unionized workers earn ($1,029/week vs. $1,216/week).

The actual amount is 84.62%, so rounding up to 85% is correct math.
Read the above quote and get back to me.

It’s not an 85% paycut. Unless you can’t do math either. It’s 15%.

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