Docs show John Brennan suppressed intel showing Russia actually wanted Hillary to win

See? All the Trump heads went kerblooey They've go no reply to why their "PRESIDENTS ARE ALLOWED TO DO ANY CRIMES THEY WANT!" standard, one they trumpeted so loudly and proudly during impeachment, doesn't apply to Democratic presidents.

And now they just want me to go away. I'm causing them serious mental pain by laughing at their obvious hypocrisy.
List his crimes......
How do we stop democrats from destroying America?

Do what Wisconsin and Cali did last night, vote them out

If the Blue Wave couldn't get traction in Cali and Wisconsin, I just salivate all the more for November.

They'll be no blue wave. After last night the Dems better get their heads out of their asses. People are fed up
I prefer they leave them there...
See? All the Trump heads went kerblooey They've go no reply to why their "PRESIDENTS ARE ALLOWED TO DO ANY CRIMES THEY WANT!" standard, one they trumpeted so loudly and proudly during impeachment, doesn't apply to Democratic presidents.

And now they just want me to go away. I'm causing them serious mental pain by laughing at their obvious hypocrisy.

No one wants you to go away.
We simply want you to comprehend that what you claiming was said was not ever said.
List his crimes......

The Democrats did, during impeachment. And the Trump team didn't even attempt to deny the charges. They just claimed that presidents are allowed to commit any crimes they want. And you supported that.

Actually, there was literally no crime claimed in the impeachment trial.
That fact was brought up many times.
Ed Henry pointed out that Fred Fleitz — a 25-year veteran of the CIA and the State Department — first spotlighted this damning information in a recent column.

“Fred Fleitz should get credit for this,” Henry said. “He was a former Chief of Staff at the National Security Council under President Trump. Fleitz [wrote] that Brennan suppressed some of the intel that suggested that Russia wanted Clinton to win. I separately have an intelligence source tonight who confirmed that that information is one of the four or five other batches of intel that Rick Grenell is declassifying.”

(Source: Tucker Carlson Tonight)

As all the documents trickle out what is most confirmed to people who will actually read them is the fact that The Obama Administration orchestrated a coup attempt against an incoming President. ( as a lot of us have said)
I am amazed at the loons who think that it is okay simply because they hated Trump.

One of Trump’s appointed liars suddenly unearths evidence. So where is it? You fools keep talking about evidence of crimes, and yet you can’t evennname a crime that was committed or produce evidence of what you say.
List his crimes......

The Democrats did, during impeachment. And the Trump team didn't even attempt to deny the charges. They just claimed that presidents are allowed to commit any crimes they want. And you supported that.

They didn’t list a crime in the articles of impeachment, Dummy.

Your bullshit has been exposed. Tuck your tail and slink away, Loser.
List his crimes......

The Democrats did, during impeachment. And the Trump team didn't even attempt to deny the charges. They just claimed that presidents are allowed to commit any crimes they want. And you supported that.

Actually, there was literally no crime claimed in the impeachment trial.
That fact was brought up many times.

There were crimes committed. Lots of them. Trumps lawyers lied many times to claim otherwise but that doesn’t make it true.

Extortion, bribery, withholding Congressionally approved funds without notifying Congress. All sorts of things.
Ed Henry pointed out that Fred Fleitz — a 25-year veteran of the CIA and the State Department — first spotlighted this damning information in a recent column.

“Fred Fleitz should get credit for this,” Henry said. “He was a former Chief of Staff at the National Security Council under President Trump. Fleitz [wrote] that Brennan suppressed some of the intel that suggested that Russia wanted Clinton to win. I separately have an intelligence source tonight who confirmed that that information is one of the four or five other batches of intel that Rick Grenell is declassifying.”

(Source: Tucker Carlson Tonight)

As all the documents trickle out what is most confirmed to people who will actually read them is the fact that The Obama Administration orchestrated a coup attempt against an incoming President. ( as a lot of us have said)
I am amazed at the loons who think that it is okay simply because they hated Trump.

One of Trump’s appointed liars suddenly unearths evidence. So where is it? You fools keep talking about evidence of crimes, and yet you can’t evennname a crime that was committed or produce evidence of what you say.
It’s in the just released docs. Go get educated for once you raving lunatic.
Having been lied to by experts, I feel insulted by the poor quality of the lies from the Trumpanzees here. They really need to put more effort into it.
I bet Putin got a particularly big chuckle out of that one.

"Russia’s interference in the last presidential election is among the most closely studied phenomena in recent American history, having been examined by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors, by investigators working for congressional committees, by teams within Facebook and Twitter, by seemingly every think tank with access to a printing press. It’s possible, however, to mistake a plot point—the manipulation of the 2016 election—for the full sweep of the narrative.

Events in the United States have unfolded more favorably than any operative in Moscow could have ever dreamed: Not only did Russia’s preferred candidate win, but he has spent his first term fulfilling the potential it saw in him, discrediting American institutions, rending the seams of American culture, and isolating a nation that had styled itself as indispensable to the free world. But instead of complacently enjoying its triumph, Russia almost immediately set about replicating it. Boosting the Trump campaign was a tactic; #DemocracyRIP remains the larger objective."

List his crimes......

The Democrats did, during impeachment. And the Trump team didn't even attempt to deny the charges. They just claimed that presidents are allowed to commit any crimes they want. And you supported that.

Actually, there was literally no crime claimed in the impeachment trial.
That fact was brought up many times.

There were crimes committed. Lots of them. Trumps lawyers lied many times to claim otherwise but that doesn’t make it true.

Extortion, bribery, withholding Congressionally approved funds without notifying Congress. All sorts of things.
All lies. You are full of shit.
List his crimes......

The Democrats did, during impeachment. And the Trump team didn't even attempt to deny the charges. They just claimed that presidents are allowed to commit any crimes they want. And you supported that.

Actually, there was literally no crime claimed in the impeachment trial.
That fact was brought up many times.

There were crimes committed. Lots of them. Trumps lawyers lied many times to claim otherwise but that doesn’t make it true.

Extortion, bribery, withholding Congressionally approved funds without notifying Congress. All sorts of things.

You are mistaken.
Ed Henry pointed out that Fred Fleitz — a 25-year veteran of the CIA and the State Department — first spotlighted this damning information in a recent column.

“Fred Fleitz should get credit for this,” Henry said. “He was a former Chief of Staff at the National Security Council under President Trump. Fleitz [wrote] that Brennan suppressed some of the intel that suggested that Russia wanted Clinton to win. I separately have an intelligence source tonight who confirmed that that information is one of the four or five other batches of intel that Rick Grenell is declassifying.”

(Source: Tucker Carlson Tonight)

As all the documents trickle out what is most confirmed to people who will actually read them is the fact that The Obama Administration orchestrated a coup attempt against an incoming President. ( as a lot of us have said)
I am amazed at the loons who think that it is okay simply because they hated Trump.

One of Trump’s appointed liars suddenly unearths evidence. So where is it? You fools keep talking about evidence of crimes, and yet you can’t evennname a crime that was committed or produce evidence of what you say.

Nothing was suddenly "unearthed"
The documents were just declassified.
Having been lied to by experts, I feel insulted by the poor quality of the lies from the Trumpanzees here. They really need to put more effort into it.

Not much effort is required to refute people like you.'
If you want better - be better.
How do we stop democrats from destroying America?

The first step is to vote out every democrat that you can.......then talk to friends and family about who and what the democrats really are......then, start discussion with people you meet in public at the store waiting to check out, and such.......posting on sites like this, and in your social media........

We need to vote out every democrat in office......that is the only way to save the country and to prevent the violence that socialism always ends up creating....

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