Doctors Refused This Thug a Heart Transplant – Until Accused of Racism. It All Ended Badly Yesterday

I guarantee, if your child was the one who did not get the heart, and died because of it, and this pos did, your attitude would be very different.

now you are getting into a lot of hypothetical. Was there a recipient on the list who was a better match, who was going to imminently die?

Or are you just railing because a transplant went to someone who wasn't the same color as you?
i could care less, what color anyone is, a piece of trash, is trash, white, black, or striped. But, you implying everyone who doesn't agree with a piece of trash, who happened to be black, getting a good heart, shows you for the bigot you really are.
i could care less, what color anyone is, a piece of trash, is trash, white, black, or striped. But, you implying everyone who doesn't agree with a piece of trash, who happened to be black, getting a good heart, shows you for the bigot you really are.

Uh, huh. Hey aren't you late for a cross-burning?
What a shame that someone else had to wait or possibly lost their life while this thug received a heart. That is exactly why they have a profile for the intended recipient. This wasn't about race, it was about life style. I hope this hospital learned their lesson.

Did the TV station and News show do a follow up show after catering to the thug and his mother finally getting the hospital to give this boy the heart? Did they show viewers that he shot an elderly woman and was killed in a high speed crash in a stolen car? Did they apologize for interfering with hospital business? Bet not.

Actually, it was race....since he was black, and had the right pressure groups attacking the doctors, he got the heart...had he been Chinese American, or Japanese American....never would have gotten that heart with that background........

It was race that made him get little white book being fused or transplant because of his criminal past?the heart, but it wasn't race that was the determining factor that he shouldn't get the heart in the first place.

I would like to hope that race was not a factor in the initial decision to deny the transplant ; but, have you ever heard of a white thug being denied a similar procedure because of his criminal past?

Furthermore, I am somewhat disturbed by the fact the boy's criminal past was even brought to the attention of the surgical team at all. Just how did that come about? Who brought it up and researched it?
The answer to that question is likely to be very unsettling. Beyond that is an even more sinister implication. I guess the Hippocratic oath is no longer a guide for ethical standards among physicians. If it were,adherence to the following excerpt would have solved the issue in the patient's favor from the beginning.

excerpt said:
I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.
I never heard of a white thug getting a heart transplant, period.
You never heard of Dick Cheney?
I am still glad that they gave the boy a new heart. You never know what that boy would have done with his Life.

Also, all these people hatin' and judgin' him based on his "criminal" behavior... Wtf. You don't know the circumstances or motivation behind his "criminal" actions.

In my opinion, a "criminal" is no less deserving of organ transplants than any other human. So what if he wasn't a "good" little indoctrinated worker ant. So what.

You need to practice a more subtle delivery, because at the moment you're trying way too hard to be taken seriously.

"Tryin' to be taken seriously" he says lmao


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