Do you wonder why they are trying to take Trump off ballots? It is you or the herd.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
Are you safe in the herd? You can hide in the herd and just be quiet. Maybe you will not be noticed and if you are you will be regarded as a good obedient sheep making no trouble. The herd will go where it goes and you will just follow. All the days will be good you reason if you just stay in the herd and call no attention to yourself. Today will be like yesterday and tommorrow will be like today. In the mind of a classic sheep this is a good life. And the black sheep that voted for Donald Trump? Well, they apparently never learned to be good followers. Good followers are needed in herds that go where they are led without question. The black sheep? They are Nazis, fascists, and white supremacists. See? You just call them bad names for not following the herd. You are a good sheep-you are not like them. No one calls you bad names or tries to make you illegal. A sheep that does not follow a law for the good of the herd??!! That sheep is bad!

All the smart sheep are right up in the front leading us. Those bad sheep must be pushed to the back! They must be destroyed in any way possible! The herd is thinking in all the right ways! The herd is doing all the right things! The herd is going to all the right places! No black sheep can be allowed to come to the front because that is dangerous to the herd, the good herd that is. Allowing black sheep in the front is taboo to the good herd that decides what is good. Deciding what is good keeps the good sheep in the front where they belong. The black sheep do not know what is good so they are a threat to good sheep in the front!

The herd must always think as a blind group. It can never think as individual sheep seeing danger ahead and departing from leadership. This is not being a good herd. Everything must be for the herd not the sheep in the herd. That's why the United States was never a good herd concept. It led some sheep to depart from the herd. Departing from the herd must be discouraged by law!

Donald Trump must be removed from ballots and outlawed from appearing in presidential primaries because he is a black sheep not blindly following the herd. What is the point of a herd if blind obedience is not blindly followed? The entire herd might change direction!

If you want to stay in herd you must hate Trump!

Carry on,

I've always sorta marched to the beat of my own drum......Most of the time it worked out for me.....On occasion it didn't.

The trick is choosing when to go your own way and when not to so as to limit the repercussions of any mistake you might make.....Most folks (the sheep) won't even take the risk.
I've always sorta marched to the beat of my own drum......Most of the time it worked out for me.....On occasion it didn't.

The trick is choosing when to go your own way and when not to so as to limit the repercussions of any mistake you might make.....Most folks (the sheep) won't even take the risk.
Everybody thinks they're not the sheep. You're not unique
Trump was on the absentee I filled out yesterday.

and, for the 4th time, I didn't vote for him.
I've always sorta marched to the beat of my own drum......Most of the time it worked out for me.....On occasion it didn't.

The trick is choosing when to go your own way and when not to so as to limit the repercussions of any mistake you might make.....Most folks (the sheep) won't even take the risk.
When the first tower was hit in 2001 an announcement came over the public address system in the second tower. The people were told that everything was under control, not to panic, and to ruturn to their work stations. The sheep did as they were told and plummeted to powder. Those were the good sheep.Some did not listen and evacuated immediately.

They survived. Those were the black sheep just like Trump voters.
When the first tower was hit in 2001 an announcement came over the public address system in the second tower. The people were told that everything was under control, not to panic, and to ruturn to their work stations. The sheep did as they were told and plummeted to powder. Those were the good sheep.
Some did not listen and evacuated immediately. They survived. Those were the black sheep just like Trump voters.
Movement is life.....Always has been, always will be.
Are you safe in the herd? You can hide in the herd and just be quiet. Maybe you will not be noticed and if you are you will be regarded as a good obedient sheep making no trouble. The herd will go where it goes and you will just follow. All the days will be good you reason if you just stay in the herd and call no attention to yourself. Today will be like yesterday and tommorrow will be like today. In the mind of a classic sheep this is a good life. And the black sheep that voted for Donald Trump? Well, they apparently never learned to be good followers. Good followers are needed in herds that go where they are led without question. The black sheep? They are Nazis, fascists, and white supremacists. See? You just call them bad names for not following the herd. You are a good sheep-you are not like them. No one calls you bad names or tries to make you illegal. A sheep that does not follow a law for the good of the herd??!! That sheep is bad!

All the smart sheep are right up in the front leading us. Those bad sheep must be pushed to the back! They must be destroyed in any way possible! The herd is thinking in all the right ways! The herd is doing all the right things! The herd is going to all the right places! No black sheep can be allowed to come to the front because that is dangerous to the herd, the good herd that is. Allowing black sheep in the front is taboo to the good herd that decides what is good. Deciding what is good keeps the good sheep in the front where they belong. The black sheep do not know what is good so they are a threat to good sheep in the front!

The herd must always think as a blind group. It can never think as individual sheep seeing danger ahead and departing from leadership. This is not being a good herd. Everything must be for the herd not the sheep in the herd. That's why the United States was never a good herd concept. It led some sheep to depart from the herd. Departing from the herd must be discouraged by law!

Donald Trump must be removed from ballots and outlawed from appearing in presidential primaries because he is a black sheep not blindly following the herd. What is the point of a herd if blind obedience is not blindly followed? The entire herd might change direction!

If you want to stay in herd you must hate Trump!

Carry on,

A herd of sheep is not led by a sheep.
Trump was on the absentee I filled out yesterday.

and, for the 4th time, I didn't vote for him.

Never Trumpers are like typical Blacks in Jail. Very slow learners until one day they realize…I’m now in here for the next two decades. What happened? Enjoy the collapse Nostradomous.
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A herd of sheep is not led by a sheep.

Led by a Shepard bellowing take the vaccine or be fired. Show you booster paperwork. Herded by dogs. Baaaa. Yes sir. Headline threads here, just take the shot. Ignore the millions dead from heat problems from a bad vaccine batch? Intentional? Who knows…..China and DEM RINO?
It’s republicans suing republicans to take Trump off the Primary. Democrats can’t do that.
Are you safe in the herd? You can hide in the herd and just be quiet. Maybe you will not be noticed and if you are you will be regarded as a good obedient sheep making no trouble. The herd will go where it goes and you will just follow. All the days will be good you reason if you just stay in the herd and call no attention to yourself. Today will be like yesterday and tommorrow will be like today. In the mind of a classic sheep this is a good life. And the black sheep that voted for Donald Trump? Well, they apparently never learned to be good followers. Good followers are needed in herds that go where they are led without question. The black sheep? They are Nazis, fascists, and white supremacists. See? You just call them bad names for not following the herd. You are a good sheep-you are not like them. No one calls you bad names or tries to make you illegal. A sheep that does not follow a law for the good of the herd??!! That sheep is bad!

All the smart sheep are right up in the front leading us. Those bad sheep must be pushed to the back! They must be destroyed in any way possible! The herd is thinking in all the right ways! The herd is doing all the right things! The herd is going to all the right places! No black sheep can be allowed to come to the front because that is dangerous to the herd, the good herd that is. Allowing black sheep in the front is taboo to the good herd that decides what is good. Deciding what is good keeps the good sheep in the front where they belong. The black sheep do not know what is good so they are a threat to good sheep in the front!

The herd must always think as a blind group. It can never think as individual sheep seeing danger ahead and departing from leadership. This is not being a good herd. Everything must be for the herd not the sheep in the herd. That's why the United States was never a good herd concept. It led some sheep to depart from the herd. Departing from the herd must be discouraged by law!

Donald Trump must be removed from ballots and outlawed from appearing in presidential primaries because he is a black sheep not blindly following the herd. What is the point of a herd if blind obedience is not blindly followed? The entire herd might change direction!

If you want to stay in herd you must hate Trump!

Carry on,


Your story is summed up at the end of your first graph. Not following the law is bad for everybody. That's why we have laws, and that's why we have courts to deal with those that don't follow those laws.
Jena Griswald, (Colorado SoS), is a Republican?
That was a legal decision of the courts on a case brought by republicans against republicans. All Jena did was ask the SCOTUS to rule quickly. GOP needs to get its house in order. They depose their house leaders, run 15 votes to replace him… then they are suing each other in the primary.

That was a legal decision of the courts on a case brought by republicans against republicans. All Jena did was ask the SCOTUS to rule quickly. GOP needs to get its house in order. They depose their house leaders, run 15 votes to replace him… then they are suing each other in the primary.

Yes, the Republican party is a shit show. And who is the leader of the Republican party? Is it not Donald Trump?

Now, back to that flock of sheep. I am not buying the bellwether, that sheep was not a leader, he was the trumpet that announced the presence of the flock. Sheep are led by Shepards and herded by dogs.

If Trump is the Shepard, then he is passed out drunk on power as the flock runs amuck. If he is the dog, then he is a yapping chihuahua attempting to scare the flock in an attempt to control them.
Are you safe in the herd? You can hide in the herd and just be quiet. Maybe you will not be noticed and if you are you will be regarded as a good obedient sheep making no trouble. The herd will go where it goes and you will just follow. All the days will be good you reason if you just stay in the herd and call no attention to yourself. Today will be like yesterday and tommorrow will be like today. In the mind of a classic sheep this is a good life. And the black sheep that voted for Donald Trump? Well, they apparently never learned to be good followers. Good followers are needed in herds that go where they are led without question. The black sheep? They are Nazis, fascists, and white supremacists. See? You just call them bad names for not following the herd. You are a good sheep-you are not like them. No one calls you bad names or tries to make you illegal. A sheep that does not follow a law for the good of the herd??!! That sheep is bad!

All the smart sheep are right up in the front leading us. Those bad sheep must be pushed to the back! They must be destroyed in any way possible! The herd is thinking in all the right ways! The herd is doing all the right things! The herd is going to all the right places! No black sheep can be allowed to come to the front because that is dangerous to the herd, the good herd that is. Allowing black sheep in the front is taboo to the good herd that decides what is good. Deciding what is good keeps the good sheep in the front where they belong. The black sheep do not know what is good so they are a threat to good sheep in the front!

The herd must always think as a blind group. It can never think as individual sheep seeing danger ahead and departing from leadership. This is not being a good herd. Everything must be for the herd not the sheep in the herd. That's why the United States was never a good herd concept. It led some sheep to depart from the herd. Departing from the herd must be discouraged by law!

Donald Trump must be removed from ballots and outlawed from appearing in presidential primaries because he is a black sheep not blindly following the herd. What is the point of a herd if blind obedience is not blindly followed? The entire herd might change direction!

If you want to stay in herd you must hate Trump!

Carry on,


Because under the 14th. Amendment to the Constitution of The United States of America he engaged in Insurrection. He is wanna be dictator.

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