Do you think Putin will win the current election ?

Putting paper in an election box doesn't mean the election is real.

Putin stopped anyone he doesn't like from running in the election.

He totally controls the medias.

The "opposition" candidates are saying how great Putin is and not saying anything about themselves.
Did you whine as much as you do about Putin the dictator when democrats rigged their elections?
Did you whine as much as you do about Putin the dictator when democrats rigged their elections?

If you know me on here, you'll know I push for Proportional Representation ALL THE TIME.


Because FPTP is a shit system, it doesn't give the results the people want, it's a two party dictatorship which the rich manipulate like crazy. So... yeah, I whine about the US electoral system all the time.
If you know me on here, you'll know I push for Proportional Representation ALL THE TIME.


Because FPTP is a shit system, it doesn't give the results the people want, it's a two party dictatorship which the rich manipulate like crazy. So... yeah, I whine about the US electoral system all the time.
So why do you not like the sistem that we got here? It gives just the results that people want. What's there not to like?
So why do you not like the sistem that we got here? It gives just the results that people want. What's there not to like?

No, it doesn't give the results that people want.

How do I know?

In Germany they vote FPTP and PR on the same day, at the same time, and get two very, VERY different results.

This is the 2017 Federal Election (which costs less than a US senate seat election, yes, one seat)

Here are the FPTP results based on number of seats won.

SPD 59
AfD 3
Die Linke 5
The Greens 1

So, you'd think the CDU/CSU with 77% of the seats would have got 77% of the votes.

Nope, they got 37.27% of the votes.
The SPD got 24.65%, but only got 19.7% of the seats
The AfD got 11.46% but only 1% of the seats
The Greens got 8% and 0.3% of the seats
The FDP got 7% and 0% of the seats.

So why did it happen?

Because with FPTP you only need to win more votes than someone else in your constituency.

So, imagine two constituencies. You win you constituency with 24.5% of the vote (happened in South Belfast in 2015 in the UK) and then your opponent wins theirs with 80% of the vote. Means they got way more votes but still get the same seat.

But Germany does PR and PR trumps FPTP.

So the CDU/CSU ended up with 246 seats out of 709 seats, or 34.7% of the seats.

Much fairer, they actually got LESS votes with PR because people feel they can vote smaller parties.

The FDP who got ZERO seats with FPTP got 80 seats with PR.

What the people wanted is based on PR, what the US gets is based on FPTP which is complete bullshit.
No, it doesn't give the results that people want.

How do I know?

In Germany they vote FPTP and PR on the same day, at the same time, and get two very, VERY different results.

This is the 2017 Federal Election (which costs less than a US senate seat election, yes, one seat)

Here are the FPTP results based on number of seats won.

SPD 59
AfD 3
Die Linke 5
The Greens 1

So, you'd think the CDU/CSU with 77% of the seats would have got 77% of the votes.

Nope, they got 37.27% of the votes.
The SPD got 24.65%, but only got 19.7% of the seats
The AfD got 11.46% but only 1% of the seats
The Greens got 8% and 0.3% of the seats
The FDP got 7% and 0% of the seats.

So why did it happen?

Because with FPTP you only need to win more votes than someone else in your constituency.

So, imagine two constituencies. You win you constituency with 24.5% of the vote (happened in South Belfast in 2015 in the UK) and then your opponent wins theirs with 80% of the vote. Means they got way more votes but still get the same seat.

But Germany does PR and PR trumps FPTP.

So the CDU/CSU ended up with 246 seats out of 709 seats, or 34.7% of the seats.

Much fairer, they actually got LESS votes with PR because people feel they can vote smaller parties.

The FDP who got ZERO seats with FPTP got 80 seats with PR.

What the people wanted is based on PR, what the US gets is based on FPTP which is complete bullshit.
I meant Russia when I said here and I guess we've got just the PR sistem you're so fond of. It's not like the one in the US, so what else can it be?
I meant Russia when I said here and I guess we've got just the PR sistem you're so fond of. It's not like the one in the US, so what else can it be?

It gives WHO the results that they want? It's gives PUTIN the results that HE wants. Doesn't give everyone else the results they want.
It gives WHO the results that they want? It's gives PUTIN the results that HE wants. Doesn't give everyone else the results they want.
We didn't like Navalny despite the fact that CNN and every other MSM dump tell you otherwise. We like Putin. As for the other candidates, I got nothing against them. They are as patriotic and pro Russia as the next guy, they just didn't have any chance against Putin.
We didn't like Navalny despite the fact that CNN and every other MSM dumps tell you otherwise. We like Putin. As for the other candidates, I got nothing against them. They are as patriotic and pro Russia as the next guy, they just didn't have any chance against Putin.

"We"??? Who is "We"???

All Russians? Did all Russians get a chance to say whether they liked him or not?

Does a person need to have a majority of people in a country like them for them not to be KILLED?

"But the Kremlin likes to boast that Russia has the "best democracy" in the world. So, along with Mr Putin on the ballot are three officially authorised challengers from Russia's Kremlin-friendly parliament."

""Why do you think you'd be a better president than Putin?" I asked Nikolai Kharitonov, the Communist Party candidate."

""It's not for me to say," Mr Kharitonov replied. "That wouldn't be right.""

""But do you think your manifesto is better than Putin's?" I continued.

"That's for voters to decide."

"But what do you think?"

"It doesn't matter what I think. It's up to the voters."

Instead of talking up himself, Mr Kharitonov praised the incumbent.

"Today Vladimir Putin is trying to solve a lot of the problems of the 1990s, when Yeltsin dragged Russia into wild capitalism," said Mr Kharitonov. "He's trying to consolidate the nation for victory in all areas. And this will happen!"

Something tells me Nikolai Kharitonov's heart isn't in this race."

The election is a total sham. What's the point of having an election where the result is already known because ANY THREAT to Putin will be shut down and killed?

You can't protest him. You can't say anything bad and have it out there for the whole country to see. If this is what YOU want, fine, but I'm sure the majority of Russia isn't happy with that. But they can't say they're not happy about it.
"We"??? Who is "We"???

All Russians? Did all Russians get a chance to say whether they liked him or not?

Does a person need to have a majority of people in a country like them for them not to be KILLED?

"But the Kremlin likes to boast that Russia has the "best democracy" in the world. So, along with Mr Putin on the ballot are three officially authorised challengers from Russia's Kremlin-friendly parliament."

""Why do you think you'd be a better president than Putin?" I asked Nikolai Kharitonov, the Communist Party candidate."

""It's not for me to say," Mr Kharitonov replied. "That wouldn't be right.""

""But do you think your manifesto is better than Putin's?" I continued.

"That's for voters to decide."

"But what do you think?"

"It doesn't matter what I think. It's up to the voters."

Instead of talking up himself, Mr Kharitonov praised the incumbent.

"Today Vladimir Putin is trying to solve a lot of the problems of the 1990s, when Yeltsin dragged Russia into wild capitalism," said Mr Kharitonov. "He's trying to consolidate the nation for victory in all areas. And this will happen!"

Something tells me Nikolai Kharitonov's heart isn't in this race."

The election is a total sham. What's the point of having an election where the result is already known because ANY THREAT to Putin will be shut down and killed?

You can't protest him. You can't say anything bad and have it out there for the whole country to see. If this is what YOU want, fine, but I'm sure the majority of Russia isn't happy with that. But they can't say they're not happy about it.
We, the people. Make no mistake about it. I might say it's a sham, in a way, for everyone knew he would overwhelmingly win and not because of purported rigging but because of the peoples' universal support. Kharitonov new that too.
You can't protest him. You can't say anything bad and have it out there for the whole country to see.
Why should I protest him? I and most of us support him.
You on the other hand protest right and left and where are the protesters now? Comfy in their prison cells? You may call Biden or in your case I may assume Trump an asshole and call it freedom. The question is has it made the country any better?
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Do I think Putin will win the current election?

Hmm I don't know that is a very tough one to call especially when you look at all the competition he is facing.
Why should I protest him? I and most of us support him.
You on the other hand protest right and left and where are the protesters now? Comfy in their prison cells? You may call Biden or in your case I may assume Trump an asshole and call it freedom. The question is has it made the country any better?

Don't you think that if "most of us support him" that he wouldn't need to fiddle the elections?

In 2011 Putin's party gained 50.1% of the vote. It won most of the seats, with 238 of 450 seats, just over a majority. That was 32 million votes.

In 2016 they won 55.23% of the vote. United Russia got 28 million votes in the Party List section and 25 million votes in the Constituency votes.

Hang on. So, they increased their votes by 5%, they increased the number of seats by 105, and yet they got 7 million votes LESS than they had previously.

In 2021 they got 50.88% of the vote, and 28 million votes and 25 million votes, the same as they got before and lost 19 seats.

In the Presidential election Putin gained 77.5% of the vote and 56 million votes. 2012 he got 45 million votes and 64% of the votes. Why does the party candidate for President get so many votes compared to the party itself?

In any country with free and fair elections, even in the US where the election for President is dodgy as hell, nobody gets these figures. Even if Putin were amazing, even if the Russian GDP were hitting record heights and corruption didn't exist and everyone had a great life as a millionaire, he still wouldn't get this many votes.

The legislative elections look like they're diddled a bit, but there's no way in hell that the United Russia would be pulling in 50-55% in legislative elections and then winning by 87% in presidential election. It's just not human nature. It stinks and it also proves that at least half of Russia doesn't want to vote for Putin.

This election 74% of people went out and voted in an election everyone knows the winner to. BULLSHIT. Most people wouldn't bother if the election was a forgone conclusion. What's the point? Why waste time when you could be doing something else?

55 million people voted in 2021, 51 million in 2016, 64 million in 2011.

Yet 84 million people turned out to vote in this year's election for a foregone conclusion. Putin literally has 20 million more votes than the people who turned out in 2021 for the legislative elections. Come off it.
Most people wouldn't bother if the election was a forgone conclusion. What's the point? Why waste time when you could be doing something else?
Must have been that everyone just thought that thought and went to vote to be sure.
Anddd, look at the schmucks you got for politicians! No wonder there are no turn outs and no landslide wins.
He totally controls the medias.
I love listening to аmericans rant about controlling media in other countries. There are a bunch of videos of different US media corporations talking about something political in the same words, word for word.

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