Do You Think Conservatives Are A Dying Party?

"Conservative" is an undefined ideology, not a political party.

I think there's a significant shift going on in this country away from social-conservative views, but neither "Conservatives" nor the GOP are going anywhere.

Actually, 'conservative' is a behavioral trait. I have noticed that you tend to conserve your opinions for those occasions when you wish to make a point.

There is an important distinction between "Conservative" and "conserative".

And I am "conservative" with my opinions because I think it's amusing to watch people make assumptions about them. I am always happy to explain them when I'm asked.

What would the important distinction be?
"Conservative" is an undefined ideology, not a political party.

I think there's a significant shift going on in this country away from social-conservative views, but neither "Conservatives" nor the GOP are going anywhere.

Actually, 'conservative' is a behavioral trait. I have noticed that you tend to conserve your opinions for those occasions when you wish to make a point.

There is an important distinction between "Conservative" and "conserative".

And I am "conservative" with my opinions because I think it's amusing to watch people make assumptions about them. I am always happy to explain them when I'm asked.

What would the important distinction be?

For starters, "Conservative" is a noun, "conservative" is an adjective.
I'm an independent, but I feel like if Conservatives continue to carry the same social views, they will eventually die out, since the social views in America have become more progressive. I'm not sure though, since there are so many other components. What do you think?

There is a difference between the current ideology of Conservative, "Unwilling or unable to change" and what it use to be.

^Change is ALWAYS necessary even noted by the Constitution, yet some won't. Progressives want thoughtful and educationally based change from what I've seen.

Yet NAFTA was change
I'm an independent, but I feel like if Conservatives continue to carry the same social views, they will eventually die out, since the social views in America have become more progressive. I'm not sure though, since there are so many other components. What do you think?

The INSTANT a Conservative THINKS, It's automatically classified as being a Progressive thought today. It's why the party is dying.

I tend to think there are many Right Wingers that are smart and are not Nihilists, the form of Government that the Koch brothers are fighting for today.
The present Republican party is the third major conservative party. The first two have gone to that big conservative meeting hall in the sky. America needs two parties however, so maybe conservatives can start again with a new program of some type.
Why does America need two parties? Maybe five would be optimal.
Europe has that and I don't see how it's doing them much good.
Perhaps, but what IS wrong is both parties placing roadblocks and outright denial of non party candidates for office. The government is allegedly of, for, and by the people. The founders envisioned a government where the ordinary citizen could run for office.

As it stands today, the ordinary citizen can run for office ONLY if they get permission from one of the two political parties and that is just plain wrong.
Ordinary citizens can and do hold office. Ron Paul was a Libertarian and ran as a Republican. No one stopped him from winning anything but the voters. Dr. Carson hasn't been held back and is an Independent. If he does run for president it will be as a Republican and no one will stop him. The voters will make the final determination.
There is a difference between the current ideology of Conservative, "Unwilling or unable to change" and what it use to be.

^Change is ALWAYS necessary even noted by the Constitution, yet some won't. Progressives want thoughtful and educationally based change from what I've seen.

The INSTANT a Conservative THINKS, It's automatically classified as being a Progressive thought today. It's why the party is dying.

I tend to think there are many Right Wingers that are smart and are not Nihilists, the form of Government that the Koch brothers are fighting for today.
What planet are you talking about?
I'm an independent, but I feel like if Conservatives continue to carry the same social views, they will eventually die out, since the social views in America have become more progressive. I'm not sure though, since there are so many other components. What do you think?
Conservatives aren't going anywhere. The thing about conservatives today is that they were yesterday's liberals. The conservatives of their youth would be devastated by what modern conservatives currently believe. Just like today's conservatives would be devastated by what conservatives in 30 years or so believe. When gay marriage is commonplace, black people are social equals, religion has less say on political agendas... who knows what conservatives will believe then. But today's conservatives would be horrified.

And human kind will continue moving forward :thup:
Toward becoming less civilized and less civil......
Conservatives kicked the shit out of the left and Democrats that last 6 years, libs snap out of your group delusion. Democrats haven't been this beat to hell since 1921 lol.
Conservatives kicked the shit out of the left and Democrats that last 6 years, libs snap out of your group delusion. Democrats haven't been this beat to hell since 1921 lol.
How long before you learn that elections, therefore power, run in cycles in a two-party system, never?
Conservatives kicked the shit out of the left and Democrats that last 6 years, libs snap out of your group delusion. Democrats haven't been this beat to hell since 1921 lol.
How long before you learn that elections, therefore power, run in cycles in a two-party system, never?

Ahahaha you idiots didn't lose in a squeaker they were historic blow outs lmao!
Conservatives kicked the shit out of the left and Democrats that last 6 years, libs snap out of your group delusion. Democrats haven't been this beat to hell since 1921 lol.

And what do you think is going to come of it? Will you ban abortion? Will you kick the gays out of the military? Make same sex marriage illegal nationwide? Will you end Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps? Will you even repeal Obamacare? Will you go to war against Russia over the Ukraine? Will you outlaw Islam?

Will you make Creationism a science and require it to be taught in schools as such? Will you repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and let businesses refuse service to anyone they choose, for any reason?

Or, will you simply do what Bush did for 6 years when he had a GOP majority? lol
Conservatives kicked the shit out of the left and Democrats that last 6 years, libs snap out of your group delusion. Democrats haven't been this beat to hell since 1921 lol.
How long before you learn that elections, therefore power, run in cycles in a two-party system, never?

Ahahaha you idiots didn't lose in a squeaker they were historic blow outs lmao!

2010 more or less was a blowout. 2014 was a low turnout election in the 6th year of a president's term with a Senate map full of red states. The outcome wasn't all that surprising.
Conservatives kicked the shit out of the left and Democrats that last 6 years, libs snap out of your group delusion. Democrats haven't been this beat to hell since 1921 lol.

And what do you think is going to come of it? Will you ban abortion? Will you kick the gays out of the military? Make same sex marriage illegal nationwide? Will you end Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps? Will you even repeal Obamacare? Will you go to war against Russia over the Ukraine? Will you outlaw Islam?

Will you make Creationism a science and require it to be taught in schools as such? Will you repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and let businesses refuse service to anyone they choose, for any reason?

Or, will you simply do what Bush did for 6 years when he had a GOP majority? lol
Sure thing Sport. Republicans will reintroduce slavery, make child rape legal, cut women's clits off, whatever gives you a boner. Idiot.
2010 more or less was a blowout. 2014 was a low turnout election in the 6th year of a president's term with a Senate map full of red states. The outcome wasn't all that surprising.
6 years of obama's fuckups made the outcome not all that surprising.
Conservatives kicked the shit out of the left and Democrats that last 6 years, libs snap out of your group delusion. Democrats haven't been this beat to hell since 1921 lol.

And what do you think is going to come of it? Will you ban abortion? Will you kick the gays out of the military? Make same sex marriage illegal nationwide? Will you end Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps? Will you even repeal Obamacare? Will you go to war against Russia over the Ukraine? Will you outlaw Islam?

Will you make Creationism a science and require it to be taught in schools as such? Will you repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and let businesses refuse service to anyone they choose, for any reason?

Or, will you simply do what Bush did for 6 years when he had a GOP majority? lol
Conservatives kicked the shit out of the left and Democrats that last 6 years, libs snap out of your group delusion. Democrats haven't been this beat to hell since 1921 lol.
How long before you learn that elections, therefore power, run in cycles in a two-party system, never?

Ahahaha you idiots didn't lose in a squeaker they were historic blow outs lmao!

2010 more or less was a blowout. 2014 was a low turnout election in the 6th year of a president's term with a Senate map full of red states. The outcome wasn't all that surprising.

And yet the 2006 mid term with similar turn out, when the Dem's took control of congress was shouted as a Dem mandate and repudiation of Bush. Why the double standard?
Conservatives kicked the shit out of the left and Democrats that last 6 years, libs snap out of your group delusion. Democrats haven't been this beat to hell since 1921 lol.

And what do you think is going to come of it? Will you ban abortion? Will you kick the gays out of the military? Make same sex marriage illegal nationwide? Will you end Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps? Will you even repeal Obamacare? Will you go to war against Russia over the Ukraine? Will you outlaw Islam?

Will you make Creationism a science and require it to be taught in schools as such? Will you repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and let businesses refuse service to anyone they choose, for any reason?

Or, will you simply do what Bush did for 6 years when he had a GOP majority? lol
Sure thing Sport. Republicans will reintroduce slavery, make child rape legal, cut women's clits off, whatever gives you a boner. Idiot.

Ah...clearly you have issues wow.
I'm an independent, but I feel like if Conservatives continue to carry the same social views, they will eventually die out, since the social views in America have become more progressive. I'm not sure though, since there are so many other components. What do you think?

No, but I think Communists believe if they chant this mantra enough that somehow it will become true.. :dunno:
Conservatives aren't going anywhere. The thing about conservatives today is that they were yesterday's liberals.

Ah, the big lie - that which is used by leftists to excuse their past crimes.

The conservatives of their youth would be devastated by what modern conservatives currently believe. Just like today's conservatives would be devastated by what conservatives in 30 years or so believe. When gay marriage is commonplace, black people are social equals, religion has less say on political agendas... who knows what conservatives will believe then. But today's conservatives would be horrified.

And human kind will continue moving forward :thup:

Especially those humans under the rule the the democrats allies, the Muslims... :thup:
Concern over social issues is a luxury. obumble has been such a disaster and made the world so dangerous that there's no time for luxuries right now.
i think it took more than Obama to make the world dangerous.....but hey you know what the last thing the terrorist on the other end of a drone missile see? ...this


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