Does anyone actually believe it’s TRUMP’S fault that blue states are still shut down?

Trump stood idly by as the virus swept the country.

In spite of being aware of the danger, he told the public to go about their business, the TRUMPvirus is nothing to worry about
The WUFLU is not Trump’s fault.

How is it Trump’s fault that New York and California are shut down. Specifically.

For the what seems like the billionth time. The virus is not his fault. The response to it IS.
And both of these states are not entirely shut down either.
The United States would have caused a total world depression if it responded like the blue states did. And we are not told of the real stats in many nations. You Bolshevik bastards. You will kill tens of millions of American citizens when by the time you are done.

The United States may quite likely have been in worse shape as we know it if governors, mayors (both Republican and Democrat), and business leaders didn't act in the absence of any guidance coming from the current administration.
Your constant attempts to deflect from the abject failure of a response (on the federal level) is tiresome. And stop throwing around terms you have absolutely no idea of the meaning of.
If real action was taken by the current administration back in January, there'd be a lot more people alive right now. And a lot less economic carnage.

The vast majority of deaths have been in blue States. Get that shit out of here. Why did you murder all those people?

Wow. More deaths in and around larger cities where people are more packed together in living spaces. You must be smarter than a 5th Grader. :)
How are those infection rates looking in red states? I can tell you in Florida and Georgia..not so good.

Florida as a third the deaths of New York and a larger population. Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville. Yeah, no cities there. You're all over this, sure you are.

Texas is less than half the deaths and again a larger population. Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin ...

You're not supposed to use a dribble glass to embarrass yourself, Holmes
Our treatments have gotten better. NY was first one hit big.
The economy has bounced back STRONG, that let all of the air out of Biden's economic plan. Which is to get rid of coal, gas, and oil replacing them with so called 'green' energy at 3x the cost plus TRILLIONS in tax hikes. In fact, what an idiot Biden is. His level of stupidity should be illegal.
Even petroleum companies and petroleum nations are diverting funds to develop green energy, yet the idea is not to get rid of either just use both for a larger infrastructure capability. Coal is dying in the US due to low natural gas prices, it's just the way the world works..
The WUFLU is not Trump’s fault.

How is it Trump’s fault that New York and California are shut down. Specifically.

For the what seems like the billionth time. The virus is not his fault. The response to it IS.
And both of these states are not entirely shut down either.
The United States would have caused a total world depression if it responded like the blue states did. And we are not told of the real stats in many nations. You Bolshevik bastards. You will kill tens of millions of American citizens when by the time you are done.

The United States may quite likely have been in worse shape as we know it if governors, mayors (both Republican and Democrat), and business leaders didn't act in the absence of any guidance coming from the current administration.
Your constant attempts to deflect from the abject failure of a response (on the federal level) is tiresome. And stop throwing around terms you have absolutely no idea of the meaning of.
If real action was taken by the current administration back in January, there'd be a lot more people alive right now. And a lot less economic carnage.

The vast majority of deaths have been in blue States. Get that shit out of here. Why did you murder all those people?

Wow. More deaths in and around larger cities where people are more packed together in living spaces. You must be smarter than a 5th Grader. :)
How are those infection rates looking in red states? I can tell you in Florida and Georgia..not so good.

Florida as a third the deaths of New York and a larger population. Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville. Yeah, no cities there. You're all over this, sure you are.

Texas is less than half the deaths and again a larger population. Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin ...

You're not supposed to use a dribble glass to embarrass yourself, Holmes

Again. Large cities. Packed spaces. You just keep digging for that narrative.
I'm not sure why you continually try to spin this stuff. It isn't sticking...except with you lemmings.
The economy has bounced back STRONG, that let all of the air out of Biden's economic plan. Which is to get rid of coal, gas, and oil replacing them with so called 'green' energy at 3x the cost plus TRILLIONS in tax hikes. In fact, what an idiot Biden is. His level of stupidity should be illegal.
Even petroleum companies and petroleum nations are diverting funds to develop green energy, yet the idea is not to get rid of either just use both for a larger infrastructure capability. Coal is dying in the US due to low natural gas prices, it's just the way the world works..

Said tree hugging environmentalists 50 years ago in 1970.
The economy has bounced back STRONG, that let all of the air out of Biden's economic plan. Which is to get rid of coal, gas, and oil replacing them with so called 'green' energy at 3x the cost plus TRILLIONS in tax hikes. In fact, what an idiot Biden is. His level of stupidity should be illegal.
Even petroleum companies and petroleum nations are diverting funds to develop green energy, yet the idea is not to get rid of either just use both for a larger infrastructure capability. Coal is dying in the US due to low natural gas prices, it's just the way the world works..

Said tree hugging environmentalists 50 years ago in 1970.
I love my 43 acres of trees...Yet these guys don't have as many as I do..
It was the largest renewables project ever announced: $200bn (£158bn) worth of solar panels stretching across hundreds of square kilometres of the Saudi Arabian desert. How real is Saudi Arabia's interest in renewable energy?
33% of all COVID deaths in the US are from NY, NJ, and CA.

NY is 15% itself.

Could it have anything to do with Cuomo and Diblasio? Diblasio told people to ride the subway and loved the BLM riots.

Again, liberals facts go as deep as ORANGE MAN BAD.
The economy has bounced back STRONG, that let all of the air out of Biden's economic plan. Which is to get rid of coal, gas, and oil replacing them with so called 'green' energy at 3x the cost plus TRILLIONS in tax hikes. In fact, what an idiot Biden is. His level of stupidity should be illegal.
Even petroleum companies and petroleum nations are diverting funds to develop green energy, yet the idea is not to get rid of either just use both for a larger infrastructure capability. Coal is dying in the US due to low natural gas prices, it's just the way the world works..

Said tree hugging environmentalists 50 years ago in 1970.
I love my 43 acres of trees...

Hardwoods or conifer?
The economy has bounced back STRONG, that let all of the air out of Biden's economic plan. Which is to get rid of coal, gas, and oil replacing them with so called 'green' energy at 3x the cost plus TRILLIONS in tax hikes. In fact, what an idiot Biden is. His level of stupidity should be illegal.
Even petroleum companies and petroleum nations are diverting funds to develop green energy, yet the idea is not to get rid of either just use both for a larger infrastructure capability. Coal is dying in the US due to low natural gas prices, it's just the way the world works..

Said tree hugging environmentalists 50 years ago in 1970.
I love my 43 acres of trees...

Hardwoods or conifer?
33% of all COVID deaths in the US are from NY, NJ, and CA.

NY is 15% itself.

Could it have anything to do with Cuomo and Diblasio? Diblasio told people to ride the subway and loved the BLM riots.

Again, liberals facts go as deep as ORANGE MAN BAD.

It has more to do with the blob forcing returning Americans to fly through 13 airports only; 2 of which were in NYC and two of which were in California.

The actions of the mayor of NYC and the port authority didn't help.

All 13 airports became COVID hot spots.
The economy has bounced back STRONG, that let all of the air out of Biden's economic plan. Which is to get rid of coal, gas, and oil replacing them with so called 'green' energy at 3x the cost plus TRILLIONS in tax hikes. In fact, what an idiot Biden is. His level of stupidity should be illegal.
Even petroleum companies and petroleum nations are diverting funds to develop green energy, yet the idea is not to get rid of either just use both for a larger infrastructure capability. Coal is dying in the US due to low natural gas prices, it's just the way the world works..

Said tree hugging environmentalists 50 years ago in 1970.
I love my 43 acres of trees...

Hardwoods or conifer?

Nice! Any water on your property? Mucho kudos to you for living in harmony with nature. I have renewed respect for you :eusa_clap:
Blue states keep themselves shut down and then blame Trump for the shut down.

Its classic liberal lying bullshit.
33% of all COVID deaths in the US are from NY, NJ, and CA.

NY is 15% itself.

Could it have anything to do with Cuomo and Diblasio? Diblasio told people to ride the subway and loved the BLM riots.

Again, liberals facts go as deep as ORANGE MAN BAD.

It has more to do with the blob forcing returning Americans to fly through 13 airports only; 2 of which were in NYC and two of which were in California.

The actions of the mayor of NYC and the port authority didn't help.

All 13 airports became COVID hot spots.

Hey, we panelled the same kids again and they thought, Trump is a blob blobby blob was as funny the second time they heard it as the first!

Cool, huh? How old are you actually? I have to know
The riots are Trump’s fault....yet the governors would not let Trump send in the National Guard.

Liberal lying sacks of shit want it both ways.

They claim Trump was going to overstep his authority, then they blame him for not doing anything.

I think every liberal is brain damaged.

The riots are Trump's fault, and sending in the National Guard is not dealing with the riots. Dealing with violence in policing and working to solve the underlying causes of the unrest, is what is needed and Trump refuses to do that. He also cancelled all of the police reform programs which were preventing this violence. Trump's solutions have made things work.

Trump refuses to do what he is asked to do, and insists in inflicting his failed solutions on everyone. See any decision he has made in the corona virus for examples.

The so called "underlying cause" is complete bullshit.
99% of Police shootings of black males were completely legit.
The WUFLU is not Trump’s fault.

How is it Trump’s fault that New York and California are shut down. Specifically.

For the what seems like the billionth time. The virus is not his fault. The response to it IS.
And both of these states are not entirely shut down either.

First of all, you're full of shit. You're clearly blaming him for the virus. You prove that every time you attack him for shutting down while you attack him for not shutting down long enough. That while you attack him if the Feds try to tell the States what to do and you attack him if he doesn't tell the States what to do. You are clearly blaming him for the virus, and it's as sick, depraved and America hating as it sounds.

And actually this goes directly to the question. If blue States are still shut down, how is that Trump's fault?

You can't suck and blow at the same time Kaz. You say someone who attacks Trump's failures to effectively respond to the pandemic is "blaming him FOR the pandemic". No one is ever saying the things you are accusing us of saying, but that doesn't stop you from trying to twist our words into something they're not.

Let's be clear here: Trump isn't doing the things he SHOULD be doing, and he's doing things he shouldn't.

Trump should NOT be telling states how to treat patients. Suggesting dangerous cures he sees on FOX TV. In fact. Trump should have his FOX subscription blocked and cancelled.
The WUFLU is not Trump’s fault.

How is it Trump’s fault that New York and California are shut down. Specifically.

For the what seems like the billionth time. The virus is not his fault. The response to it IS.
And both of these states are not entirely shut down either.
The United States would have caused a total world depression if it responded like the blue states did. And we are not told of the real stats in many nations. You Bolshevik bastards. You will kill tens of millions of American citizens when by the time you are done.

The United States is no longer capable of causing a total world depression because the rest of the world decoupled from the USA financially after 2008. Banking regulations were tightened, using the Canadian model. In 2008, when your economy collapsed, the Canadian economy did not. Bankers from all over the world beat a path to our door to find out why.

The economic collapse in the United States is the worst in the first world precisely BECAUSE Trump failed to follow the scientists or do his job and shut down the outbreak. Second Quarter GDP: USA -32%; EU -11.5%, Canada - 11%.

Canada didn't even reach stage 2 re-opening until July - after the end of the Q2, so our retail, schools, and non-essential businesses were still largely shut down.

The "bolsheviks" aren't killing millions of Americans. Donald Trump has killed 210,000 Americans and it's expended another 100,000 will die before the end of the year. Trump is killing Americans. And then trying to say it's not his fault.
Last I checked, it was disease, accidents and violence in the name of protest that was killing Americans.

Trump is responsible for allowing the disease to spread unchecked in the USA. He has not created a national testing strategy or national re-opening standards, and when he has, he immediately tells the states and the people to ignore them.

He cancelled all of the police reform programs and told the cops not to be too gentle in arresting suspects, even as communities are paying out hundreds of millions of dollars to victims of police brutality, and 1500 people are being killed by or dying in police custody every year.

Trump is destroying the country - disease, debt, and violence.
The WUFLU is not Trump’s fault.

How is it Trump’s fault that New York and California are shut down. Specifically.

I couldn't say for sure. It's possible that no amount of leadership would have steered us in the right direction. But it also seemed like Trump didn't really try.

That opinion definitely is incongruous with reality.
How so? He was all over the place, with inconsistent messaging that often directly contradicted what doctors and epidemiologists were saying about the disease. Again, I'm not sure it would have mattered. Many Americans would have refused to take precautions regardless of leadership. But I think Trump's dismissive attitude, and his tendency to repeat whatever he hears from TV pundits (entertainers), pushed a lot of people in that direction and helped prolong the pandemic. It now looks like we're going to be dicking around with covid for two or three years, instead of two or three months.

Fauci contradicted himself a bunch of times.
And he's supposed to be the expert.
The WUFLU is not Trump’s fault.

How is it Trump’s fault that New York and California are shut down. Specifically.

For the what seems like the billionth time. The virus is not his fault. The response to it IS.
And both of these states are not entirely shut down either.
The United States would have caused a total world depression if it responded like the blue states did. And we are not told of the real stats in many nations. You Bolshevik bastards. You will kill tens of millions of American citizens when by the time you are done.

The United States may quite likely have been in worse shape as we know it if governors, mayors (both Republican and Democrat), and business leaders didn't act in the absence of any guidance coming from the current administration.
Your constant attempts to deflect from the abject failure of a response (on the federal level) is tiresome. And stop throwing around terms you have absolutely no idea of the meaning of.
If real action was taken by the current administration back in January, there'd be a lot more people alive right now. And a lot less economic carnage.

The vast majority of deaths have been in blue States. Get that shit out of here. Why did you murder all those people?

Wow. More deaths in and around larger cities where people are more packed together in living spaces. You must be smarter than a 5th Grader. :)
How are those infection rates looking in red states? I can tell you in Florida and Georgia..not so good.

Florida as a third the deaths of New York and a larger population. Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville. Yeah, no cities there. You're all over this, sure you are.

Texas is less than half the deaths and again a larger population. Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin ...

You're not supposed to use a dribble glass to embarrass yourself, Holmes

Again. Large cities. Packed spaces. You just keep digging for that narrative.
I'm not sure why you continually try to spin this stuff. It isn't sticking...except with you lemmings.

It doesnt help when you put infected people in nursing homes.....
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