Does Anyone Actually Think Muslims Did 9/11?

Did Crazy Muslims Do 9/11?

  • Yes, Muslims hate freedom!

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • No, Zionist Jews hate freedom!

    Votes: 2 18.2%

  • Total voters
Didn't you just say it was thermite? Thermite doesn't explode. Now you're saying it was explosive bombs and controlled demolition?

Your theories are mutually exclusive....and you run from one to the other when the theory killing holes are punched in it. Then back to the first when it doesn't work either.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have to run

Thermite was all over the debris after the fall. The silversteins had "work done" in both towers by Israeli firms months before.

Thermite is the only explanation for the molten steel.

Thermite is not an explosive, and I never said it was.

Used to cut steel girders quickly, as was needed in south tower because it started to lean, were standard demolition explosives which shoot blades that cut metal. Almost all of the intact girders on the ground were cut perfectly at 45 degrees.

That was part of the click click click for each floor....
Wrong again.

Below, is a photo of the South Tower on impact.

View attachment 539785

As you can see, there is a massive fireball on the right hand side of the building. That's the exit hole explosion. On the left hand side, there is a separate, smaller explosion from when the plane went in. The Naudet Video didn't lie, it sure enough captured the smaller explosion on the impact side of the North tower.

As for the steel bending outwards on the WTC, clean your glasses bud. Steel is going into the building, not out.

View attachment 539786

Naudet video is of north tower, not south....

Your photo of the north tower is missing something called SMOKE....

Nice photo (shop)
Thermite was all over the debris after the fall.

Says who? Thermite reactions are brighter than fireworks. You can damage your eyes permenantly just looking directly at them. They are inescapably obvious. Yet there were none.

Half of the load bearing beams for WTC 1 and 2 were on the outside of the building. Which means that these thermite reactions would have been visible from the outside too as the beams were cut. And since the building collapsed top to bottom (exactly opposite of actual controlled demolition), there would have been hundreds of massive thermite reactions with EACH FLOOR.

With 79 floors to the ground one building and 91 floors to the ground on the other.......with roughly 50 load bearing beams on each side of the building, thats about 200 massive thermite reactions sufficient to cut a huge structural steel beam per floor.

That's almost 16,000 massive thermite reaction that would have occurred on the outside of the building.

Yet zero were ever observed. Not before, not during, not after. Not one.

Your explanation is awful, poorly reasoned and poorly thought through.

The silversteins had "work done" in both towers by Israeli firms months before.

Thermite is the only explanation for the molten steel.
Thermite doesn't explode. You JUST argued that it was explosive demolition.

If even YOU are going to ignore your own explanations, then why should we treat them as anything more than garbage too?
Thermite is not an explosive, and I never said it was.

Used to cut steel girders quickly, as was needed in south tower because it started to lean, were standard demolition explosives which shoot blades that cut metal. Almost all of the intact girders on the ground were cut perfectly at 45 degrees.

That was part of the click click click for each floor....

Then show us all the 'cut girders'. Where are the melted girders There would have been 16,000 of them.

There are twisted girders. There are bent girders. But there are NONE that were cut in a manner consistent with explosive demolition.


Where are the thermite reactions? Where is the 16,000 cut girders?

Your imagination perhaps?
Thermite was all over the debris after the fall. The silversteins had "work done" in both towers by Israeli firms months before.

Thermite is the only explanation for the molten steel.

Thermite is not an explosive, and I never said it was.

Used to cut steel girders quickly, as was needed in south tower because it started to lean, were standard demolition explosives which shoot blades that cut metal. Almost all of the intact girders on the ground were cut perfectly at 45 degrees.

That was part of the click click click for each floor....
There is no evidence thast there was thermite all over or anywhere after the fall

Your claims is a lie.

There was no molten steel as you claimed

Your claim of Silverstein having work done by israelis is a lie you dreamed up

Demo charges do not shoot blades to cut metal you idiot.

If a girder is INTACT it is not cut at all you babbling fucking fool
You fear other [people proving you and these other idiots wrong
People question things because we lack trust in institutions that we should hold sacred because of scammers whether in politics, media/entertainment, everyday living and religion. Events can be and are orchestrated to create a result wanted. That has happened in the past. But if you are right, I am suffering for the idiots that pass for our federal agencies in all ways that we spend massive amounts o money on that somehow let this happen. Just like the illegals arriving without any worry of taking shots for covid and us citizens being blistered for not taking the shots for covid. Trust
Where did I post that thermite is an explosive?

I did not.

Skylar lies.

You debate, make points, and two posts later skylar clearly lies.

Thermite burns starting at over 500F depending on the type of thermite.

The south tower videos do show both molten steel and "sparklers" aka burning thermite.

Many times here the photos of orange and yellow hot steel being picked up by cranes have been posted. The photos of the molten steel have been posted here over and over.

When the poster you debate has to resort to lying about what you just posted, and endlessly lies about videos and photos already posted, the said poster is not here to debate.

The poster is here to lie, obstruct, waste time, and shout down truth.

What is the difference between the 911 traitors and posters here like skylar and confederate cocksucker?


They are all on the side of Zionist treason against america.
Naudet video is of north tower, not south....

Your photo of the north tower is missing something called SMOKE....

Nice photo (shop)

You are so delusioned, you are beyond help. At this point you are the one trolling. I posted the photo of the plane going into the South Tower to show that indeed there were explosions on both sides of the tower, not just the one. As for the North Tower, what do you mean it's missing smoke? Are you retarded? Hell I think retarded people have a better understanding of this!
You are so delusioned, you are beyond help. At this point you are the one trolling. I posted the photo of the plane going into the South Tower to show that indeed there were explosions on both sides of the tower, not just the one. As for the North Tower, what do you mean it's missing smoke? Are you retarded? Hell I think retarded people have a better understanding of this!

You are as slippery as the Vaseline in your ass.

The explosion of the south tower when the 767 cargo version hit was 2/3rds out the back.

The explosion of the north tower came out all four sides equally....

Other than naudet Photoshop, the other videos of the north tower, quickly removed by YouTube and Google when posted, show no plane and the explosion coming out all four sides simultaneously...
You are as slippery as the Vaseline in your ass.

The explosion of the south tower when the 767 cargo version hit was 2/3rds out the back.

The explosion of the north tower came out all four sides equally....

Other than naudet Photoshop, the other videos of the north tower, quickly removed by YouTube and Google when posted, show no plane and the explosion coming out all four sides simultaneously...

Not even close to "equally". It happened just like the South tower, (with different angle of course) where there was a big explosion in the front of the impact, a much larger explosion in the back, and very small explosions that were caused by the force of impact on the sides. How else is a plane supposed to hit a building?
Not even close to "equally". It happened just like the South tower, (with different angle of course) where there was a big explosion in the front of the impact, a much larger explosion in the back, and very small explosions that were caused by the force of impact on the sides. How else is a plane supposed to hit a building?

Oh, show us the video or photos of the north tower explosion.

If you just post naudet video, that only shows the "front"

The two other ones, one from a tourist filming his girlfriend, show the north tower explosion from the other side....

You are a big mouthed liar and you cannot show us anything about north tower except naudet and one photo of the "hole" with NO SMOKE....
People question things because we lack trust in institutions that we should hold sacred because of scammers whether in politics, media/entertainment, everyday living and religion. Events can be and are orchestrated to create a result wanted. That has happened in the past. But if you are right, I am suffering for the idiots that pass for our federal agencies in all ways that we spend massive amounts o money on that somehow let this happen. Just like the illegals arriving without any worry of taking shots for covid and us citizens being blistered for not taking the shots for covid. Trust
You are moving the goalposts.

People question things and they should. Especially the government. Conspiracy theorists make the stupid mistake of thinking all other people blindly trust the government. No one does.

Yes people can orchestrate a desired outcome and do so all the time. But in a reasonable way. Such as a real orchestra making music.

COnspiracy theory is different however, it is not reasonable. Conspiracy theorists invent the most convuluted and ridiculous claims unsupported by any evidence and blithely ignoring evidence to the contrary. LARAM is a perfect example. This moron has a history of argueing with anyone and then pretending to ignore them the instant that they point out evidence or reasonable facts which prove him wrong. He then endlessly posts that they are crushed and defeated.

Conspiracies happen all the time and most are harmless, they also do not last very long as ost are revealed or exposed after a short time. COnspiracy THEORY is not the same thing.

Another example of this id Gipper who is yet another stupid individual. He believes that the government ALWAYS lies and never tells any truth. This is impossible for many reasons. When proven wrong he simply pitches a childish fit and he usually is proven wrong.

It is all about the evidence and when evidence proves a cpnspiracy theory wrong it is no longer about questuoning the government it is about clinging to a delusion.
Oh, show us the video or photos of the north tower explosion.

If you just post naudet video, that only shows the "front"

The two other ones, one from a tourist filming his girlfriend, show the north tower explosion from the other side....

You are a big mouthed liar and you cannot show us anything about north tower except naudet and one photo of the "hole" with NO SMOKE....

The wind on that side was blowing the smoke through the building and out the other side. Use your head for more than a blacks guys fleshlight.

I am not aware of another video of the North Tower impact, so you got me there. Let's see it.
Wrong moron they all fell as they should have due to impact and fire damage.

They obeyed the laws of physics without any congtrolled dsemolition but you are too fucking stupid to grasp that
I'm sure all the kids agree with you, soupy.
Don't worry so much.

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