Do you vote?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Move'em North
I dont vote but maybe it is mistake, because if I dont vote, the others could win who I dont want to win, but I dont vote because to lazy to go the ballot on sunday. I rather watch a movie, but that could be mistake. Every vote counts. Now the right wingers won and I regret that I didnt voted. They already made some budget cuts to the working class and socially disadvantaged etc. They also reintroduced fees for university, so far it was free. They are pretty capitalistic and also xenophobic and racist but also capitalistic.
We don't have capitalism. We have Keynesianism. Which is why the communists spend so much time arguing with retarted conservatives around here who think they're defending capitalism when they're actually defending socialism in the same of capitalism. Which is precisely what the Keynesian economy is.
I won't vote for a democrat so I don't vote in any state elections. I don't associate with democrats either.
I dont vote but maybe it is mistake, because if I dont vote, the others could win who I dont want to win, but I dont vote because to lazy to go the ballot on sunday. I rather watch a movie, but that could be mistake. Every vote counts. Now the right wingers won and I regret that I didnt voted. They already made some budget cuts to the working class and socially disadvantaged etc. They also reintroduced fees for university, so far it was free. They are pretty capitalistic and also xenophobic and racist but also capitalistic.

"I dont vote because to lazy"

Well you have the lazy born in you don't you? You are born not to work either, which is why you spend all day sitting on your buttocks getting welfare from MY nations taxpayers you parasite.

"Now the right wingers won and I regret that I didnt voted."

Nobody gives a shit what insects like you think, 59% of MY peoples voted for a combinations of Sebastian Kurz and HC Strache, so tough shit parasite.

Go back to Serbia and vote and whine, oh I forgot they don't give EU level welfare to your ilk do they? Well we have some ideas about welfare parasites and thats a 50% cut in welfare, so if you cannot live on that you can starve or GTFO and head back to Serbia or go to France France allow any garbage to suck off the French taxpayers now.

"They also reintroduced fees for university, so far it was free."

Nothing should be 100% free, but parasites want everything free, why do you care you are not University level so it won't affect you.

"They are pretty capitalistic"

And what's wrong with Capitalism? Sorry we've always been a Conservative minded nation, we do not do Far Left and/or Commie, I hear they do in Serbia though.

"and also xenophobic and racist"

Not wanting Third World parasites in, wanting to protect the border, being proud of our Culture and Heritage is not Xenophobic or racist.
Democrat: Social welfare.
Republicans: Military welfare

Pick your poison.

Either way, the poor, middle class, and senior citizens get wiped out by the inflationism caused by the failed monetary policy. Eventually, though, everybody will get wiped out because both parties keep printing money. They're devaluing the dollar. We're 21 trillion smackers in debt. Eventually it will crash. It is the only logical conclusion. And I will giggle because, you know, a country boy can survive. Haha.
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Democrat: Social welfare.
Republicans: Military welfare

Pick your poison.

Either way, the poor, middle class, and senior citizens get wiped out by the inflationism caused by the monetary policy. Eventually, though, everybody will get wiped out because both parties keep printing money in order to fund their brand of welfarism. They're devaluing the dollar. Eventually it will crash. It is the only logical conclusion. And I will giggle.

"They're devaluing the dollar. Eventually it will crash. It is the only logical conclusion. And I will giggle."

Why would you think it funny if they crash the dollar? That would have consequences for the rest of the Western world also, it would make 2008 look like nothing.
Democrat: Social welfare.
Republicans: Military welfare

Pick your poison.

Either way, the poor, middle class, and senior citizens get wiped out by the inflationism caused by the failed monetary policy. Eventually, though, everybody will get wiped out because both parties keep printing money in order to fund their brand of welfarism. They're devaluing the dollar. We're 21 trillion smackers in debt. Eventually it will crash. It is the only logical conclusion. And I will giggle.

Exactly, thank you. It is by design. I think everyone here should read the book The Creature From Jekyll Island. Maybe then everyone will stop arguing with each other and put their attention on the real enemy.
"They're devaluing the dollar. Eventually it will crash. It is the only logical conclusion. And I will giggle."

Why would you think it funny if they crash the dollar? That would have consequences for the rest of the Western world also, it would make 2008 look like nothing.

The rest of the world is already seeing the consequences of out failed monetery policy. They're reacting accordingly. Which is why we're seeing the asian and brics banks.

What I think is funny about it is when you try to tell so called 'conservatives' what the problem is, all they do is defend it because they foolishly believe they're defending capitalism when we have no such thing. What the're defending is Keynesianism. Which is socialism. It's like talking to a wall. And the wall thinks it's right.
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I dont vote but maybe it is mistake, because if I dont vote, the others could win who I dont want to win, but I dont vote because to lazy to go the ballot on sunday. I rather watch a movie, but that could be mistake. Every vote counts. Now the right wingers won and I regret that I didnt voted. They already made some budget cuts to the working class and socially disadvantaged etc. They also reintroduced fees for university, so far it was free. They are pretty capitalistic and also xenophobic and racist but also capitalistic.

"I dont vote because to lazy"

Well you have the lazy born in you don't you? You are born not to work either, which is why you spend all day sitting on your buttocks getting welfare from MY nations taxpayers you parasite.

"Now the right wingers won and I regret that I didnt voted."

Nobody gives a shit what insects like you think, 59% of MY peoples voted for a combinations of Sebastian Kurz and HC Strache, so tough shit parasite.

Go back to Serbia and vote and whine, oh I forgot they don't give EU level welfare to your ilk do they? Well we have some ideas about welfare parasites and thats a 50% cut in welfare, so if you cannot live on that you can starve or GTFO and head back to Serbia or go to France France allow any garbage to suck off the French taxpayers now.

"They also reintroduced fees for university, so far it was free."

Nothing should be 100% free, but parasites want everything free, why do you care you are not University level so it won't affect you.

"They are pretty capitalistic"

And what's wrong with Capitalism? Sorry we've always been a Conservative minded nation, we do not do Far Left and/or Commie, I hear they do in Serbia though.

"and also xenophobic and racist"

Not wanting Third World parasites in, wanting to protect the border, being proud of our Culture and Heritage is not Xenophobic or racist.

You could be a bit more normal when you discuss. You say heavy insults, is that even allowed here?
"They're devaluing the dollar. Eventually it will crash. It is the only logical conclusion. And I will giggle."

Why would you think it funny if they crash the dollar? That would have consequences for the rest of the Western world also, it would make 2008 look like nothing.

The rest of the world is already seeing the consequences of out failed monetery policy. They're reactuing accordingly. Which is why we're seeing the asian and brics banks.

What I think is funny about it is when you try to tell so called 'conservatives' what the problem is, all they do is defend it because they foolishly believe they're defending capitalism when we have no such thing. What the're defending is Keynesianism. Which is socialism. It's like talking to a wall. And the wall thinks it's right.

How is modern Keynesianism socialism?
I dont vote but maybe it is mistake, because if I dont vote, the others could win who I dont want to win, but I dont vote because to lazy to go the ballot on sunday. I rather watch a movie, but that could be mistake. Every vote counts. Now the right wingers won and I regret that I didnt voted. They already made some budget cuts to the working class and socially disadvantaged etc. They also reintroduced fees for university, so far it was free. They are pretty capitalistic and also xenophobic and racist but also capitalistic.

"I dont vote because to lazy"

Well you have the lazy born in you don't you? You are born not to work either, which is why you spend all day sitting on your buttocks getting welfare from MY nations taxpayers you parasite.

"Now the right wingers won and I regret that I didnt voted."

Nobody gives a shit what insects like you think, 59% of MY peoples voted for a combinations of Sebastian Kurz and HC Strache, so tough shit parasite.

Go back to Serbia and vote and whine, oh I forgot they don't give EU level welfare to your ilk do they? Well we have some ideas about welfare parasites and thats a 50% cut in welfare, so if you cannot live on that you can starve or GTFO and head back to Serbia or go to France France allow any garbage to suck off the French taxpayers now.

"They also reintroduced fees for university, so far it was free."

Nothing should be 100% free, but parasites want everything free, why do you care you are not University level so it won't affect you.

"They are pretty capitalistic"

And what's wrong with Capitalism? Sorry we've always been a Conservative minded nation, we do not do Far Left and/or Commie, I hear they do in Serbia though.

"and also xenophobic and racist"

Not wanting Third World parasites in, wanting to protect the border, being proud of our Culture and Heritage is not Xenophobic or racist.

You could be a bit more normal when you discuss. You say heavy insults, is that even allowed here?

I am normal when I discuss, just not with you, you post a whining OP about the election in my nation where 59% of my peoples voted for a combination of Kurz and Strache, so don't like it GTFO to Serbia or France or whoever will have you.

Yes it's okay we know your ilk are frightened because you know you are going to get next to no money beginning January, new rules either work and get money or don't work and get next to no money.
How is modern Keynesianism socialism?

Because the government tells the market what to do instead of the other way around like it's supposed to be where the market tells the government what to do.

It's rather simple.

The markets have been manipulated for a long time and artificially are being inflated, you are correct that the thing is going to all crash not if but when.
I dont vote but maybe it is mistake, because if I dont vote, the others could win who I dont want to win, but I dont vote because to lazy to go the ballot on sunday. I rather watch a movie, but that could be mistake. Every vote counts. Now the right wingers won and I regret that I didnt voted. They already made some budget cuts to the working class and socially disadvantaged etc. They also reintroduced fees for university, so far it was free. They are pretty capitalistic and also xenophobic and racist but also capitalistic.
In my state you can vote absentee. The ballot is mailed to you and you fill it out and mail it back. You would have to be extremely lazy or simply apathetic to fail to vote.
No. They never put anyone up worth leaving the farm for. I just watch it slowly a slow motion volcanic ruination. All this head shaking makes my neck never get a crick in it.
I dont vote but maybe it is mistake, because if I dont vote, the others could win who I dont want to win, but I dont vote because to lazy to go the ballot on sunday. I rather watch a movie, but that could be mistake. Every vote counts. Now the right wingers won and I regret that I didnt voted. They already made some budget cuts to the working class and socially disadvantaged etc. They also reintroduced fees for university, so far it was free. They are pretty capitalistic and also xenophobic and racist but also capitalistic.

"I dont vote because to lazy"

Well you have the lazy born in you don't you? You are born not to work either, which is why you spend all day sitting on your buttocks getting welfare from MY nations taxpayers you parasite.

"Now the right wingers won and I regret that I didnt voted."

Nobody gives a shit what insects like you think, 59% of MY peoples voted for a combinations of Sebastian Kurz and HC Strache, so tough shit parasite.

Go back to Serbia and vote and whine, oh I forgot they don't give EU level welfare to your ilk do they? Well we have some ideas about welfare parasites and thats a 50% cut in welfare, so if you cannot live on that you can starve or GTFO and head back to Serbia or go to France France allow any garbage to suck off the French taxpayers now.

"They also reintroduced fees for university, so far it was free."

Nothing should be 100% free, but parasites want everything free, why do you care you are not University level so it won't affect you.

"They are pretty capitalistic"

And what's wrong with Capitalism? Sorry we've always been a Conservative minded nation, we do not do Far Left and/or Commie, I hear they do in Serbia though.

"and also xenophobic and racist"

Not wanting Third World parasites in, wanting to protect the border, being proud of our Culture and Heritage is not Xenophobic or racist.

You could be a bit more normal when you discuss. You say heavy insults, is that even allowed here?

I am normal when I discuss, just not with you, you post a whining OP about the election in my nation where 59% of my peoples voted for a combination of Kurz and Strache, so don't like it GTFO to Serbia or France or whoever will have you.

Yes it's okay we know your ilk are frightened because you know you are going to get next to no money beginning January, new rules either work and get money or don't work and get next to no money.

I think you calling me things like insect and threatening me is not covered by free speech.
I dont vote but maybe it is mistake, because if I dont vote, the others could win who I dont want to win, but I dont vote because to lazy to go the ballot on sunday. I rather watch a movie, but that could be mistake. Every vote counts. Now the right wingers won and I regret that I didnt voted. They already made some budget cuts to the working class and socially disadvantaged etc. They also reintroduced fees for university, so far it was free. They are pretty capitalistic and also xenophobic and racist but also capitalistic.
In my state you can vote absentee. The ballot is mailed to you and you fill it out and mail it back. You would have to be extremely lazy or simply apathetic to fail to vote.

I think thats possible here too but I never figured out how. And where I need to order that mail. I will look for next elections.
I dont vote but maybe it is mistake, because if I dont vote, the others could win who I dont want to win, but I dont vote because to lazy to go the ballot on sunday. I rather watch a movie, but that could be mistake. Every vote counts. Now the right wingers won and I regret that I didnt voted. They already made some budget cuts to the working class and socially disadvantaged etc. They also reintroduced fees for university, so far it was free. They are pretty capitalistic and also xenophobic and racist but also capitalistic.

"I dont vote because to lazy"

Well you have the lazy born in you don't you? You are born not to work either, which is why you spend all day sitting on your buttocks getting welfare from MY nations taxpayers you parasite.

"Now the right wingers won and I regret that I didnt voted."

Nobody gives a shit what insects like you think, 59% of MY peoples voted for a combinations of Sebastian Kurz and HC Strache, so tough shit parasite.

Go back to Serbia and vote and whine, oh I forgot they don't give EU level welfare to your ilk do they? Well we have some ideas about welfare parasites and thats a 50% cut in welfare, so if you cannot live on that you can starve or GTFO and head back to Serbia or go to France France allow any garbage to suck off the French taxpayers now.

"They also reintroduced fees for university, so far it was free."

Nothing should be 100% free, but parasites want everything free, why do you care you are not University level so it won't affect you.

"They are pretty capitalistic"

And what's wrong with Capitalism? Sorry we've always been a Conservative minded nation, we do not do Far Left and/or Commie, I hear they do in Serbia though.

"and also xenophobic and racist"

Not wanting Third World parasites in, wanting to protect the border, being proud of our Culture and Heritage is not Xenophobic or racist.

You could be a bit more normal when you discuss. You say heavy insults, is that even allowed here?

I am normal when I discuss, just not with you, you post a whining OP about the election in my nation where 59% of my peoples voted for a combination of Kurz and Strache, so don't like it GTFO to Serbia or France or whoever will have you.

Yes it's okay we know your ilk are frightened because you know you are going to get next to no money beginning January, new rules either work and get money or don't work and get next to no money.

I think you calling me things like insect and threatening me is not covered by free speech.

Actually, in the USA, which is the home of this forum, what she said IS covered by freedom of speech.

My take: If you did not vote, you do not have the right to bitch about anything regarding the election and the outcome from it. Suck it up and deal with it.

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