Documents Show DNC Planned to Reward Top Donors With Federal Appointments in Violation of Law


Will the FBI have the nerve to actually move for a Grand Jury, or will they sit on it till after the election?


For what?

Patronage isn't illegal.
We're waiting for those links to show EVERY candidate offers Federal jobs with contributions to their campaign. Where is it? You are the one who made that claim, now back it up.

Sure thing.

Ambassadorial Appointments - George W. Bush
Ambassadorial Appointments - William J. Clinton
Ambassadorial Appointments - George H. W. Bush
Ambassadorial Appointments - Ronald Reagan
Ambassadorial Appointments - Jimmy Carter
Ambassadorial Appointments - Gerald Ford

When it's marked "Political", that means it's a patronage job.

Imagine that, ONLY FOREIGN COUNTRIES and it doesn't show their campaign contributions.. What a fucking joke.. Is this the best you've got?


Of course all the Ambassadorships are to FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Where else would an Ambassador go?

You're welcome to dive through the FEC filings for each year if you really want to know how much they donated. I don't really see how it matters, though.
We are not talking about ambassadors we are talking about positions on commissions and boards HERE in the US. Paid Government jobs. And it is in fact ILLEGAL to offer a JOB for a contribution.
I doubt these leaks will be harmful to Clinton as long as the speculation is on the level of Ancient Astronauts and other UFO speculation shows.
There's also one which shows MONEY LAUNDERING.. The DNC is in trouble and we haven't seen the rest of the emails to be released..
I hope they release them in October.

Yes. People find spreadsheets to be scintillating :rolleyes:

Don't brag about your fetishes.. this isn't the Flame Zone.. As to corruption at the highest levels of the Fascist Left, you're damn right.. All of AMERICA is on fire reading it.. ;) Enjoy!! More coming too! LOL

Will the FBI have the nerve to actually move for a Grand Jury, or will they sit on it till after the election?


For what?

Patronage isn't illegal.
We're waiting for those links to show EVERY candidate offers Federal jobs with contributions to their campaign. Where is it? You are the one who made that claim, now back it up.

Sure thing.

Ambassadorial Appointments - George W. Bush
Ambassadorial Appointments - William J. Clinton
Ambassadorial Appointments - George H. W. Bush
Ambassadorial Appointments - Ronald Reagan
Ambassadorial Appointments - Jimmy Carter
Ambassadorial Appointments - Gerald Ford

When it's marked "Political", that means it's a patronage job.

Where is the smoking gun ...(.i.e. emails or other documents discussing Federal Appointments in exchange for campaign contributions.

Any spreadsheets like those disclosed from Wilileaks?

No such "smoking gun" exists.

Just an email chain to operatives asking for suggestions of people who would fit well into patronage positions. There is no discussion of any sort of "exchange" in any of the emails.
Just an email chain to operatives asking for suggestions of people DONORS who would fit well into patronage positions.

There, I fixed it for you.

For what?

Patronage isn't illegal.
We're waiting for those links to show EVERY candidate offers Federal jobs with contributions to their campaign. Where is it? You are the one who made that claim, now back it up.

Sure thing.

Ambassadorial Appointments - George W. Bush
Ambassadorial Appointments - William J. Clinton
Ambassadorial Appointments - George H. W. Bush
Ambassadorial Appointments - Ronald Reagan
Ambassadorial Appointments - Jimmy Carter
Ambassadorial Appointments - Gerald Ford

When it's marked "Political", that means it's a patronage job.

Where is the smoking gun ...(.i.e. emails or other documents discussing Federal Appointments in exchange for campaign contributions.

Any spreadsheets like those disclosed from Wilileaks?

No such "smoking gun" exists.

Just an email chain to operatives asking for suggestions of people who would fit well into patronage positions. There is no discussion of any sort of "exchange" in any of the emails.
Just an email chain to operatives asking for suggestions of people DONORS who would fit well into patronage positions.

There, I fixed it for you.


I didn't see the word "donor" in any of the emails.

Here's a direct link, it shouldn't be too hard for you to find it: WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database
There's also one which shows MONEY LAUNDERING.. The DNC is in trouble and we haven't seen the rest of the emails to be released..

I hope you don't think the maobama DOJ will do anything about it.
....wait a second.

You mean to tell me that Ambassadorships are often *gasp* patronage positions?

I've never head of such a thing before!

(sarcasm). promise an ambassadorship in exchange for cash you go to jail. Even you know that. :) But my guess is they won't be able to figure out if Hillary had intent. :lol:

The corruption is massive. What a sad state of affairs for a political party and our Country.

Pay to play has always been the clinton MO.
We're waiting for those links to show EVERY candidate offers Federal jobs with contributions to their campaign. Where is it? You are the one who made that claim, now back it up.

Sure thing.

Ambassadorial Appointments - George W. Bush
Ambassadorial Appointments - William J. Clinton
Ambassadorial Appointments - George H. W. Bush
Ambassadorial Appointments - Ronald Reagan
Ambassadorial Appointments - Jimmy Carter
Ambassadorial Appointments - Gerald Ford

When it's marked "Political", that means it's a patronage job.

Where is the smoking gun ...(.i.e. emails or other documents discussing Federal Appointments in exchange for campaign contributions.

Any spreadsheets like those disclosed from Wilileaks?

No such "smoking gun" exists.

Just an email chain to operatives asking for suggestions of people who would fit well into patronage positions. There is no discussion of any sort of "exchange" in any of the emails.
Just an email chain to operatives asking for suggestions of people DONORS who would fit well into patronage positions.

There, I fixed it for you.


I didn't see the word "donor" in any of the emails.

Here's a direct link, it shouldn't be too hard for you to find it: WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database
Doc you sound like an idiot. It is obvious they were soliciting bribes--er, donations, with promises of government jobs. That is illegal, immoral and unethical. And no, they dont all do it.
Doc you sound like an idiot. It is obvious they were soliciting bribes--er, donations, with promises of government jobs. That is illegal, immoral and unethical. And no, they dont all do it.
The Democratic idiocy is going to get much worse over the next two months, trust me.

Doc you sound like an idiot. It is obvious they were soliciting bribes--er, donations, with promises of government jobs. That is illegal, immoral and unethical. And no, they dont all do it.
The Democratic idiocy is going to get much worse over the next two months, trust me.

Having proven Hillary can get away literally with anything, there are no limits.
Having proven Hillary can get away literally with anything, there are no limits.
There is one limit; the stomach of voters to put up with Hillary's shenanigans.

Voters dont have to let Hillary play her bullshit legal games.

They just go into the voting booth and say 'Lets get rid of this corrupt bitch' and *poof* Hillary loses the election.

Simple as that really.
This WikiLeaks thing keeps exploding. New documents reveal the DNC was apparently planning to reward top donors with Federal appointments in violation of Law. Specifically:

Democratic National Committee documents recently released by WikiLeaks include spreadsheets and emails that appear to show party officials planning which donors and prominent fundraisers to provide with appointments to federal boards and commissions.

The documents, which were circulated among top DNC officials in April, could raise legal questions for the party, says Ken Boehm, the chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, a government watchdog group.

“The disclosed DNC emails sure look like the potential Clinton Administration has intertwined the appointments to federal government boards and commissions with the political and fund raising operations of the Democratic Party,” Boehm told The Daily Caller.

“That is unethical, if not illegal.”

Rut-row.....looks like the wheels are coming off the the Hildabeast and the DNC.

Read more: Leaked DNC Documents Show Plans To Reward Big Donors With Federal Appointments

Will the FBI have the nerve to actually move for a Grand Jury, or will they sit on it till after the election?


For what?

Patronage isn't illegal.
We're waiting for those links to show EVERY candidate offers Federal jobs with contributions to their campaign. Where is it? You are the one who made that claim, now back it up.

Sure thing.

Ambassadorial Appointments - George W. Bush
Ambassadorial Appointments - William J. Clinton
Ambassadorial Appointments - George H. W. Bush
Ambassadorial Appointments - Ronald Reagan
Ambassadorial Appointments - Jimmy Carter
Ambassadorial Appointments - Gerald Ford

When it's marked "Political", that means it's a patronage job.

All you did was post a list of appointees.
This WikiLeaks thing keeps exploding. New documents reveal the DNC was apparently planning to reward top donors with Federal appointments in violation of Law. Specifically:

Democratic National Committee documents recently released by WikiLeaks include spreadsheets and emails that appear to show party officials planning which donors and prominent fundraisers to provide with appointments to federal boards and commissions.

The documents, which were circulated among top DNC officials in April, could raise legal questions for the party, says Ken Boehm, the chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, a government watchdog group.

“The disclosed DNC emails sure look like the potential Clinton Administration has intertwined the appointments to federal government boards and commissions with the political and fund raising operations of the Democratic Party,” Boehm told The Daily Caller.

“That is unethical, if not illegal.”

Rut-row.....looks like the wheels are coming off the the Hildabeast and the DNC.

Read more: Leaked DNC Documents Show Plans To Reward Big Donors With Federal Appointments

Will the FBI have the nerve to actually move for a Grand Jury, or will they sit on it till after the election?


For what?

Patronage isn't illegal.
We're waiting for those links to show EVERY candidate offers Federal jobs with contributions to their campaign. Where is it? You are the one who made that claim, now back it up.

Sure thing.

Ambassadorial Appointments - George W. Bush
Ambassadorial Appointments - William J. Clinton
Ambassadorial Appointments - George H. W. Bush
Ambassadorial Appointments - Ronald Reagan
Ambassadorial Appointments - Jimmy Carter
Ambassadorial Appointments - Gerald Ford

When it's marked "Political", that means it's a patronage job.

All you did was post a link of appointees.
But for a turd-flusher like Doc that's all that's needed to show "they all do it" and therefore whatever teh DNC does it OK.
It's fun to watch NaziCons make the switch from racism to sexism...

Yeah, because not voting for a candidate that has known issues with handling secure documents, is sold out to every foreign nation and multinational corporation in the world is now sexist simply because the criminal under discussion has a vagina.

roflmao, Democrats are so fucking stupid, they defy the English language to describe it.
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This WikiLeaks thing keeps exploding. New documents reveal the DNC was apparently planning to reward top donors with Federal appointments in violation of Law. Specifically:

Democratic National Committee documents recently released by WikiLeaks include spreadsheets and emails that appear to show party officials planning which donors and prominent fundraisers to provide with appointments to federal boards and commissions.

The documents, which were circulated among top DNC officials in April, could raise legal questions for the party, says Ken Boehm, the chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center, a government watchdog group.

“The disclosed DNC emails sure look like the potential Clinton Administration has intertwined the appointments to federal government boards and commissions with the political and fund raising operations of the Democratic Party,” Boehm told The Daily Caller.

“That is unethical, if not illegal.”

Rut-row.....looks like the wheels are coming off the the Hildabeast and the DNC.

Read more: Leaked DNC Documents Show Plans To Reward Big Donors With Federal Appointments

Will the FBI have the nerve to actually move for a Grand Jury, or will they sit on it till after the election?


For what?

Patronage isn't illegal.
We're waiting for those links to show EVERY candidate offers Federal jobs with contributions to their campaign. Where is it? You are the one who made that claim, now back it up.

Sure thing.

Ambassadorial Appointments - George W. Bush
Ambassadorial Appointments - William J. Clinton
Ambassadorial Appointments - George H. W. Bush
Ambassadorial Appointments - Ronald Reagan
Ambassadorial Appointments - Jimmy Carter
Ambassadorial Appointments - Gerald Ford

When it's marked "Political", that means it's a patronage job.

All you did was post a list of appointees.

Yes - a list of appointees that distinguishes "Career" diplomats from "Political" patronage positions.

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