Doctors warn 'sunburn tattoos' could be worst viral challenge yet

Why can't they be like we were
Perfect in every way?
What's the matter with kids today?
We were dumb, but we were limited to our own dumbness and that of our friends. Kids today have a universe of dumbness at their fingertips every day.
Funny, but not a joke. Skin cancer runs in one side of my family, I watch the older members have to get chunks of skin taken out. If you are very fair skinned its no laughing matter.
Why can't they be like we were
Perfect in every way?
What's the matter with kids today?
Back when I was an early teen some idiots tried to get me in the lighter burn club. Generations change but the idiocy is always there for some.
Come on people. The long term effects of freaking sunburn on your arm? Give me a break. Where are these experts when we have entire cities of homeless exposed to dirty needles and shit on the ground not to mention typhoid fever?
Funny, but not a joke. Skin cancer runs in one side of my family, I watch the older members have to get chunks of skin taken out. If you are very fair skinned its no laughing matter.
Yep, I had a scoop taken off my shoulder. I don't go running our golfing anymore without loading up on the SPF 50.
My red-headed mama's doctor fixed our family. He told her to make sure her daughters wore hats, gloves, and long sleeves when exposed to sun because her skin cancer might have a hereditary aspect. So, we wore hats, gloves, and long sleeves even when nobody was looking, because mama had a way of putting the fear of God in us kids. Unfortunately, my middle sister grew careless after leaving home and died young of a cancer that wrapped itself around and through her thyroid, and though modern medicine slowed it down some, it came back when she ditched her improved diet and restarted her cigarette habit. That destroyed her 5-year cure rate, and it only took 6 months. My brother in the Navy died young too. I think he and his pals were doing the fancy sunburn tatoo thing too for kicks when bored by life at sea which could exceed a full year in times of war. The times he came home, he was often red in the face and arms. He was a blond, full of life, but he died young too. I wore a hat this afternoon while mowing patches I missed last Saturday. My mother never saw her 48th birthday. My two youngest siblings were preteens the day of her funeral, 11 and 12. It was hard on the whole family. Skin cancer may be exacerbated if not synergized by cigarette habits. :crying:
Funny, but not a joke. Skin cancer runs in one side of my family, I watch the older members have to get chunks of skin taken out. If you are very fair skinned its no laughing matter.
Yep, I had a scoop taken off my shoulder. I don't go running our golfing anymore without loading up on the SPF 50.
I've had some bad sunburns in my youth, one gave me sun poisoning where i puked like i had the flue. No one really warned me and I just wanted to get some color 'cause I'm white as fuck. I'm going to pay for that as I get older, as I see older people in my family paying for it. Doesn't look like fun having chunks of skin removed from your face.
If you are very fair skinned its no laughing matter.

Actually, it totally is ...

I don't tan. I don't burn. I'm the same linen cream after a full day in an open boat in the reflected glare of the ocean and have never used sunscreen.
Interesting little side note about sunshine and skin...............NEVER EVER EVER go into the sun when you have had lime juice contact with your skin. Why? Because for some strange reason, the lime juice reacts with the sunlight and causes 2nd and 3rd degree burns where the lime juice was.

It's called "margarita burn", and can put you in the hospital.

Margarita Burn: Lime and Sun Don't Mix
I don't know how we survive our younger years.
Like you never had a bad sunburn

I remember when a friend of mine passed out on the beach and we painted obscene words all over him with sunscreen and guess what he's still alive

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