Docs show John Brennan suppressed intel showing Russia actually wanted Hillary to win

It is really hilarious that Political Chic post a bunch of unclassified information implicating a group of people, mainly lefticrats, they call her names, they refuse to debate on the information, make blatant partisan remarks.

It is clear to me they have no cogent argument to offer in response....
It is quite clear they wanted Trump to win, this is supported by multiple intelligence agencies in more than one country. Trump is an easily placated dupe who admires dictators and bows to flattery. He was trying to remove sanctions from day one. Hilary is a tough bitch who already had several fights with Russia when she was Sec of State. In addition they could count on Trump to further divide, polarize and destabilize our institutions.

Trumpists and their conspiracy theories. This is just another one that ignores the realities on the ground.

I noticed you didn't contradict anything PoliticalChic wrote, how come?
It is really hilarious that Political Chic post a bunch of unclassified information implicating a group of people, mainly lefticrats, they call her names, they refuse to debate on the information, make blatant partisan remarks.

It is clear to me they have no cogent argument to offer in response....

Because y’all are getting ahead of yourself.

This is a story about what someone heard is being unclassified. It hasn’t actually happened yet.
It's time to shut up kim jung un. Her lies are getting way out of hand.

Why the heck wouldn't they.......they already had a history of being able to bribe the Clinton Crime Family.

"Ex-NSC chief: House Intelligence Committee staff found John Brennan 'suppressed' Russia evidence
House Intelligence Committee staff said former CIA Director John Brennan "suppressed" intelligence indicating that Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election, according to John Bolton’s former chief of staff.
The Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on Tuesday that defended the 2017 intelligence community assessment on Russian election interference and determined with "moderate" to "high" confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin sought to boost President Trump's 2016 election chances.

One day later, Fred Fleitz, a former CIA officer and National Security Council chief of staff, wrote in a Fox News opinion piece that House Intelligence Committee members "found the opposite" motivations for Russia to interfere in the presidential contest.

...Brennan suppressed facts or analysis that showed why it was not in Russia’s interests to support Trump and why Putin stood to benefit from Hillary Clinton’s election. They also told me that Brennan suppressed that intelligence over the objections of CIA analysts," Fleitz wrote.

...Putin actually wanted the more predictable and malleable Clinton to win the 2016 election," he added.

Fleitz concluded his op-ed by touting U.S. Attorney John Durham's review of the Russia investigation, which is reportedly looking into highly sensitive issues, including whether Brennan took politicized actions to pressure the rest of the intelligence community to match his conclusions about Putin’s motivations during the 2016 presidential election.

"One anticipates that a tough lawman like Durham, with confidence from both sides of the political aisle, will finally answer whether the 2017 intelligence community assessment was rigged to hurt Trump politically," he wrote."
Where is the support for your thread tittle? Or was that a lie, to catch poster's eyes?

Your opinion piece shows no evidence to support your title.....???

Here is something that DOES NOT SUPPORT all of the Trump right wing lyin' bull crud on this:

Took place in Helsinki, and straight from Putin's lips.... let's hear your ALTERNATIVE FACTS or your truth isn't Truth, answer in your best Giuliani voice or best Kelly Anne voice..... :cuckoo:

REPORTER (Jeff Mason from Reuters): President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?

PUTIN: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the US/Russia relationship back to normal.

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Ed Henry pointed out that Fred Fleitz — a 25-year veteran of the CIA and the State Department — first spotlighted this damning information in a recent column.

“Fred Fleitz should get credit for this,” Henry said. “He was a former Chief of Staff at the National Security Council under President Trump. Fleitz [wrote] that Brennan suppressed some of the intel that suggested that Russia wanted Clinton to win. I separately have an intelligence source tonight who confirmed that that information is one of the four or five other batches of intel that Rick Grenell is declassifying.”

(Source: Tucker Carlson Tonight)

As all the documents trickle out what is most confirmed to people who will actually read them is the fact that The Obama Administration orchestrated a coup attempt against an incoming President. ( as a lot of us have said)
I am amazed at the loons who think that it is okay simply because they hated Trump.

One of Trump’s appointed liars suddenly unearths evidence. So where is it? You fools keep talking about evidence of crimes, and yet you can’t evennname a crime that was committed or produce evidence of what you say.

Nothing was suddenly "unearthed"
The documents were just declassified.

Bullshit. These people in Justice and the White House all have top level security clearances. These clowns are manufacturing lies to prove their conspiracy theories. The Trump Administration has an abyssmal track record of promoting Russian based lies and conspiracy theories, and promising us evidence and that never ever materializes.

Where's the proof that Obama wire tapped Trump Tower? Trump had this investigated six ways to Sunday? Where is the evidence of ANY of the allegations that Trump has made against President Obama. Dumb Donald can't even tell us what it is that Obama did that is illegal.

Why hasn't HIllary Clinton been prosecuted for her "crimes"? Mike Pompeo investigated for two years. Prosecutor Huber investigated for two years. The Senate investigated for two years. The IG investigated for two years. Where's the evidence, the witnesses the charges? How much money was spent on these invesetigations?

Where's all this evidence that Rudy was finding on the Bidens? What about Crowdstrike.


Hilary wasn't prosecuted because obama and his minions protected her and refused to indict her for destroying evidence in a federal investigation....and we now know that all of the obama minions testified under oath there was no evidence that Russia was connected to Trump, and now we know that obama minion john brennan hid information that Russia wanted hilary to win.......they had already bought her for 145 million dollars, if not more, from putin...........
The Kremlin wanted Hillary to win
That is why they hacked the RNC servers and leaked what they found.

Oh wait.......that was the DNC servers

No proof that anyone hacked the DNC server you big fat liar.

your daddy says


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Why the heck wouldn't they.......they already had a history of being able to bribe the Clinton Crime Family.

"Ex-NSC chief: House Intelligence Committee staff found John Brennan 'suppressed' Russia evidence
House Intelligence Committee staff said former CIA Director John Brennan "suppressed" intelligence indicating that Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election, according to John Bolton’s former chief of staff.
The Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on Tuesday that defended the 2017 intelligence community assessment on Russian election interference and determined with "moderate" to "high" confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin sought to boost President Trump's 2016 election chances.

One day later, Fred Fleitz, a former CIA officer and National Security Council chief of staff, wrote in a Fox News opinion piece that House Intelligence Committee members "found the opposite" motivations for Russia to interfere in the presidential contest.

...Brennan suppressed facts or analysis that showed why it was not in Russia’s interests to support Trump and why Putin stood to benefit from Hillary Clinton’s election. They also told me that Brennan suppressed that intelligence over the objections of CIA analysts," Fleitz wrote.

...Putin actually wanted the more predictable and malleable Clinton to win the 2016 election," he added.

Fleitz concluded his op-ed by touting U.S. Attorney John Durham's review of the Russia investigation, which is reportedly looking into highly sensitive issues, including whether Brennan took politicized actions to pressure the rest of the intelligence community to match his conclusions about Putin’s motivations during the 2016 presidential election.

"One anticipates that a tough lawman like Durham, with confidence from both sides of the political aisle, will finally answer whether the 2017 intelligence community assessment was rigged to hurt Trump politically," he wrote."

Putin had already paid for and purchased least 145 million dollars was given to the clinton foundation by putin minions. The clintons also had a lock on Chinese money because they had sold American secrets to them all the way back in the 1990s so you know they were lining up to get more American technology under a hilary administration.......

Obamagate is the worst political scandal in American history.......nixon doesn't even come close.......
The Kremlin wanted Hillary to win
That is why they hacked the RNC servers and leaked what they found.

Oh wait.......that was the DNC servers

No proof that anyone hacked the DNC server you big fat liar.

your daddy says


Moron......Cloudstrike the non-government company the DNC used instead of the FBI stated they can't prove that there was a hack, that the hack, if it happened was an outside hack....and they couldn't tell if it was, in fact, Russians...

You have no truth, facts or reality........the actual players are telling us you are stupid, lying, or both...
The Kremlin wanted Hillary to win
That is why they hacked the RNC servers and leaked what they found.

Oh wait.......that was the DNC servers

No proof that anyone hacked the DNC server you big fat liar.
Only if you are like Trump and take the word of Putin over our own intelligence

53 witnessest testifying under oath to the House committee stated there was no connection to Trump and Russia......they then went out to the press and lied, but these people are all the leaders of the intelligence and law enforcement communities...

So you have no basis for what you say...
The Kremlin wanted Hillary to win
That is why they hacked the RNC servers and leaked what they found.

Oh wait.......that was the DNC servers

No proof that anyone hacked the DNC server you big fat liar.

your daddy says


Moron......Cloudstrike the non-government company the DNC used instead of the FBI stated they can't prove that there was a hack, that the hack, if it happened was an outside hack....and they couldn't tell if it was, in fact, Russians...

You have no truth, facts or reality........the actual players are telling us you are stupid, lying, or both...

100% of our own intelligence investigations were the actual players and dipshit traitor rw's ignore them like a case of herpes

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The Kremlin wanted Hillary to win
That is why they hacked the RNC servers and leaked what they found.

Oh wait.......that was the DNC servers

No proof that anyone hacked the DNC server you big fat liar.

your daddy says


Moron......Cloudstrike the non-government company the DNC used instead of the FBI stated they can't prove that there was a hack, that the hack, if it happened was an outside hack....and they couldn't tell if it was, in fact, Russians...

You have no truth, facts or reality........the actual players are telling us you are stupid, lying, or both...

100% of our own intelligence investigations were the actual players and dipshit traitor rw's ignore them like a case of herpes


Moron....... they have the testimony from the hearings, you doofus... you can't lie about this anymore. They have the actual testimony given under oath to the House.......while the shit stain schiff was in charge.....

Actual facts, truth and testimony show you are really stupid and a liar.....

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