Does America have a death wish?

I think a very good case can be made that sub-consciously many if not most have such enormous feelings of white guilt that at least at a sub-conscious level they have been convinced that America must be fundamentally changed....a radical change, a change that would mean the end of America as a super-power.

Which would create a huge vacumn that some of our adversaries would rush in to fill --like a raging storm.

The net result of that would be America reduced to a vassall state paying homage to the New Superpower.

The problem with a MANY Americans is that they prefer to follow a leader than think for themselves. Laziness is without a doubt a major contributor to this problem as to think for oneself takes ENERGY. To follow the leader takes NO energy output what so ever.
I think most Americans just fall for the bullshit narrative pushed in every form of media.
I think a very good case can be made that sub-consciously many if not most have such enormous feelings of white guilt that at least at a sub-conscious level they have been convinced that America must be fundamentally changed....a radical change, a change that would mean the end of America as a super-power.

Which would create a huge vacumn that some of our adversaries would rush in to fill --like a raging storm.

The net result of that would be America reduced to a vassall state paying homage to the New Superpower.
Well at least Trump is gone.

Nonsense.....such idiocy is too common with the libtarded....Trump is very much in control of the Republican Party and retains his nationwide following with huge,huge numbers that will increase.....he will be making his comback speech at the cpac convention very soon now. Stay tuned.....perhaps it will contrubute to driving you completely nuts.
I think a very good case can be made that sub-consciously many if not most have such enormous feelings of white guilt that at least at a sub-conscious level they have been convinced that America must be fundamentally changed....a radical change, a change that would mean the end of America as a super-power.

Which would create a huge vacumn that some of our adversaries would rush in to fill --like a raging storm.

The net result of that would be America reduced to a vassall state paying homage to the New Superpower.

The problem with a MANY Americans is that they prefer to follow a leader than think for themselves. Laziness is without a doubt a major contributor to this problem as to think for oneself takes ENERGY. To follow the leader takes NO energy output what so ever.
I think most Americans just fall for the bullshit narrative pushed in every form of media.
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You make a good point....too many get their news and politics from the msm which is nothing more than a propaganda arm of the democratic party.

Trump needs to organize a new media site for True Conservatives.....some folks are so dumb that they still think Fox is conservative.
Of course, this country has a death wish.

It is no secret.

Many people are openly applauding the shrinking of the Caucasian population.

They are gleefully counting down to 2050, when there is no longer a majority ethnicity in this country.

Some of them really, really, really believe that this country will then become a paradise when the United States becomes Georgia writ large.

Wow! Talk about being short-sighted.
Communists have been working towards the destruction of America since the 1930s. It is working. The pathetic part of it is that the majority of the people going along with this crap have no idea how they are being manipulated.
Of course, this country has a death wish.

It is no secret.

Many people are openly applauding the shrinking of the Caucasian population.

They are gleefully counting down to 2050, when there is no longer a majority ethnicity in this country.

Some of them really, really, really believe that this country will then become a paradise when the United States becomes Georgia writ large.

Wow! Talk about being short-sighted.

Lots of stoopids in this country....and talking about threats....that is our biggest domestic threat stupidity....that provokes an electorate to vote for someone like obama and biden.
I think a very good case can be made that sub-consciously many if not most have such enormous feelings of white guilt that at least at a sub-conscious level they have been convinced that America must be fundamentally changed....a radical change, a change that would mean the end of America as a super-power.

Which would create a huge vacumn that some of our adversaries would rush in to fill --like a raging storm.

The net result of that would be America reduced to a vassall state paying homage to the New Superpower.
Well apparently so America supposedly elected Biden
I think a very good case can be made that sub-consciously many if not most have such enormous feelings of white guilt that at least at a sub-conscious level they have been convinced that America must be fundamentally changed....a radical change, a change that would mean the end of America as a super-power.

Which would create a huge vacumn that some of our adversaries would rush in to fill --like a raging storm.

The net result of that would be America reduced to a vassall state paying homage to the New Superpower.

I could see maybe something like this applying to a broader context. The West overall seems largely intent on transforming itself into a multicultural array of countries that constantly apologizes for past ills, but the focus is rather ahistorical.

Not much is different about European colonialism as compared to conquests by other powers beyond the technology used. Europeans were oftentimes more effective at colonialism and empire than other powers just because of the tools available at the time. If the Mongols had instead developed guns and better transportation, most of us would be speaking Mongolian instead.

That being said, I'm not sure if having America less involved in foreign affairs is a bad thing. The last 20 years of our activity have been pretty bad for the Middle East.

Isolationism was tried and it was exposed as a huge threat to our national security.

What too many still do not realize is how the left-wingers pose a huge,huge threat to our National Security.
I could see maybe something like this applying to a broader context. The West overall seems largely intent on transforming itself into a multicultural array of countries that constantly apologizes for past ills, but the focus is rather ahistorical.

Not much is different about European colonialism as compared to conquests by other powers beyond the technology used. Europeans were oftentimes more effective at colonialism and empire than other powers just because of the tools available at the time. If the Mongols had instead developed guns and better transportation, most of us would be speaking Mongolian instead.

That being said, I'm not sure if having America less involved in foreign affairs is a bad thing. The last 20 years of our activity have been pretty bad for the Middle East.

Isolationism was tried and it was exposed as a huge threat to our national security.

What too many still do not realize is how the left-wingers pose a huge,huge threat to our National Security.
We haven't been isolationist since the 1800s. I'm just saying we need to be less involved in foreign conflicts.

The biggest threat to our national security is a combination of Chinese influence in our system and the influence of war profiteers.
Imo, the biggest threat to America comes from within. It would include the BLM traitors, rioters and criminals, antifa, and other worthless scum.

These people contribute nothing but problems to this country, and they should be dealt with accordingly.

Hate America? Then, leave. We'll help you go. Good riddance.
Imo, the biggest threat to America comes from within. It would include the BLM traitors, rioters and criminals, antifa, and other worthless scum.

These people contribute nothing but problems to this country, and they should be dealt with accordingly.

Hate America? Then, leave. We'll help you go. Good riddance.
With a few exceptions most countries throughout history have collapsed from within from partisan bickering, mostly over differing religious views. The "hate America crowd" caters to the "one world without borders religion", & if one looks back through time this has been the "primary drive" of humanity since @ least the Akkadian empire. Before the Akkadian empire little is known other than there appears to have been some unusual activity going on regarding planet earth & it's inhabitants.

The problem with the "one world without borders crowd" is that they appear to be poorly schooled in the humanities(philosophy, psychology, SOCIOLOGY!) thus leaving them totally ignorant about the human condition(human nature). Without sovereign nations to offset the multiplicity of problems associated with human nature(corruption, narcissism, greed, etc.) humanity long ago would have destroyed themselves. Communalism, also known as "one world without borders" appears to be the first religion created by fallen mankind in an attempt to promote survival of the human species. Tragically communalism turned out to be the religion of mass murder, wars & corruption for humanity. As T2 once said about human nature...

I think a very good case can be made that sub-consciously many if not most have such enormous feelings of white guilt that at least at a sub-conscious level they have been convinced that America must be fundamentally changed....a radical change, a change that would mean the end of America as a super-power.

Which would create a huge vacumn that some of our adversaries would rush in to fill --like a raging storm.

The net result of that would be America reduced to a vassall state paying homage to the New Superpower.

How convenient that all the ratbag theories like yours have surfaced when Biden was elected.
You're pathetic.
How convenient that all the ratbag theories like yours have surfaced when Biden was elected.
You're pathetic.

I guess you weren't around during the maobama regime. He was one of the first commies to advocate the fundamental transformation of the country and it wasn't a patriotic screed. Then you had his bitch wife that said she hadn't been proud of her country, till her slime ball hubby was elected president. Her hubby being a State then Federal Senator wasn't enough to make her proud. xiden is just an embarrassment, but there are maobama regime retread assholes behind the scenes pulling his strings.

I guess you weren't around during the maobama regime. He was one of the first commies to advocate the fundamental transformation of the country and it wasn't a patriotic screed. Then you had his bitch wife that said she hadn't been proud of her country, till her slime ball hubby was elected president. Her hubby being a State then Federal Senator wasn't enough to make her proud. xiden is just an embarrassment, but there are maobama regime retread assholes behind the scenes pulling his strings.


Yeah sure and coming from a rabid right wing ignorant Republican like you, everyone takes your word is gospel.

Why didn't you all get your guns out and rid the WH from that communist POTUS?
Isn't that what you keep them for? To get rid of tyranny?

You were lucky he was elected to bring the country back from the brink of economic disaster after GWB sank it. Yet he was a communist. You know fuck all.
Yeah sure and coming from a rabid right wing ignorant Republican like you, everyone takes your word is gospel.

Why didn't you all get your guns out and rid the WH from that communist POTUS?
Isn't that what you keep them for? To get rid of tyranny?

You were lucky he was elected to bring the country back from the brink of economic disaster after GWB sank it. Yet he was a communist. You know fuck all.

Why don't you give us the back ground of the mentor, hand selected for maobama by his maternal grandfather.


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