Doctor Saved Premie's Life...30 Years Later is Repaid Big Time...

Very sweet!

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Doctors go to great lengths to save premature babies.

In the next room over, another baby who is just as loved by God is aborted.

At some point, we will all be judged for this.
Our daughter was a preemie and spent about a week in the neonatal ICU.

When Mrs. H. had her first ultrasound at about 10 weeks, the doctor said he could see markers that indicated Down's Syndrome. He very nonchalantly told us to "go down to the coffee shop and discuss your 'options'". Needless to say, we were fucking floored.

So we did just that. We both sort of shrugged our shoulders and said to each other "you take what life deals out".

So for the next several weeks before her next ultrasound, we were convinced that we would be the parents of a child with Down's Syndrome. We researched it, we prepared ourselves mentally and yes- spiritually.

That was the "option" we chose and were fully prepared to accept.

So what was the doctor thinking? We'd relegate our child to the trash can? Fuck that motherfucker.

Long story short- perfectly healthy child who is now a Freshman studying dance at The Boston Conservatory. :thup:
^^^ I wonder what that doctor would think if they knew how things ended up for your child.

God bless you and your family always!!! :) :) :)

Good point. I should look him up and then cold-cock his sorry ass.

He was a first-class prick with absolutely no manners whatsoever.

I have on a few occasions made my way to that hospital's Neonatal ICU and showed them current pictures of our daughter and thanked them for their kind and caring services. They are always appreciative.

As to that Herr Doktor who encouraged us to flush our child down the shitter, I'd just as soon slit that fucker's throat as to look at him.

BTW- if you became pregnant by James Otto would you abort the child? :dunno:

Just curious...
Don't the government takes more control over health care...we won't have to worry about premature babies.....they will just be......taken out of the system.........since some government bureaucrat will decide they don't fit the right side of the equation for healthcare cost/benefit...

Problem solved......
Our daughter was a preemie and spent about a week in the neonatal ICU.

When Mrs. H. had her first ultrasound at about 10 weeks, the doctor said he could see markers that indicated Down's Syndrome. He very nonchalantly told us to "go down to the coffee shop and discuss your 'options'". Needless to say, we were fucking floored.

So we did just that. We both sort of shrugged our shoulders and said to each other "you take what life deals out".

So for the next several weeks before her next ultrasound, we were convinced that we would be the parents of a child with Down's Syndrome. We researched it, we prepared ourselves mentally and yes- spiritually.

That was the "option" we chose and were fully prepared to accept.

So what was the doctor thinking? We'd relegate our child to the trash can? Fuck that motherfucker.

Long story short- perfectly healthy child who is now a Freshman studying dance at The Boston Conservatory. :thup: is just that irresponsible behavior government healthcare will take care took a risk that will simply be unacceptable to the government run system in the future.....fortunately...that decision in the future will be made by remote bureaucrats in a tiny office in a government building thousands of miles away from you and with no accountability for the decision if they are wrong and you are right.......

Problem solved....
^^^ I wonder what that doctor would think if they knew how things ended up for your child.

God bless you and your family always!!! :) :) :)

Good point. I should look him up and then cold-cock his sorry ass.

He was a first-class prick with absolutely no manners whatsoever.

I have on a few occasions made my way to that hospital's Neonatal ICU and showed them current pictures of our daughter and thanked them for their kind and caring services. They are always appreciative.

As to that Herr Doktor who encouraged us to flush our child down the shitter, I'd just as soon slit that fucker's throat as to look at him.

BTW- if you became pregnant by James Otto would you abort the child? :dunno:

Just curious...

For the is good to hear a story like one something to go on to the next day......
It is the left that turns a blind eye to killing babies in the womb.......and in Europe sex selective abortions are a common practice......

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