Do you view Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich as conservatives?

Do you view Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich as conservatives?

  • Yes I view both as conservatives

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • No I view neither as conservatives

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • I view one of them to be a conservative

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
Poll: Gingrich, Romney tied at top of GOP race - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

At this point, these seem to be the 2 most likely candidates to be on the presidential ballot next year on the R side.

I remember 3-4 years ago a lot of republicans didn't view McCain as a conservative, just wondering if the view is different this time around.

Wrongo, its gonna be Ron Paul and some corporate agent to choose from. Fuckers need to be honest and wear the logo's of who sponsors them.
Poll: Gingrich, Romney tied at top of GOP race - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

At this point, these seem to be the 2 most likely candidates to be on the presidential ballot next year on the R side.

I remember 3-4 years ago a lot of republicans didn't view McCain as a conservative, just wondering if the view is different this time around.

Wrongo, its gonna be Ron Paul and some corporate agent to choose from. Fuckers need to be honest and wear the logo's of who sponsors them.

I'm just going by national polls.

Election 2012 Polling and News, Republican Presidential Candidates, Obama, Interactive Polling Data

Poll: Gingrich, Romney in dead heat nationally - The Washington Post
Oh, God no.

That either of those clods could be considered "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) shows to go ya just how far left this poor nation has lurched.
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The only way you can see either as a conservative is if you are not a conservative yourself imo.
Poll: Gingrich, Romney tied at top of GOP race - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

At this point, these seem to be the 2 most likely candidates to be on the presidential ballot next year on the R side.

I remember 3-4 years ago a lot of republicans didn't view McCain as a conservative, just wondering if the view is different this time around.

I view both Mitt and Newt as ambitious opportunists both using the naivety of self identified 'conservatives' to demean each other.

But the real question to be answered is what is a 21st Century American conservative? What do they believe in and why are they so quick to attack other self described conservatives as RINO's?
They are both very conservative but the tea party has went so far to the right that everything left of Limbaugh looks like Stalin.
They are both very conservative but the tea party has went so far to the right that everything left of Limbaugh looks like Stalin.
Amusing, coming from the nutbar who is so far left that Stalin looks like Barry Goldwater. :lmao:
Interesting, you'd think with the distrust of George Bush within the republican party and the failure that is Obama you'd think there'd be a big conservative uprise.
Just a couple of shills for the corporate state, with slightly different approaches. No more so, or less so, than the incumbent of the moment.

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