Do you support unions?

Do you support unions?

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were i worked they had lots of power....they were the ones who said what is what....and if it made your job harder to do or less safe...their attitude?....tough shit....
That's where we need employees suing the employers. It should not be difficult to go after an employer legally when they willingly hurt their employees as some do.
Here’s what we all know though brother. For much of the 20th century decades on and we had a great system this country where you could get a union job out of high school. We’re talking about mass employers like republic steel, Ford Motor Company General Motors we’re not talking about any of the unions that people are talking about in this thread that screw people over. I’m talking about the good unions and I’m talking about the great job of American history how do we bring that system back is it even possible? Or we screwed?

Can we have a system we used to have without unions? Can you have job protection without unions

You can't bring back the horse and buggy because nobody wants to travel like that any longer. We will never bring back good paying monkey jobs. No business can afford to pay somebody 50K a year to turn nuts onto bolts. We have robotics for that now.

When you really think about it not much has changed. The only difference between today and 40 years ago is that you have to learn a trade or skill of some kind to maintain a middle-class lifestyle. I seen this coming back in the later 80's and early 90's when I was working general labor. I had to find a profession that not only paid better, but where my skills were always in demand. While people were enjoying their good paying non-skilled jobs, I was preparing for the future.

For people that refuse to make the effort to be or maintain middle-class lifestyles, unions are not the solution, they will only make our problems worse. We can't change our society to rescue those that made bad choices in life. The union days are gone and they are not coming back.
You can't bring back the horse and buggy because nobody wants to travel like that any longer. We will never bring back good paying monkey jobs. No business can afford to pay somebody 50K a year to turn nuts onto bolts. We have robotics for that now.

When you really think about it not much has changed. The only difference between today and 40 years ago is that you have to learn a trade or skill of some kind to maintain a middle-class lifestyle. I seen this coming back in the later 80's and early 90's when I was working general labor. I had to find a profession that not only paid better, but where my skills were always in demand. While people were enjoying their good paying non-skilled jobs, I was preparing for the future.

For people that refuse to make the effort to be or maintain middle-class lifestyles, unions are not the solution, they will only make our problems worse. We can't change our society to rescue those that made bad choices in life. The union days are gone and they are not coming back.
Whatever the case may be whether it is unions or not. I must say that the system we had in the American past was better. And look at college debt what does that get people system tens of thousands maybe $100,000 in debt and then they owe interest to the bankers to the userers

I don’t see anything wrong with having a system where folks get a great job out of high school. Maybe our high schools need to do better with training at that moment. Why does it have to be in a trade school or in college we could find ways to train young people when they’re in high school with different sorts of programs.

I certainly welcome trade schools as well but I also go back to my other point…. the auto jobs produced for the United States military. What jobs of today can produce for our military ? what jobs of today can get folks job protection and ensure that there are also hoping to serve our country.?

many people have said The downfall of the American middle-class started in the 1980s when we were shipping jobs overseas …Republicans and Democrats were betraying us.
You talk about what the purpose of jobs are. You’re right about that in for the longest Time in America we had an incredible system where millions of people work at factories producing goods that they bought. And they produce goods that everyone was buying. And because of this boom in the steel /auto industry the restaurants were busy because they were filled with customers who worked at these industries and so the waitresses made a lot of money in Tips…. for much of the 20th century in the United States we had a great thing going and I think that we’ve lost our way.

What a lot of people don't realize is the union days were a bubble. Granted a much larger and longer bubble than the housing or technological bubble, but a bubble nevertheless. It was unsustainable and bound to burst at some point. All good things come to an end.

When bubbles burst we as a society need to make adjustments. We may not like the adjustments, but they are necessary to maintain a strong country, and we can't go backwards because some people refuse to make those adjustments.
In the past American men were stronger. Now we have all sorts of feminized man. We have what is known as beta males, Simps and stay at home husbands . You have men who are cooking at home in dresses. None of this happened in the American past. When Republicans and Democrats were stronger.

The sort of last vestige of American men who are actually men are mostly Republican it seems like no wonder why unions are not as strong as they were. I think that unions were overall Democrat but they certainly had strong support from Republicans. But because they were mostly Democrat and because today the Democrats at least many of them are preaching weakness, they’re preaching to not join the military they’re preaching to support Black Lives Matter to hate white people, they’re saying to be against America They’re saying to destroy statues of the Christian European man who built a civilized world. They’re against mutual respect they’re against racial equality. They’re on Instagram all the time they’re on the computer all the time they’re not interested in labor laws are not interested in actually going out and making a difference. They listen to their Democrat handlers who say don’t go out and find a woman just stay at home on your computer all day.

To many Americans listen to their Democrat handlers who say just go buy a pet dog well you can’t afford to have children because of inflation …and they accept it. That’s why we have weakness in America today whereas in the American past we were stronger and we were much better. But through positive thinking and positive change whether it’s Democrats or Republicans we will get America back that’s for sure.
I see the point in Private Sector unions, but public sector unions need to be ended.....

No they don't.
I am agnostic on them. I think they have done some good over time and have done some bad over time, and largely are useless today in part because they often divide their own ranks, negotiating for the older workers at the expense of the younger ones, and in part because most of the stuff they normally were strong on have been incorporated into laws and regulations. I mean if I had to choose between having my local whatever help me, or OSHA or the department of labor on my side, I would go with the latter. Why give a union a chunk of my check if I can bring down the government's iron fist.

Have you ever tried to get the OSHA or any other big government agency involved in your labour troubles????? Hardly a good solution for petty grievances on a daily basis. Not to mention they move very slowly.

While I would agree with you on the older versus younger workers, the older workers need more protections as companies look to push out older workers and the legacy costs associated with them. But yes, you should be happy to hand over a small portion of your paycheck because without them you'd be making a whole lot less than you currently are making.
Whatever the case may be whether it is unions or not. I must say that the system we had in the American past was better. And look at college debt what does that get people system tens of thousands maybe $100,000 in debt and then they owe interest to the bankers to the userers

I don’t see anything wrong with having a system where folks get a great job out of high school. Maybe our high schools need to do better with training at that moment. Why does it have to be in a trade school or in college we could find ways to train young people when they’re in high school with different sorts of programs.

I certainly welcome trade schools as well but I also go back to my other point…. the auto jobs produced for the United States military. What jobs of today can produce for our military ? what jobs of today can get folks job protection and ensure that there are also hoping to serve our country.?

many people have said The downfall of the American middle-class started in the 1980s when we were shipping jobs overseas …Republicans and Democrats were betraying us.

Democrats and Republicans don't ship jobs overseas, private industry does. Why does private industry do that? Because it's what their consumers want them to do to produce the lowest priced products possible.

You haven’t voted. What are you doing. So you’re not a Democrat, I take it you’re not a Christian either? I take it you don’t support American workers?
Democrats and Republicans don't ship jobs overseas, private industry does. Why does private industry do that? Because it's what their consumers want them to do to produce the lowest priced products possible.
Well for perhaps 75 or 80 years we were making products here in America and selling them here in America and we had the best middle class in our history. I would like to see that system come back. I like the site of the American past of the 1950s in the 60s. Much stronger men and women in those areas
What a lot of people don't realize is the union days were a bubble. Granted a much larger and longer bubble than the housing or technological bubble, but a bubble nevertheless. It was unsustainable and bound to burst at some point. All good things come to an end.

When bubbles burst we as a society need to make adjustments. We may not like the adjustments, but they are necessary to maintain a strong country, and we can't go backwards because some people refuse to make those adjustments.

And yet YOU would go back to segregation, and making people pay for their education. No one looks backwards with such fondness as Republicans. You're still litigating voting and civil rights for non-whites and trying to limit the power of non-whites in government.

When is the USA going to live up to its own Constitution and actually have freedom and justice for all?????
And yet YOU would go back to segregation, and making people pay for their education. No one looks backwards with such fondness as Republicans. You're still litigating voting and civil rights for non-whites and trying to limit the power of non-whites in government.

When is the USA going to live up to its own Constitution and actually have freedom and justice for all?????

There is only one way to guaranteeing freedom, and that's getting rid of Democrats.
The same one post over and over again.
If at first you don't sound quite Sane, keep posting the same nonsense Persistently. Sanity is doing the same thing Persistently and expecting different results. After all, those who would give up essential Persistence to purchase a little temporary Sanity deserve neither Persistence nor Sanity.
Well for perhaps 75 or 80 years we were making products here in America and selling them here in America and we had the best middle class in our history. I would like to see that system come back. I like the site of the American past of the 1950s in the 60s. Much stronger men and women in those areas

Like I said, the only way to bring back such a system is if you can convince the American consumer to support it. But you have to do that first before you can do anything else for your goals, and I don't see that happening anytime soon.
Well for perhaps 75 or 80 years we were making products here in America and selling them here in America and we had the best middle class in our history. I would like to see that system come back. I like the site of the American past of the 1950s in the 60s. Much stronger men and women in those areas

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