Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan val

Hoffstra, et al,

Did you actually read the story? This is not about "racism."

Israel forbids Arabs from farming their own land but allows settlers to farm these lands.

this is why Arabs hate Israelis.

this is why many in the world, hate Israel and their supporters.

Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News Broadcast | Haaretz

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), were not forbidden to farm based on "race."

Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley said:
The documents that have come into the possession of Haaretz indicate that following the June 1967 Six-Day War and after the border fence was completed, Palestinians continued to farm their lands located close to the border. But following a number of incidents in which Palestinian farmers in this area helped infiltrators to cross the border into Israeli-controlled territory, the entire area was declared a military zone. Several Palestinians who owned plots in the area submitted applications requesting permission to farm their lands; however, their requests were denied.

SOURCE: Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley

The HoAP lost there farming rights near the border because they were found untrustworthy, and assisting infiltrators. Any other country would have done the same thing.

This was done based on military security interests; not racism.

Most Respectfully,
Hoffstra, et al,

Did you actually read the story? This is not about "racism."

Israel forbids Arabs from farming their own land but allows settlers to farm these lands.

this is why Arabs hate Israelis.

this is why many in the world, hate Israel and their supporters.

Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News Broadcast | Haaretz

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), were not forbidden to farm based on "race."

Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley said:
The documents that have come into the possession of Haaretz indicate that following the June 1967 Six-Day War and after the border fence was completed, Palestinians continued to farm their lands located close to the border. But following a number of incidents in which Palestinian farmers in this area helped infiltrators to cross the border into Israeli-controlled territory, the entire area was declared a military zone. Several Palestinians who owned plots in the area submitted applications requesting permission to farm their lands; however, their requests were denied.

SOURCE: Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley

The HoAP lost there farming rights near the border because they were found untrustworthy, and assisting infiltrators. Any other country would have done the same thing.

This was done based on military security interests; not racism.

Most Respectfully,
Great post. They are so excited to vilify Jews and Israel, they rarely even bother reading what they are posting. LOL

An antisemitic canard (evoking a French-derived English catchword for "hoax") is a false story inciting antisemitism. Despite being thoroughly disproved, antisemitic canards are often part of broader theories of Jewish conspiracies. According to defense attorney Kenneth S. Stern,

Accusations of racism
Further information: Jews as a chosen people#Charges of racism
A number of books and websites run by neo-Nazis, White supremacy advocates, Christian Identity adherents, and radical Islamist groups offer what they claim are authoritative quotes from rabbinic literature, all attempting to prove that Judaism is racist, and that Jews hate non-Jews and perceive non-Jews as non-human.

According to Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik: "Even as the Jew is moved by his private Sinaitic Covenant with God to embody and preserve the teachings of the Torah, he is committed to the belief that all mankind, of whatever color or creed, is "in His image" and is possessed of an inherent human dignity and worthiness. Man's singularity is derived from the breath "He [God] breathed into his nostrils at the moment of creation" (Genesis 2:7). Thus, we do share in the universal historical experience, and God's providential concern does embrace all of humanity."[57]
According to a 1984 hearing record before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations in the US Congress concerning the Soviet Jewry,
"This vicious anti-Semitic canard, frequently repeated by other Soviet writers and officials, is based upon the malicious notion that the "Chosen People" of the Torah and Talmud preaches "superiority over other peoples", as well as exclusivity. This was, of course, the principal theme of the notorious Tsarist Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[58]
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the area was declared a military zone.

why is Israel letting Jewish settlers farm on Arab land, in a closed militart zone?

are these settlers paying the Arab land-owners for the use of their land?

of course not. The Jewish settlers are simply reaping the benefits of someone else's fertile soil..with no thanks and no rent payments.

this is why many people hate Israel.
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your views are hateful and racist.

but so are the views of settlers and Israeli officials who think this situation is acceptable.

at the very least, the settlers should lease the land and make montly payments to the owners.
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Hoffstra, et al,

Farming, in and by itself, is not the issue; it poses no threat.

the area was declared a military zone.

why is Israel letting Jewish settlers farm on Arab land, in a closed militart zone?

are these settlers paying the Arab land-owners for the use of their land?

of course not. The Jewish settlers are simply reaping the benefits of someone else's fertile soil..with no thanks and no rent payments.

this is why many people hate Israel.

The Arab Palestinian was allowed to farm in the areas until they demonstrated that they were untrustworthy and assisting infiltrators. The risk assessment is demonstrated high.

However, loyal Israeli citizens have not proven themselves to be hostile and rendering assistance to infiltrators. The risk assessment comes out low.

If you are in charge of security, who are you going to give control of the land to?
  • The citizens that have demonstrated to be dangerous? (High Risk)
  • The citizens that have not demonstrated to be dangerous? (Low Risk)

Be reasonable?

Most Respectfully,
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Hoffstra, et al,

Farming, in and by itself, is not the issue; it poses no threat.

the area was declared a military zone.

why is Israel letting Jewish settlers farm on Arab land, in a closed militart zone?

are these settlers paying the Arab land-owners for the use of their land?

of course not. The Jewish settlers are simply reaping the benefits of someone else's fertile soil..with no thanks and no rent payments.

this is why many people hate Israel.

The Arab Palestinian was allowed to farm in the areas until they demonstrated that they were untrustworthy and assisting infiltrators. The risk assessment is demonstrated high.

However, loyal Israeli citizens have not proven themselves to be hostile and rendering assistance to infiltrators. The risk assessment comes out low.

If you are in charge of security, who are you going to give control of the land to?
  • The citizens that have demonstrated to be dangerous? (High Risk)
  • The citizens that have not demonstrated to be dangerous? (Low Risk)

Be reasonable?

Most Respectfully,

were these so-called infiltrator assistors put on trial?

did they have the ability to defend themselves against the charges?

were they afforded legal representation?

did they have the right to appeal the decision?


now, as to the farming, by what legal right do these trespassors have to farm on private property, without the owners permission, and tear up their topsoil?

by what right?

and you guys wonder why oh why the Palestinians hate Israel.
Sunni Man, et al,

This is a security issue.

The jews have always been known throughout history for double dealing and cheating people.

So their stealing the farmers land should come as no surprise to anyone. .. :cool:

Those Arab Palestinians would still have their land to farm if they had not proven to be a danger to the border security.

They will get their land back (in all probability) when peace between the Palestinian and Israel is negotiated.

There is no theft involved. This was a case of "eminent domain" (the power to take private property for security and safety purposes).

Both sides (Israeli and Palestinian) are at each others throats. They each claim the worst of the other. At some point, each will have to grow-up and look at each incident and event through unbiased and evidentiary eyes.

Most Respectfully,
Those Arab Palestinians would still have their land to farm if they had not proven to be a danger to the border security.

They will get their land back (in all probability) when peace between the Palestinian and Israel is negotiated.

There is no theft involved. This was a case of "eminent domain" (the power to take private property for security and safety purposes).

Both sides (Israeli and Palestinian) are at each others throats. They each claim the worst of the other. At some point, each will have to grow-up and look at each incident and event through unbiased and evidentiary eyes.

Most Respectfully,


proven by whom?

did the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against the charges in a court of law?

did they have the right to appeal the decision?

and by what right can settlers enter a closed military zone, and farm someone else's topsoil and use their water?????????????????????????

this is why people hate Israel.
There is no theft involved. This was a case of "eminent domain" (the power to take private property for security and safety purposes)....

it is 100% illegal to seize private property for security purposes and then allow other civilians onto that land to farm.

this is why people hate Israel.
The jews have always been known throughout history for double dealing and cheating people.

So their stealing the farmers land should come as no surprise to anyone. .. :cool:

your views are hateful and racist.

but so are the views of settlers and Israeli officials who think this situation is acceptable.

at the very least, the settlers should lease the land and make montly payments to the owners.
It is the ongoing slow motion war of attrition that fuels this hate...You are absolutely correct in that settlers should not be able to use it without the owner's permission...and even then; why would something needing security concerns be farmed at all? Clear of obstruction would make more sense...that tells me that this is not about security but simple theft and oppression on un-armed civilians.

It is a UN crime, and I bet if the peace talks fail, the Palestinians will pursue these crimes at the UN.
Hoffstra, et al,

You were so ready to believe the story before, what is with the dissection now?

were these so-called infiltrator assistors put on trial?

did they have the ability to defend themselves against the charges?

were they afforded legal representation?

did they have the right to appeal the decision?


I honestly don't know, but since you do, what is the rest of the story?

now, as to the farming, by what legal right do these trespassors have to farm on private property, without the owners permission, and tear up their topsoil?

by what right?

and you guys wonder why oh why the Palestinians hate Israel.

It looks like a variant of eminent domain, is the power of the state to seize private.

Most Respectfully,
Its pretty simple:

if YOU were accused of assisting infiltrators, had your land declared a closed military zone, and then had civilians farming you land without your permission and without paying you rent, YOU would be fucking pissed!!!

there is no evidence that there was a trial to prove the claims against these Arabs.

there is no evidence that the Arabs had the right to appeal the military order.

there is NO explanation of how these settlers can legally farm someone else's land in a closed military zone, without paying rent.

we know exactly what is happening here.

The Israelis wanted the land for farming, so they expropriated the land and are letting Jews farm it, without any legal justification or logic..or rent payments to the owners.

This is how Israel operates. This is why people hate Israel.
Hoffstra, et al,

You were so ready to believe the story before, what is with the dissection now?

were these so-called infiltrator assistors put on trial?

did they have the ability to defend themselves against the charges?

were they afforded legal representation?

did they have the right to appeal the decision?


I honestly don't know, but since you do, what is the rest of the story?

now, as to the farming, by what legal right do these trespassors have to farm on private property, without the owners permission, and tear up their topsoil?

by what right?

and you guys wonder why oh why the Palestinians hate Israel.

It looks like a variant of eminent domain, is the power of the state to seize private.

Most Respectfully,

So, Rocco, does Canada have eminent domain in Ohio?
Eminent Domain means a state confiscates private property to be used for the greater good of ALL.

How does letting only Israelis farm the land help all the people?

This is a bullshit land theft and Israelis will suffer for it.
So there is truth in the accusations of land theft :mad:

This area between the border fence and the actual border — the Jordan River — is a closed military zone that in some places is two kilometers wide. A military order prevents the Palestinian owners from accessing their lands in this area. On the other hand, Jewish settlers are allowed to farm the lands.
Hoffstra, et al,

Did you actually read the story? This is not about "racism."

Israel forbids Arabs from farming their own land but allows settlers to farm these lands.

this is why Arabs hate Israelis.

this is why many in the world, hate Israel and their supporters.

Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News Broadcast | Haaretz

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), were not forbidden to farm based on "race."

Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley said:
The documents that have come into the possession of Haaretz indicate that following the June 1967 Six-Day War and after the border fence was completed, Palestinians continued to farm their lands located close to the border. But following a number of incidents in which Palestinian farmers in this area helped infiltrators to cross the border into Israeli-controlled territory, the entire area was declared a military zone. Several Palestinians who owned plots in the area submitted applications requesting permission to farm their lands; however, their requests were denied.

SOURCE: Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley

The HoAP lost there farming rights near the border because they were found untrustworthy, and assisting infiltrators. Any other country would have done the same thing.

This was done based on military security interests; not racism.

Most Respectfully,

Not racism, I agree.

But to then allow settlers to take it is wrong on so many levels. It is theft.
Hoffstra, et al,

Farming, in and by itself, is not the issue; it poses no threat.

the area was declared a military zone.

why is Israel letting Jewish settlers farm on Arab land, in a closed militart zone?

are these settlers paying the Arab land-owners for the use of their land?

of course not. The Jewish settlers are simply reaping the benefits of someone else's fertile soil..with no thanks and no rent payments.

this is why many people hate Israel.

The Arab Palestinian was allowed to farm in the areas until they demonstrated that they were untrustworthy and assisting infiltrators. The risk assessment is demonstrated high.

However, loyal Israeli citizens have not proven themselves to be hostile and rendering assistance to infiltrators. The risk assessment comes out low.

If you are in charge of security, who are you going to give control of the land to?
  • The citizens that have demonstrated to be dangerous? (High Risk)
  • The citizens that have not demonstrated to be dangerous? (Low Risk)

Be reasonable?

Most Respectfully,

It is THEFT.
So there is truth in the accusations of land theft :mad:..

dude, the Israel Civil Administration accuses the settlers of theft, as they have taken Palestinian property without any permission from the govt.

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