Does Any Leftist Think This is a Government Violation of the Constitution?

Don't forget their fascination with drag queens. I can take 'em or leave 'em, but their interest in the art borders on the perverse.
They became addicted to them when Gulliani went as a drag queen on a date with stud-muffin Donald Trump-how gay.
Some flaws here.
It presupposes leftists think.
It ignores suppression and oppression under the so called patriot act.

I don't think Leftists think about the Constitution, Laws, or rights at all when they decide they want to do something...

Look at the long list of crimes / violations the FBI has committed, Obana's admitted DACA biolation, Joe's Open Border invasion, his student debt vote-buying scheme, etc...
You would think the right had only a single mode of communication. In reality they seem to have been able to spread bullshit with no problems whatsoever.
Fox, Breitbart, Town hall, and OANN would be in serious trouble under this view.
These are FACTS we now KNOW.

The GOVERNMENT conspired with business to end Free Speech rights of "some" Americans

Internal Twitter communications previously released by Musk – dubbed the "Twitter Files" – show Joe Biden's president campaign had a direct line to the social media giant to censor the Hunter laptop story.

And an FBI agent recently testified he was in charge of a "command post" that made direct requests to social media companies to remove "misinformation."

On Wednesday, Musk hinted he has unearthed messages from Dr. Anthony Fauci's team urging Twitter to censor anyone who didn't comply with the federal government's official narrative on COVID-19 and the vaccines

He said that between January 2020 and November 2022, there were more than 150 emails between the FBI and former Twitter Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth.

"But a surprisingly high number are requests by the FBI for Twitter to take action on election misinformation, even involving joke tweets from low-follower accounts," he said.

I created this thread almost 2 weeks ago and EVERY SINGLE LEFTIST denied it was a violation.

Literally half of our country are ignorant morons who even look the other way when children are threatened sexually or physically. And you expect these low life motherfuckers to care about free speech?
I created this thread almost 2 weeks ago and EVERY SINGLE LEFTIST denied it was a violation.

Literally half of our country are ignorant morons who even look the other way when children are threatened sexually or physically. And you expect these low life motherfuckers to care about free speech?
They don't think so until it actually happens to them
I created this thread almost 2 weeks ago and EVERY SINGLE LEFTIST denied it was a violation.

Literally half of our country are ignorant morons who even look the other way when children are threatened sexually or physically. And you expect these low life motherfuckers to care about free speech?
I will admit, your desire to see Hunter Biden dick pics is substantially greater than mine. Good thing you could see it on Fox, NY Post etc.
These are FACTS we now KNOW.

The GOVERNMENT conspired with business to end Free Speech rights of "some" Americans

Internal Twitter communications previously released by Musk – dubbed the "Twitter Files" – show Joe Biden's president campaign had a direct line to the social media giant to censor the Hunter laptop story.

And an FBI agent recently testified he was in charge of a "command post" that made direct requests to social media companies to remove "misinformation."

On Wednesday, Musk hinted he has unearthed messages from Dr. Anthony Fauci's team urging Twitter to censor anyone who didn't comply with the federal government's official narrative on COVID-19 and the vaccines

He said that between January 2020 and November 2022, there were more than 150 emails between the FBI and former Twitter Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth.

"But a surprisingly high number are requests by the FBI for Twitter to take action on election misinformation, even involving joke tweets from low-follower accounts," he said.

No, obviously.
I created this thread almost 2 weeks ago and EVERY SINGLE LEFTIST denied it was a violation.

Literally half of our country are ignorant morons who even look the other way when children are threatened sexually or physically. And you expect these low life motherfuckers to care about free speech?
Every single leftist? Where's your proof? Do you realize, if only one leftist didn't deny it, that makes you a LIAR, right?
These are FACTS we now KNOW.

The GOVERNMENT conspired with business to end Free Speech rights of "some" Americans seriously imagine Twitter can POSSIBLY EVER end someone's freedom of speech?

Maybe Twitter can prevent them from writing a blog? Going on Fox news? Posting on Facebook? Protesting in town square?

What the hell is going on in that little squirrel brain of yours? What the fuck are you talking about?
The Dem cabal RIGS shit, is anyone surprised? RIGGED election debates, RIGGED election coverage, RIGGED elections.
You guys are so easy. The more you lose the crazier you sound. It may be decades before Republicans have a shot at the WH again. Who wants conspiracy theorists with no facts to back up their claims in positions of power?
These are FACTS we now KNOW.
These are FACTS we now KNOW.

The GOVERNMENT conspired with business to end Free Speech rights of "some" Americans

Internal Twitter communications previously released by Musk – dubbed the "Twitter Files" – show Joe Biden's president campaign had a direct line to the social media giant to censor the Hunter laptop story.

And an FBI agent recently testified he was in charge of a "command post" that made direct requests to social media companies to remove "misinformation."

On Wednesday, Musk hinted he has unearthed messages from Dr. Anthony Fauci's team urging Twitter to censor anyone who didn't comply with the federal government's official narrative on COVID-19 and the vaccines

He said that between January 2020 and November 2022, there were more than 150 emails between the FBI and former Twitter Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth.

"But a surprisingly high number are requests by the FBI for Twitter to take action on election misinformation, even involving joke tweets from low-follower accounts," he said.

No, they’re not ‘facts,’ they’re lies.

Government did not ‘conspire’ with anyone to do anything.

It’s perfectly appropriate, Constitutional, and lawful for government to notify social media as to Russian propaganda and misinformation campaigns to interfere in US elections, such as propagating lies about Hunter Biden.

Social media are at liberty to edit their content as they see fit; if a given social media platform elected to not accommodate Russian misinformation and lies, it did so of its own accord, absent government ‘collusion.’

And with regard to government ‘violating’ the Constitution – no such ‘violation’ takes place when government notifies social media of potential Russian misinformation campaigns

Indeed, government is entitled to its own right to free speech and free expression:

“Under the government speech doctrine, the government has its own rights as speaker, immune from free speech challenges. It can assert its own ideas and messages without being subject to First Amendment claims of viewpoint discrimination.”

Including the right to assert its message that Russia is engaging in efforts to interfere with US elections.

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