Does Anybody Else Think It Is Not Coincidence That


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Rootin'' Tootin' Putin visited I-Ran in July.

Does anybody else see that as coinky-dink? That Hamas pulls their murderous stunt shortly afterward?

Russia, being who they are and what they have been for the last 100 years, probably said, "Support us in our War against Ukraine and we'll look the other way if you send your people into Israel, who needs a come-uppance anyway."

Coincidence? I don't believe in them

Edgetho, how many of MAGA who support Putin support Iran? Probably many more than we realize.
I don't care who supports Putin. I don't care if The Pope supports Putin. OMB, St Peter, whoever.

They're wrong. Misinformed or just plain stoopid.

Soviet Russia was at the center of virtually everything bad that happened in this world from 1917 until they imploded from their own filth. Including being on the side that started WW2, Korea, Viet Nam and every other communist inspired brush war since then. Pol Pot, Cuba, Venezuela, incessant marxist revolts in Africa and South America, etc, etc, ad nauseam.

Putin is a communist. He rose to the rank of Colonel in the Soviet KGB. You do NOT rise to the rank of Colonel in the KGB unless you are a dedicated communist. Period.

Soviet Russia, and now Putin's Russia, is a pariah that needs to be destroyed. Where do you think Iran got its lead, got its support, its ideology, weapons, tactics, etc? Same with all the marxist muzzies. ALL of them got their start from Soviet Russia and are still supported by them. In fact, Russians INVENTED terrorism. Look it up.

I think the 'support' for Russia in 'conservative' circles started as a reaction to counter the corruption of Ukraine and dimocrap scum. For which, I do NOT blame Ukraine. What choice did they have? Sponge Brains Shits Pants laughed his ass off about black-mailing them. So they caved.

It was that or go back to living under Russians again. After the Holodomor, they'd rather die than go back to that and I support them.

If that makes for strange bedfellows, so be it. Fuck Russia. And doubly FUCK libertarians
Better question is how many democrats who support Ukraine are chanting "from the river to the sea".
Probably a lot since both conflicts involve a more powerful aggressor attempting genocide against a people who's land they think is owed to them.
There is more evidence and more motivation for the great power interests in the west, purposely allowing this to happen, as they have more motivation and gain more from this, than Putin does.

As always, ask the question, Cui bono?

First. . . The war in Ukrain, is operationally over. Ukraine does not have the man power or industrial capacity to dislodge Russia. Added to that, the west cannot produce enough artillery or other ammunition to repel Russia out of the areas that have historically ethnic Russian populations.

Second, both US and Egyptian intelligence had warned Israel of the training, plans and whispers of a forming plan of a Hamas attack.

Third, weapons and ammunition that the west had sent to Ukraine has been found among Hamas terrorist supplies.

What does Hamas gain from that attack? It forces Israel. . specifically the conservative party, to attack and deal with them, derailing the Jewish/Arab peace process, once again making them relevant. It also makes it much more probable that once again, all Arabs in the region, Sunni and Shia, would rally to their cause.

And the conservative party in Israel? What do they stand to gain? Politically they were under heavy political assault domestically. They were trying to make big changes to the nation's legal system, while keeping together a shaky political coalition.

And what do the Americans & the other western allies/NATO get out of this attack? As previously pointed out, it distracts from the disastrous foreign policy adventurism in Ukraine, which all of these leaders should be roundly drummed out of office for graft and corruption for wasteful & short sighted policies. If they can widen this war, it still might create an opportunity to win in Ukraine? This would be, of course, madness.

Clearly, this is would be a last ditch effort to open up a new front in a global war. . .

. . . and YES, what does Iran have to gain? Obviously, sabotaging the Abraham accords. The last thing they want, is to be formally isolated forever.

AND REALLY? What does Russia gain from this nightmare going on right now, or any of Iran's promoting of Hamas or Hezbollah?

What does Putin get by isolating formally decent relations with Israel and widening the global conflict?

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Russia gains having Israel use US ordinance. We're low, and Ukraine's running out of live bodies that haven't yet undergone amputations .... and Putin is absolutely right that Biden will NEVER give up on Israel, even with Bibi as PM who dissed him personally when he was VP
Putin is a communist. He rose to the rank of Colonel in the Soviet KGB. You do NOT rise to the rank of Colonel in the KGB unless you are a dedicated communist. Period.

This is patently false. The USSR was a one party state, if you wanted to have a successful life, or go anywhere in that nation, it was required of a person, that you join the party. That DID NOT mean, that a person really held to those views.

Sort of how the USA is now developing. If a person wants to go into law, politics, or elite media or Hollywood, (propaganda,) and they want a successful life, they are REQUIRED to choose one of the two major parties if they want to get a job. That is just how things are done. It makes very little difference if a persons' politics are actually more progressive or conservative and they would feel more comfortable in the socialist party, green party, libertarian party, etc.

These are what the parties are now in Russia. Putin's party, (United Russia,) dominates the Communists, (Communist Party of the Russian Federation,) just like in our nation, the Democrats dominate the Republicans. . and if you do the research? There use surprising similar tactics in their politics, we are just a lot more subtle and civilized about it. . . we are getting less so with each passing year though. Putin's party is the conservatives, and the Commies. . . well, you know. lol

Putin's party is UNITED RUSSIA. Not the communists. If they had their way, they would socialize everything again.


There is more evidence and more motivation for the great power interests in the west, purposely allowing this to happen, as they have more motivation and gain more from this, than Putin does.

As always, ask the question, Cui bono?

First. . . The war in Ukrain, is operational over. Ukraine does not have the man power or industrial capacity to dislodge Russia. Added to that, the west cannot produce enough artillery or other ammunition to repel Russia out of the areas that have historically ethnic Russian populations.

Second, both US and Egyptian intelligence had warned Israel of the training, plans and whispers of a forming plan of a Hamas attack.

Third, weapons and ammunition that the west had sent to Ukraine has been found among Hamas terrorist supplies.

What does Hamas gain from that attack? It forces Israel. . specifically the conservative party, to attack and deal with them, derailing the Jewish/Arab peace process, once again making them relevant. It also makes it much more probable that once again, all Arabs in the region, Sunni and Shia, would rally to their cause.

And the conservative party in Israel? What do they stand to gain? Politically they were under heavy political assault domestically. They were trying to make big changes to the nation's legal system, while keeping together a shaky political coalition.

And what do the Americans & the other western allies/NATO get out of this attack? As previously pointed out, it distracts from the disastrous foreign policy adventurism in Ukraine, which all of these leaders should be roundly drummed out of office for graft and corruption for wasteful of short sighted policies. If they can widen this war, it still might create an opportunity to win in Ukraine? This would be, of course, madness.

Clearly, this is would be a last ditch effort to open up a new front in a global war. . .

. . . and YES, what does Iran have to gain? Obviously, sabotaging the Abraham accords. The last thing they want, is to be formally isolated forever.

AND REALLY? What does Russia gain from this nightmare going on right now, or any of Iran's promoting of Hamas or Hezbollah?

What does Putin get by isolating formally decent relations with Israel and widening the global conflict?

You're kidding, right? Seriously, you don't get it? You don't know why Russia would like for the US to spend BILLIONS on weapons and munitions for Israel rather than for Ukraine?

I can't help you.

Try reading a little bit more.

Ukraine was until recently kicking Russia's ass for them. Russia is an over-rated military. Vastly over-rated. They're getting slobber-knocked by a 2nd world Country who formed their first Army less than 10 years ago.

And now that Russia has gotten one of their toadies to distract us, they might have a chance. I doubt it, though. Russia really is a 2nd rate Military. Too much corruption. Too much laziness. No patriotism, no reason to fight and die for a Country that treats them like cannon fodder.

Which is how Russia has fought every War they've ever been in. Casualties Wars. Russia is willing to fight to the last peasant to win.

And the Russian people might be wising up a little bit. Maybe. But they're not especially bright
You're kidding, right? Seriously, you don't get it? You don't know why Russia would like for the US to spend BILLIONS on weapons and munitions for Israel rather than for Ukraine?

I can't help you.

Try reading a little bit more.

Ukraine was until recently kicking Russia's ass for them. Russia is an over-rated military. Vastly over-rated. They're getting slobber-knocked by a 2nd world Country who formed their first Army less than 10 years ago.

And now that Russia has gotten one of their toadies to distract us, they might have a chance. I doubt it, though. Russia really is a 2nd rate Military. Too much corruption. Too much laziness. No patriotism, no reason to fight and die for a Country that treats them like cannon fodder.

Which is how Russia has fought every War they've ever been in. Casualties Wars. Russia is willing to fight to the last peasant to win.

And the Russian people might be wising up a little bit. Maybe. But they're not especially bright

The ISW is a propaganda outfit ran by the military industrial complex. They have been completely wrong about EVERYTHING. And I do mean, EVERYTHING. (Unless it is an obvious fact that everyone knows is true.)

Everything they have posted and fed to American government and corporate media has been a lie for the past two years. The war is over, Ukraine has lost.

Russia has no desire to butcher its young men and women to force a surrender though, so here we are, at a stalemate, while it defends its borders. It has no desire to cross no man's land for territory it had no desire to seize.

Policy experts concede that Putin might have a desire for the traditional Russian cities of Kharkiv & Odessa, but that would leave a rump state, and make relations with a remaining Ukraine, and peace even more difficult. And taking them, will be very costly. So no one really knows at this point.

I researched their registry back in May with this post here;
Much of it is opaque as hell. . .

Who Is the Institute for the Study of War?

A case study in American propaganda

What is the Institute for the Study of War? And why do America’s elite media outlets trust it for all of their on-the-ground Ukraine information?

We have two versions of hegemony manifesting themselves, an eastern new world order vs a western new world order. You have the western countries ie US, europe, australia and the eastern version of BRICs with all eyes on Israel. There's a lot more going on here folks. Much deeper than a superficial media that blasts continuous propaganda about gaza.
Rootin'' Tootin' Putin visited I-Ran in July.

Does anybody else see that as coinky-dink? That Hamas pulls their murderous stunt shortly afterward?

Russia, being who they are and what they have been for the last 100 years, probably said, "Support us in our War against Ukraine and we'll look the other way if you send your people into Israel, who needs a come-uppance anyway."

Coincidence? I don't believe in them

Russia typically has been supportive of both the Palestinians and Israel and had diplomatic relations with Israel. Apparently Russia has now withdrawn their ambassador from Tel Aviv and call for Israel to cease and desist. No call for Hamas to cease and desist.

So yeah. I think it probable Putin is supporting Hamas probably through funneling rubles through Iran who I suspect pretty much calls the shots in terrorism in the middle east these days. It would be a logical thing for Russia to do to divert more U.S. funds away from Ukraine and toward Israel. I also suspect Russia probably doesn't give a sh*t what happens to either Israel or the Palestinians.

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Russia typically has been supportive of both the Palestinians and Israel and had diplomatic relations with Israel. Apparently Russia has now withdrawn their ambassador from Tel Aviv and call for Israel to cease and desist. No call for Hamas to cease and desist.

So yeah. I think it probable Putin is supporting Hamas probably through funneling rubles through Iran who I suspect pretty much calls the shots in terrorism in the middle east these days.

Yeah, you're now starting to see publicly, russia declaring israel as an enemy. Keep an eye out on the leviathan oil and natural gas fields off the coast of Israel. The leviathan fields are being developed. Israel just awarded contracts to six oil companies for more exploration in the northern portion of that formation. If Israel is able to supply Europe with a significant portion of natural gas, you're going to see russia become hooked.....
The ISW is a propaganda outfit ran by the military industrial complex. They have been completely wrong about EVERYTHING. And I do mean, EVERYTHING. (Unless it is an obvious fact that everyone knows is true.)

Everything they have posted and fed to American government and corporate media has been a lie for the past two years. The war is over, Ukraine has lost.

Russia has no desire to butcher its young men and women to force a surrender though, so here we are, at a stalemate, while it defends its borders. It has no desire to cross no man's land for territory it had no desire to seize.

Policy experts concede that Putin might have a desire for the traditional Russian cities of Kharkiv & Odessa, but that would leave a rump state, and make relations with a remaining Ukraine, and peace even more difficult. And taking them, will be very costly. So no one really knows at this point.

I researched their registry back in May with this post here;
Much of it is opaque as hell. . .

Who Is the Institute for the Study of War?

A case study in American propaganda

What is the Institute for the Study of War? And why do America’s elite media outlets trust it for all of their on-the-ground Ukraine information?

I took the time to read some from the links you posted.

That's ten minutes of my life wasted that I'll never get back. I dislike liberturdians. Intently. They stand for nothing. Which is, frankly, the nexus of their entire existence
The ISW is a propaganda outfit ran by the military industrial complex. They have been completely wrong about EVERYTHING. And I do mean, EVERYTHING. (Unless it is an obvious fact that everyone knows is true.)

Everything they have posted and fed to American government and corporate media has been a lie for the past two years. The war is over, Ukraine has lost.

Russia has no desire to butcher its young men and women to force a surrender though, so here we are, at a stalemate, while it defends its borders. It has no desire to cross no man's land for territory it had no desire to seize.

Policy experts concede that Putin might have a desire for the traditional Russian cities of Kharkiv & Odessa, but that would leave a rump state, and make relations with a remaining Ukraine, and peace even more difficult. And taking them, will be very costly. So no one really knows at this point.

I researched their registry back in May with this post here;
Much of it is opaque as hell. . .

Who Is the Institute for the Study of War?

A case study in American propaganda

What is the Institute for the Study of War? And why do America’s elite media outlets trust it for all of their on-the-ground Ukraine information?

I have no interest in ISW, but the only peace Russia in interested in is a pause to get more bodies and tanks. Biden though may be transferring to Ukraine enough long range missiles and F-16s to make Russia itself a front line for Ukraine, and neither of those weapons require a lot of dead bodies, and possibly can be serviced by amputees. (no sarcasm intended; it seems a bit grim there)

It seems to me that Miley said it pretty clearly 6 mos or more ago ... Ukraine cannot kick Russia out.

And stalemate might be Ukraine's best option. They'd be rid of the Russian speakers in the East, and their front line has been conveniently mined by the Russians. I'm not sure they'll be ok with "a land bridge" to crimea, though. Still, they never really were fully invested in running crimea.

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