Do you wish to legalize certain crimes for certain people?

Legalize violent behavior for certain races for social justice

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • Maybe for some crimes---Explain

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
Oh yes now that it's come up we have to legalize hammer murders too if the victim is white.
Adopt a policy whereby, if a crime is reported in progress, you ask if the perpetrator is black, white, or hispanic. If black, send a black cop, if white send a white cop and if hispanic, send INS.
Adopt a policy whereby, if a crime is reported in progress, you ask if the perpetrator is black, white, or hispanic. If black, send a black cop, if white send a white cop and if hispanic, send INS.
I already said I do...what I am asking is how do you enforce it if one does not abide by equal standards. Should there be administrative punishment for a company that hires a white over a black or vice versa. How do you hold a college accountable if they admit a Jew over a Christian (just an example) in the name of diversity? How do you stop someone who claims discrimination if none occurred, because surely you will have a white claiming reverse discrimination when they lose out to a Mexican or a black losing out to a gypsy.
Enforcement of unequal standards is difficult. It's up to all of us to treat everybody the same.
Doing anything on the basis of "diversity" seems kind of prejudiced to me.
There is no such thing as "reverse discrimination". Discrimination is defined quite well.
Do you wish to legalize certain crimes for certain people? I ask this as it seems obvious that this is the reasoning behind these protests. The aim appears to be that it is the right thing to do for the cops to stand down and allow the violent riots and destruction of businesses for blacks in furgason. As the cops mostly stood down as doing anything would be seen as racist and a over use of force, and sadly the media used all their might to spread this message far & wide that they were the bad guys. It seems that these protests are calling for exactly that as some races appear to want the right to steal, loot, destroy and even attack other people, and seriously believe within their hearts that they deserve to do it for past wrongs. How does this advance any cause? Doesn't make sense to me as it makes more anger within the people they're hurting.

I find it morally wrong and this is why I see these protests as evil.

Another such action is Holders attempt to stop disapalin for "certain" races of children in our public schools. Same idea as someone is making trouble, but we're expected to overlook it and not say anything about it as it is against their civil right to enforce the classroom rules just like it is against it for enforcing the law.

Racist trolls need to go back to Stormfront.

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