Do you think humanity is ready to know about aliens?

Are we ready to know about aliens?

  • I'm ready, and so is the public.

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • I'm ready, but the public is not.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • I'm not ready, but the public is.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not ready, and neither is the public.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know / other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I think it's time the government stops lying to us and releases the truth that they have known for decades now that extraterrestrial life does exist. Most people already believe that we are not alone, and so we have already made half the journey. Now all we need is for the government to confirm it. And if they don't, hopefully WikiLeaks or some other leak organization/person leaks the truth. Do you think humanity, the American people, and you personally are ready for the truth?

Dino the Nutso,

You are a whackjob.

But, on second thought.....

Let's delve into this matter a smidge.

It is a known fact that the Greatest Minds in the History of Mankind using all their rational skills and logic came to the UNANIMOUS conclusion that: one cannot prove or disprove the existence of "GOD".

The veracity of that statement may be confirmed by calling the Chairman of the Dept of Philosophy in any reputable University in the World. And, this Chairman, regardless of his Religion (if any) will verify my statement above. would be presumptuous of me to belittle anyone for believing in his "GOD". Because, the Greatest Minds have come to the UNANIMOUS conclusion that their "GOD" MAY exist.

However, when this "religious" person then tries to claim UNREALISTIC BULLSHIT as REALITY, such as "dead people sashaying around on earth after they died, that a virgin has a son, and is still a virgin, that people are turned into pillars of salt ...... and other UNREALISTIC CRAP like that .........THEN I, AS A RATIONAL PERSON, CAN ONLY CONCLUDE THAT THESE "RELIGIOUS" FOLKS ARE DELUSIONAL !!!

Now, there are literally BILLIONS of "RELIGIOUS" people: Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc......And, Rationally Speaking.....they are all DELUSIONAL WHACKJOBS as far as their Ritualistic Religious Beliefs are concerned.

As any truly educated person knows: Religion is a function of FAITH....... not PROOF !!!

Even the Catholic Church, when pressed.....acknowledges that.

NOW, WHAT HAS ALL THIS HAVE TO DO WITH YOUR OP-ED ... and, what has all this have to do with you being a whackjob ???

Initially, I called you a "whackjob"..... for believing in a lot of crap.

On the other hand,BILLIONS of Religious people believe in crap.

Thus, they are also "whackjobs".......delusional "whackjobs who have been brainwashed thru the millenia to believe in a MAN-LIKE GODLY APPARITION who is the TRIAGE-MASTER directing some to have ETERNAL ORGASMS in a La La Land Area known as "HEAVEN"......And, an ETERNAL FRY-JOB if assigned to that other well known La La Land area called "HELL".

So, Dino the are definitely a whackjob.

But, you have a helluva lot of company.

Pot calling the kettle black?
I don't believe any human being is "ready" for the existence of an alien civilization or the possibility of "them" visiting us.

As I have suggested many times in the past and for that matter much earlier than has been alluded to by the resident English genius of Hawking, all life as we know it is predatory on some level. The thought that some other life would visit us as a lark or in some observational or "helpful" capacity is pure fantasy. If "they" exist and have chosen to "explore" our world it would surely not to be for OUR benefit. It would be to benefit them. Our only possible salvation would be that whatever they are after is something we do not need for our survival. Maybe it(their purpose) would be something as simple as saving time acquiring refined plutonium since there are several stashes of it already mined and refined. We could live without it. If "they" were meat eaters and they found the human being delicious or necessary as a food item we would not fare very well. Perhaps the worst that would happen is that "they" would just snatch a breeding stock sufficient to meet their needs and move on. I doubt that this is the "best" and only livable planet in the universe. Maybe it is for US but it is unlikely the best planet for a life form not native to our world. In any case it would very quickly be irrelevant what we THOUGHT about their visit.
I think it's time the government stops lying to us and releases the truth that they have known for decades now that extraterrestrial life does exist. Most people already believe that we are not alone, and so we have already made half the journey. Now all we need is for the government to confirm it. And if they don't, hopefully WikiLeaks or some other leak organization/person leaks the truth. Do you think humanity, the American people, and you personally are ready for the truth?

Dino the Nutso,

You are a whackjob.

But, on second thought.....

Let's delve into this matter a smidge.

It is a known fact that the Greatest Minds in the History of Mankind using all their rational skills and logic came to the UNANIMOUS conclusion that: one cannot prove or disprove the existence of "GOD".

The veracity of that statement may be confirmed by calling the Chairman of the Dept of Philosophy in any reputable University in the World. And, this Chairman, regardless of his Religion (if any) will verify my statement above. would be presumptuous of me to belittle anyone for believing in his "GOD". Because, the Greatest Minds have come to the UNANIMOUS conclusion that their "GOD" MAY exist.

However, when this "religious" person then tries to claim UNREALISTIC BULLSHIT as REALITY, such as "dead people sashaying around on earth after they died, that a virgin has a son, and is still a virgin, that people are turned into pillars of salt ...... and other UNREALISTIC CRAP like that .........THEN I, AS A RATIONAL PERSON, CAN ONLY CONCLUDE THAT THESE "RELIGIOUS" FOLKS ARE DELUSIONAL !!!

Now, there are literally BILLIONS of "RELIGIOUS" people: Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc......And, Rationally Speaking.....they are all DELUSIONAL WHACKJOBS as far as their Ritualistic Religious Beliefs are concerned.

As any truly educated person knows: Religion is a function of FAITH....... not PROOF !!!

Even the Catholic Church, when pressed.....acknowledges that.

NOW, WHAT HAS ALL THIS HAVE TO DO WITH YOUR OP-ED ... and, what has all this have to do with you being a whackjob ???

Initially, I called you a "whackjob"..... for believing in a lot of crap.

On the other hand,BILLIONS of Religious people believe in crap.

Thus, they are also "whackjobs".......delusional "whackjobs who have been brainwashed thru the millenia to believe in a MAN-LIKE GODLY APPARITION who is the TRIAGE-MASTER directing some to have ETERNAL ORGASMS in a La La Land Area known as "HEAVEN"......And, an ETERNAL FRY-JOB if assigned to that other well known La La Land area called "HELL".

So, Dino the are definitely a whackjob.

But, you have a helluva lot of company.

Pot calling the kettle black?

That would be true in the case of Dino calling the Religious folk "whackjobs"........ or visey versey, Smart-ass.
I don't believe any human being is "ready" for the existence of an alien civilization or the possibility of "them" visiting us.

As I have suggested many times in the past and for that matter much earlier than has been alluded to by the resident English genius of Hawking, all life as we know it is predatory on some level. The thought that some other life would visit us as a lark or in some observational or "helpful" capacity is pure fantasy. If "they" exist and have chosen to "explore" our world it would surely not to be for OUR benefit. It would be to benefit them. Our only possible salvation would be that whatever they are after is something we do not need for our survival. Maybe it(their purpose) would be something as simple as saving time acquiring refined plutonium since there are several stashes of it already mined and refined. We could live without it. If "they" were meat eaters and they found the human being delicious or necessary as a food item we would not fare very well. Perhaps the worst that would happen is that "they" would just snatch a breeding stock sufficient to meet their needs and move on. I doubt that this is the "best" and only livable planet in the universe. Maybe it is for US but it is unlikely the best planet for a life form not native to our world. In any case it would very quickly be irrelevant what we THOUGHT about their visit.

A thoughtful response.
I don't believe any human being is "ready" for the existence of an alien civilization or the possibility of "them" visiting us.

As I have suggested many times in the past and for that matter much earlier than has been alluded to by the resident English genius of Hawking, all life as we know it is predatory on some level. The thought that some other life would visit us as a lark or in some observational or "helpful" capacity is pure fantasy. If "they" exist and have chosen to "explore" our world it would surely not to be for OUR benefit. It would be to benefit them. Our only possible salvation would be that whatever they are after is something we do not need for our survival. Maybe it(their purpose) would be something as simple as saving time acquiring refined plutonium since there are several stashes of it already mined and refined. We could live without it. If "they" were meat eaters and they found the human being delicious or necessary as a food item we would not fare very well. Perhaps the worst that would happen is that "they" would just snatch a breeding stock sufficient to meet their needs and move on. I doubt that this is the "best" and only livable planet in the universe. Maybe it is for US but it is unlikely the best planet for a life form not native to our world. In any case it would very quickly be irrelevant what we THOUGHT about their visit.

The first non-trolling, intelligent response in the thread. Good job.
I don't believe any human being is "ready" for the existence of an alien civilization or the possibility of "them" visiting us.

As I have suggested many times in the past and for that matter much earlier than has been alluded to by the resident English genius of Hawking, all life as we know it is predatory on some level. The thought that some other life would visit us as a lark or in some observational or "helpful" capacity is pure fantasy. If "they" exist and have chosen to "explore" our world it would surely not to be for OUR benefit. It would be to benefit them. Our only possible salvation would be that whatever they are after is something we do not need for our survival. Maybe it(their purpose) would be something as simple as saving time acquiring refined plutonium since there are several stashes of it already mined and refined. We could live without it. If "they" were meat eaters and they found the human being delicious or necessary as a food item we would not fare very well. Perhaps the worst that would happen is that "they" would just snatch a breeding stock sufficient to meet their needs and move on. I doubt that this is the "best" and only livable planet in the universe. Maybe it is for US but it is unlikely the best planet for a life form not native to our world. In any case it would very quickly be irrelevant what we THOUGHT about their visit.

Whence did you plagiarize this?

I know full well you're not intelligent enough to have spewed this out.:eusa_whistle:
I don't believe any human being is "ready" for the existence of an alien civilization or the possibility of "them" visiting us.

As I have suggested many times in the past and for that matter much earlier than has been alluded to by the resident English genius of Hawking, all life as we know it is predatory on some level. The thought that some other life would visit us as a lark or in some observational or "helpful" capacity is pure fantasy. If "they" exist and have chosen to "explore" our world it would surely not to be for OUR benefit. It would be to benefit them. Our only possible salvation would be that whatever they are after is something we do not need for our survival. Maybe it(their purpose) would be something as simple as saving time acquiring refined plutonium since there are several stashes of it already mined and refined. We could live without it. If "they" were meat eaters and they found the human being delicious or necessary as a food item we would not fare very well. Perhaps the worst that would happen is that "they" would just snatch a breeding stock sufficient to meet their needs and move on. I doubt that this is the "best" and only livable planet in the universe. Maybe it is for US but it is unlikely the best planet for a life form not native to our world. In any case it would very quickly be irrelevant what we THOUGHT about their visit.

A thoughtful response.

Dino the Nutso,

You are a whackjob.

But, on second thought.....

Let's delve into this matter a smidge.

It is a known fact that the Greatest Minds in the History of Mankind using all their rational skills and logic came to the UNANIMOUS conclusion that: one cannot prove or disprove the existence of "GOD".

The veracity of that statement may be confirmed by calling the Chairman of the Dept of Philosophy in any reputable University in the World. And, this Chairman, regardless of his Religion (if any) will verify my statement above. would be presumptuous of me to belittle anyone for believing in his "GOD". Because, the Greatest Minds have come to the UNANIMOUS conclusion that their "GOD" MAY exist.

However, when this "religious" person then tries to claim UNREALISTIC BULLSHIT as REALITY, such as "dead people sashaying around on earth after they died, that a virgin has a son, and is still a virgin, that people are turned into pillars of salt ...... and other UNREALISTIC CRAP like that .........THEN I, AS A RATIONAL PERSON, CAN ONLY CONCLUDE THAT THESE "RELIGIOUS" FOLKS ARE DELUSIONAL !!!

Now, there are literally BILLIONS of "RELIGIOUS" people: Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc......And, Rationally Speaking.....they are all DELUSIONAL WHACKJOBS as far as their Ritualistic Religious Beliefs are concerned.

As any truly educated person knows: Religion is a function of FAITH....... not PROOF !!!

Even the Catholic Church, when pressed.....acknowledges that.

NOW, WHAT HAS ALL THIS HAVE TO DO WITH YOUR OP-ED ... and, what has all this have to do with you being a whackjob ???

Initially, I called you a "whackjob"..... for believing in a lot of crap.

On the other hand,BILLIONS of Religious people believe in crap.

Thus, they are also "whackjobs".......delusional "whackjobs who have been brainwashed thru the millenia to believe in a MAN-LIKE GODLY APPARITION who is the TRIAGE-MASTER directing some to have ETERNAL ORGASMS in a La La Land Area known as "HEAVEN"......And, an ETERNAL FRY-JOB if assigned to that other well known La La Land area called "HELL".

So, Dino the are definitely a whackjob.

But, you have a helluva lot of company.

Pot calling the kettle black?

That would be true in the case of Dino calling the Religious folk "whackjobs"........ or visey versey, Smart-ass.
Yes, I am very smart. Thanks for pointing that out.
I don't believe any human being is "ready" for the existence of an alien civilization or the possibility of "them" visiting us.

As I have suggested many times in the past and for that matter much earlier than has been alluded to by the resident English genius of Hawking, all life as we know it is predatory on some level. The thought that some other life would visit us as a lark or in some observational or "helpful" capacity is pure fantasy. If "they" exist and have chosen to "explore" our world it would surely not to be for OUR benefit. It would be to benefit them. Our only possible salvation would be that whatever they are after is something we do not need for our survival. Maybe it(their purpose) would be something as simple as saving time acquiring refined plutonium since there are several stashes of it already mined and refined. We could live without it. If "they" were meat eaters and they found the human being delicious or necessary as a food item we would not fare very well. Perhaps the worst that would happen is that "they" would just snatch a breeding stock sufficient to meet their needs and move on. I doubt that this is the "best" and only livable planet in the universe. Maybe it is for US but it is unlikely the best planet for a life form not native to our world. In any case it would very quickly be irrelevant what we THOUGHT about their visit.

The first non-trolling, intelligent response in the thread. Good job.

Considering all of you are resident trolls, I will leave on a note of irony you fucking whackjobs.:cuckoo::lol::lol:
I don't believe any human being is "ready" for the existence of an alien civilization or the possibility of "them" visiting us.

As I have suggested many times in the past and for that matter much earlier than has been alluded to by the resident English genius of Hawking, all life as we know it is predatory on some level. The thought that some other life would visit us as a lark or in some observational or "helpful" capacity is pure fantasy. If "they" exist and have chosen to "explore" our world it would surely not to be for OUR benefit. It would be to benefit them. Our only possible salvation would be that whatever they are after is something we do not need for our survival. Maybe it(their purpose) would be something as simple as saving time acquiring refined plutonium since there are several stashes of it already mined and refined. We could live without it. If "they" were meat eaters and they found the human being delicious or necessary as a food item we would not fare very well. Perhaps the worst that would happen is that "they" would just snatch a breeding stock sufficient to meet their needs and move on. I doubt that this is the "best" and only livable planet in the universe. Maybe it is for US but it is unlikely the best planet for a life form not native to our world. In any case it would very quickly be irrelevant what we THOUGHT about their visit.

They could be back to retrieve the pyramids that the kids left behind on their last holidays.
I don't believe any human being is "ready" for the existence of an alien civilization or the possibility of "them" visiting us.

As I have suggested many times in the past and for that matter much earlier than has been alluded to by the resident English genius of Hawking, all life as we know it is predatory on some level. The thought that some other life would visit us as a lark or in some observational or "helpful" capacity is pure fantasy. If "they" exist and have chosen to "explore" our world it would surely not to be for OUR benefit. It would be to benefit them. Our only possible salvation would be that whatever they are after is something we do not need for our survival. Maybe it(their purpose) would be something as simple as saving time acquiring refined plutonium since there are several stashes of it already mined and refined. We could live without it. If "they" were meat eaters and they found the human being delicious or necessary as a food item we would not fare very well. Perhaps the worst that would happen is that "they" would just snatch a breeding stock sufficient to meet their needs and move on. I doubt that this is the "best" and only livable planet in the universe. Maybe it is for US but it is unlikely the best planet for a life form not native to our world. In any case it would very quickly be irrelevant what we THOUGHT about their visit.

Whence did you plagiarize this?

I know full well you're not intelligent enough to have spewed this out.:eusa_whistle:

Well that is just untrusting and mean spirited on your part. I have espoused this particular theory for at least fifteen years on the internet and among my friends in conversation a good 40 years or so. I do not apologize for my childish and juvenile posts. I am still enjoying my youth thank you very much!:lol: :lol: :lol:
Survey says: It's time for Ozmar to lay off the crack.

No, I do not want to have sex with you. Stop advertising your rectum.

Studies suggest that men, or boys in your example who are preoccupied with gay sex, which seems to be the topic of your infantile retorts, have something shameful like "gay sex" in their background. Being a statistic must be difficult for you.
Survey says: It's time for Ozmar to lay off the crack.

...........and flush himself down the nearest toilet bowl as a hopeless POS.
I don't want to live with you. Stop this tomfoolery.

Survey says: It's time for Ozmar to lay off the crack.

No, I do not want to have sex with you. Stop advertising your rectum.

Studies suggest that men, or boys in your example who are preoccupied with gay sex, which seems to be the topic of your infantile retorts, have something shameful like "gay sex" in their background. Being a statistic must be difficult for you.
I never once mentioned gay sex. Projecting, are we?
Survey says: It's time for Ozmar to lay off the crack.

...........and flush himself down the nearest toilet bowl as a hopeless POS.

OZshit: I don't want to live with you. Stop this tomfoolery.

OZshit, Get your head outa your arse .... and look around.

You are in the toilet bowl where you belong.

I am residing in a villa by the sea......and, a POS like you is certainly not invited. So stop hallucinating.
...........and flush himself down the nearest toilet bowl as a hopeless POS.

OZshit: I don't want to live with you. Stop this tomfoolery.
Such originality. I expected nothing less than you. Your tonsils felt good last light on my genitals.
OZshit, Get your head outa your arse .... and look around.
Even a retard like you likely knows it's physically impossible to have one's head up one's ass. But that would be giving you the benefit of the doubt. Oops!:eusa_whistle:
You are in the toilet bowl where you belong.
No, I am not living with you.
I am residing in a villa by the sea......and, a POS like you is certainly not invited. So stop hallucinating.
A shack in a shanty town in Tijuana does not count as a villa. Watch out or it will fall into the sea.:eek:
...........and flush himself down the nearest toilet bowl as a hopeless POS.

OZshit: I don't want to live with you. Stop this tomfoolery.

OZshit, Get your head outa your arse .... and look around.

You are in the toilet bowl where you belong.

I am residing in a villa by the sea......and, a POS like you is certainly not invited. So stop hallucinating.

Fuck you!!! I'm jealous!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I desperately miss living by the sea. My fav is the Pacific coast of Mexico. BUT when it comes to the dreaded ALIENS you will probably be their first target...The lack of liquid water in the universe and all...That should be EXTRA prime real estate for a traveler from across the galaxies...:eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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