Do you think the Louisiana Shooter represents Conservatives, Tea Partiers and White people?

Do you think Houser is a representative of the Tea Party, white people, or conservatives in general?

  • Yes, he represents conservatives

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • No, he is a murderer, not representative of anyone

    Votes: 28 77.8%

  • Total voters
You labeled him as a conservative in your op. You are the problem. You didn't ask why he was being labeled as a conservative. You asked if, as a conservative, he represents all conservatives. In doing so, you appear to make the assumption YOURSELF that he's a conservative, thus perpetuating the myth. Thanks a lot.

Okay then... I'm going based off of what I'm reading, from both sides of the political spectrum. I'm sorry you don't like the reality of this situation, kosher, but this time there's no denying it. Continuous News Coverage Acadiana-Lafayette - Theater gunman has history of mental illness politically radica
Yeah he's not a conservative. So that's not the reality.

And spare me your dishonesty. You said the purpose of the thread title was to ask people to DEFEND their assertion that he was a conservative. I pointed out that you state he IS a conservative, so that's not the purpose of it at all. And now you're asserting, again, that he is a conservative. In other words, you're being dishonest, so I'm through.

He wasn't a conservative. He was a mentally ill statist who wanted radical changes in the US.

Being mentally ill and being a conservative are far from being mutually exclusive. I've heard many say you are a perfect example of that. The guy was a right wing nut job. Live with it.
Yeah he's not a conservative. So that's not the reality.

Or we can read his "manifesto"

"2 Find a positive way to exert your energies.I recommend laughing as often as possible.Here is something that is truly funny: since I accepted this it came to me that the president is doing exactly what Tim McVeigh did,only the president is much more effective.The way I see it,the faster he wrecks this nation, which in no way resembles what it’s founders envisioned,the faster working people with morals may re-assume command.i.e. I was for his re-election. I like his spending habits.etc……Truth and death always go hand in hand, and in our brave moments we can laugh. Whatever truth requires, I will accept."


That doesn't look like a manifesto. It looks like a post. Looks to me like he supported Obama.
And to put an end to this idea he was a liberal:

New chance for America to regain her greatness W 7

Time to stop living in denial.
Er..that doesn't make him a conservative, you moron. Do you even know what "conservative" means? It's not this (Golden Dawn):

"Scholars and media have described it as neo-Nazi[9][10][11] and fascist,[12][13][14] though the group rejects these labels.[15] Members have expressed admiration of the former Greek dictator Ioannis Metaxas of the 4th of August Regime (1936–1941).[16] They have also made use of Nazi symbolism, and have praised figures of Nazi Germany in the past.[17][18][19] According to academic sources, the group is racist and xenophobic,[20][21] while the party's leader has openly identified it as nationalist and racist.[22]
"Michaloliakos began the foundations of what would become Golden Dawn in 1980, when he published the first issue of the right-wing, pro-military junta journal with that name. In this context Golden Dawn had its origins in the movement that worked towards a return to right-wing military dictatorship in Greece.
Golden Dawn first received widespread attention in 1991, and in 1993 registered as a political party. "

That's not "conservative" by any stretch of the imagination. If you think it is, you are hampered by an inadequate vocabulary and education.

Golden Dawn political party - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, he doesn't represent them. What a ridiculous question, why do you give any credence to such nonsense?

Why? It's not to lend credence to anything, but to force people who think such to defend that position.

So far, the only poster who's tried to pin this guy down to an ideology in this thread is declaring him a "leftist".

I notice you haven't "forced " him to "defend his position"...

I am going by what the lefties here are saying about the guy, they say he said that he liked hitler....only a left wing socialist would say Tea Party member would ever say that...or any American Conservatives for that matter.....the ideology is completely tell you left wing buddies to clarify if he liked hitler or not....not me....
And to put an end to this idea he was a liberal:

New chance for America to regain her greatness W 7

Time to stop living in denial.
Er..that doesn't make him a conservative, you moron. Do you even know what "conservative" means?

Seeing as how I am one, yes, I do.
I don't think you are. Maybe you think you are, but I maintain that you're just a run of the mill idiot who likes to use terms he really doesn't understand.
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?

No...that isn't accurate...he allegedly praised hitler... a left wing way he was a Tea party member or a conservative....those philosophies are completely opposite of the national socialists....but that won't stop the left from lying about the guy...

That is the problem with the RW here... They can't see that Louisiana Shooter represents Extreme Conservatives... RWers thing Hitler was a socialist...

"The Nazis were "national socialists", which is nothing whatever to do with "socialism", the economic form usually identified with the left. And they were even further from being "social democrats". Some of the world employs various forms of "socialist democracy", and it actually works rather well. That is completely unrelated to your central point.

Hitler was a pure right wing reactionary. And not a single scholar disagrees. "Reactionaries" are extreme conservatives. The Nazi Party, especially once in power, followed suit precisely.

He did, in fact (see HITLER'S SPEECHES, 1953) encourage and enact smaller CIVILIAN government, and retracted most welfare policies. In point of fact, the German National Public Health was enacted first in 1871, eighteen years before Hitler was BORN. And the Nazis did consider revoking it, but Hess in particular lobbied against this, on the eve of a new war. This is all recorded in Shirer's books, noted below. "

I mean RWer are fucking idiots.

Here you go...a primer about who the nazis actually were....

Mises Daily Mises Institute

Hayek on nazism....

Nazism is Socialism

Franco's fascism...more socialism...

Foss and Gerahty during the war wrote of Franco: "He was in no sense a 'Fascist' leader. At the outside, when the present struggle broke out, there were not more than 8,000 Falangistas in Spain, and even that party was not 'Fascist'"

[ii] and they note that if Franco wins: "Spain...will be in essence a Socialist State."
Hamilton writes of Falangist icon Primo de Rivera: "[His] views on the Church, the landowners, the age-old problems of Spain, were decidedly Left-wing. Even making allowance for the fact that such radical views are a customary part of fascist tactics, the similarity of his views to those of extreme Leftists was remarkable. In the spring of 1936, for example, when he was contesting a by-election at Cuenca against a Socialist candidate, he professed complete agreement with the views of his opposition on all except one point - autonomy for Catalonia and the Basque provinces"[vi] and Hamilton observes that "Many extreme Leftists in fact had joined the Phalanx."[vii] Cardozo wrote in his 1937 book, The March of a Nation: "There are Falangists...little different from the Socialists they have been fighting"[viii] and quotes Franco: "I want Labour to be protected in every way against the abuses of Capitalism."
Why people are confused about fascism, socialism and communism to this day...

Articles Rethinking the Political SpectrumThe soviet story at the 2:30 mark goebbles talks about the similarity of communism and nazism
youtube video... The Soviet Story: Why murder is essential to communism
on mussolini...

Fascism is Merely Heretical Communism Like Liberalism Conservative ColloquiumMore sources R.J. Rummel....and pipes...

Rudy (R.J.) Rummel is a Professor Emeritus of Political Science. He has published twenty-four nonfiction books (one that received an award for being among the most referenced; another was rated the 26th most important of the last century), six novels, and about 100 peer-reviewed professional articles; has received the Susan Strange Award of the International Studies Association in 1999 for having intellectually most challenged the field; and in 2003 was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Conflict Processes Section, American Political Science Association. He has been frequently nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. His website is here.

Hitler Was A Socialist And Not A Right Wing Conservative DemocraticPeace Blog

Mussolini’s fascism was a state socialism that was explicitly anti-Marx and aggressively nationalistic. Hitler’s National Socialismwas state socialism at its worse. It not only shared the socialism of fascism, but was explicitly racist. In this it differs from the state socialism of Burma today, and that of some African and Arab dictatorships.
Two prevailing historical myths that the left has propagated successfully is that Hitler was a far right wing conservative and was democratically elected in 1933 (a blow at bourgeois democracy and conservatives). Actually, he was defeated twice in the national elections (he became chancellor in a smoke-filled-room appointment by those German politicians who thought they could control him — see “What? Hitler Was Not Elected?”) and as head of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, he considered himself a socialist, and was one by the evidence of his writings and the his economic policies.
To be clear, National Socialism differs from Marxism in its nationalism, emphasis on folk history and culture, idolization of the leader, and its racism. But the Nazi and Marxist-Leninists shared a faith in government, an absolute ruler, totalitarian control over all significant economic and social matters for the good of the working man, concentration camps, and genocide/democide as an effective government policy (only in his last years did Stalin plan for his own Holocaust of the Jews
His book, "Death by Government" is great. I think I donated my copy to the library so eventually I'll have to reaquire it for my kindle.

I just hope he has his basics on political science down.

Also, another great book, "Property and Freedom," By Richard Pipes.

From wikipedia on Mr. Pipes:

Richard Pipes - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Pipes taught at Harvard University from 1950 until his retirement in 1996. He was the director of Harvard's Russian Research Center from 1968 to 1973 and is now Baird Professor Emeritus of History at Harvard University. In 1962 he delivered a series of lectures on Russian intellectual history at Leningrad University. He acted as senior consultant at the Stanford Research Institute from 1973 to 1978. During the 1970s, he was an advisor to Washington Senator Henry M. Jackson. In 1981 and 1982 he served as a member of the National Security Council, holding the post of Director of East European and Soviet Affairs under President Ronald Reagan.[SUP][5][/SUP] Pipes was a member of the Committee on the Present Danger from 1977 until 1992 and belongs to the Council of Foreign Relations. In the 1970s, Pipes was a leading critic of détente, which he described as "inspired by intellectual indolence and based on ignorance of one's antagonist and therefore inherently inept".[SUP][6][/SUP]

Pipes concisely and impressively analyzes the differences and similarities in
20th-century Soviet communism, Italian fascism, and German national socialism.
All three systems shared a common hatred for classical liberalism and the
institution of private property. While the Soviets abolished private property
outright and imposed central planning, in fascist Italy and Nazi Germany most
property remained nominally in private hands but was completely controlled and
directed by government central command. His detailed summary of the Nazi
economic system clearly shows that (contrary to the Marxian claim) capitalism
was destroyed under national socialism.
R.J. Rummel

Hitler Was A Socialist And Not A Right Wing Conservative DemocraticPeace Blog

Richard Poe...

A Little Secret About the Nazis They were left-wing socialists like the modern left of today

hitler and the nazis...more...

HITLER WAS A SOCIALIST, he doesn't represent them. What a ridiculous question, why do you give any credence to such nonsense?

Why? It's not to lend credence to anything, but to force people who think such to defend that position.

So far, the only poster who's tried to pin this guy down to an ideology in this thread is declaring him a "leftist".

I notice you haven't "forced " him to "defend his position"...

I am going by what the lefties here are saying about the guy, they say he said that he liked hitler....only a left wing socialist would say Tea Party member would ever say that...or any American Conservatives for that matter.....the ideology is completely tell you left wing buddies to clarify if he liked hitler or not....not me....

I'm curious, when did "American Conservatives" vote to make you their spokesperson?

He clearly identified as a conservative, any "no true scotsman" fallacy that you throw notwithstanding. That doesn't mean that he "represents" all conservatives, or even any other conservatives. His political ideology is entirely irrelevant.

Trying to place him on "the other team" is just dumb, no matter which side is doing it., he doesn't represent them. What a ridiculous question, why do you give any credence to such nonsense?

Why? It's not to lend credence to anything, but to force people who think such to defend that position.

So far, the only poster who's tried to pin this guy down to an ideology in this thread is declaring him a "leftist".

I notice you haven't "forced " him to "defend his position"...

I am going by what the lefties here are saying about the guy, they say he said that he liked hitler....only a left wing socialist would say Tea Party member would ever say that...or any American Conservatives for that matter.....the ideology is completely tell you left wing buddies to clarify if he liked hitler or not....not me....

He was a right wing nut. Logic and reason aren't to be expected from that group.
Here you go.....
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?

No...that isn't accurate...he allegedly praised hitler... a left wing way he was a Tea party member or a conservative....those philosophies are completely opposite of the national socialists....but that won't stop the left from lying about the guy...

That is the problem with the RW here... They can't see that Louisiana Shooter represents Extreme Conservatives... RWers thing Hitler was a socialist...

"The Nazis were "national socialists", which is nothing whatever to do with "socialism", the economic form usually identified with the left. And they were even further from being "social democrats". Some of the world employs various forms of "socialist democracy", and it actually works rather well. That is completely unrelated to your central point.

Hitler was a pure right wing reactionary. And not a single scholar disagrees. "Reactionaries" are extreme conservatives. The Nazi Party, especially once in power, followed suit precisely.

He did, in fact (see HITLER'S SPEECHES, 1953) encourage and enact smaller CIVILIAN government, and retracted most welfare policies. In point of fact, the German National Public Health was enacted first in 1871, eighteen years before Hitler was BORN. And the Nazis did consider revoking it, but Hess in particular lobbied against this, on the eve of a new war. This is all recorded in Shirer's books, noted below. "

I mean RWer are fucking idiots.

Here you go....Hayek on nazism....

Nazism is Socialism

The famous 25 points drawn up by Herr Feder, one of Hitler's early allies, repeatedly endorsed by Hitler and recognized by the by-laws of the National-Socialist party as the immutable basis of all its actions, which together with an extensive commentary is circulating throughout Germany in many hundreds of thousands of copies, is full of ideas resembling those of the early socialists.

But the dominant feature is a fierce hatred of anything capitalistic-individualistic profit seeking, large scale enterprise, banks, joint-stock companies, department stores, "international finance and loan capital," the system of "interest slavery" in general; the abolition of these is described as the "basis of the programme, around which everything else turns." It was to this programme that the masses of the German people, who were already completely under the influence of collectivist ideas, responded so enthusiastically.
Are liberals celebrating that people got killed by some whacko? Seems so. Whenever there's been a shooting over the past several years the liberal media has desperately hoped it was someone in the tea party. This guy is obviously an insane nutter but that won't stop the left from broad brushing the entire right.
And to put an end to this idea he was a liberal:

New chance for America to regain her greatness W 7

Time to stop living in denial.
Er..that doesn't make him a conservative, you moron. Do you even know what "conservative" means?

Seeing as how I am one, yes, I do.

The little dog yipping at my heels means her definition of "conservative" - which is whatever she wants it to be at any given time., he doesn't represent them. What a ridiculous question, why do you give any credence to such nonsense?

Why? It's not to lend credence to anything, but to force people who think such to defend that position.

So far, the only poster who's tried to pin this guy down to an ideology in this thread is declaring him a "leftist".

I notice you haven't "forced " him to "defend his position"...

I am going by what the lefties here are saying about the guy, they say he said that he liked hitler....only a left wing socialist would say Tea Party member would ever say that...or any American Conservatives for that matter.....the ideology is completely tell you left wing buddies to clarify if he liked hitler or not....not me....

I'm curious, when did "American Conservatives" vote to make you their spokesperson?

He clearly identified as a conservative, any "no true scotsman" fallacy that you throw notwithstanding. That doesn't mean that he "represents" all conservatives, or even any other conservatives. His political ideology is entirely irrelevant.

Trying to place him on "the other team" is just dumb, no matter which side is doing it.

The truth is the truth.....if he praised hitler he was not an American Conservative....and if he did praise hitler and big government he has more in common with democrats with their belief in the all powerful state....
And to put an end to this idea he was a liberal:

New chance for America to regain her greatness W 7

Time to stop living in denial.
Er..that doesn't make him a conservative, you moron. Do you even know what "conservative" means?

From the link:

Last edited:
A lot of rightwingers here maybe people of interest to the authorities :eusa_whistle:

Posts the racist with the racist photo of an Indian American Governor in clown face....don't you have a klan rally to attend to in South Carolina...?
He didn't identify as a conservative.

Conservatives don't voice an interest in weird fascist Greek political parties in light of their capability to overturn American government and establish a totalitarian state.


"The Ledger-Enquirer–a Georgia-based publication located in Columbus–found that Mr. Houser, who was nicknamed "Rusty," was a longtime political activist, who helped defeat a school bond initiative and ran for tax commission. He withdrew from that race when he was charged with stealing his opponent's yard signs, according to the Enquirer." Louisiana Shooter Was Reportedly Denied A Gun Permit In Georgia - Matt Vespa

The guy was a fruitcake like the posters who are currently getting all worked up about his fake "conservatism". If being crazy = conservatism, then Templar, Doc, Coyote and all the progressive posters here are conservatives. And we all know that's not the case.
If you can believe it, the shooter was a member of this board. Not a good selling point. You can confirm it independently . I am still trying to do that. Sad if true..., he doesn't represent them. What a ridiculous question, why do you give any credence to such nonsense?

Why? It's not to lend credence to anything, but to force people who think such to defend that position.

So far, the only poster who's tried to pin this guy down to an ideology in this thread is declaring him a "leftist".

I notice you haven't "forced " him to "defend his position"...

I am going by what the lefties here are saying about the guy, they say he said that he liked hitler....only a left wing socialist would say Tea Party member would ever say that...or any American Conservatives for that matter.....the ideology is completely tell you left wing buddies to clarify if he liked hitler or not....not me....

I'm curious, when did "American Conservatives" vote to make you their spokesperson?

He clearly identified as a conservative, any "no true scotsman" fallacy that you throw notwithstanding. That doesn't mean that he "represents" all conservatives, or even any other conservatives. His political ideology is entirely irrelevant.

Trying to place him on "the other team" is just dumb, no matter which side is doing it.

The truth is the truth.....if he praised hitler he was not an American Conservative....and if he did praise hitler and big government he has more in common with democrats with their belief in the all powerful state....

He praised Hitler for killing his opposition, and he "praised" big government because he thought it would "wreak" this country.
Why do useful idiots try to turn a mass murder into a political topic?

Because the left sees it as an opportunity to push gun control...and then we have to respond with the truth........tell them to stop and then you can have time to mourn the dead....

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