Docs show John Brennan suppressed intel showing Russia actually wanted Hillary to win

So why hasn’t anyone seen this information?
Can't see something that never existed

Never stopped libtards with Trump Russia collusion. They've been "seeing" something that has not been there for years.
Trump's self-declared, dictatorial style immunity is now in front of the Supreme Court. He'll be joining all the others that went to jail for crimes committed in the name of helping Trump and Russia.

Back for further education????

Excellent: watch this>

GEORGE ORWELL ONCE SAID: “Sometimes the first duty of intelligent men is the restatement of the obvious.”

And that brings us to who began the Russia Hoax. Hillary did….through the State department, and Alexander Downer, to the Obama FBI.

What did the plotters use as the predicate for beginning the ambush?

MR. GOWDY: When did the investigation begin? And if it were not the dossier, what prompted it? MR. MCCABE: The investigation began -- it was officially initiated [an individual] had met - with George Papadopoulos And this related that in a meeting they had … that Mr. Papadopoulos had made comments to them along the lines that he was quite confident that - that then-candidate Trump would win the election. He was confident because, as he stated, the Clintons had a lot of baggage and that the Trump campaign had a fair amount of information about the Clintons…”

The information came from the State Department…Hillary’s State Department….to the Bureau.

And the man who supposedly told Hillary’s State Department was … “Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.

But how did the FBI know they should talk to him?

That’s left out of their narrative. Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don’t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasn’t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.”

You must be feelin' pretty stoooooooopid now, huh?
Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????
Why didn’t the Clinton campaign go with the dossier? Why wasn’t it actually published before the election?

Because no one took it seriously. If Putin wanted to harm Trump, the dossier wouldn’t have contained stories of Trump getting golden showers.
The Kremlin wanted Hillary to win
That is why they hacked the RNC servers and leaked what they found.

Oh wait.......that was the DNC servers

Yep and the RNC reported unsuccessful attacks on their servers. Can't help it if the DNC doesn't know how to protect their shit.

The dnc was not hacked by Russia, confirmed by crowdstrike.
So why hasn’t anyone seen this information?
Can't see something that never existed
Lol. We are supposed to believe the House Intel Committee, preciously led by Nunes, buried this. An extraordinary claim.

How about behind-doors sworn testimony?

GEORGE ORWELL ONCE SAID: “Sometimes the first duty of intelligent men is the restatement of the obvious.”

And that brings us to who began the Russia Hoax. Hillary did….through the State department, and Alexander Downer, to the Obama FBI.

What did the plotters use as the predicate for beginning the ambush?

MR. GOWDY: When did the investigation begin? And if it were not the dossier, what prompted it? MR. MCCABE: The investigation began -- it was officially initiated [an individual] had met - with George Papadopoulos And this related that in a meeting they had … that Mr. Papadopoulos had made comments to them along the lines that he was quite confident that - that then-candidate Trump would win the election. He was confident because, as he stated, the Clintons had a lot of baggage and that the Trump campaign had a fair amount of information about the Clintons…”

The information came from the State Department…Hillary’s State Department….to the Bureau.

And the man who supposedly told Hillary’s State Department was … “Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.

But how did the FBI know they should talk to him?

That’s left out of their narrative. Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don’t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasn’t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.”
So why hasn’t anyone seen this information?
Can't see something that never existed

Never stopped libtards with Trump Russia collusion. They've been "seeing" something that has not been there for years.
Trump's self-declared, dictatorial style immunity is now in front of the Supreme Court. He'll be joining all the others that went to jail for crimes committed in the name of helping Trump and Russia.

Some of you all are just fucking crazy.
Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????
Why didn’t the Clinton campaign go with the dossier? Why wasn’t it actually published before the election?

Because no one took it seriously. If Putin wanted to harm Trump, the dossier wouldn’t have contained stories of Trump getting golden showers.

It was.

Why the heck wouldn't they.......they already had a history of being able to bribe the Clinton Crime Family.

"Ex-NSC chief: House Intelligence Committee staff found John Brennan 'suppressed' Russia evidence
House Intelligence Committee staff said former CIA Director John Brennan "suppressed" intelligence indicating that Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election, according to John Bolton’s former chief of staff.
The Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on Tuesday that defended the 2017 intelligence community assessment on Russian election interference and determined with "moderate" to "high" confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin sought to boost President Trump's 2016 election chances.

One day later, Fred Fleitz, a former CIA officer and National Security Council chief of staff, wrote in a Fox News opinion piece that House Intelligence Committee members "found the opposite" motivations for Russia to interfere in the presidential contest.

...Brennan suppressed facts or analysis that showed why it was not in Russia’s interests to support Trump and why Putin stood to benefit from Hillary Clinton’s election. They also told me that Brennan suppressed that intelligence over the objections of CIA analysts," Fleitz wrote.

...Putin actually wanted the more predictable and malleable Clinton to win the 2016 election," he added.

Fleitz concluded his op-ed by touting U.S. Attorney John Durham's review of the Russia investigation, which is reportedly looking into highly sensitive issues, including whether Brennan took politicized actions to pressure the rest of the intelligence community to match his conclusions about Putin’s motivations during the 2016 presidential election.

"One anticipates that a tough lawman like Durham, with confidence from both sides of the political aisle, will finally answer whether the 2017 intelligence community assessment was rigged to hurt Trump politically," he wrote."

According to John Bolton's former chief of staff . . . .

You might as well say "According to the Gateway Pundit". Everyone in the Trump White House lies. Where is this so-called "evidence"? I guess it's with the order to wire tap Trump Tower. Or proof that Hillary ran the Uranium One sale.
Why the heck wouldn't they.......they already had a history of being able to bribe the Clinton Crime Family.

"Ex-NSC chief: House Intelligence Committee staff found John Brennan 'suppressed' Russia evidence
House Intelligence Committee staff said former CIA Director John Brennan "suppressed" intelligence indicating that Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election, according to John Bolton’s former chief of staff.
The Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on Tuesday that defended the 2017 intelligence community assessment on Russian election interference and determined with "moderate" to "high" confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin sought to boost President Trump's 2016 election chances.

One day later, Fred Fleitz, a former CIA officer and National Security Council chief of staff, wrote in a Fox News opinion piece that House Intelligence Committee members "found the opposite" motivations for Russia to interfere in the presidential contest.

...Brennan suppressed facts or analysis that showed why it was not in Russia’s interests to support Trump and why Putin stood to benefit from Hillary Clinton’s election. They also told me that Brennan suppressed that intelligence over the objections of CIA analysts," Fleitz wrote.

...Putin actually wanted the more predictable and malleable Clinton to win the 2016 election," he added.

Fleitz concluded his op-ed by touting U.S. Attorney John Durham's review of the Russia investigation, which is reportedly looking into highly sensitive issues, including whether Brennan took politicized actions to pressure the rest of the intelligence community to match his conclusions about Putin’s motivations during the 2016 presidential election.

"One anticipates that a tough lawman like Durham, with confidence from both sides of the political aisle, will finally answer whether the 2017 intelligence community assessment was rigged to hurt Trump politically," he wrote."

According to John Bolton's former chief of staff . . . .

You might as well say "According to the Gateway Pundit". Everyone in the Trump White House lies. Where is this so-called "evidence"? I guess it's with the order to wire tap Trump Tower. Or proof that Hillary ran the Uranium One sale.

Don't your hands hurt from holding on by your fingernails for so long?
Ed Henry pointed out that Fred Fleitz — a 25-year veteran of the CIA and the State Department — first spotlighted this damning information in a recent column.

“Fred Fleitz should get credit for this,” Henry said. “He was a former Chief of Staff at the National Security Council under President Trump. Fleitz [wrote] that Brennan suppressed some of the intel that suggested that Russia wanted Clinton to win. I separately have an intelligence source tonight who confirmed that that information is one of the four or five other batches of intel that Rick Grenell is declassifying.”

(Source: Tucker Carlson Tonight)

As all the documents trickle out what is most confirmed to people who will actually read them is the fact that The Obama Administration orchestrated a coup attempt against an incoming President. ( as a lot of us have said)
I am amazed at the loons who think that it is okay simply because they hated Trump.

One of Trump’s appointed liars suddenly unearths evidence. So where is it? You fools keep talking about evidence of crimes, and yet you can’t evennname a crime that was committed or produce evidence of what you say.

Nothing was suddenly "unearthed"
The documents were just declassified.

Bullshit. These people in Justice and the White House all have top level security clearances. These clowns are manufacturing lies to prove their conspiracy theories. The Trump Administration has an abyssmal track record of promoting Russian based lies and conspiracy theories, and promising us evidence and that never ever materializes.

Where's the proof that Obama wire tapped Trump Tower? Trump had this investigated six ways to Sunday? Where is the evidence of ANY of the allegations that Trump has made against President Obama. Dumb Donald can't even tell us what it is that Obama did that is illegal.

Why hasn't HIllary Clinton been prosecuted for her "crimes"? Mike Pompeo investigated for two years. Prosecutor Huber investigated for two years. The Senate investigated for two years. The IG investigated for two years. Where's the evidence, the witnesses the charges? How much money was spent on these invesetigations?

Where's all this evidence that Rudy was finding on the Bidens? What about Crowdstrike.

You do nothing but spew shit on the board. You have never, EVER, brought a single link to back up any of your lunatic rants Dragonlady

Try supporting your lies for once in your pathetic life.
Ed Henry pointed out that Fred Fleitz — a 25-year veteran of the CIA and the State Department — first spotlighted this damning information in a recent column.

“Fred Fleitz should get credit for this,” Henry said. “He was a former Chief of Staff at the National Security Council under President Trump. Fleitz [wrote] that Brennan suppressed some of the intel that suggested that Russia wanted Clinton to win. I separately have an intelligence source tonight who confirmed that that information is one of the four or five other batches of intel that Rick Grenell is declassifying.”

(Source: Tucker Carlson Tonight)

As all the documents trickle out what is most confirmed to people who will actually read them is the fact that The Obama Administration orchestrated a coup attempt against an incoming President. ( as a lot of us have said)
I am amazed at the loons who think that it is okay simply because they hated Trump.

One of Trump’s appointed liars suddenly unearths evidence. So where is it? You fools keep talking about evidence of crimes, and yet you can’t evennname a crime that was committed or produce evidence of what you say.

Nothing was suddenly "unearthed"
The documents were just declassified.

Bullshit. These people in Justice and the White House all have top level security clearances. These clowns are manufacturing lies to prove their conspiracy theories. The Trump Administration has an abyssmal track record of promoting Russian based lies and conspiracy theories, and promising us evidence and that never ever materializes.

Where's the proof that Obama wire tapped Trump Tower? Trump had this investigated six ways to Sunday? Where is the evidence of ANY of the allegations that Trump has made against President Obama. Dumb Donald can't even tell us what it is that Obama did that is illegal.

Why hasn't HIllary Clinton been prosecuted for her "crimes"? Mike Pompeo investigated for two years. Prosecutor Huber investigated for two years. The Senate investigated for two years. The IG investigated for two years. Where's the evidence, the witnesses the charges? How much money was spent on these invesetigations?

Where's all this evidence that Rudy was finding on the Bidens? What about Crowdstrike.


So uninformed.
And a cronic lying POS.
Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????
Why didn’t the Clinton campaign go with the dossier? Why wasn’t it actually published before the election?

Because no one took it seriously. If Putin wanted to harm Trump, the dossier wouldn’t have contained stories of Trump getting golden showers.

It was.


It was published by Buzzfeed on Jan 10 2017.

When was the election?
Why the heck wouldn't they.......they already had a history of being able to bribe the Clinton Crime Family.

"Ex-NSC chief: House Intelligence Committee staff found John Brennan 'suppressed' Russia evidence
House Intelligence Committee staff said former CIA Director John Brennan "suppressed" intelligence indicating that Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election, according to John Bolton’s former chief of staff.
The Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on Tuesday that defended the 2017 intelligence community assessment on Russian election interference and determined with "moderate" to "high" confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin sought to boost President Trump's 2016 election chances.

One day later, Fred Fleitz, a former CIA officer and National Security Council chief of staff, wrote in a Fox News opinion piece that House Intelligence Committee members "found the opposite" motivations for Russia to interfere in the presidential contest.

...Brennan suppressed facts or analysis that showed why it was not in Russia’s interests to support Trump and why Putin stood to benefit from Hillary Clinton’s election. They also told me that Brennan suppressed that intelligence over the objections of CIA analysts," Fleitz wrote.

...Putin actually wanted the more predictable and malleable Clinton to win the 2016 election," he added.

Fleitz concluded his op-ed by touting U.S. Attorney John Durham's review of the Russia investigation, which is reportedly looking into highly sensitive issues, including whether Brennan took politicized actions to pressure the rest of the intelligence community to match his conclusions about Putin’s motivations during the 2016 presidential election.

"One anticipates that a tough lawman like Durham, with confidence from both sides of the political aisle, will finally answer whether the 2017 intelligence community assessment was rigged to hurt Trump politically," he wrote."

An interesting take I suppose, I would have thought the opposite. Certainly control is a major motivation for some, and they probably knew a great deal more regarding how Clinton would act in a situation, while trump is always a Wild Card.


It is quite clear they wanted Trump to win, this is supported by multiple intelligence agencies in more than one country. Trump is an easily placated dupe who admires dictators and bows to flattery. He was trying to remove sanctions from day one. Hilary is a tough bitch who already had several fights with Russia when she was Sec of State. In addition they could count on Trump to further divide, polarize and destabilize our institutions.

Trumpists and their conspiracy theories. This is just another one that ignores the realities on the ground.
Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????
Why didn’t the Clinton campaign go with the dossier? Why wasn’t it actually published before the election?

Because no one took it seriously. If Putin wanted to harm Trump, the dossier wouldn’t have contained stories of Trump getting golden showers.

It was.


It was published by Buzzfeed on Jan 10 2017.

When was the election?

Used throughout the hoax by the Deep State.

WASHINGTON – Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has sought to declassify a list of former Obama administration officials who were allegedly involved in the so-called “unmasking” of former national security adviser Michael Flynn in his conversations with the former Russian ambassador during the presidential transition, a senior U.S. official tells ABC News.”

Any Obama officials involved in Flynn 'unmasking' declassified: Source

Acting DNI Grenell has sought to declassify a list of former Obama administration officials who were allegedly involved in the so-called 'unmasking' of Michael Flynn.

The FBI could not hide the illegality of the plot without pro forma FISA warrants, to ‘legally’ allow them to spy on opponents. The apologists have denied that the bogus Steele/Putin dossier was used to get the warrants. In those declassified interviews, McCabe says otherwise:

Gowdy asks: “…did the Bureau rely on what has come to be known as a dossier in any form, and if so, how? MR. MCCABE: So very generally, sir, we did not rely on the Steele reporting for the opening of the investigation into possible Russian influence on the 2016 election, but we did rely on that reporting in the FISA application”

"FBI Director James Comey has been caught going around to secret Congressional briefings in “recent weeks” touting the lurid fake “Trump dossier.” He has been claiming that it is a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump to interfere in the election—months after the FBI had already assessed the “dossier” as non-credible."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

"...a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump...."
Even when he already knew it was "non-credible


"The Department of Justice used the unverified dossier to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant against Carter Page, an alleged "foreign policy adviser" to Donald Trump and the last frayed thread of the Russian collusion story. The FISA court was not told who had paid Steele to create the "salacious and unverified" dossier -- in the words of the showboating former FBI Director James Comey -- much less about Steele's personal hatred of Trump. Carter Page: Agent 000

When an investigation is begun without a predicate, without a crime….you rely on Putin’s fake dossier.

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