Do you think you're a good person?

I try to be.. Sometimes I am, sometimes I fail, but when I fail I have a *really* guilty conscience, and will try like hell to make things right again. I have a nasty wicked tongue, but at the same time, I will never willingly and knowingly go out of my way to hurt someone.. On the flip side, I will go as far out of my way as I have to to help someone that needs it.

I guess that means "maybe". :cool:
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My friends and family say I am.

That is what counts to me.
i am neither good nor evil...but a wonderful combo...i tend to be a very chatty person...and i can keep a secret so i sometimes feel like a sin in comparsion to some of the shit i have heard...i am just an average person doing the best i can
I hear that a lot, "I'm a good person"

Why are you a good person?

awe ....the voices again...well as long as they don't say kill..kill..kill...or your the new messiah ...its harmless enough..I suppose

Just ignore those voices in your head eots! Are they the ones to telling you to post more youtube videos? :lol:
Maybe we should define "good"?

Everyone has a different opinion I'm sure.

I think my daughter is a good person. She worked as a firefighter and as an EMT. She helps everyone she can. Shoot she felt sorry for this guy that blew up his transmission on his way to Kansas one day. So she was going to loan her pickup to him. I stepped in and said no for he would not trash her little pickup tranny. I drove the guy and his trailer to Kansas with our big pickup.

My son is a good guy too. Very generous to other less fortunate and he is protective of others that are unable to protect themselves. One guy he worked with was a maniac. The guy pulled this kid out of his car and beat him up while they were working on a road crew. Son watched the whole ordeal going down from a distance and ran to help the kid in the car as quickly as he could. He got sick of working with this guy so one day he said something that he knew would inflame the guy and he walked out the shop door. The guy followed him and proceeded to punch him. Son stood there and took it. He knew the boss could see it and would have no other choice but to let this maniac with the temper go. I asked him if the black-eye was worth it and he said, "yeah". Son's no whimp, he's a 6' body builder. It took more courage to take a hit than it would to hit back. To me that is "good".

We all have different perspectives on what is good in a person. I think on a whole most people have something "good" you can find in them.

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