Documents Show DNC Planned to Reward Top Donors With Federal Appointments in Violation of Law

This WikiLeaks thing keeps exploding. New documents reveal the DNC was apparently planning to reward top donors with Federal appointments in violation of Law. Specifically:

Democratic National Committee documents recently released by WikiLeaks include spreadsheets and emails that appear to show party officials planning which donors and prominent fundraisers to provide with appointments to federal boards and commissions.

The documents, which were circulated among top DNC officials in April, could raise legal questions for the party, says Ken Boehm, the chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, a government watchdog group.

“The disclosed DNC emails sure look like the potential Clinton Administration has intertwined the appointments to federal government boards and commissions with the political and fund raising operations of the Democratic Party,” Boehm told The Daily Caller.

“That is unethical, if not illegal.”

Rut-row.....looks like the wheels are coming off the the Hildabeast and the DNC.

Read more: Leaked DNC Documents Show Plans To Reward Big Donors With Federal Appointments

Where ya been for the past 100 years.............Nothing wrong or against the law to "appoint big donors to jobs in the Administration..........Didn't you know that Trump is asking for a law to have all the Obama appointments to resign... Why you ask?..............Because, first......... Trump has no idea of how many jobs are appointed by the president.........And second.......... How many Trump faithful he can give jobs to........

And where he can appoint his family to the big time government that is against the law as I recall
Trump has to divest himself from the Trump Foundation. His family runs the Trump Foundation. They make hundreds of millions of dollars a year. None of them are going to shuck their job for a measly 100K a year.
Maybe House NaziCons should form another committee to look into all of this.

Yeah, but these gullible NaziCons are too dumb to know that.

good thing they can only vote once, eh..? :laugh:

Yes, but it scares me to death that they are allowed to vote at all.

Yes, we understand you DemoRATS want to VOID the Constitution!

You mean it's not voided? How can they ignore it then?
They have a PEN and a CELL PHONE...and the feckless Republicans in Congress REFUSE to step up and stop them!
Trump has to divest himself from the Trump Foundation. His family runs the Trump Foundation. They make hundreds of millions of dollars a year. None of them are going to shuck their job for a measly 100K a year.
Thought he already did this.
and for a bit of humor....
Right-wingers are all like "What?! They put snouts into the sausage?! Oh, my stars!"
Looks like good old dirty Democratic Chicago Style Politics to me. The only difference is in the old days they could keep it hidden because all the dirty deals were on paper or verbal.
Now with the beauty of electronic communication and Democrats too stupid to implement a sufficient cyber security/firewall, their corruption is now in the public domain.
....wait a second.

You mean to tell me that Ambassadorships are often *gasp* patronage positions?

I've never head of such a thing before!

(sarcasm). promise an ambassadorship in exchange for cash you go to jail.

Not really though:

Bush's patronage appointments to ambassador exceed father's, Clinton's

Bush Faithful Rewarded With Jobs

From your own link:

It is obviously not uncommon for presidents to make political appointments to ambassadorial posts to reward supporters. (See this Foreign Service Journal critique of political appointees: “Speaking Out: Political appointees: a cost-benefit analysis.”)

AMBASSADORS, ALL OF THEM.. Where's the Postal Service????
It's fun to watch NaziCons make the switch from racism to sexism...

....wait a second.

You mean to tell me that Ambassadorships are often *gasp* patronage positions?

I've never head of such a thing before!

(sarcasm). promise an ambassadorship in exchange for cash you go to jail.

Not really though:

Bush's patronage appointments to ambassador exceed father's, Clinton's

Bush Faithful Rewarded With Jobs

From your own link:

It is obviously not uncommon for presidents to make political appointments to ambassadorial posts to reward supporters. (See this Foreign Service Journal critique of political appointees: “Speaking Out: Political appointees: a cost-benefit analysis.”)

AMBASSADORS, ALL OF THEM.. Where's the Postal Service????

Post Office Board isn't all that special. Its the same crap throughout the government:

"Consider the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations, the U.S. government's senior trade advisory panel, which favored several of the free-trade agreements that Bush was unable to push through Congress. Bush named three members to the panel on Christmas Eve: Carol Ann Bartz, chief executive of Yahoo, who donated about $35,000 to Bush and other Republicans over the past six years; Maria Cino, who organized the 2008 Republican National Convention; and Israel Hernandez, who worked in the Commerce Department and the Bush White House. Their terms last through 2012, allowing them to play a role in influencing trade policy throughout Obama's [first] term"

Bush Faithful Rewarded With Jobs

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