Do you trust the police?

Do you trust the police?

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There is no such thing as the right to not hear something you don't like while in public.

But back on topic.
A woman entering a medical facility for an abortion is not going out
for a drunken JOY RIDE------Of course if YOU happen to suffer with a
PHIMOSES------I agree----crowds would have a right to hassle you and
sneer and come up with BIBLICAL INJUNCTIONS as to HOW DA HELL
spend time at an AIDS clinic and shoot off your mouth about those
EVIL SINNERS......with a clear conscious
Do you trust your mailman, do you trust your doctor? Do you trust your local gas station attendant .. do you trust the police ? because itā€™s all effectively the same question.

Weā€™re all humans. The question in the op can also be It ā€¦do you trust your neighbor , your family member and the person down the street? . Because those people are police officers.

To me The answer to the question based on common sense would be yes.

There may be those who are misguided who might say ā€œwell if I was Black and this or thatā€

Most of those are white people saying that itā€™s not Black people. And theyā€™ve only been able to convince tiny percentages of the American population to agree to not trust the police. These are liberal millionaire white people saying this in front of a camera to get votes to get votes from poor people and working class people. Itā€™s no different than saying ā€œwell if I was white and I got robbed or beat up by a black person, then I might not trust Black peopleā€ or ā€œif I was Black, and got beat up by a white, I wouldnā€™t trust white peopleā€ or ā€œwell if I was black, I might not trust the police because of white police officer attacked me. Of course thereā€™s also white people who get attacked by black police officers so the same ideology applies across the board. Thereā€™s no way around these common sense arguments.

Iā€™ve always found it to be fascinating to see How people attempt to argue against common sense. And this argument all comes down to them, saying ā€œwell if I was Blackā€ or

ā€œ you donā€™t know what itā€™s like to be black.ā€

But it never works. because Well many donā€™t know what itā€™s like to have cancer. Many donā€™t know what itā€™s like to be stuck in a wheelchair for life. Every thing that the weak man and the anti-American man says can be defeated by logic, love, beauty, Christianity, and common sense. When I say the anti-American man and those who project weakness, Iā€™m talking about the multi millionaire and billionaire elite white people who are neoconservatives and the far left wingers that are attempting to criticize the police.
Well, if you knew and loved people with cancer, in wheelchairs, and etc -- you may get an idea of "WHAT IT IS" to have cancer, to be in wheelchairs, etc.

I don't have to be in a wheelchair to advocate for policies that improve life for handicapped people....
I don't have to have cancer to advocate for policies that improve access to healthcare for those who have it....

Ironically, these were all policies that right-wingers had consistently fought against - until they were shamed into supporting it.... be it the Americans with Disabilities Act or even Medicare....

So I know damn well those same folks will definitely not empathize with blacks folks if you barely could get them to empathize with something that related to all races....

But now with the so-called Jan 6th patriots in jail, suddenly, right-wingers pretend to care about prison reform more..

But now with white nationalist groups being investigated and arrested, suddenly right-wingers want to abolish the if COINTELPRO never happened long before then...

It's almost as if your trust for law enforcement is based on if you think their boots are on the necks of the people you empathize with the least...
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Do you trust your mailman, do you trust your doctor? Do you trust your local gas station attendant .. do you trust the police ? because itā€™s all effectively the same question.

These are all people. People vary. Some are good people, some are not.

You ask "do you trust "the police"" as if every officer is the same. That is not the case. Not at all. Derrick Chauvin murdered George Floyd with a big smile in front of cameras because he knew the Minneapolis coroner would FUDGE a "cause of death" to let Chauvin off as the coroner had 6 times before (and four of those were white, not consistent with the "narrative"). The fentanyl fudge is laughable, as Floyd would have been completely incoherent (a state of DUH) but instead accurately assessed his own situation "THEY're (not he, Floyd knew THE GOON SQUAD) gonna kill me." Chauvin was part of a "Goon Squad" that was formed initially to go after 911 truthers and exterminate them. Chauvin's crew went after Jesse Ventura a long time ago, followed him around, waiting outside buildings where Jesse was meeting with people who like Jesse, writing all license plate numbers down etc.... Chauvin is not a typical cop. Most cops are decent people. In cities controlled by one party for decades, the corruption is absolute. Police, judge, coroner, mayor are all crooks all part of the same team. Minneapolis is exhibit A. California has been like that for decades too.

You ask do you trust your doctor?

Apparently "Christians" believe "see your doctor" and "listen to your doctor" and "do what your doctor tells you to do" are literally straight from God's mouth.

THAT IS NOT THE CASE. Your doctor today has serious conflicts of interest. He/she is paid to put you on pills. I was the victim of a drunk driver in 2010. I was only scraped on the knee. All I needed was a bandage and that's it. instead I was forced, FORCED against my will, strapped into an Ambulance (billed $1200 for it) and rushed to an Emergency Room. There, about half an hour later, a nurse appeared and wanted me to take OXYCONTIN. I said all I needed was for my knee to be cleaned and bandaged. She INSISTED that I MUST BE IN SERIOUS PAIN. I told her I was not. She WALKED OUT. An HOUR LATER (This is the "Emergency Room") another nurse walked in and.... pushed OXYCONTIN. After refusing that over and over, I finally agreed to take two aspirin (billed $18) and my knee was cleaned and bandaged in 2 minutes....

The Covid issue should be a total wake-up to all Americans. YOU CANNOT TRUST BIG GOVERNMENT MEDICAL ANYTHING.

Murderous Fraud Fax for a "virus" that was gone by May of 2020, sick evil deliberate mass murder...

So should you "trust your doctor?"


and do not take anything, pill or shot, unless it is absolutely necessary...
There was no law and there was no offense which is why the prosecutor quickly dropped all charges.

In fact, most states have Breach of Peace laws enacted by politicians.

These laws (that vary from state to state) criminalizes certain speech and conduct, such as obscene or abusive language .

Engaging in loud, noisy, or disruptive behavior can also be a Breach of Peace.

Under such laws, you can be arrested and charged, if you refuse to desist the behavior.

It is up to the prosecutor and courts to decide how to deal with those Charges.

You could argue that such laws are Unconstitutional and you may have a point

But, that is a matter between legislators and the courts. Police don't decide matters of Constitutionality.

I will say, however, such laws have been on the books for hundreds of years and their existence has always been upheld.
In fact, most states have Breach of Peace laws enacted by politicians.

These laws (that vary from state to state) criminalizes certain speech and conduct, such as obscene or abusive language .

Engaging in loud, noisy, or disruptive behavior can also be a Breach of Peace.

Under such laws, you can be arrested and charged, if you refuse to desist the behavior.

It is up to the prosecutor and courts to decide how to deal with those Charges.

You could argue that such laws are Unconstitutional and you may have a point

But, that is a matter between legislators and the courts. Police don't decide matters of Constitutionality.

I will say, however, such laws have been on the books for hundreds of years and their existence has always been upheld.

No they haven't.
95% of police officers break their oath. So i trust them vvvveeeerrrryyyyyyy little.
Do you trust your mailman, do you trust your doctor? Do you trust your local gas station attendant .. do you trust the police ? because itā€™s all effectively the same question.

Weā€™re all humans. The question in the op can also be It ā€¦do you trust your neighbor , your family member and the person down the street? . Because those people are police officers.

To me The answer to the question based on common sense would be yes.

There may be those who are misguided who might say ā€œwell if I was Black and this or thatā€

Most of those are white people saying that itā€™s not Black people. And theyā€™ve only been able to convince tiny percentages of the American population to agree to not trust the police. These are liberal millionaire white people saying this in front of a camera to get votes to get votes from poor people and working class people. Itā€™s no different than saying ā€œwell if I was white and I got robbed or beat up by a black person, then I might not trust Black peopleā€ or ā€œif I was Black, and got beat up by a white, I wouldnā€™t trust white peopleā€ or ā€œwell if I was black, I might not trust the police because of white police officer attacked me. Of course thereā€™s also white people who get attacked by black police officers so the same ideology applies across the board. Thereā€™s no way around these common sense arguments.

Iā€™ve always found it to be fascinating to see How people attempt to argue against common sense. And this argument all comes down to them, saying ā€œwell if I was Blackā€ or

ā€œ you donā€™t know what itā€™s like to be black.ā€

But it never works. because Well many donā€™t know what itā€™s like to have cancer. Many donā€™t know what itā€™s like to be stuck in a wheelchair for life. Every thing that the weak man and the anti-American man says can be defeated by logic, love, beauty, Christianity, and common sense. When I say the anti-American man and those who project weakness, Iā€™m talking about the multi millionaire and billionaire elite white people who are neoconservatives and the far left wingers that are attempting to criticize the police.
Democrats don't trust anyone but other democrats.
I don't trust the legal system. Ever watch those forensic crime shows? The most heinous crimes go unpunished. Free room and board, medical care, etc., for life at public expense.
Actually, not so.

If you're struck ill or injured through no fault of your own, you may very well have to see the doctor you don't trust.

However, not seeing police is the easiest thing in the world. Simply follow the rules laid down by the people you elect (and not by police) and police will have no interest in speaking with you.
We just want your submission is all you be saying, while the LEOs and legislature members and judges break the rules they expect us to follow.
We just want your submission

The people who seek your submission are those who create the laws, not those who enforce them.

If you don't like the laws, elect more reasonable legislators.
Itā€™s very interesting to see what folks think about this topic. I donā€™t need to reiterate my position. I respect free-speech and different viewpoints unlike the far left and the neocons.
This thread is talking about the police. Police man you know the regular cop down the street. This is not about lawyers, the FBI, the CIA. No, this is just about your local police man
The people who seek your submission are those who create the laws, not those who enforce them.

If you don't like the laws, elect more reasonable legislators.

There is no law that allows a police officer to lie to a judge to obtain a warrant.

Ex-Detective Admits to Lying on Breonna Taylor Search Warrant

Yes he was caught this time. In the past not so much. All the same his lie is the reason a person is dead and to me that is contributing to a murder and what he should have been charged with.
This thread is talking about the police. Police man you know the regular cop down the street. This is not about lawyers, the FBI, the CIA. No, this is just about your local police man
And you shouldn't trust them.
As I said the police are legally allowed to lie to you about anything they want and they are trained to lie to you.

A reasonable person must then assume that everything that any police officer says is a lie.
I don't know my mailman, why would I trust him?

I know my doctor and I continue to see her once a year, I trust her.

I trust the police to come around after a crime has been committed and investigate it, maybe solve it, but that's it. It is an very rare circumstance that they prevent a crime.

I don't know my neighbors, why would I trust them?

Which family member?

Again, the person down the street? I don't know him, why would I trust him, or her?

Trust, like respect, is earned, not given.
You misunderstand. Your mailman can steal your mail. You trust him by default.

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