Doctors Without Borders President: Jews Wearing Kippas are Fair Game for Muslims

There is no single umbrella "Islamic" culture to be blamed for the actions of various leaders and ideologues.

uhuh, suuuure. Everything is great where large groups of muslims exist.

Have you ever lived in a Muslim-majority neighborhood?

I have. Never had any problems.
That depends on your definition of a "problem"?
Me?...I'm terrified of Hasidim asking me for money.

I will say that all of the Muslim landlords I've had have been friendlier and more responsive and responsible than the Hasidic landlords I've had.

But other than that, I've never encountered a Hasid asking for money before.
I guess you don't visit Boro Park or Flatbush too often...don't.

I've actually lived in Flatbush, Midwood and Crown Heights at various points in my life. I lived two blocks from 770 Eastern Parkway for 2 years.

Never once have I been panhandled by a Hasid.
I suggest learning some history before continuing to make a fool of yourself.
Your Popes treated your ancestors like garbage.
I know all about your race,you can't fool me.
I think you mean "a realistic view of the world". Muslims are a massive problem everywhere in the world they exist. Its simply a fact.
Yep that's why Muslims have been evicted from every land they settled....oh wait that was the Jewish race...
Of course, the JEWS created their worst enema.
Get something from a mainstream source and stop making an a$$ of yourself.

Yep they did. Jews invented Islam,Judaism and Christianity. Best way to control the thoughts of the world by controlling the religions of the world. Playing them against each other when it fits whatever situation you want accomplished at the time.

YES! We control them as they kill us!
I take it you're not very good at "Connect The Dots."
Can show many times where a few hundred/thousand were sacrificed for the greater good of world domination.

Then you better introduce me to the current crop doing this so I can stop them.
I say we use the power of Social Media.
Any names?
Lol...why would I want jews to live? No thanks. Even if I did know...which I never claimed to know.

In other words, you are the 99% empty vessel that makes a lot of noise.
Anyone here read the Talmud? Same shit as Koran...violence,sick sick stuff done to others....etc.

Ah! Resorting to the next level of nonsense.
No problem...Bring up one of your misquotes or out of context pages.
By the way, you can't READ the Talmud, you have to STUDY it as it is the basis of legal theory.
uhuh, suuuure. Everything is great where large groups of muslims exist.

Have you ever lived in a Muslim-majority neighborhood?

I have. Never had any problems.
That depends on your definition of a "problem"?
Me?...I'm terrified of Hasidim asking me for money.

I will say that all of the Muslim landlords I've had have been friendlier and more responsive and responsible than the Hasidic landlords I've had.

But other than that, I've never encountered a Hasid asking for money before.
I guess you don't visit Boro Park or Flatbush too often...don't.

I've actually lived in Flatbush, Midwood and Crown Heights at various points in my life. I lived two blocks from 770 Eastern Parkway for 2 years.

Never once have I been panhandled by a Hasid.
Not even at a wedding?
Were you wearing a "frum" yarmulke?
Anyone here read the Talmud? Same shit as Koran...violence,sick sick stuff done to others....etc.

Ah! Resorting to the next level of nonsense.
No problem...Bring up one of your misquotes or out of context pages.
By the way, you can't READ the Talmud, you have to STUDY it as it is the basis of legal theory.
Can read it if I choose to.

Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts

You can also choose to read an Organic Chemistry book.
Then give a presentation before an audience of chemists and make a fool of yourself.

I don't like Christian Zionists as all they need Jews for is the Rapture; they can go screw off.
LOL...this is fun.

You don't know the half of it...
TNT condemns every non-Jesus believer to the Eternal Lake of Fire.
You post a Link to some unknown schmuck from the early 1920s that says Jews compare Christians to dogs.
Here's a bit of Talmudic methodology...
Is it worse to compare someone to a dog OR to condemn someone to the Eternal Lake of Fire?
I'd take the dog comparison any day.
I don't believe in the hocus pocus shit so...
You posted the Links, you face the consequences.
Unless your admitting you're just throwing your Jew Hatred crap out haphazardly.

Talmudic methodology...
Is it worse to compare someone to a dog OR to condemn someone to the Eternal Lake of Fire?

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