Do You Understand The Concept Of Tithing?

Mary-Chapin Carpenter said it best:

I sat alone in the dark one night, tuning in by remote
I found a preacher who spoke of the light but there was brimstone in his throat
He'd show me the way according to him in return for my personal check
I flipped my channel back to CNN and I lit another cigarette
I take my chances, forgiveness doesn't come with a debt
Tithing of tithe, is the concept of giving God 10 percent of your increase.

That is, ten percent (10%) of everything you earn, monetarily of course.

So if you make 3,000 a month, your tithe should be 300 a month.

Do you find yourself wondering why would God need your money?

Do you understand what's this all about?

What's your understanding of this?

money puts food on the table and a roof over your head

lots of money = power = more money = more power

The chatholic church runs things not b/c they can send you off to hell, but b/c of investments

Temple owns miles upon miles of Philly and the surrounding area

The lutheran church I got married in spent $6 million on a gym that's never been used for a single game in ~10 years, the preacher makes $80K where the median is $30

Tithing HAD a great intention, and I'm certain some places still use it as it was meant for, but honestly the only real exceptions are the Salvation Army and Red Cross, the rest are in it for the power.
Tithing of tithe, is the concept of giving God 10 percent of your increase.

That is, ten percent (10%) of everything you earn, monetarily of course.

So if you make 3,000 a month, your tithe should be 300 a month.

Do you find yourself wondering why would God need your money?

Do you understand what's this all about?

What's your understanding of this?

Tithing is usually prevalent in smaller independent churches that do not have the infrastructure for more unorganized giving.

God is just fine without money, however churches are buildings with maintenance and mortgages, reverends need to eat, and that organ doesnt play itself.

Really? And what specifically did Jesus endorse as far as mortgages, houses of worship and commercial ventures?

Bascially render unto ceasar what is ceasar's, in this case, the property for a church, operating costs etc. I know he wasn't a big fan of moneylending.
If tithing is a racket, what does that make taxes?

Even in biblical times we know that taxing, via tax collectors was a racket. Think Zachheus, think Matthew, The Disciple and other instances. It's never been reputable, so nothing new there. Yet, Jesus said "Give unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and unto the Lord what is His."



The message was; Give the romans what they want b/c we know they will send legions and kill everyone that doesn't bow.

The message was; your life is more important than your money

So unless your cool with the government killing people over taxes, this message doesn't apply to the here and now
Tithing is usually prevalent in smaller independent churches that do not have the infrastructure for more unorganized giving.

God is just fine without money, however churches are buildings with maintenance and mortgages, reverends need to eat, and that organ doesnt play itself.

Really? And what specifically did Jesus endorse as far as mortgages, houses of worship and commercial ventures?

Bascially render unto ceasar what is ceasar's, in this case, the property for a church, operating costs etc. I know he wasn't a big fan of moneylending.

Sounds like a formula and legalization of slavery. "render" smacks of "proccessing" or slave labor.
Tithing of tithe, is the concept of giving God 10 percent of your increase.

That is, ten percent (10%) of everything you earn, monetarily of course.

So if you make 3,000 a month, your tithe should be 300 a month.

Do you find yourself wondering why would God need your money?

Do you understand what's this all about?

What's your understanding of this?

Did Carson's speech bother you at all?
Its a racket.

Yes, obtaining blessings and blessing others with tithes and offerings is a racket. We give 10% of what God gave us and get back infinitely more.
Avatar gets it! :clap2:

Its a racket.

Not if you go by the Bible.

If you read my post on how in Deuteronomy, the Lord wanted to them to party down hardy. Check it out.

This honors him but He also wants you to rejoice and give to all those less fortunate.

It's right in Word luddly.
TinyDancer is absolutely right on that. Well, define "party down harty" there. :)

Well not "party hardy" like a version of Sturgess :) or any street party involving leather in San Francisco or you're toast.

You are so going to be smoked in a Biblical sense.:eusa_angel: Technical term: Smitings coming your way.

But He does want us all to be happy and rejoice in all our blessings. We are His children after all. And most importantly the command to share our blessings with those less fortunate is so tender and so loving.
Tithing of tithe, is the concept of giving God 10 percent of your increase.

That is, ten percent (10%) of everything you earn, monetarily of course.

So if you make 3,000 a month, your tithe should be 300 a month.

Do you find yourself wondering why would God need your money?

Do you understand what's this all about?

What's your understanding of this?

Tithing is an obligation to give a certain percentage of your income to insurance companies every month. It's detailed in the PPACA under the 'shared responsibility' mandate.
Tithing is usually prevalent in smaller independent churches that do not have the infrastructure for more unorganized giving.

God is just fine without money, however churches are buildings with maintenance and mortgages, reverends need to eat, and that organ doesnt play itself.

Really? And what specifically did Jesus endorse as far as mortgages, houses of worship and commercial ventures?

Bascially render unto ceasar what is ceasar's, in this case, the property for a church, operating costs etc. I know he wasn't a big fan of moneylending.

This is what I love about our Christ. He was no wimp. He went into those temples. He was furious and He kicked ass when he turned all those tables over.

And yes I know my verbage isn't always the best, but you get my drift.
Do you?

Tithing of tithe, is the concept of giving God 10 percent of your increase.

Not exactly.

That is, ten percent (10%) of everything you earn, monetarily of course.

Completely wrong.

So if you make 3,000 a month, your tithe should be 300 a month.

Wow, basic math skills. I am so not impressed.

Do you find yourself wondering why would God need your money?

Since tithing is not about giving to God it never actually crossed my mind.

Do you understand what's this all about?

I can see you have been fed the company line, and bought it.

What's your understanding of this?

My understanding of the lies you have been fed, or my understanding of tithing?

The critical verses to understanding tithing are Leviticus 27:30-33, which calls for a 5th of the seed of the land and the fruit of the tree, and a 10th of herds.

What, not a 10th of everything?

Numbers 18:21-24 sets aside a 10th of the nation of Israel for the children of Levi.

Then we get to Deuteronomy 14:22-29 where we find out what they did with the tithe.

Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year. And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, in the place which he shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks; that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God always. And if the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able to carry it; or if the place be too far from thee, which the LORD thy God shall choose to set his name there, when the LORD thy God hath blessed thee: Then shalt thou turn it into money, and bind up the money in thine hand, and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose: And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household, ...

Think about that for a while.
[ame=]What does God need with a starship - YouTube[/ame]
Tithing of tithe, is the concept of giving God 10 percent of your increase.

That is, ten percent (10%) of everything you earn, monetarily of course.

So if you make 3,000 a month, your tithe should be 300 a month.

Do you find yourself wondering why would God need your money?

Do you understand what's this all about?

What's your understanding of this?

Did Carson's speech bother you at all?
No. Why do you ask?
Tithing of tithe, is the concept of giving God 10 percent of your increase.

That is, ten percent (10%) of everything you earn, monetarily of course.

So if you make 3,000 a month, your tithe should be 300 a month.

Do you find yourself wondering why would God need your money?

Do you understand what's this all about?

What's your understanding of this?

The concept is the more you give, the more you get. 10% is a lot and I wouldn't start out at that just to test the waters.

I read a Suze Orman book once and that was one of the things she recommended. She didn't call it tithing but the concept of giving some of what you earn to a good cause seemed to be an important component of her financial advice.
I very well understand the concept of tithing, and I also understand well what the concept of tithing is not.

God commanded three different tithes. In each case, the tithe came from HIS increase of food from crops and animals, NOT from man's income. Income does not equate to increase. When someone works, there is an exchange of labor for money. That is not an increase. Increase is when the seed grows into the fruit.

When God gave the Israelites the promised land, He RESERVED, for Himself, a tenth of the crops and every tenth animal. They NEVER did belong to the Israelites. In other words, the tithe was from God's increase of FOOD, not from man's income. It was a way to distribute FOOD to the Levites and priests who did NOT inherit any land.

No one, not even the farmers, tithed from their income.

The farmers made their income by SELLING and/or barter-exchanging their crops and animals but did NOT tithe on that income.

Today, ALL born-again believers are priests. ALL of us are called to be disciples of the Lord. No one of us is greater than another. Our bodies are the Temple where the Spirit dwells. According to the scriptures, priests do not tithe.

Now, the three tithes commanded by God:

Leviticus 27:30-33 defines this tithe as a tenth of crops and animals in herds and flocks.
Numbers 18 gives the ordinances, or instructions, for this tithe, and commands this tithe be taken to the Levites.
Purpose of this tithe: to support the Levitical Priesthood.

Deuteronomy 14:22-27: aka The Festival Tithe - a tenth of crops, plus add to that the firstborn animals, and take to the yearly feasts.
Purpose of this tithe: “that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God always”

Deuteronomy 14:28-29: aka The Three-Year Tithe aka The Poor Tithe - a tenth of crops, kept at home, and invite the Levites, widows, orphans, stranger to eat.
Purpose of this tithe: to feed the poor.

There is no way to justify making some “principle” out of the Biblical tithe and then apply it to Christians today. It is just flat out wrong and makes no sense at all.

The New Testament teaches generous, sacrificial giving, from the heart, according to our means. For some, $1 might be a sacrifice, while for others, even giving 50% of their income might not induce a sacrifice. In the Old Testament, ONLY the farmers tithed, and it was a tenth. The New Testament teaches the principle of equal sacrifice instead of a tenth. Equal sacrifice is much harder to achieve, if not impossible, than giving a tenth.
Tithing of tithe, is the concept of giving God 10 percent of your increase.

That is, ten percent (10%) of everything you earn, monetarily of course.

So if you make 3,000 a month, your tithe should be 300 a month.

Do you find yourself wondering why would God need your money?

Do you understand what's this all about?

What's your understanding of this?

Did Carson's speech bother you at all?
No. Why do you ask?

Interesting that he mentioned tithing as why flat tax would be fair and now youre all up in arms about the concept
Tithing of tithe, is the concept of giving God 10 percent of your increase.

That is, ten percent (10%) of everything you earn, monetarily of course.

So if you make 3,000 a month, your tithe should be 300 a month.

Do you find yourself wondering why would God need your money?

Do you understand what's this all about?

What's your understanding of this?

Tithing is an obligation to give a certain percentage of your income to insurance companies every month. It's detailed in the PPACA under the 'shared responsibility' mandate.

That's not tithing. just government theft. Tithing is voluntary. It cannot be compelled by the use of force. Only through faith and obedience to the Word of the Lord. We choose to live by it or we don't. If we chose to live by it, the Lord will pour out a blessing so great that we will not have room to recieve it.
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