Do you think the left realizes the Mississippi flag is NOT the Confederate Flag?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
It NEVER flew over the capital buildings of the CSA, it was never a government flag, it was literally the flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. Now if you really want to make them go nuts the current Georgia State flag looks VERY similar to an actual flag the CSA flew as a government flag. Look it up!
Of course we know. Do you realize how offensive the MS flag is? That's the real crux of the matter, not your little "history" lesson.
Of course we know. Do you realize how offensive the MS flag is? That's the real crux of the matter, not your little "history" lesson.
How is it offensive sir snowflake? It's not the Confederate flag, its the flag of an army. Is the US flag offensive because it flew over slave ships? Something else the Confederate flag NEVER did.
The substantive difference is that people weren't waving the GA flag around while they burned crosses.
Of course we know. Do you realize how offensive the MS flag is? That's the real crux of the matter, not your little "history" lesson.
How is it offensive sir snowflake? It's not the Confederate flag, its the flag of an army. Is the US flag offensive because it flew over slave ships? Something else the Confederate flag NEVER did.
The whole notion of why the flag was even conceived is offensive. It ranks right up there with the swastika. Try sticking that on the corner of a flag and get anyone with any sense to say that it wouldn't be offensive.
It NEVER flew over the capital buildings of the CSA, it was never a government flag, it was literally the flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. Now if you really want to make them go nuts the current Georgia State flag looks VERY similar to an actual flag the CSA flew as a government flag. Look it up!
Poor baby hates that his flag is fin ally being scrapped.
Of course we know. Do you realize how offensive the MS flag is? That's the real crux of the matter, not your little "history" lesson.
How is it offensive sir snowflake? It's not the Confederate flag, its the flag of an army. Is the US flag offensive because it flew over slave ships? Something else the Confederate flag NEVER did.
The whole notion of why the flag was even conceived is offensive. It ranks right up there with the swastika. Try sticking that on the corner of a flag and get anyone with any sense to say that it wouldn't be offensive.
The flag was literally the flag of the army of Northern Virginia so you spew bullshit since THAT was never the flag of the Confederacy but Georgia's flag is.
It NEVER flew over the capital buildings of the CSA, it was never a government flag, it was literally the flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. Now if you really want to make them go nuts the current Georgia State flag looks VERY similar to an actual flag the CSA flew as a government flag. Look it up!
Poor baby hates that his flag is fin ally being scrapped.

Boy I don't live in Mississippi and no my Confederate battle flag is flying high on my flagpole and won't be coming down.
It NEVER flew over the capital buildings of the CSA, it was never a government flag, it was literally the flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. Now if you really want to make them go nuts the current Georgia State flag looks VERY similar to an actual flag the CSA flew as a government flag. Look it up!
So I guess it doesn’t have anything to do with the heritage of Mississippi.
[my Confederate battle flag is flying high on my flagpole and won't be coming down.

Do you really think such a flag does justice to your heritage?
Absolutely. I am a rebel 100%. Always have been, always will be. I have many flags I use, some on my walls in the house some outside.

But the confederacy was a massive exertion of state power. They conscripted the poor and middling to aid the selfish plantocracy. The use of the St. Andrews cross is particulary troublesome because it reduces the Scots people--whose numbers were decimated on both sides of the conflict--to mascotry.
[my Confederate battle flag is flying high on my flagpole and won't be coming down.

Do you really think such a flag does justice to your heritage?
When the gay club tragedy happened in Orlando, the French who have the ability to put the colors in lights against the Eiffel Tower instead of using the American Flag colors used the gay Rainbow Flag colors. I guess it is what is being pushed. We found out a gay person is more important then another person.
The question is what does the Confederate Battle Flag mean today ... not yesterday ...

The OP is correct about the origins ... the "Stars and Bars" was too much alike to the "Stars and Stripes" ... a bad thing on the battle field ...

After the Civil War ... veterans on both sides were recognized ... and one benefit of being a veteran is have your coffin draped with a flag ... and even the Yankees thought it cheesy to use the "Stars and Stripes" for Confederate soldiers, and using the "Stars and Bars" was completely out ... so the Battle Flag was used ... nice, simple, easy ... as I understand the matter, this is when Mississippi included it in her own State Flag ... roughly 1900 (?) ...

Then the KKK adopted it for their own use and it became the symbol of Jim Crow ... and the Southern Lifestyle that Jim Crow created ... pecan pie, negro housemaids, NASCAR and Friday Night lynchin's ... Good Ole Boys jes' havin' fun is awl ... and this is when Georgia included the Battle Flag in her State Flag, 1960ish, right after Brown vs. Board of Education ...

Today it represents poverty, stupidity and the pride of being both ... some fanciful romanticized idea that the Deep South isn't a total shithole, and always has been ... and folks too ignorant to know the difference ... if you love Dylann Roof, then fly that Battle Flag ...
When the gay club tragedy happened in Orlando, the French who have the ability to put the colors in lights against the Eiffel Tower instead of using the American Flag colors used the gay Rainbow Flag colors. I guess it is what is being pushed. We found out a gay person is more important then another person.

You mean the Color Wheel Flag ... rainbows have seven colors, not six ... unless you mean the gay community is excluding folks, ha ha ha ...

Except Topeka, Kansas (of all places), the LBGT community there uses a proper seven color Rainbow Flag ... just like Sir Issac Newton told us to ...
It NEVER flew over the capital buildings of the CSA, it was never a government flag, it was literally the flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. Now if you really want to make them go nuts the current Georgia State flag looks VERY similar to an actual flag the CSA flew as a government flag. Look it up!

You're correct it was a Virginia battle why is it incorporated on Mississippi's flag? Could it be because it's been de facto viewed as the CSA flag? Also Georgia's flag is similar to a confederate flag, but the 13 stars could obviously also represent that Georgia was one of the 13 colonies-so that symbolism makes perfect sense.
It NEVER flew over the capital buildings of the CSA, it was never a government flag, it was literally the flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. Now if you really want to make them go nuts the current Georgia State flag looks VERY similar to an actual flag the CSA flew as a government flag. Look it up!
This thread didn't age well.

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