Zone1 If someone attempts to rob you At knife or gunpoint do you believe you have a right to shoot them in response?

If someone attempts to rob you At knife or gunpoint do you believe you have a right to shoot them in

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  • No

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That’s the situation you’re walking down the street and somebody approaches you and pulls out a knife or gun and attempts to rob you saying “give me what you have”. Do you then have a right to shoot that person?

Depends on the state, city and Soros DA. Just too many variables.

It is not just a case of giving up the $ to the robber. Many blacks like to kill whites for fun and racial hatred, irrespective of whether the victim cooperates.

weathering zir.jpg

And it is not just the blacks...

Anyone that pulls a knife on you is threatening you with deadly force.

Here is Jeff Coopers take on it...

(Quote condensed)

"Anyone who willfully and maliciously attacks another without sufficient cause deserves no consideration. We are fully justified in valuing the life and person of the intended victim more highly than the life of the pernicious assailant. The attacked must be stopped - at once and completely. An armed man is dangerous as long as he is conscious. Take no chances - put him out. When your life is in danger and under lethal attack don't be kind - Be harsh - Be tough - Be ruthless.'

stab 1.69.gif

Here is a filthy, white commie dem being stabbed to death by a black in NYC. You can see there is not much time for talk in such a situation.
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That’s the situation you’re walking down the street and somebody approaches you and pulls out a knife or gun and attempts to rob you saying “give me what you have”. Do you then have a right to shoot that person?
It always comes down to whether or not the person is an eminent threat to your life. If someone draws a weapon on you, you are in danger of losing your life so yes you have the right to shoot that person.
Yes good point

That reminds me of the situation I saw on video where a robber came into a restaurant and demanded at gunpoint that everybody empty their wallets… they did so but as the robber went to leave the store he was shot from behind by a customer…It turned out the robber had a fake gun.

Should the shooter face legal repercussions?

Even though the robber had a fake gun, nobody would’ve known that. Frankly, I think if somebody with a weapon goes into a store or restaurant you name it and demands money, they shd expect they might die doing so in the process.
I am familiar with a case where a family arrived back home after a day at relative's on Thanksgiving. They could see as they drove up that someone was in the house. The home owner stealthily retrieved a weapon from a safe in the garage. The two intruders, taken by surprise ran but one was shot and killed trying to escape through a window. His family sued. Long story short, the homeowner's life was in turmoil for over two years while he defended his right to defend his home and property. He ultimately prevailed, but on reflection said he would just let them go after what the legal system made him go through as a victim.

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