Do you think the Louisiana Shooter represents Conservatives, Tea Partiers and White people?

Do you think Houser is a representative of the Tea Party, white people, or conservatives in general?

  • Yes, he represents conservatives

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • No, he is a murderer, not representative of anyone

    Votes: 28 77.8%

  • Total voters
You labeled him as a conservative in your op. You are the problem. You didn't ask why he was being labeled as a conservative. You asked if, as a conservative, he represents all conservatives. In doing so, you appear to make the assumption YOURSELF that he's a conservative, thus perpetuating the myth. Thanks a lot.

Okay then... I'm going based off of what I'm reading, from both sides of the political spectrum. I'm sorry you don't like the reality of this situation, kosher, but this time there's no denying it. Continuous News Coverage Acadiana-Lafayette - Theater gunman has history of mental illness politically radica
Yeah he's not a conservative. So that's not the reality.

And spare me your dishonesty. You said the purpose of the thread title was to ask people to DEFEND their assertion that he was a conservative. I pointed out that you state he IS a conservative, so that's not the purpose of it at all. And now you're asserting, again, that he is a conservative. In other words, you're being dishonest, so I'm through.

He wasn't a conservative. He was a mentally ill statist who wanted radical changes in the US.
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?

No...that isn't accurate...he allegedly praised hitler... a left wing way he was a Tea party member or a conservative....those philosophies are completely opposite of the national socialists....but that won't stop the left from lying about the guy...

That is the problem with the RW here... They can't see that Louisiana Shooter represents Extreme Conservatives... RWers thing Hitler was a socialist...

"The Nazis were "national socialists", which is nothing whatever to do with "socialism", the economic form usually identified with the left. And they were even further from being "social democrats". Some of the world employs various forms of "socialist democracy", and it actually works rather well. That is completely unrelated to your central point.

Hitler was a pure right wing reactionary. And not a single scholar disagrees. "Reactionaries" are extreme conservatives. The Nazi Party, especially once in power, followed suit precisely.

He did, in fact (see HITLER'S SPEECHES, 1953) encourage and enact smaller CIVILIAN government, and retracted most welfare policies. In point of fact, the German National Public Health was enacted first in 1871, eighteen years before Hitler was BORN. And the Nazis did consider revoking it, but Hess in particular lobbied against this, on the eve of a new war. This is all recorded in Shirer's books, noted below. "

I mean RWer are fucking idiots.
"Houser is also known as Rusty Houser, and apparently has a presence on social media as an outspoken conservative.

The last thing someone posting as Rusty Houser posted on Facebook was in 2013, when he linked to an article called "A woman's place in the church and the weak church elder," according to KATC-TV.

He wrote, "The bible doesn't ask me to like what it says, only to obey it. Death comes soon to the financially failing filth farm called the US."

He only had two things liked on Facebook, among them "I hate liberals!""

Sheriff details Houser s past in Phenix City
Oh so you're saying that since someone else mischaracterized him as a conservative, that makes him one.

That's what I said you did at the outset.
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?

No...that isn't accurate...he allegedly praised hitler... a left wing way he was a Tea party member or a conservative....those philosophies are completely opposite of the national socialists....but that won't stop the left from lying about the guy...

That is the problem with the RW here... They can't see that Louisiana Shooter represents Extreme Conservatives... RWers thing Hitler was a socialist...

"The Nazis were "national socialists", which is nothing whatever to do with "socialism", the economic form usually identified with the left. And they were even further from being "social democrats". Some of the world employs various forms of "socialist democracy", and it actually works rather well. That is completely unrelated to your central point.

Hitler was a pure right wing reactionary. And not a single scholar disagrees. "Reactionaries" are extreme conservatives. The Nazi Party, especially once in power, followed suit precisely.

He did, in fact (see HITLER'S SPEECHES, 1953) encourage and enact smaller CIVILIAN government, and retracted most welfare policies. In point of fact, the German National Public Health was enacted first in 1871, eighteen years before Hitler was BORN. And the Nazis did consider revoking it, but Hess in particular lobbied against this, on the eve of a new war. This is all recorded in Shirer's books, noted below. "

I mean RWer are fucking idiots.

Actually, a lot of scholars disagree. Hitler lied in order to establish a totalitarian government. He was the ULTIMATE statist, who maintained that the state was the absolute authority, and he was the state's absolute authority., he doesn't represent them. What a ridiculous question, why do you give any credence to such nonsense?

Why? It's not to lend credence to anything, but to force people who think such to defend that position.

Why would you want them to defend a stupid position that has no credibility?

Surely they must have reasons for why they are labeling him as the posterboy for conservatism, so, I want them to explain why.

His tea party page probably has something to do with that
John Russell Houser s Page - Tea Party Nation
Oh so you're saying that since someone else mischaracterized him as a conservative, that makes him one.

He IS one.

But liberals here are suggesting he represents the rest of conservatism. Just like the suggestion that some nut with a gun who shoots up a theater represents law abiding gun owners.
This case reminds me of why I opposed hate crime legislation when they were first proposed.

What it means is that the punishment for the crime is enhanced if the defendant holds political opinions that are disapproved by the government.
Oh so you're saying that since someone else mischaracterized him as a conservative, that makes him one.

He IS one.

But liberals here are suggesting he represents the rest of conservatism. Just like the suggestion that some nut with a gun who shoots up a theater represents law abiding gun owners.

No one in this thread has suggested that.
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?

No...that isn't accurate...he allegedly praised hitler... a left wing way he was a Tea party member or a conservative....those philosophies are completely opposite of the national socialists....but that won't stop the left from lying about the guy...

That is the problem with the RW here... They can't see that Louisiana Shooter represents Extreme Conservatives... RWers thing Hitler was a socialist...

"The Nazis were "national socialists", which is nothing whatever to do with "socialism", the economic form usually identified with the left. And they were even further from being "social democrats". Some of the world employs various forms of "socialist democracy", and it actually works rather well. That is completely unrelated to your central point.

Hitler was a pure right wing reactionary. And not a single scholar disagrees. "Reactionaries" are extreme conservatives. The Nazi Party, especially once in power, followed suit precisely.

He did, in fact (see HITLER'S SPEECHES, 1953) encourage and enact smaller CIVILIAN government, and retracted most welfare policies. In point of fact, the German National Public Health was enacted first in 1871, eighteen years before Hitler was BORN. And the Nazis did consider revoking it, but Hess in particular lobbied against this, on the eve of a new war. This is all recorded in Shirer's books, noted below. "

I mean RWer are fucking idiots.

Sorry...he was a socialist...he believed the government should control private industry....and I have economists who have written about it...Hayek, Mises...both men who were alive and watching the nazis as they came to power........

The left lies about the nazis because if they don't, then every single one of the worst mass murderers in history were left wing sociaists......and they have some "splaining" to do about their belief system...
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?

No...that isn't accurate...he allegedly praised hitler... a left wing way he was a Tea party member or a conservative....those philosophies are completely opposite of the national socialists....but that won't stop the left from lying about the guy...

That is the problem with the RW here... They can't see that Louisiana Shooter represents Extreme Conservatives... RWers thing Hitler was a socialist...

"The Nazis were "national socialists", which is nothing whatever to do with "socialism", the economic form usually identified with the left. And they were even further from being "social democrats". Some of the world employs various forms of "socialist democracy", and it actually works rather well. That is completely unrelated to your central point.

Hitler was a pure right wing reactionary. And not a single scholar disagrees. "Reactionaries" are extreme conservatives. The Nazi Party, especially once in power, followed suit precisely.

He did, in fact (see HITLER'S SPEECHES, 1953) encourage and enact smaller CIVILIAN government, and retracted most welfare policies. In point of fact, the German National Public Health was enacted first in 1871, eighteen years before Hitler was BORN. And the Nazis did consider revoking it, but Hess in particular lobbied against this, on the eve of a new war. This is all recorded in Shirer's books, noted below. "

I mean RWer are fucking idiots.
Oh so you're saying that since someone else mischaracterized him as a conservative, that makes him one.

He IS one.

But liberals here are suggesting he represents the rest of conservatism. Just like the suggestion that some nut with a gun who shoots up a theater represents law abiding gun owners.

No one in this thread has suggested that.

Here as in this site, genius.
HE represents USMB.
Well he certainly represents some of the more insane progressive elements of usmb.
Something like that. Dont care if he is right or left. He is a racist gerrorist....cultivated by a hate site called USMB. I wonder if DHS is now gonna listen to the alerts I have sent them
Wow. Nutz has been sending complaints to Homeland Security about USMB? LOL!! I knew he was a nutbar but not to that extent. :lol:
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?

No...that isn't accurate...he allegedly praised hitler... a left wing way he was a Tea party member or a conservative....those philosophies are completely opposite of the national socialists....but that won't stop the left from lying about the guy...

That is the problem with the RW here... They can't see that Louisiana Shooter represents Extreme Conservatives... RWers thing Hitler was a socialist...

"The Nazis were "national socialists", which is nothing whatever to do with "socialism", the economic form usually identified with the left. And they were even further from being "social democrats". Some of the world employs various forms of "socialist democracy", and it actually works rather well. That is completely unrelated to your central point.

Hitler was a pure right wing reactionary. And not a single scholar disagrees. "Reactionaries" are extreme conservatives. The Nazi Party, especially once in power, followed suit precisely.

He did, in fact (see HITLER'S SPEECHES, 1953) encourage and enact smaller CIVILIAN government, and retracted most welfare policies. In point of fact, the German National Public Health was enacted first in 1871, eighteen years before Hitler was BORN. And the Nazis did consider revoking it, but Hess in particular lobbied against this, on the eve of a new war. This is all recorded in Shirer's books, noted below. "
This case reminds me of why I opposed hate crime legislation when they were first proposed.

What it means is that the punishment for the crime is enhanced if the defendant holds political opinions that are disapproved by the government.

That isn't what "hate crime" means, and "hate crimes" have nothing to do with this situation.

There's no "hate crime" protection for political opinions, and he's dead, and won't be charged with anything at all.
I'm seeing it all over the board today; liberals jumping on the fact that John Houser was a white conservative tea partier, and thus must represent them. As stereotypic as that might be, lets answer the question. Does he really represent them?

No...that isn't accurate...he allegedly praised hitler... a left wing way he was a Tea party member or a conservative....those philosophies are completely opposite of the national socialists....but that won't stop the left from lying about the guy...

That is the problem with the RW here... They can't see that Louisiana Shooter represents Extreme Conservatives... RWers thing Hitler was a socialist...

"The Nazis were "national socialists", which is nothing whatever to do with "socialism", the economic form usually identified with the left. And they were even further from being "social democrats". Some of the world employs various forms of "socialist democracy", and it actually works rather well. That is completely unrelated to your central point.

Hitler was a pure right wing reactionary. And not a single scholar disagrees. "Reactionaries" are extreme conservatives. The Nazi Party, especially once in power, followed suit precisely.

He did, in fact (see HITLER'S SPEECHES, 1953) encourage and enact smaller CIVILIAN government, and retracted most welfare policies. In point of fact, the German National Public Health was enacted first in 1871, eighteen years before Hitler was BORN. And the Nazis did consider revoking it, but Hess in particular lobbied against this, on the eve of a new war. This is all recorded in Shirer's books, noted below. "

I mean RWer are fucking idiots.

are you this dumb.....he didn't diminsh government control in any way.....the nazis controlled every aspect of their have only had left wing socialist need to study the truth....
Oh so you're saying that since someone else mischaracterized him as a conservative, that makes him one.

He IS one.

But liberals here are suggesting he represents the rest of conservatism. Just like the suggestion that some nut with a gun who shoots up a theater represents law abiding gun owners.

No. Liberals are not suggesting that. Some have poked idiot nutters in the eye as a form of feeding you dummies your own medicine. won't find any liberals suggesting that we frisk white conservative males at the box office so we can keep our movie theaters safe.

Stop whining. And...while you are at it....take this opportunity to stop kissing KG's ass. She's one of the people who give you that bad rep you want to shake.
Yeah he's not a conservative. So that's not the reality.

Or we can read his "manifesto"

"2 Find a positive way to exert your energies.I recommend laughing as often as possible.Here is something that is truly funny: since I accepted this it came to me that the president is doing exactly what Tim McVeigh did,only the president is much more effective.The way I see it,the faster he wrecks this nation, which in no way resembles what it’s founders envisioned,the faster working people with morals may re-assume command.i.e. I was for his re-election. I like his spending habits.etc……Truth and death always go hand in hand, and in our brave moments we can laugh. Whatever truth requires, I will accept."
The guy was filled with the same unfocused rage and fear that seems to be common among the the fringe right. He was not representative on the last day of his life but before that he was no different than many thousands of other internet cranks that infest the online community looking for kindred spirits. If unbalanced people like that did not have such a ready source of confirmation for their phantom fears maybe they would get some help before they totally lose their shit.
You make a pretty good argument that free, unregulated speech is dangerous, and therefore should be outlawed by the government.

Maybe you should move to Iran, Syria, or North Korea, where you will find people who agree with you.
That is not at all what I said. We all know the internet is full of bullshit and some people cannot distinguish between reality and the dark, fearful fantasy of RW fringe politics. You guys trade conspiracy theories around like ghost stories and it's all fun and games until some nutjob actually believes them and flips out, after that it is all hands on deck for damage control. You have certifiably crazy people listening to every flight of fancy the fear mongers of the right can crank out, face the reality that all that fear and loathing is going to send some of them over the edge.
This case reminds me of why I opposed hate crime legislation when they were first proposed.

What it means is that the punishment for the crime is enhanced if the defendant holds political opinions that are disapproved by the government.

That isn't what "hate crime" means, and "hate crimes" have nothing to do with this situation.

There's no "hate crime" protection for political opinions, and he's dead, and won't be charged with anything at all.

You are debating a genius. It can't end well.

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