Do you trust the police?

Do you trust the police?

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May 12, 2022
Do you trust your mailman, do you trust your doctor? Do you trust your local gas station attendant .. do you trust the police ? because itā€™s all effectively the same question.

Weā€™re all humans. The question in the op can also be It ā€¦do you trust your neighbor , your family member and the person down the street? . Because those people are police officers.

To me The answer to the question based on common sense would be yes.

There may be those who are misguided who might say ā€œwell if I was Black and this or thatā€

Most of those are white people saying that itā€™s not Black people. And theyā€™ve only been able to convince tiny percentages of the American population to agree to not trust the police. These are liberal millionaire white people saying this in front of a camera to get votes to get votes from poor people and working class people. Itā€™s no different than saying ā€œwell if I was white and I got robbed or beat up by a black person, then I might not trust Black peopleā€ or ā€œif I was Black, and got beat up by a white, I wouldnā€™t trust white peopleā€ or ā€œwell if I was black, I might not trust the police because of white police officer attacked me. Of course thereā€™s also white people who get attacked by black police officers so the same ideology applies across the board. Thereā€™s no way around these common sense arguments.

Iā€™ve always found it to be fascinating to see How people attempt to argue against common sense. And this argument all comes down to them, saying ā€œwell if I was Blackā€ or

ā€œ you donā€™t know what itā€™s like to be black.ā€

But it never works. because Well many donā€™t know what itā€™s like to have cancer. Many donā€™t know what itā€™s like to be stuck in a wheelchair for life. Every thing that the weak man and the anti-American man says can be defeated by logic, love, beauty, Christianity, and common sense. When I say the anti-American man and those who project weakness, Iā€™m talking about the multi millionaire and billionaire elite white people who are neoconservatives and the far left wingers that are attempting to criticize the police.
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If I do not trust my doctor I never have to see him again. Not so with police officers.

And this has nothing to do with politics.
I trust the Police. ----it's the lawyers (even the judges) that I DON'T TRUST. Lawyers
are politicians-----like Biden & son and POOTIE
There are also those who might not even support BLM or care for them, but who think that the police are somehow ā€œfascistsā€ .

Well That doesnā€™t really make much sense this is America. Weā€™re all living in this country together as neighbors and friends. Again, how can anybody work against this common sense argument. If one does not trust the police, they donā€™t trust anyone.

The arguments make no sense from those who are against the police. As There are racists in every group thereā€™s black racists, white racists. Not many of them btw.

There are mailman, janitors, doctors, lawyers, police people who have actually used their positions to hurt other people. But most people in these positions are responsible. So it all comes down to common sense and logic, something that most people have. Therefore, if somebody doesnā€™t trust the police, they buy their own logic Canā€™t trust anybody.

But those with agendas, those elite, wealthy people and those who are brainwashed by drugs ā€¦.Theyā€™re the ones who are projecting this false image that the police are fascists or racists.
Yes I trust the police.

The police never bother me because I don't break the law. I don't give them a reason to even notice I'm alive.

The few times I did have to deal with the police it was because I did something to draw their attention. And everything that happened I deserved. Course that was all when I was younger. But for 20 years my only interaction with cops is when one of us waves the other one on when we both come to stop signs at the same time.
If I do not trust my doctor I never have to see him again. Not so with police officers.

Actually, not so.

If you're struck ill or injured through no fault of your own, you may very well have to see the doctor you don't trust.

However, not seeing police is the easiest thing in the world. Simply follow the rules laid down by the people you elect (and not by police) and police will have no interest in speaking with you.
Actually, not so.

If you're struck ill or injured through no fault of your own, you may very well have to see the doctor you don't trust.

However, not seeing police is the easiest thing in the world. Simply follow the rules laid down by the people you elect (and not by police) and police will have no interest in speaking with you.

We just had a long thread here that stated the opposite.

Police arrest man for yelling bible passages at pride parade: Yelling on public property a crime for conservatives

Is this just a thread full of wrong people?
I learned early in my adult life, NEVER TRUST ANYBODY!!

People LIE, CHEAT, and STEAL (or worse) to get what THEY want, and don't give a rats ass about anybody else.

On the whole, I hate and despise people in general.

If I have to deal with people, I take them on an individual basis........and see what kind of person they truly are, before I waste time allowing them in my life, or ignoring them.

So far, I've let very few people into my life. And the ones that have been allowed in, are people who love to help others, always try hard to do the right thing, and are there if you ever need them for any reason. There's hardly any people left like this anymore.
Why should anyone trust the police?

The police are legally allowed to lie to you about everything.

Knowing this a reasonable person has to assume that everything the police say is a lie.

Recently there has been brought to light the fact that cops misuse drug dogs in order to violate the 4th amendment rights of innocent people.

The cops do not care about you , they are not your friend or ally.
Do you trust your mailman, do you trust your doctor? Do you trust your local gas station attendant .. do you trust the police ? because itā€™s all effectively the same question.

Weā€™re all humans. The question in the op can also be It ā€¦do you trust your neighbor , your family member and the person down the street? . Because those people are police officers.

To me The answer to the question based on common sense would be yes.

There may be those who are misguided who might say ā€œwell if I was Black and this or thatā€

Most of those are white people saying that itā€™s not Black people. And theyā€™ve only been able to convince tiny percentages of the American population to agree to not trust the police. These are liberal millionaire white people saying this in front of a camera to get votes to get votes from poor people and working class people. Itā€™s no different than saying ā€œwell if I was white and I got robbed or beat up by a black person, then I might not trust Black peopleā€ or ā€œif I was Black, and got beat up by a white, I wouldnā€™t trust white peopleā€ or ā€œwell if I was black, I might not trust the police because of white police officer attacked me. Of course thereā€™s also white people who get attacked by black police officers so the same ideology applies across the board. Thereā€™s no way around these common sense arguments.

Iā€™ve always found it to be fascinating to see How people attempt to argue against common sense. And this argument all comes down to them, saying ā€œwell if I was Blackā€ or

ā€œ you donā€™t know what itā€™s like to be black.ā€

But it never works. because Well many donā€™t know what itā€™s like to have cancer. Many donā€™t know what itā€™s like to be stuck in a wheelchair for life. Every thing that the weak man and the anti-American man says can be defeated by logic, love, beauty, Christianity, and common sense. When I say the anti-American man and those who project weakness, Iā€™m talking about the multi millionaire and billionaire elite white people who are neoconservatives and the far left wingers that are attempting to criticize the police.

I don't know my mailman, why would I trust him?

I know my doctor and I continue to see her once a year, I trust her.

I trust the police to come around after a crime has been committed and investigate it, maybe solve it, but that's it. It is an very rare circumstance that they prevent a crime.

I don't know my neighbors, why would I trust them?

Which family member?

Again, the person down the street? I don't know him, why would I trust him, or her?

Trust, like respect, is earned, not given.
We just had a long thread here that stated the opposite.

Police arrest man for yelling bible passages at pride parade: Yelling on public property a crime for conservatives

Is this just a thread full of wrong people?

Yes... they are wrong. I posted a statute from the state where it took place that clearly identifies what he was doing as an offense. A statute enacted by elected politicians.

If you are detected committing an offense, police may very well want to speak to you and that MAY result in your arrest in order to process you and ensure you appear in court.

An arrest is not a conviction... it is the legal method, endorsed by courts and legislature, to ensure people suspected of offences appear in court where a judge decided if the accused is guilty or not guilty of the offence.
Yes... they are wrong. I posted a statute from the state where it took place that clearly identifies what he was doing as an offense. A statute enacted by elected politicians.

If you are detected committing an offense, police may very well want to speak to you and that MAY result in your arrest in order to process you and ensure you appear in court.

An arrest is not a conviction... it is the legal method, endorsed by courts and legislature, to ensure people suspected of offences appear in court where a judge decided if the accused is guilty or not guilty of the offence.

There was no law and there was no offense which is why the prosecutor quickly dropped all charges.
It's HARASSMENT ----like the sluts and schmucks that picket planned parenthood
clinics. They should ALL be in jail

There is no such thing as the right to not hear something you don't like while in public.

But back on topic.
That's not how laws work.
far more than you can imagine----LOTS OF POLITICS face the idiot
prosecutors. Keep in mind----they are subject to appointment and
election. How do you imagine BLM got away with massive
vandalism and theft?
far more than you can imagine----LOTS OF POLITICS face the idiot
prosecutors. Keep in mind----they are subject to appointment and
election. How do you imagine BLM got away with massive
vandalism and theft?

They didn't.

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