Do you watch traditional news anymore?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
I haven't for at least 7 or 8 years.
I can't stomach it. There is no real news outlet anymore.
Honestly, I think if you are still watching Fox or CNN (or all the others) you must be a sucker for punishment.

Staying informed today, by design, is nearly impossible. It is time consuming, requires significant information vetting on your own and even then it is hard to believe.
All by design.
I still watch FOX News. Sometimes it makes me cringe, though. Sometimes I even switch the channel over to CNN or MSNBC, to see what they're saying. But their stupidity and propaganda glares at me through the screen, and it's pretty obvious to tell when they're lying.
I haven't for at least 7 or 8 years.
I can't stomach it. There is no real news outlet anymore.
Honestly, I think if you are still watching Fox or CNN (or all the others) you must be a sucker for punishment.

Staying informed today, by design, is nearly impossible. It is time consuming, requires significant information vetting on your own and even then it is hard to believe.
All by design.
No, it's all bullshit.
I haven't for at least 7 or 8 years.
I can't stomach it. There is no real news outlet anymore.
Honestly, I think if you are still watching Fox or CNN (or all the others) you must be a sucker for punishment.

Staying informed today, by design, is nearly impossible. It is time consuming, requires significant information vetting on your own and even then it is hard to believe.
All by design.
Yep, I realized about 15 years ago how much I was being lied to. TV is used very judiciously in my home and never ever is it the mainstream presstitutes and whorrespondents.
I watch CBC from time to time. I will flip to CNN now and again during a major story.

My guess is the internet will take care of these central news source. New generations will avoid much of it or cut through it, preferring to share stories and "community experiences" among the masses. They will probably laugh at how naive we all were (those who can overlook their own education indoctrinatiotn).

It would be ideal if all of our political choices in leadership were just as ideologically diverse as the number of media sources online.
I haven't for at least 7 or 8 years.
I can't stomach it. There is no real news outlet anymore.
Honestly, I think if you are still watching Fox or CNN (or all the others) you must be a sucker for punishment.

Staying informed today, by design, is nearly impossible. It is time consuming, requires significant information vetting on your own and even then it is hard to believe.
All by design.
Honestly I just watch the 6pm local crap and some cable

Between Current Events, Politics and Breaking News you know everything.....lolol

We have 100 attention whores here furiously breaking new stories............A lot of, "Already Posted Moron" abound...lolol
A newspaper?
Or you mean on the net.
If I hear of something happening, I will read at least 2 or 3 sources... see if their is unedited video of it on Youtube etc.
I read al I can to see the viability, plus I am a speed reader and don't want to waste time listening to someone talk at the level of a sixth grader to an audience.
Remember the Dan Rather CBS News story with the fake letter about Bush and the national guard that they did right before the election?
They always put out some sort of hit piece about the GOP candidates just before the elections.
They also put out some sort of racially divisive news story just before elections, like the George Floyd story.
The idea that the news is biased has been around since the days when the Acta Diurna was first hung in the Roman Forum.

We are all human so news organizations have made mistakes. In this era of 24 hour news, there seem to be more mistakes in the past though that is because stories are being instantly broadcasted and change with changing facts on the air.

Mistakes do not make news organizations liars, especially to those that correct those mistakes like the CNN or the NYTs.

The problem with news these days is the merger of news, entertainment and opinion. They all do it. It is therefore no surprise that people are skeptical.

However, what has has changed is not that the news is biased but that we can watch the same video or read the same set of facts and come to two separate conclusions or truths.

I am digressing, it Is healthy to get news from multiple sources. The secret is differentiating the news from the opinion.

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